Date: 13 December 2016 |
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- More superb news from the Chezh Rep - - Jazz rock n roll OTBB : 2 best showdog in Slovacia 2016 - - Flash OTBB : 3 best show dog in honour class Slovacia 2016 - - Big congratulations to owner Marttina |
Date: 7 December 2016 |
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- Fantastic results from the group 1 and 2 show ( KHKG ) in Skendsved , Denmark - - Jack Daniels OTBB - 2 x BOS and new Danish Champion BISS and BISS3 ( of BOS ) - - K`Zoe OTBB : 2 x BOB, 2 x BISS junior and BISS2 and BISS4 - - Eymji Mahalo : 2 x BOBP , 2 x BISS puppy - - OTBB bredding group : BISS and BISS2 - - photo : CH Jack Daniels OTBB |
Date: 2 December 2016 |
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- Fantastic results from the group 1 and 2 show ( KHKG ) in Skendsved , Denmark - - Jack Daniels OTBB - 2 x BOS and new Danish Champion BISS and BISS3 ( of BOS ) - - K`Zoe OTBB : 2 x BOB, 2 x BISS junior and BISS2 and BISS4 - - Eymji Mahalo : 2 x BOBP , 2 x BISS puppy - - OTBB bredding group : BISS and BISS2 - - photo : CH Jack Daniels OTBB |
Date: 24 November 2016 |
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- News of the weeks - - New photos of Graces puppies - - Result from Eurodog Show Belgium - Hakela OTBB : 1 ex CACS/CACIB/BOS -------------- Eurodog Show Winner 2016 -------------- - - Results from NDS Murcina Spain - Keeper of time OTBB : 1 ex BOBJ/BOB/ --------------- Best junior group 1 ------------------------- - - - photo : Hakela OTBB |
Date: 14 November 2016 |
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- Now both Lady and Grace have had their puppies - All pups have found new loving families |
Date: 6 November 2016 |
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- Huge succes all over Europe this week end - - Spain : Keep of Time OTBB NDS Murcia BOB junior / BOB adult BOG TAN 30/30 Videos : Slovenia : Flash and Jazz OTBB IDS Bratislava Flash - Best in Show honour class Jazz - RBOG ( see photo ) - Denmark : Nordic Winner Show 2016 Jam OTBB - Nordic Winner Jack Daniels OTBB - R Nordic Winner K Zoe OTBB - Nordic junior winner Dolce Vita OTBB - Nordic Veteran Winner Video : |
Date: 1 June 2015 |
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- Our results from the Spanish Championshipshow 24-05-15 - - CPM : Just a Winner 1 vp - - CJM : Jayce 1ex BOBJ/Best male /Best of breed - - COM : Inxs 3 ex - - CJF : Jam 2 ex - - COF : Grace 2 ex RCACS/RCACIB Gypsie Queen CACS/CACIB/BOS - Champion of Spain - - - photo : Jayce OTBB |
Date: 13 May 2015 |
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- This months show results has been absolutely amacing for our kennel , big thanks to everybody for doing such a great work : - - IOS Marseille , France : Jayce OTBB BEST IN SHOW junior - - IOS Pragh , Czech Rep : Jazz Rock n' Roll OTBB BEST IN SHOW junior - - NDS Calefornis , US : Inca OTBB BEST IN GROUP 1 - - Australia : Gigoló OTBB CHAMPION OF AUSTRALIA - - IOS Roskilde Denamark : Jolee OTBB BEST IN GROUP2 - - Totally 10 CACIB /7 CACS/5 BOS - -photo Jazz rock and Roll OTBB BIS |
Date: 31 March 2015 |
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- - Our monthsly show results : - - - 4 x BOB puppy - 2 x BOG2 puppy - 1 BOG4 puppy - 5 BOB junior - 2 BOG junior - 1 BIS2 junior - 1 BIS3 junior - 1 Junior champion of luxembourg - 6 x BOB - 2 x BOG3 - - - How can you ask for better results ?? - - photo : part of this months " show harvest" |
Date: 23 February 2015 |
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- more excellent show results all over the world - J' Maverick otbb ( chiwa x u2 ) first show in Texas : best baby and bog3 - Innuendo otbb ( sweetest x u2 ) Italy : best of breed - H' Drako otbb ( lady x chesto ) Spain : best of breed - Grace otbb ( lady x chesto ) Denmark : best of breed , ch of Denmark - Jolee otbb ( Gucci x Sirius ) Denmark : best puppy , bis4 - Jackson otbb ( galilea x u2 ) Norway : best junior male - Flash otbb ( dolce vita x muffin ) rep. Chezh : best of breed , best of group - Horsha otbb ( lady x chesto ) Belgium : best female , Ch of Belgium - Jewel king otbb ( sweetest x u2 ) Belgium : best junior male - Jane otbb ( sweetest x u2 ) Spain : best junior - congratulation to everybody
Date: 12 January 2015 |
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- - SUPER showstart for 2015 . - Brno nat. show in Rep. Chezh 5-01-15 - COM : Flash OTBB ( Dolce Vita x Muffin ) 1 ex CACS/BOB/BIG· - CPF : Jazz OTBB ( Galilea x U2 ) 2 vp. - Flash and Jazz BEST COUPLE IN SHOW . . - Gent intern show Belgium 10-01-15 - COF : Hakela OTBB ( Lady x Chesto ) 1 ex CACS/CACIB/BOS - - - Paris Dog Show 10-01-15 - CVF : Baika OTBB ( Unique x Amaroq ) 1 ex BOBV - - - Barcelona intern show 10-01-15 - CBM : Jack Daniels OTBB ( Dolce Vita x Beau Brit ) 1 vp/BOBB/BOG2B - CPF : Jam OTBB ( Galilea x U2 ) 1 vp BOBP - COF : Galilea OTBB ( Class Apart x One ) 1 ex CACIB/CACS/BOB/BOG4 - COM : Inxs OTBB ( Class apart x One ) 1 ex CACIB/CACS/BOS - - - photo : Jack Daniels OTBB 3 months and 6 days
Date: 1 January 2015 |
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. . - FANTASTIC FINISH FOR 2014 - Here are our latest showresults from november / december - - - Australia : Portia OTBB 2 x CACS , 2 x x BOB . 2 x BOG - . USA : Inca OTBB 12 x CACS , 12 x BOB , 12 x BOG - - Canada : Isis OTBB 6 x CACS, 6x BOB , 6 x BOG . 4 x BIS - - Spain : Qypsie Queen OTBB 2 x CACS, 1 x CACIB , 2 x BOB Inxs OTBB CACS/CACIB/BOB Gentle Grace OTBB CACS/CACIB/BOS - - Sweden : Bianca OTBB - Most winning BBS female ever in Sweden - - Denmark : Halo OTBB - Danish Champion - - Kuwait : Max OTBB - CACS/CACIB/BOG2 - - - CONGRATULATIONS TO EVERYBODY |
Date: 29 September 2014 |
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- - - More SUPER show results - - - Intern CACIB show Copenhagen Winner show 21-09-14 - Halo OTBB (Chiwa x Al Pacino) BOB ---------- COPENHAGEN WINNER 2014 ---------------- - Jolee OTBB (Gucci x Sirius ) BOB Baby - - - - Leon Intern CACIB show 28-09-14 - Jane OTBB ( Sweetest Thing x U2 ) BOBP and ------------ BEST PUPPY GROUP 1 ---------------------- - - - - Nat.Show Macerate Italy 28-09-14 - Innuendo OTBB ( Dolce Vita x U2 ) BOB/BOG and ------------------ JUNIOR CHAMPION OF ITALY ------------------- - Jolie OTBB ( Lady x Chai ) BOB PUPPY - - - - photo : Halo OTBB |
Date: 28 September 2014 |
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- - - - - CHIWAS PUPPIES ARE BORN - - Chiwa and WV./MCH. U2 - - - photo : Chiwas and her puppies |
Date: 26 September 2014 |
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- - - Fantatic show results from the doublé inter, show in Gibraltar 20/21-9 -14 - - - Jayce OTBB ( Lady x Chai ) 2 x BOBP and 2 x BOGP - - Gaiwa OTBB ( Lady x Chesto ) - Champion of Gibraltar Intern. Beauty Champion ( CIB ) - - Gentle Grace OTBB ( Lady x Chesto ) - Champion of Gibraltar - - H'Draco OTBB ( Lady x Chesto ) - Champion of Gibraltar - - Inxs OTBB ( Class Apart x One ) - Champion of Gibraltar - - - photo : The OTBB team |
Date: 8 September 2014 |
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- - Many new show results - - Italy : Innuendo OTBB - BEST JUNIOR IN SHOW - . France : Gypsie Queen OTBB - BOB - . Norway : Chesto OTBB - 3 x BOB - - Denmark : Lika OTBB - 2 x BOB - - Denmark : Jolee OTBB - BIS4 baby - - - - photo : Luka OTBB |
Date: 25 July 2014 |
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- - Resuylts from Lisboa Winner Show the 10-07-14 - - CBM : Jayce OTBB ( Lady x Chai ) 1 VP -- Lisboa Baby Winner - - CJM : Inxs OTBB ( Class x One ) 1ex BOBJ --- Lisboa Junior Winner - - CCHF : Gaiwa OTBB ( Lady x Chesto ) 1 ex RCACIB - - COF : Grace OTBB ( Lady x Chesto ) 1 ex BOB --- Lisboa Winner - - - - photo : Gentle Grace OTBB -- LIsboa Winner 2014 |
Date: 23 June 2014 |
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- - - Congratulations to Chesto OTBB and Hayley OTBB for their showresults the 21-06 Bodo Sweden : - COM : Chesto 1 ex CACS/CERT/BOB and BOG2 - CIF : Hayley 1 ex CACS/CERT/BOS - - - - Congratulations to H' Draco OTBB and Jey Lady OTBB for their show results at the show in Castellon the 15-06-14 - - COM : H' Drako 1 ex CACS/BOB - - CBF : Jey Lady 1 tp BOBB - - - - New puppy photos : Gucci and CH Sirius Black - MCH. Galilea and WV./MCH. U2 - - - - photo H' Drako OTBB |
Date: 3 June 2014 |
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- - - Results from the CACS show in vic the 1-06 - 14 - - COM : H`Dr4aco OTBB ( Lady x chesto ) 1 ex CACS/BOB - - CBM : Jayce OTBB ( Lady xchai ) 1 vp. best baby male - - CBF : Jey Lady OTBB ( Sweetest x U2 ) 1 vp best baby and RBIS baby - - - - photo : Jey Lady Of Trebons Berger Blanc Reserve best baby in show |
Date: 3 June 2014 |
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- - - Show results from the triple CACIC show in Nitra the 30/31/1-6 - - - Flash OTBB ( Dolce vita x U2 ) : 3 x BOB 2 x BOG 4/6 1 x BOG - - Congratulations to Martina and Flash - - - - Flash of Trebons Berger Blanc |
Date: 27 May 2014 |
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- - - - Show results from San Marino the 24/25-05 . same results boths days . - CJM : Innuendo OTBB ( Dolce Via x U2 ) 1 ex BOBJ . ---------------------- JUNIOR CHAMPION OF SAN MARINO ------------------ . . . - New puppy photos : Gucci and CH Sirius Black . . . - New puppu photos : MCH. Galilea and WV./MCH. U2 . . .- photo : Gucci Of Trebons Berger Blanc and her puppies |
Date: 25 May 2014 |
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- Great showresults from Saurdays biggest dogshow of the year the RSCE's obligatory championshipshow in Madrid - Fudge Of Trebons Berger Blanc ( Chiwa OTBB x U2 ) CACS/CACIB/BOB - CHAMPION OF SPAIN - Trixie real de ocejon ( Donatella OTBB x Dream of Atilla LGDP ) CACS/CACIB - CHAMPION OF SPAIN - La Gebrada Dulla ( Bauma OTBB x Chesto OTBB ) RCACS - CHAMPION OF SPAIN - Congratulations to everybody and thanks for the help - Also congratulations to Sirius Black de noble linja ( the father of of Gucci puppies ) for his RCACIB and to his two offspring that became Spanish juniorchampions winnining both juniorclasses photo : Multichampion Fudge of Trebons Berger Blanc |
Date: 15 May 2014 |
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- - - - Our BIS/MCH Galilea`s puppies are born , 6 females and 3 males - - MCH. Galilea and WV./MCH. U2 - - - photo - BIS/MCH Galilea of Trebons Berger Blanc |
Date: 12 May 2014 |
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- - - - Congratulations to our new Russian Champion ' - Hopefull Of Trebons Berger Blanc ( MCH LAdy xchesto ) - - - |
Date: 4 April 2014 |
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- - - New puppy photos : - - MCH. Quiet a lady and CH Chai - - CH.Sweetest thing and WV./MCH. U2 - - EW./CH Classe Apart and CH./WJW.One - - - puppy Of Trebons Berger Blanc |
Date: 2 April 2014 |
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- - - Congratulations to Flash OTBB ( CH Dolce Vita x CH/EDW Muffin ) and his owner Martina for their results at the doublé CACIB show in Nitre the 29/30-03-14 - Same results both days : - - - CCHM : 1 ex CACIB . BOG and BOG 3 - - - - photo : Flash OTBB 3th best herding dog in show |
Date: 26 March 2014 |
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. . . - New potos of all the puppies : . . MCH. Quiet a lady and CH Chai . . CH.Sweetest thing and WV./MCH. U2 . . EW./CH Classe Apart and CH./WJW.One . . . photo : Puppy of Trebons Berger Blanc |
Date: 20 March 2014 |
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. . . Big Congratulations to Finejob OTBB ( Dolce Vita x Muffin ) and his owner Kenjii for finishing of their championshiptitle , he can now call himself : . . -------------- CHAMPION OF JAPAN ----------------------------- . . . - Finejob of Trebons Berger Blanc , one of the few BBS who is CH Japan |
Date: 19 March 2014 |
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. . . - Results from the intern. show in Girona 15-03-14 . - CJM : Inxs OTBB ( Class Apart x One ) 1 ex BOBJ and BOB . - Video : . . - photo : Inxs Of Trebons Berger Blanc Best of Breed 12 months old |
Date: 16 March 2014 |
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. . . Big congratulations to Innuendo OTBB ( CH Dolce Vita x WW/MCH U2 ) for another spectacular preformance at the intern show in Fierer Riggio Italy the 16-03-14 . - CJM : 1 ex BOBJ . -------- selected between the 20 best juniors in show , at 9 months ------- . . . photo : Innuendo Of Trebons Berger Blanc and owner Martina
Date: 15 March 2014 |
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- - - Congratulations to Inca OTBB ( CH Dolce Vita MCH/WW U2 ) for another fantastic week end with amazing show results , 10 shows all together and here are the results : . . - 2 x BEST IN SHOW - 1 x Reserve BEST IN SHOW - 5 x BEST OF GROUP 2 - 3 x BEST OF GROUP 3 . . . - photo : Inca Of Trebons Berger Blanc and the proud owner |
Date: 7 March 2014 |
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- - - - Class`s puppies are born : EW./CH Classe Apart and CH./WJW.One - - - 1 female and 1 male to be reserved - - - European champion Class apart OTBB and her puppies |
Date: 4 March 2014 |
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- - - - Lady puppies are born : MCH. Quiet a lady and CH Chai - - - 1 male puppy to be reserved - - phot Multichampion Horsebo quiet a Lady and her puppies |
Date: 2 March 2014 |
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- - - - Our beautifull MCH/BISJ Galilea is on heat and will be mated to our MCH/Double World Winner U2 in a weeks time - - MCH. Galilea and WV./MCH. U2 - - - photo : Multichampion and Best in Show Junior Galilea Of Trebons Berger Blanc |
Date: 2 March 2014 |
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- - - - CH/BISJ Sweetest thing have had her puppies 3 males and 5 females - - One female to be reserved - - CH.Sweetest thing and WV./MCH. U2 - - - photo : Sweetest Thing and her puppies |
Date: 27 February 2014 |
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- - - Big congratulations to our MCH/CIB/BOG/BIS Flash OTBB ( Dolce Vita x Muffin ) for his results at the intern show Brno the 22-2-14 - - CCHM : 1 ex CACIB/BOB and BIG3 - - - photo Flash of Trebons BErger Blanc |
Date: 20 December 2013 |
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- - - Results from the Speciality BBS show ( 29 ) in Alicante 7-12-13 - - - CJM : Inxs ( EDW Classe apart x WJW One ) 1 ex CACJ - - CCHM : Fudge ( BOG Chiwa x WW U2 ) 1 ex BOB and BOG2 - - COF : Galilea ( EDW Classe apart x WJW One ) 1 ex CACS - - CCHF : Lady ( WW Seven up x EDW Muffin ) 1 ex BOS - - - - photo : Fudge Of Trebons Berger Blanc BEST IN GROUP 2 |
Date: 19 December 2013 |
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- - - Fantastic show week end in San Marino the 7/8-12-13 - - Three new championtitles for our kennel : - - H`Draco OTBB ( MCH Lady x chesto ) - - Heidi OTBB ( Ch Dolce Vita x WW/MCH U2 ) - - Gaiwa OTBB ( MCH Lady x Chesto ) - - And two super results in puppy classe - - Innuendo OTBB ( CH Dolce Vita x U2 ) - - Saturday : BOB puppy and BIS 3 puppy - - Sunday : BOB puppy and BIS puppy - - - photo Innuendo Of Trebons Berger Blanc BEST IN SHOW |
Date: 21 November 2013 |
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- - - Very proud to annonounce that Flash OTBB ( Dolce Vita x Muffin) is number five dog from our kennel to become international beauty champion CIN ( need a full 3 generation white pedigree and four CACIBS in 3 different countries ) , after he wn his last CACIB in Montenegro the 21-10-13 - - Congratulations to Flash and Martina - - - - Internationa beautychampion Flash Of TrebonsBerger Blanc
Date: 20 November 2013 |
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- - -- - Glacier OTBB ( Chiwa x U2 ) has now finished his last behaviour and health test and can now call himself an authorized therapi dog in Denamrk - Congratulation to owner and Glacier - - - - Glacier Of Trebons Berger Blanc therapidog |
Date: 19 November 2013 |
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- Results from Danish Winner Show intern. show Denamark the 03-11-13 - CJM : Halo OTBB ( Chiwa x Al Pacino ) 1 ex BOBJ/BOS and - ------------------ DANISH JUNIORWINNER 2013 ---------------- - - - -photo : Halo Of Trebons Berger Blanc Danish Junior Winner |
Date: 18 November 2013 |
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- - - - Congratulations to our two new Finnish Champions - Kira OTBB ( Dolce Vita x Muffin ) - LG Nova ( Cota x U2 ) - To qualify for this title you have to comly to the following : - HD and Ed free MDR1 and DM free Endurance test of 40 km of trot Caractertest with min. of 75 points 4 CACS under three different judges - - - photo : Ch Finland Kira Of Trebons Berger Blanc |
Date: 17 November 2013 |
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- Videos from Valls Dog show : - - - CJM : - - - - CCHF : - - - - CJF / BOB : - |
Date: 16 November 2013 |
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- - - Results from the intern. show Walls the 26-10-13 CJM : H'Drako OTBB ( Lady x Chesto ) 2 ex Inxs OTBB ( Classe x One ) 1 ex BOBJ/BOS CCHF : Gaiwa OTBB ( LAdy x Chesto ) 1 ex CACIB/BOB - - - - Result from the regional clubshow France 18-10-13 - CCHF : Gaiwa OTBB ( LAdy x Cheso ) 1 ex - COF : Gypsie Queen ( Sweetest Thing x Ice ) 1 ex / BOS Caracter test : Gypsie Queen passed 18/20
Guns and Roses OTBB ( Classe x One ) passed 18/20 - - - - photo : Valls intern show Drako - Inxs - Gaiwa |
Date: 4 October 2013 |
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- - - NEW RESULTS - - - Perth Intern Show Australia 29-09-13 - - CCHM : Prince OTBB ( Danka x Ice Cool ) 1 "excellent" CACIB/BOB - - - - Portoise intern show France , Special de Race 29-09-13 - - CJF : Horsha OTBB ( MCH Lady x chesto ) 1 "excellent" BOBJ - ---------------- SPECIAL DE RACE JUNIOR WINNER --------------------- - - - Two Double shows Calefornia USA the 29-09-13 - - Inca OTBB ( CH Dolce Vita x WW/CH U2 ) : - 4 x BOB baby - BOG3 - BOG2 - BOG and RBIS Now she has earned enough points to become : - National babychampion - International babychampion - - - photo : Prince Of Trenbons Berger Blanc Champion of Australia |
Date: 26 September 2013 |
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- - - super nice long week end finishing of with the International dog show in GibraltarVery proud of the results and again congratulations to owners of the dogs comming from our kennel with their great results Saturday : CJM - Drako OTBB (... Chesto x Lady ) 1 ex BOBJ Junior Champion of Gibraltar COF - Dula LG ( Chesto x Bauma OTBB ) 1 ex GCK/BOS Champion of Gibraltar CCHF- H. Quiet a Lady ( Seven up x Muffin ) 1 ex GCK Sunday : CJM - Drako OTBB 1 ex CCHM - Fudge OTBB (Chiwa x U2 ) 2 ex RCACIB/GCK Champion of Morocco CCHF - H Quiet a Lady 1 ex BOS/GCK Champion of Gibraltar Champion of Morocco Vi did a few videoes from the show and at the same time we took the opportunity to express our opinion about the diffrences between the German Shepeherd , the White Shepherd and the Berger Blanc Suisse and the direction we Trebons , as a kennel is going for : a natural intuitiv herding dog Hope you enjoy it !!!! More - - -photo : Multichampion Fudge of Trebons Berger Blanc Multichampion Horsebo Quiet a Lady |
Date: 25 September 2013 |
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- - -Fabulous week-end at San Marino !!! Gaďwa of Trebons Berger blanc won 1st place With graded excellent in Inter female class and won the BOB !!! In the morning under judgment of Mr Agabeyli Zaur (Azerbaijan) For the afternoon, she won again... the 1st place graded excellent and again the BOB... under the judgment of Mr Urosovic Milivoje (Serbia). We are so proud of her So she won 7 CAC and become Champion of Azerbaijan - Moldavia and Georgia !!! And finally Caucasian Champion !!! I want to thanks the judges for their judgement of my lovely Gaďwa. And a big thanks to Ulla & Nick who are always present when we have questions or need advises. Thank you so much to be so lovely person - - - photo Gaiwa Of Trebons Berger Blanc Multichampion |
Date: 13 September 2013 |
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- - -Fantastic show week end for Trebons Berger Blanc dogs all over the world One more time our deepest thanks and great gratitude to all our puppy owners for the all the work they put into "our "dogs : Intern, dobbelshow Hyogo , Japan Day one : COM - Finejob OTBB ( Dolce Vita x Muffin ) 1 ex CACIB/BOB Day two : COM - Finejob 1 ex CACS/CACIB/BOB/BOG2 ... Intern. show Pampalona , Spain COF : Gaiwa OTBB ( Lady x Chesto ) 1 ex CACS/CACIB/BOB Intern. show Rostock . Germany COM : Luka Lyn OTBB ( Sweetest Thing x Ice ) 1 ex / CACS/CERT/BOS Junior handling : number two with handler Sofia Special 6 shows in one Calefornia , USA Show 1 : Inca OTBB ( Dolce Vita x U2 ) 1 BOBP/BOG2 Show 2 : Inca OTBB - 1 BOBP/BOG/BIS Show 3 : Inca OTBB - 1 BOBP/BOG/BIS Show 4 : Inca OTBB - 1 BOBP/BOG/BIS Show 5 : Inca OTBB - 1 BOBP/BOG/BIS Show 6 : Inca OTBB - 1 BOBP/BOG/BIS - So 5 times BEST IN SHOW PUPPY under five different judges the same day must be a bit of a record - an awsome start for a show carrier for a four months old puppy - - - Photo : Luka Lyn of Trebons Berger Blanc and Junior Handler Sofia |
Date: 5 September 2013 |
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- - -Back after a couple of superb days in Geneva Switzerland , meeting three dogs born in our kennel with their nice owners and participating in the Euro Dog Show 2013 Super event , which was organised perfectly well by the Swiss kennelklub , everything was running smoothly the whole day and we enjoyed every moment off it , only hic up was our ring where caos unfortunately took over in spite of a ve...ry hard working ring secretary . We would also like once more to thank our brilliant puppy owners for making the big effort to come and join us and do so wonderfully well with "our" dogs in hard competition with professionelle handlers and breeders - and did they do well - just look at the results !! 5 dogs from Of Trebons Berger Blanc - tre titles and two second places , could not be done better in the second biggest show this year THANKS Results Euro Dog Show 2013 COM : Fudge OTBB ( Chiwa x U2 ) 2 ex RCACS CJM : Draco OTBB ( Lady x Chesto ) 1 ex JCAC EUROPEAN JUNIOR CHAMPION CJF : Hakela OTBB ( LAdy x Chesto ) 2 ex RJCAC VICE EUROPEAN JUNIOR CHAMPION CPM : Inxs OTBB ( Classe x One ) 1 VP EUROPEAN PUPPY CHAMPION CBM : Innuendo OTBB ( Dolce Vita x U2 ) 1 VP EUROPEAN BABY CHAMPION - - - - photo : Inxs of trebons berger blanc - european puppy champion |
Date: 26 August 2013 |
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- - - BITS AND PICES - - - SHOWRESULTS - Intern. show Mosso the 16-08 - CJF : Haylay OTBB ( Classe x U2 ) 1 "excellent" BOBJ/BOB/CERT - - Intern. show Montdedier the 16-08 - CJF : Horsha OTBB ( Lady x Chesto ) 1 "excellent" BOBJ /BOGJ - - - - HEALTH - - Fandorin OTBB ( Chiwa x U2 ) MDR1 +/+ DM n/n - - Hopefull OTBB ( Lady x Chesto ) MDR1+/+ DM n/n - - - - PUPPIES - MCH. Galilea and WV./MCH. U2 confirmed pregnancy by ultrascan - - Chiwa and WV./MCH. U2 confirmed pregnancy by ultrascan - - - - photo : MCH/BIS Galilea x WW/MCH U2
Date: 15 August 2013 |
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- - -Today our affix "of Trebons Berger Blanc " has it`s 10 years anniversary . This has given us the opportunity to "boast" a bit about the results, our own dogs and dogs breed in our kennel have achieved during the last decade. These results have been obtained with an average of 10 dogs at home and a total puppy production of 320 puppies - - Sectionshow titles : 3 European Junior Champions 5 European Champions 2 World Junior Champions 2 World Champions - - Show titles : 15 BIS 10 BIS2 8 BIS3 36 BOG - - National Champion : 65 champions in 32 different countries - 20 % of our puppies are champions - - Multichampions : 12 have more than two nat. championsships - - Interrnat. Champion : 4 ( this title has only been available since -12 ) - - We would therefore take the opportunity to say a big THANKS to all our wonderfull puppy owners , who have made these results possible - - - - photo : One of the most winning BBS ever and the only BBS to be double World Winner under two different jugdes . World Winner in the biggest BBS WDS so far Paris 2011 with more than 220 BBS - HORSEBO U2
Date: 1 August 2013 |
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- - - - Four females on heat , two are getting mated within the next week and here are our litterplans for autom 2013 : - We strongly recommend early resevation if you want to be sure to have your perfect puppy : - - - - MCH. Galilea and WV./MCH. U2 - - - - Chiwa and WV./MCH. U2 - - - - - We have also made a couple of videos in order to introduce you to our pack - - - - --- --- --- - - - - photo : Chiwa x U2
Date: 12 July 2013 |
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- - LOTS OF PRETTY SHOW RESULTS THIS WEEK END - - - - Nat. show Pirelatte the 06-07 - - COF : Fly OTBB ( Enjoy x Al Pacino ) 1 ex. CACS/BOB - - - - Nat. show Perichet the 06-07 - - CIF : Gale Force OTBB ( Danka x One ) 1 ex CACS/BOS - - - - Inter. show Řrebro 29-06 - - CCHF : Bianca OTBB ( Danka x Gazon ) 1 ex CACIB/BOS - - - - Norwegian club match 7-7 - - CJF : Hayley OTBB ( Classe x U2 ) 1 ex BIMJ - - - - Intern. show Portugalette 6-7 - - CBM : Inex OTBB ( Classe x One ) 1 vp. - - CIF : Gaiwa OTBB ( Lady x Chesto ) 1 ex CACS - - CCHF : H Lady ( Seven up x Muffin ) 1 ex CACIB/BOS - - CCHM : Fudge OTBB ( Chiwa x U2 ) 1 ex CACIB/BOB - - - - phot : Fly Of Trebons Berger Blanc |
Date: 2 July 2013 |
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- - - NEW VIDEOS - - lead - - - - - - - puppies of Trebons |
Date: 19 June 2013 |
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- - - ---------------------------- NEW PUPPY VIDEOS ------------------------------ - ------------------------ ---------------------- ---------------------- ------------------------ - - - - puppies Of Trebons Bergr Blanc |
Date: 18 June 2013 |
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- - - Another fantastic show week end with spectacular results all over Europe - - - Intern. double show Krakow ( Poland ) the 15/16 - 06 - - CCHM : Fandorin OTBB ( Chwa x U2 ) 1 "ex" CACS - - CCHM : Fandorin OTBB 1 "ex" CACS/CACB/BOS - - - - Intern. show Klatovy ( Rep. chezk ) 15-06 - - CCHM : Flash OTBB ( Dolce Vita x Muffin ) 1"ex" CACS/CACIB/BOB/BOG3 - - - - Intern, show Castellon ( Spain ) 15-06 - - CJM : H' Drako OTBB ( Lady x Chesto ) 1"ex" BOBJ/BOB/BOG2 - video : - - - New photos : CH.Dolce Vita and WV./CH. U2 - CH.Sweetest thing and WV./CH. U2 - - - - photo : puppy from the litter Sweetest Thing x U2 |
Date: 12 June 2013 |
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- - - Internat. show Orivesir ( Finland ) the 08-06-13 - - COF : Gira OTBB ( Centerfold x Chesto ) 1 "excellent" CERT/BOB - - - - Intern. show Ladys Kennelklub ( Australia ) the 08-06-13 - - COM : E'Prince OTBB ( Danka x Ice ) 1 "excellent" CACS/CACIB/BOB and - --------------------- CHAMPION OF AUSTRALI ----------------------- - - - - New photos of : CH.Dolce Vita and WV./CH. U2 - CH.Sweetest thing and WV./CH. U2 - - - - photo : E'Prince Of Tebons Berger Blanc CHAMPION OF AUSTRALIA |
Date: 6 June 2013 |
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- - New show results . . - Intern. show Neumunster the 02-06-13 - - COM : G `Luka Lyn OTBB ( Sweetest x Ice ) 1 "excellent" CACS/RCACIB - - - - Intern. Show Goess the 02-06-13 - - CIF : Girabella OTBB ( Chiwa x U2 ) 1 "excellent" RCACS/RCACIB - - - - Intern show Brn the 02-06-13 - Qualification for Cruft - - CCHM : Flash OTBB ( Dolce Vita x Muffin ) 1 "excellent" CACIB/BOB - - - - Intern. Show Walls the 02-06-13 - - CBF : Isis OTBB ( Classe x One ) 1 "very promising " - VIDEO : - - CBM : INXS OTBB ( Classe x One ) 1 "very promising BOBB / BISRB - VIDEO : - - - CJM : H`Draco OTBB ( Lady x Chesto ) 1 excellent" BOBJ - - - - New VIDEOS of : CH.Dolce Vita and WV./CH. U2 VIDEO : - : CH.Sweetest thing and WV./CH. U2 - VIDEO : - - - - Photo : Multichampion Flash Of Trebons Berger Blanc |
Date: 30 May 2013 |
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- -Another week with superb results THANKS everybody for the wonderfull work you are doing with "our" dogs - - - - Fandorin OTBB ( Chiwa x U2 ) passed the Finnish Mental description 25-05 - - - - Intern. show Fredericia ( denmark ) the 25-05-13 - - COM : F `Luka Lyn OTBB ( Sweetest x Ice ) 1 "excellent" CACIB/BOB - -------------------- CHAMPION OF DENMARK -------------------- - - - - Intern show " Special de Race " St Brieux ( France ) 26-05-13 - - CIF : Gale Force ( Danka x One ) 1 "excellent" CACS/RCACIB - - - - Intern show Championatd`Espagne Madrid tje 25-05-13 - - COF : Galilea OTBB ( Classe x One ) 1 "excellent" CACS/CACIB/BOS and - -------------- CHAMPION OF SPAIN -------------------------- - - - - Intern show Kinki ( Japan ) the 17-05-13 - - COM : FineJob OTBB ( Dolce Vita x Muffin ) 1 "excellent" BOB - - - - New videos of the puppies : CH.Dolce Vita and WV./CH. U2 - CH.Sweetest thing and WV./CH. U2 - - - - photo Galilea Of Trebons Berger Blanc : Champion of Spain |
Date: 24 May 2013 |
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- - - Bakken nat, show the 12-05-13 . - CPM : Halo OTBB ( Chiwa x Al Pacin) 1 "very promising" BOBP . - CM : G' Luka Lyn OTBB ( Sweetest x Ice Cool ) 1 ex. BOB - - - Svendborg nat. show 18-05-13 . - COM : G'Luka Lyn OBB ( Swetest x Ice Cool ) 1 "ex." CACS/CERT/BOB . - Child and Dog Competitin : Luka and Sofia - winder - - - - Pinkster intern. show 17-05-13 . - CIF : Girabella OTBB ( Chiwa x U2 ) 1 "excellent" - - - - World Dog Show 2013 19-05-13 Budapest ( 130 BBS ) . - CJF ( 27 ) : Hayley OTBB ( Classe x U2 ) excellent Heidi OTBB ( Dolce Vita x U2 ) excellent . - COF ( 17 ) : Galilea OTB ( Classe x One) 4 "excelent" . - CCHF ( 19 ) : Quiet a Lady ( Seven x Muffin ) 3 "excellent· VIDEO : . - CCHM ( 19 ) : Horsebo U2 ( Enjoy x Al ) 3 "excellent" VIDEO . Flash OTBB ( DolceVita x U2 ) "excellent" . - COM ( 16 ) : Fudge OBB ( Chiwa x U2 ) 1 "excellent" CACS VIDEO : . . . - New BABYBOOM . Dolce Vta puppies are born : CH.Dolce Vita and WV./CH. U2 VIDEO : . Sweetest puppies are born : CH.Sweetest thing and WV./CH. U2 VIDEO : . . . - Photo : Fudge Of Trebons Berger Blanc 1 excellent CACS at the WDS 2013
Date: 9 May 2013 |
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- Resultat d`exposition Pragh le 04-05-13 - - COM : Flash OTBB ( Dolce Vita x U2 ) 1 "excellent" CACS/CACIB/BOB et - --------------------- B.O.G.4-------------------------- - - - - photo : Flash of Trebons Berger Blanc
Date: 8 May 2013 |
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- - - Lots of new show results - congratulations to everybody !! - - - Intern show Anvers 14-04-13 - - CPF : Hakela OTBB ( Lady x Chesto ) 1 "very promising" BOBP - - - - Intern show Amiens 28-04-13 - - CPF : Horsha OTBB ( Chesto x Lady ) 1 "very promising " BOBP - - COF : Elite One OTBB ( Centerfold x Ice ) 1 "excellent" CACS/CACIB/BOB - - - - Intern show Pau " Special de Race " 14-04-13 - - COM : Farouk OTBB ( Danka x Ice ) 1 "excellent" CACS/CACIB/BOB - - - - Nat show Irun 28-04-13 - - CJF : Gaiwa OTBB ( Lady x Chesto ) 1 "excellent" BOBJ and - ------------ JUNIOR CHAMPION OF SPAIN --------------- - - - - Sunndalsřra intern. show 04-05-13 - - CJF : Hayley OTBB ( Classe x U2 ) 1 "excellent" BOBJ / BOS / CERT. - - - - Roskilde inter. show 04-05-13 - - CPM : Halo OTBB ( Chiwa x Al Pacino ) 1 "very promising" BOBP - - Video : Halo Roskilde 5-5-2013.m4v - - - - Photo : Halo Of Trebons Berger Blanc - first show |
Date: 1 April 2013 |
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- - - - The results of the Reginal Clubmatch Roanne 23-03-13 - - CIF : Gale Force OTBB ( Danka x One ) 1 "exellent" CACS/BOS - - - - The result of Clubshow Koge the 23-03-13 - - COM : G' Luka Lyn OTBB ( Sweetest x Ice ) 1 "excellent" CACS/BOS - - Junior Handling : 1 price : Luka Lyn and handler - - - - Last vidos of puppies : EW./CH Classe Apart and CH./WJW.One - - Sociability in town 8 weeks : - - - - - - photo : Gale Force Of Trebons Berger Blanc |
Date: 23 March 2013 |
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- - - - Results of the interna. show Gerona the 17-03-13 - CPM : Diego OTBB ( Lady x Chesto ) 1 "very promising" BOBP - CCHM : Fudge OTBB ( Chiwa x U2 ) 1 "ex" CACIB/BOB/BOG3 and - ----------------- FCI International Beauty Champion ------------------ - CIF : Gucci OTBB ( Classe Apart x One ) 1 "ex" CACS/CACIB/BOS - LG Dula ( Bauma X Chesto ) 2 "ex" RCACS/RCACIB - - - - The result of the nat, show Georgia the 17-03-13 - - CJF : Heidi OTBB ( Dolce Vita x U2 ) 1 "ex" BOBJ / BOS - ---------------- Junior Champion of Georgia -------------------- - ---------------- Junior Champion of San Reno ------------------ - - - - photo : Heidi Of Trebons Berger Blanc - Multi Junior Champion 9 months old !!
Date: 21 March 2013 |
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- - - - Intern. show San Reno the 16-03-13 : - CJF : Heidi OTBB ( Dolce Vita x U2 ) 1"excllent" BOBJ/BOB/BOGJ/ and . ---------------------- BEST IN SHOW JUNIOR 9 MONTHS OLD --------------- - - - - Videos of EW./CH Classe Apart and CH./WJW.One 6 weeks og age - Theme : Noises and ground-sensation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Videos from the intern. spciality show Toulouse 16-03-13 - - Open male classe : 1 male - Even OTBB ( Enjoy x Al ) 2 ex RCACS 2 male - Farouk OTBB ( na x Ice ) 1 "ex" CACS/RCACIB - - Champion male + best male :1 male - Fudge OTBB ( Chiwa x U2 ) CACIB/BOB 2 male - Farouk OTBB ( Danka x Ice ) RCACIB - Interm. female : 1 female - Dula LG ( Bauma x Chesto ) 1 "ex" CACS / RCACIB 2 female - Gucci OTBB ( Classe x One ) 2 "ex" RCACS 3 female - Gadget OTBB ( Classe x One ) 3 "ex" - CACS female : Dula LG CACS / RCACIB Gucci OTBB RCACS - Clasee Ch female + Best female : H Lady CACIB LG Dula RCACIB/ CACS Gucci OTBB RCACS - Best of Breed : Fudge OTBB - BOB H Lady - BOS Gaiwa OTBB ( Lady x Chesto ) BOBJ - - - - Heidi OTBB ( Dollce Vita x U2 ) BEST IN SHOW JUNIOR |
Date: 12 March 2013 |
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- - - - New results : - - - - Health : Grace OTBB ( Lady x Chesto ) : HD : A(A ED : O/O MDR1 : +/+ DM : N/N MH : N/N - - - - Working : Whiteridge OTBB ( Dolce Vita x Muffin ) : ATC dog Club 02-03-12 - Obe : 92/100 1st. place - and hereby gaining his official title : - -------------------- CCD Australia --------------------------- - - - - Show : - - - - Intern show Lithuanian 02-03-12: - - COM : Fandoein OTBB ( Chiwa x U2 ) 1 "excellent" CACS/RCACIB and - --------------- CHAMPION OF LITHUANIA-------------------- - - COF : Amusement girl ( mother of Bel ) 1 "excellent " CACS/CACIB/BOS - ---------------CHAMPION OF LITHUANIA ------------------- - - - Intern. show Estonia 03-03-13 - - COM : Fandorin OTBB ( chiwa x U2 ) 1 "excellent" CACS/CACIB/BOS - -------------- CHAMPION OF ESTONIA ------------------------- - - COF : Amusement Girl ( mother of Bel ) 1 "excellent" CACS/CACIB/BOB - -------------- CHAMPION OF ESTONIA ----------------------- - - - - New photos of Classes puppies 6 weeks : EW./CH Classe Apart and CH./WJW.One - - - - Photo : I.... Of Trebons Berger Blanc |
Date: 5 March 2013 |
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- - - Lots of new show results and BIG congratulations to all the owners! - - - BBS speciality show Toulouse the 24-03-13 - - CPM : H`Diego OTBB ( Lady x Chesto ) 1 "very promising" BOBP - - CIM : Guns and Roses OTBB ( Classe x One ) 1 "excellent" - - COM : Farouk OTBB ( Danka x Ice Cool ) 1 "excellent" CACS/RCACIB Excel OTBB ( Enjoy x Ice cool ) 2 "excellent" RCACA - - CCHM : Fudge OTBB ( Chiwa x U2 ) 1"excellent" CACIB/BOB - --------------- SPECIAL DE RACE WINNER ------------------ - - CJF : Gaiwa OTBB ( Lady x Chesto ) 1"excellent" BOBJ - --------------SPECIAL DE RACE JUNIOR WINNER ------------ - CIF : L.G. Dula ( Bauma x chesto ) 1 "excellent" CACS/RCACIB Gucci OTBB ( Classe x One ) 2 "excellent" RCACS Gadget OTBB ( Classe x One ) 3 "excellent" - - CCHF : H Lady ( Seven x Muffin ) 1 "excellent" CACIB/BOS - ---------------- SPECIAL DE RACE WINNER --------------------- - ----Second best couple in show Excel OTBB and Gadget OTBB ------- - - - - Flexicourt nat. show 04-03-13 - - CPF : Horsha OTBB ( Lady x Chesto ) 1 "very promising" BOBJ - - - - Mosjřen puppyshow 03-03-13: - - CPF : Hayley OTBB ( Classe x U2 ) 1 "very promising) BOBP / BOGP3 - - - - New photos of Classe puppies : EW./CH Classe Apart and CH./WJW.One - - - - Photo : Horsebo Lady , Fudge OTBB and Gaiwa OTBB |
Date: 28 February 2013 |
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. . - New results ( the results from the the Speciality Show in Toulouse to come tomorrow ) - - - HEALTH : - Gandalf OTBB ( Chiwa x U2 ) HD A/A ED O/1 MDR1+/+ DM N/N . - Gira OTBB ( Classe x One ) HD A/A ED 0/0 MDR1 +/+ DM N/N . - Gigi OTBB ( Classe x One ) HD A/A ED O/0 MDR1 +/- DM N/N - - - - PUPPIES : ------- DolceVita is on heat and wil be mated with U2 ------- - - - - SHOW : . - Intern, Show Brn the 23-02-13 - COM : Flash OTBB ( Dolce Vita x Muffin ) : 1 "excellent" CACS/CACIB/BOB . - Intern, Show Brn 24-02-13 - COM : Flash OTBB ( Dolce Vita xMuffin ) : 1 "excellent" CACA/CACIB/BOB . . . - Photo : MCH Flash Of Trebons Berger Blanc |
Date: 22 February 2013 |
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- - - - Congratulations to all the owner of the following dogs for their great results this weekend : . . . - WORKING . - Whyterige ( Natty ) OTBB ( Dolce Vita x Muffin ) Bega Valley Kennel / Obedience Klub : 94 / 100 nr 2 in his classe and now only one more excellent result before he , as the firs WSS can put the CCD title on his pedigree . . - Crispy OTBB Vissenbjerg Ralley - Obedience : experienced classe 100/100 nr 1 in her classe , qualified for expert classe and obtaining the ROEM title to be put on her pedigree . . . - SHOW . . - Niort intern show the 16-02 . - CIF : Gypsie Queen OTBB ( Sweetest x Ice ) 1 "excellent" CACIB/BOS . . . - HEALTH . . - Gypsie Queen ( Sweetest x Ice ) MDR1 +/+ DM N/N . . . - New video of the puppies : EW./CH Classe Apart and CH./WJW.One ------- --------- . . . - photo : Natty in a " happy heeling" |
Date: 11 February 2013 |
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- - - Congratulations to everybody for the follow results with their Of Trebons Berger Blanc dogs : - - - Intern show Niort 09-02-12: - - CIF : Grep OTBB ( Classe Aprt x One ) 1 "excellent" CACS/BOS - - - Intern show Mouceron 02-02-12 : - - CPF : Hakela OTBB ( Lady x Chesto ) 1 "very promising" - - - Intern show Herning 09-02-12: - - CJM : Galdalf OTBB ( Chiwa x U2 ) 1 "excellent" CK/ BOBJ - - - Intern. show Moscau " Speciality show BBS " 09-02-12 - - COM : Fandorin OTBB ( Chiwa x U2 ) 1 "excellent" CACS - - - - Health results : - Gr8 OTBB ( Sweetest x Ice ) HD A/A EDO/O MDR1+/+ DM N/N - Glace OTBB ( Lady xChesto ) HD A/A EDO/O MDR1 +/+ DM N/N - - - - Video of puppies : EW./CH Classe Apart and CH./WJW.One - - - - - photo : MCH Fandorin Of Trebons Berger Blanc Suisse |
Date: 5 February 2013 |
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- - - Results from the intern. show Forli the 03-02-13 . - CPM : Hic cups OTBB ( Dolce Vita x U2 ) 1 "very promising " BOBP . - CIF : Gucci OTBB ( Classe x One ) 1 "excellent" CACS . - CCHF : H Lady ( Seven Up x Muffin ) 1 "excellent" CACIB/BOB/BOG2 . - CCHM : Fudge OTBB ( Chiwa x U2 ) 1 "excellent" CACIB/BOS - - - - Congratulations to Flash OTBB ( Dolce Vita x Muffin ) for another two supèr show results : - Intern. show Brno the 03-02-13 . - COM : 1 "excellent" CACS/CACIB . . . - Intern show Trencin 26-01-13 . - COM : 1 "excellent" CACS/CACIB/BOB/BOG3 . ----------------- CHAMPION OF SLOVAQUE --------------------- . . . - First puppy photos : EW./CH Classe Apart and CH./WJW.One . . . - photo : Flash Ot Trebons Berger Blanc
Date: 16 January 2013 |
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. . - Flying start to 2013 , 1 BIS2 , 2 BOG and 1 Champion , in addition tre TOP health results , how can you start better ! - Congratulations to everybody and well deserved ! . . . - Intern. dog show Brno the 05-01-12 - National Winner Show : . - COM : Flash OTBB ( Dolce Vita x Muffin ) 1 "excellent" CACIB/BOB . ------------------ NATIONAL WINNER 2013 ------------------ . -------------------- CHAMPION OF CZECH ----------------------- . . . - Intern show Barcelona the 12-01-13: . - CIF : Gucci OTBB ( Classe x One ) 1 "excellent" CACS / RCACIB . - CJF : Gaiwa OTBB ( Lady x Chesto ) 1 "excellent" BOBJ . - CPM : H`Draco OTBB ( Lady x Chesto ) 1 "very promising" BOBP . ------------------ BOG PUPPY ------------------ . ------------------ BIS2 PUPPY ------------------ . . . - Intern dogshow Pragh " Champions of Champions" the 14-01-13: . - COM : Flash OTBB ( Dolce Vita x Muffin ) 1 "excellent" CACIB/BOB . ----------- CHAMPIONS OF CHAMPIONS WINNER ---------------- . ----------------------- BEST OF GROUP -------------------- . . . - Health results : . - Gaiwa OTBB ( Lady x Chesto ) HD A/A ED O/O MDR1 +/+ . - Grease OTBB ( Danka x One ) HD A/A ED O/O . - Gabrini OTBB ( Chiwa x U2 ) HD A/A ED O/O MDR1 +/+ DM N/N . . . - photo : Flash of Trebons Berger Blanc : Champion , National Winner and Group Winner |
Date: 9 January 2013 |
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- - Retrospectively we are very happy with the results of our dogs in 2011 . HEALTH : All our young dogs eighter living with us or with their owners have passed their national kennel clubs requirements for breeding ( see our news section 2011 ) . CARACTER: Several of dogs comming from our kennel have passed their sociablity test in their new countries and many have excellent results in tracking , obedience and working as service dogs ( see our news section 2011 ) . SHOW : Probably our biggest show year ever with a FCI World Winner , FCI Junior World Winner , FCI Centenary Show Winner , 2 FSBBI Show Winners , Euro Dog Winner , several Special de Race Winners , 12 BOG , 3 BIS and more than a dozen new national beauty champions - - - Looking at the future our main goals for 2012 are :HEALTH : Continue to breed dogs well within the standard to maintain an excellent health Look into further testing of our dogs before using them for breeding Change our sales conditions , so NO puppies are sold to breeders / kennels that keep their dogs in cages , NO female puppies are sold without our " NO ABUSE " contract ( it is painfull to watch Horsebo U2 `s sister on her 6th litter at the age of 6 years and to see puppies been sold at the age of 4 weeks, even if they are not related to our kennel . CARACTER : Continue to work with and develop our puppy program inspired by modern dog behaviourisme . SHOWS : To maintain our succes from last year and to support those countries that respect the FCI Show rules for BBS ( see our agenda ) - HOMEPAGE : More personal and added comments , as it is more and more clear that the growing amount of BBS breeders are having goal and means that we do not share Making it more clear what we think breeding is about and what we stand for - - - ----------------------- HAPPY NEW YEAR --------------------------------- - - - - photo : Flash of Trebons Berger Blanc - FCI World Junior Champion , double national junior champion , several BOG and BIS titles owner: Martina Trávníčkov
Date: 30 December 2012 |
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. . . - Last show results from 2012 . . - The intern. show Kerstshaw Wijchen the 16-12-12 . - CJF : Girabella OTBB ( Chiwa x U2 ) 1 "excellent" BOBJ and RCACS . . . - Championship Show Dogwest Chrismas show the 16-12-12 . - COM : E `Prince OTBB ( Danka x Ice cool ) 1 "excellent" BOB . - Open Show West Australia Kennelclub 16-12-12 . - COM : E `Prince OTBB ( Danka x Ice ) 1 "excellent" . - Extravaganza 3 Chamionship shows the 29/30/31-12-12 : . COM : E `Prince OTBB ( Danka x Ice Cool ) 1 "excellent" BOB . . . - New Years eve can be very difficult for a lot of dogs and especially if it is the first time . so we suggest that you do what Nanna and Haley OTBB ( Classe x U2 ) has been doing the last couple of days before the big evning , lisning to " scary sound DVD ", so you know what to expect .
. . . - photo : E `Prince OTBB
Date: 16 December 2012 |
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- - - The result of the intern. show Special de Race Nantes the 09-12-12 . - COF : Freeway DDDP ( Amazone x Ice Cool ) 1 "excellent" CACS/CACIB . -------------- special de Race Winner ----------------- . - CJF : Gale Force OTBB ( Danka x One ) 1 "excellent" BOBJ . --------------- special de Race junior Winner ----------- . . . - Congratulations to Fandorin (Chiwa x U2 ) OTBB for his result in the intern show Belrus the 24-11-12 . - CCHM : 1 "excellent" CACIB/BOB . ------------- Champion Belrus ---------------- . . . - Congratulation to G `Luka OTBB ( Sweetest x Ice Cool ) for his results at the show in Koge the 09-12-12 . - COM : 1 "excellent" BOB . . . - Congratulations to Guinevera OTBB ( Sweetest xIce Cool ) for her results : . HD : A/A ED : O/O MDR1 : +/+ . -------------- Junior Champion of Portugal -------------------- . . . - Congratulations to Dula LG ( Bauma OTBB x Chesto ) for her results at the intern. show in Alicante the 09-12-12 . - CIF : 1 "excellent" CACS/CACIB/BOS . . . - Congratulations to LG Bequer ( Cota x U2 ) for his results at the obligatory show Talaverna de la Reine the 24-11-12 . - CCHM : 1 "excellent" CACIB/BOB . --------------- Champion of Spanin --------------- . . . - Congratulations to E `Prince OTBB ( Danka x Ice Cool ) for his result at the intern. Show of Hound club Australia the 15-12-12 . - COM : 1 " excellent" CACS/ BOB . . . - New photos of chiwas puppies : Chiwa and CH. Al Pacino(retire . . . - photo : G`Luka Of Trebons Berger Blanc |
Date: 2 December 2012 |
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- - - - More news from one of the dogs we hace exported to Australia , this time it is Gigolo OTBB ( Classe Apart x One ) - - First two shows in Australia in junior classe : - - Two"excellent" BOBJ - Two BOB - Best of breed - Two BOGJ - Best junior group 1 - - Health results : - - HD : A/A - ED: O/O - - - - Congratulations to LG Dula ( Bauma OTBB x Chesto ) for her results at the obligatoy show for the spanish Championshiptitle at Talaverna de la Reina the 24-11-12: - - CIF : 1 "excellent" CACS/CACIB/BOS - - - - Big congratulations to G `Luka OTBB ( Sweetest x Ice ) for his results at the show in Koge the 02-12-12 - - COM : 1 "excellent" BOB - - Junior handling age 4 - 8 : 2nd best with handler : Sofia - - - - Nouvelles photos de chiots de Chiwa 5 sem: Chiwa and CH. Al Pacino(retire - - - - photo : Gigolo Of Trebons Berger Blanc 17 mois
Date: 27 November 2012 |
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- - - - Another fantastic week end with superb show results from all over the world - - - - Congratulation to Darwin DDTL ( Al Pacino x Vanda ) for his two showresults : - - Genova intern. show 16-11-12 - COM : 1 "excellent" CACS/CACIB/BOB - - Marseilles inter, show 24-11-12 - COM : 1 "excellent" CACS/RCACIB - - - - Congratulations to Prince OTBB ( Danka x Ice Cool ) for his first show result in Australia the 14-11-12 - - COM : 1 "excellent" CD and BOB - - - - Congratulations to the owner of Gale Force OTBB ( Danka x One ) , Gr8 OTBB ( Sweetest x Ice ) and Glace Boy OTBB (Lady xchesto ) for their results at the intern. show in Laval the 24-11-12 - - CIF : Gr8 - 1 "excellent" RCACS/RCACIB - - CJF : Gale Force 1 "excellent" - - CJM : Glace Boy 1 "excellent" BOBJ - - - - Congratulations to Heidi OTBB ( Dolce Vita x U2 ) for another superb show result at the nat. show on cypros the 24-11-12 - - CPF : 1 "very promising 2 BOBP and - -------------- B.I.S. 2 - second best puppy in show -------------------- - - - - Congratulations to Whitridge ( Natty ) OTBB ( Dolce Vita x Muffin ) for the following health results : - - MDR1 +/+ - DM N/N - Von Willenbrandt negative - Pinn Hipscore : 0,38 - HD : A/A - ED : O/O - - - - New photos of Chiwas puppies 4 weeks : Chiwa and CH. Al Pacino(retire - ------- Due to cancellation 1 male for show to be reserved ------------ - - - - photo : Heidi Of Trebons Berger Blanc - SECOND BEST PUPPY IN SHOW |
Date: 17 November 2012 |
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- - BIG congratulations to ALL our puppies owners for their fantastic results with their dogs and for all the work they are putting into them - Thanks - - - National show Orkdal the 10-11-12 : - - CBF : Haley OTBB ( Classe Apart x U2 ) 1 "very promising" BOBB - - - - International dobbelshow Vrtojba the 10/11-11-12 - - CBF : Heidi OTBB ( Dolce Vita x U2 ) : 1 "very promising" BOBB - - - - Intern show Castre the 17-11-12 - - COF : Diva OTBB ( Enjoy x Al Pacino ) 1 "excellent" CACS/CACIB/BOB - - - - Intern. show Tarbes Special de Race the 11-11-12: - - CJF : Gaiwa OTBB ( Lady x Chesto ) 2 "excellent" - - CIF : Grease OTBB ( Danka x One ) " very good " - - COM : Even OTBB ( Enjoy x Ice ) 2 "excellent" . Farouk OTBB ( Danka x Ice ) 1 "excellent" CACS/CACIB/BOB and - ------------- SPECIAL DE RACE WINNER ------------------ - - - - New photos of Chiwas puppies : Chiwa and MCH Flash White - - - - Heidi Of Trebons Berger Blanc ( Dolce Vita x U2 ) 5 months old |
Date: 5 November 2012 |
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- - - The results from Danish Winner Show Herning 03-11-12 . - CIM : G 'Luka OTBB ( Sweetst x Ice Cool ) 1 "excellent" . - CJM : Gandolf OTBB ( Chiwa x U2 ) 1 "excellent" cert./ BOBJ and . ------------- DANISH JUNIOR WINNER 2012 ------------------- . . . - New photos of Chiwas puppies : Chiwa and CH. Al Pacino(retire . . . - New photos of CH. Galilea and Gucci . . . photo : Gandolf the White OTBB -Danish junior winner |
Date: 31 October 2012 |
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- - - - The results of the international show Barcelona the 27 - 10 - &é . - CBM : Hic cups ( Dolce Vita x U2 ) 1 "very promising" BOGB . - CCHM : Fudge ( Chiwa x U2 ) 1 "excellent" CACIB/BOB/BOG2 . - CJF : Gaiwa OTBB ( Lady xµChesto ) 1 "excellent" BOBJ . - CIF : Dula LG ( Bauma x Chesto ) 1 " excellent" RCACS . Grease OTBB ( Danka x One ) 2 "excellent" . - CCHF : Dolce Vita ( Wonder x ICe Cool ) 1 "excellent" RCACIB . . . - A big thanks to Maeva and Maiorga for making the day unforgettable with their videos . 1 video : Hic Cups - babyclasse Fudge - championclasse Dolce Vita - championclasse Gaiwa - ringtraining with nick . 2 video : Hic cups - BIS baby Fudge - BOG . . . - Chiwas puppies are born : 3 females and 4 males : Chiwa and CH. Al Pacino(retire . . . - Photo : Hic cups of Trebons Berger Blanc 4 months in the Ring of honnour |
Date: 11 October 2012 |
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- - - - The results of the two Euromania Dog Show in Rumania 2012: . - Bucarest Winner 04-10-12 . - CJF : Galilea OTBB ( Classe x One ) 2 "excellent" . - COM : Fudge OTBB ( Chiwa x U2 ) 1 "excellent" CACS/CACIB/BOB/BOG2 . ----- BUCAREST WINNER / SECOND BEST HERDING DOG ----- . - Euro Dog Show 08-10-12 . - CJF : Galilea OTBB ( Classe x One ) 2 "excellent" . - COM : Fudge OTBB ( Chiwa x U2 ) 1 " excellent" CACS . --------- CHAMPION OF RUMANIA 2012 ------------ . . . . - Congratulations to the owners of the following dogs for their health results : . - Gimp OTBB ( Danka x One ) HD A/A ED 0/0 . - Gisa OTBB ( Danka x One ) HD A/A ED 0/0 MDR1 +/+ DM N/N . - Guess OTBB ( Classe x One ) HD A/A ED 0/0 MDR +/- DM N/N . . - Congratulations to Luka Lyn OTBB ( Sweetest Thing x Ice Cool ) for passing the Danish kennelclubs Mentaltest with excellent and very close to the perfect profile for the BBS . . - Congratulation to Whyteridge OTBB ( Dolce Vita x Muffin ) called Natty for passing his first obedience test and finishing nr 3 in his classe . . . photo : Fudge of Trebons Berger Blanc Bucarest Winner 2012 BOG 2 Rumanian Champion |
Date: 4 October 2012 |
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- - - Les resultats de l'exposition international Danish Winner et Nordic Winner le 3 et 4 /11-12 . - le 3 novembre : - CIM : G'Luka OTBB ( Sweetest x Ice ) 1 "excellent" ; - CJM : Gandolf OTBB ( Chiwa x U2 ) 1 "excellent" BOBJ et . ---------------------- DANISH JUNIOR WINNER 2012 ------------------- . - le 4 novembre : - CIM : G"Luka OTBB ( Sweetest x Ice ) 1 "excellent" . - CJM : Gandolf OTBB ( Chiwa x U2 ) 1 "excellent" BOBJ et . --------------------- NORDIC JUNIOR WINNER 2012 -------------------- . . . - Nouvelles photos des chiots de : Chiwa and CH. Al Pacino(retire . . . - Nouvelles photos de : Gucci et CH Galilea . . . - Photo : Gandolf the white OTBB - Danish et Nordic junior Winner |
Date: 29 September 2012 |
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- - - - The results of the internationa dobbelshow in Gibraltar ( Qualification for Crufts and Championship of Gibraltar ) the 22 and 23 of september: - - Saturday the 22- 09 : - - CJF : LG Dula ( Bauma x Chesto ) 1 "excellent" BOBJ/BOGJ and - ------------- JUNIOR CHAMPIONG OF GIBRALTAR -------------- - - Sunday the 23-09 - - CJF : Bel Air IOU (Amusement x Waroggi ) 1 "excellent3 BOBJ and - ------------- JUNIOR CHAMPION OF GIBRALTAR --------------- - COM : Fudge OTBB ( Chiwa x U2 ) 1 "excellent" CACS/CACIB/GCC and - ----------- CHAMPION OF GIBRALTAR ---------------------- - - CIF : LG Dula ( Bauma x Chesto ) 2 "excellent" - -CIF : Galilea OTBB ( Classe x One ) 1 "excellent" CACS/CACIB/GCC/BOG3 - ----------- CHAMPION OF GIBRALTAR --------------------- - - - - New photos of Lady and Chesto puppies : MCH. Quiet a lady and Chesto - - - - photo : puppy from Lady x Chesto litter 7 weeks old |
Date: 21 September 2012 |
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- - - - Congratulations to Gypsie Queen ( Sweetst Thing x Ice Cool ) for the following results : HD : B/B ED O/O CSAU ( sociablility and working test ) passed with excellent - - - - Congratulations to Elite One ( Centerfold x Ice Cool ) for the following results : TAN ( sociablity test ) passed with 17 / 20 - Intern. show Bauvais the 16/8 COF : 1 " excellent" CACS/CACIB/BOS - - - - Congratulations to Fun Boy ( Classe Apart x Al Pacino ) for his result at the intern. show in Purtoventera the 16/9/Ă©Ă &Ă© COM : 1 "excellent" CACS/CACIB and BOB - - - - New photos of Ladys puppies : MCH. Quiet a lady and Chesto - Chiwa is expecting puppies mid October :Chiwa and CH. Al Pacino(retire - - - - photo : puppy Lady x Chesto 6 weeks old |
Date: 23 August 2012 |
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- - - News from Gira OTBB ( Centerfold x Chesto ) living in finland . - health results : HD : A/A ED : O/O MDR1 +/+ DM N/N . - show results : . - Intern. show Oulu the 14-07-12 . - CIF : 1 "excellent" CACS/CACIB/CERT . - Intern. show Kemi the 21-07-12 . - CIF : 1 "excellent" CACS/CACIB/CERT . . . - The result of the Special de Race show in Chateau Gontier 19-08-12 . - CJM : Glace Boy OTBB ( Lady x Chesto ) 1 "excellent" BOBJ and . -------------- SPECIAL DE RACE JUNIOR WINNER ----------------- . - CIF : Gr8 OTBB ( Sweetest x Ice ) 1 "excellent" . - COF : Elite One OTBB ( Centerfold x Ice ) 1 "excellent" CACS/BOB and . -------------- SPECIAL DE RACE WINNER ---------------------------- . . . - New photos of Lady`s puppies MCH. Quiet a lady and Chesto . . . - photo : puppies OTBB ( Lady x Chesto ) |
Date: 15 August 2012 |
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- - - - The results of the intern show Golden Dog Throphy Liege 23-07-12 - - CPF : Gentle Grace OTBB ( Lady x Chesto ) 2. " very promising " - Giabella OTBB ( Chiwa x U2 ) 1. " very promising" BOBP - - CJF : Galilea OTBB ( Classe x One ) 1 " excellent" and becomming - -------------- Golden Trhophy Junior Winner 2012 ----------------- - - COM : Fudge OTBB ( Chiwa x U2 ) 2 "excellent" - - BREEDING GROUP : Fudge , Galilea , Giabella BIS and becomming - ------------- GOLDEN GROUP 2012 ----------------------- - - - - First photos of Lady`s puppies : MCH. Quiet a lady and Chesto - - - - New health results : - Flash OTBB ( Dolce Vita x Muffin ) HD : B/B ED: O/O - - Guinevera OTBB ( Sweetest x Ice ) HD : A/A ED : O/O - - Gentle Grace OTBB ( Lady x Chesto ) DM : N/N - - Giabella OTBB ( Chiwa x U2 ) DM : N/N - - Elite One OTBB ( Centerfold x Ice ) DM : N/N - - Diamant OTBB ( Wonder x Ice ) DM : N/N - - Coco Baltic Beauty OTBB ( Wonder x Ice ) DM: N/N - - - Photo : Golden Group Liege 2012 Fudge , Gailea and Giabella Of Trebons Berger Blanc |
Date: 7 August 2012 |
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- - - - Working results - - Enka OTBB ( Danka X Ice Cool ) for her last result : . tracking classe 2 : 1 of 4 ( 196/200 ) - - - - Show results ; - - Nat show Křge the 5-8-12 - - CJM : Glacier OTBB ( Chiwa x U2 ) 1 ex BOBJ - - - Int. show Biganos 29-7-12 - - CJF : LG Dos ( Bauma OTBB x Chesto OTBB ) 1 ex - - CJM : Gimp OTBB ( Danka x One ) 1 ex BOBJ / BOB / BISJ3 - - - Nat. show Chalet Guyon 6-8-12 : - - CJF : Geisha OTBB ( Classe x One ) 1 ex BOBJ - - - Nat shoa Cahors 6-8-12 - - CJF : LG Dula ( Bauma OTBB x Chesto OTBB ) 1 ex BOBJ/BISJ2/BOB/BOG/BIS2 - - - Intern show Dieppe 29-7-12 ( Special de Race BBS ) - - CCHF : Diamant OTBB ( Wonder x Ice ) 1 ex . - COF : Elite One OTBB ( Centerfold x Ice ) 1 ex CACS/BOB/ - - - - Ladys puppies are born 6 females and 3 males : MCH. Quiet a lady and Chesto - - - - photo : Multichampion Lady and her puppies |
Date: 20 July 2012 |
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. . . - Lots of good news : . . . - Intern. show Bornholm the 6 -07-12 : . - CJM : G' Luka Lyn ( Sweetest Thing x Ice Cool ) 1 "excellent" BOBJ . - HD : A/A ED O/1 . . - Intern show Cressat 7-07-12 : . - CIF : Gypsie Queen ( Sweetest Thing x Ice Cool ) 1 "excellent" RCACS/RCACIB . . . - Intern show Lokese Winner 7-07-12 . - CPF : Gentle Grace OTBB ( Lady x Chesto ) 1 " very promising " BOBP . . . - Intern. show Uden 30 - 06- 12 . - CPF : Giabella OTBB ( Chiwa x U2 ) 1 "very promising " BOBP . . . - Intern show Nitra 06-06-12 : . - COM : Flash OTBB ( Dolce Vita x Muffin ) 1 "excellent" CACS/CACIB/BOB . - Nat. show Klatovy 30-06-12 . - COM : Flash OTBB ( Dolce Vita x Muffin ) 1 "excellent" CACS and becomming : . ------------------ National Winner 2012 ---------------------------- . . . - New photos of Classes puppies : EW./CH Classe Apart and WV./CH. U2 . . - Lady is expecting puppies in the beginning of august : MCH. Quiet a lady and Chesto . . . - Giabella of Trebons Berger Blanc |
Date: 25 June 2012 |
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- - Uden intern. show the 23-06-12 . - CPF : Giabella OTBB ( Chiwa x U2 ) 1 "very promising" BOBP . . . - Sandved nat, show 24-06-12 , - CPM : Glacier OTBB ( Chiwa x U2 ) 1 "very promising" BOBP . . . - National French Clubmatch 24-06-12 ( 180 BBS ) . - COF : Elite One OTBB ( Centerfold x Ice Cool ) 2 "excellent" RCACS . - CWF : Enka OTBB ( Danka x Ice Cool ) 1 "excellent" . , , - New photos of Classes puppies : EW./CH Classe Apart and WV./CH. U2 . . .- - photo : Giabella of Trebons Berger Blanc 8 months |
Date: 22 June 2012 |
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- - Show results from last week end : - - Catres intern show 10-06-12 . - CJF : Geisha OTBB ( Claase Apart x One ) 1 "excellent" BOBJ . . . - St Girone nat. show 17-06-12 . - CJF : Grease Lightning OTBB ( Danka x One ) 1 "excellent" BOBJ . - CPF : Gaiwa OTBB ( Lady x Chesto ) 1 "very promising" BOBP / BIS3 . . . - Regional Clubmatch Marseilles 16-06-12 . - COM : Darwin DDTL ( Wanda x Al Pacino ) 1 "excellent" . Farouk OTBB ( Danka x Ice Cool ) 2 "excellent" . - sociablilty test : Darwin "excellent" . . - Special de Race expos intern Marseilles 17-06-12 : . - COM : Darwin DDTL ( Wansa x Al Pacino ) 1 "excellent" CACS . Farouk OTBB ( Danka x Ice Cool ) 2 "excellent" RCACS . . . . - The intern double show Ballerup the 16 and 17-06-12 , same result both days: . - CJM : G`Luka OTBB ( Sweetest Thing x Ice Cool ) 1 "excellent" BOBJ . . .- New x ray results : . Grep OTBB ( Classe x One ) HD: A/A ED:O/O . LG Dos ( Bauma x Chesto ) HD A/A ED O/O . Galilea OTBB ( Classe x One ) HD A/A ED O/O . Gucci OTBB ( Classe x One ) HD A/A ED O/O . . . - Dolce Vita puppies are born : CH.Dolce Vita and WV./CH. U2 . - Photos of Classe Aparts puppies : EW./CH Classe Apart and WV./CH. U2 . . - photo : Lighty and Gaiwa Of Trebons Berger Blanc |
Date: 11 June 2012 |
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- Very proud of our results at the Spanish Championship show in Madrid the 24-06 -12 ans our two new champions and a comming number three - - COM : LG Bequer ( Cota x U2 ) 1 "excellent" CACA/CACIB and BOB . - COF : Sweetest Thing ( Babybell x Muffin ) 1 "excellent" RCACIB and - ------------------------ CHAMPION OF SPAIN --------------------- . - CJF : Galilea ( Classe x One ) 1 "excellent" JCACS /BOBJ and - --------------------JUNIOR CHAMPION OF SPAIN ---------------- - - - photos : to come |
Date: 5 June 2012 |
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- - - Classes puppies are born 6 males and 6 females For more info ;EW./CH Classe Apart and WV./CH. U2- - - Congratulations to all the owners for the following excellent x ray results : . - Fausto OTBB ( Chiwa x U2 ) HD A/A Ed O/O . - Fibia OTBB ( Dolce Vita x Muffin ) HD A/B ED O/O , - Fandora OTBB ( Dolce Vita x Muffin ) HD A/A ED O/O . - Gigi OTBB ( Classe x One ) HD A/A ED O/O . - Girona OTBB ( Sweetest Thing x Ice Cool ) HD A/B ED O/O . - Great OTBB (Classe Apart x One ) HD B/B ED O/O . . - New mating planned ; - - - - photo : |
Date: 17 May 2012 |
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- - The results from the double intern. show in St Gallen Switzerland the 12/13 - 05-12 - The Sunday was also qualificationshow for Cruft - - - Saturday the 12-05-12 - - CIM : Fudge ( Chiwa x U2 ) 1 "excellent" CACS and RCACIB . - CCHF : Quiet a Lady ( Seven Up x Muffin ) 1 "excellent " CACIB/BOB/BOG3 . - CJF : Galilea ( Classe x One ) 1 "excellent" JCACS/JBOB/JBOG/ and . -------------------- BISJ BEST IN SHOW JUNIOR ---------------- . . . - Sunday the 13- 05-12 . - CIM : Fudge ( Chiwa x U2 ) 1 "excellent" CAC/CACIB/BOB/BOG3 . - CCHF : Quiet a Lady ( Seven Up x Muffin ) 1 "excellent" CACIB/BOS . - CJF : Galilea ( Classe x One ) 1 "excellent" JCAC /JBOB/JBIS5 and . ------------ JUNIOR CHAMPION OF SWITZERLAND ---------- . . . - photo : Galilea of Trebons Berger Blanc |
Date: 29 April 2012 |
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- - - - Excellent news - Ultrascan yesterday showed that both our Spanish Champion Dolce Vita and our European Champion Classe Apart are expecting puppies in the end of may / beginning of june - For further info : CH.Dolce Vita and WV./CH. U2 - - EW./CH Classe Apart and WV./CH. U2 - - -- photo : Classe Apart of Trebons Berger Blanc and Dolce Vita of Trebons Berger Blanc |
Date: 17 April 2012 |
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- - The results from the double intern. show in St Gallen Switzerland the 12/13 - 05-12 - The Sunday was also qualificationshow for Cruft - - - Saturday the 12-05-12 - - CIM : Fudge ( Chiwa x U2 ) 1 "excellent" CACS and RCACIB . - CCHF : Quiet a Lady ( Seven Up x Muffin ) 1 "excellent " CACIB/BOB/BOG3 . - CJF : Galilea ( Classe x One ) 1 "excellent" JCACS/JBOB/JBOG/ and . -------------------- BISJ BEST IN SHOW JUNIOR ---------------- . . . - Sunday the 13- 05-12 . - CIM : Fudge ( Chiwa x U2 ) 1 "excellent" CAC/CACIB/BOB/BOG3 . - CCHF : Quiet a Lady ( Seven Up x Muffin ) 1 "excellent" CACIB/BOS . - CJF : Galilea ( Classe x One ) 1 "excellent" JCAC /JBOB/JBIS5 and . ------------ JUNIOR CHAMPION OF SWITZERLAND ---------- . . . - photo : Galilea of Trebons Berger Blanc |
Date: 5 April 2012 |
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- - All our congratulations to Fandorin ( Chiwa x U2 ) called Luka and his owner Anastasia for their excellent results at the double intern. show Euroasia the 24- 25/03-12: - 24-03 : COM : 1 "excellent" CACS . - 25-03 : COM : 1 "excellent" CACS . . . - All our congratulations to F ' Kemmie 5 Chiwa x U2 ) and his owner Yoirgos for their fantastic results at the tripple intern. show coorporation Cypres , Bulgaria and Moldavia the 4 -03 , 31-01 and 1-04-12: . - 4-03 : COM : 1 "excellent" CACS/CACIB/BOB/BOG4 . ------------------- CHAMPION OF MOLDAVIA ------------------------ . - 31-03 : COM : 1 "excellent" CACS/CACIB/BOB/BOG . ------------------- CHAMPION OF CYPRUS----------------------------- . . 1-04 : COM : 1 "excellent" CACS/CACIB/BOB . ------------------ CHAMPION OF BULGARIA ------------------------- . - With these thre championtitles he became also / . ----------------- FCI MULTI CHAMPION ----------------------------- . . . - Our European Champion Classe Apart has been mated to to our Double World Champion U2 , - Our Spanish Champion Dolce Vita is on heat and has been mated to our Double Worldchampion U2 . . . photo : F' Kemmie of Trebons Berger Blanc
Date: 19 March 2012 |
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- - the results of the intern. show in Gerona the 17-03-12 - a big thanks to Maewa and Miorga for the videos - also a big thumb up for the Dutch judge Mr Wauber , who except for beeing a super professionell judge very close to the standard also managed to make the perfect show and entertain the audience and showers at the same time . - CBF : Gaiwa OTBB ( Lady x Chesto ) 1 "very promising" BOB BABY owner Maeva . -CJF : Galilea ( Classe x One ) 1 "excellent" JCACS/BOBJ . LG Dula ( Bauma x Chesto ) 2 "excellent" owner La Gebrada . - CCHF : H Lady ( Seven up xMuffin ) 1 "excellent" CACIB/BOS . - CIM : Fonzie ( Dolce Vita x Muffin ) 1 "excellent" RCACS/RCACIB . - COM : Fudge ( Chiwa x U2 ) 1 "excellent3 CACS/CACIB/BOB/BOG2 . . . - video 1 : CJM : Fonzie ( Nick ) Best male Fonzie ( Nick ) , Fudge ( Ulla ) COM : Fudge ( Ulla ) video 2 : CCHF : Lady Best female : Lady CJF : Galilea ( ulla ) , Dula ( Marita ) BOB : Fudge ( Nick ) , Lady ( ulla ), Galilea ( Marita ) ) video 3 : CBF : Gaiwa ( Maeva ) et Mr Wauber " dognapping" . . .
Date: 10 March 2012 |
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- - a lot of young dogs born in our kennel have had their first try in the ring and all with results , that is very promishing for their future in the beauty ring Congratulations to all the owners - - - - Helsinki nat. show the 04-03-12 Finland . - CJF : Gira OTBB ( Centerold x Chesto ) 1 "excellent" BOBJ owner : Esa / Marie . . . - Gent intern show 25-02-12 Belgium . - CBF : Gentle Grace OTBB ( Lady x Chesto ) 2 "very promising" owner :Steffi . . . - Martini Dog show Holland the 03-03-12 . CBF : Giabella OTBB ( Chiwa x U2 ) 1 "very promising" BOBB . . . - Congratulations to Bianca OTBB ( Danka x Gazon ) amd her owner ( kennel Barvestad ) for their new title : . ----------- BEST SHOW BBS FEMALE SWEDEN 2011 ----------- . . . - photo : MCH Bianca of Trebons Berger Blanc 6 years of age and still as beautifull as ever
Date: 1 March 2012 |
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- Lots of new show results and a big thanks to everybody for doing so well with our dogs all over the world . . . - The intern. show Bourges France the 19-02-12 . - CJF : Geisha OTBB ( Classe Apart x One ) 1 "excellent" BOBJ owner : Nathalie . . . - The intern show Toulouse France 25-02-12 . - CIM : Farouk OTBB ( Danka x Ice Cool ) 1 "ex" CACS/CACIB/BOB owner : Corinne . . . - The intern. show Fafe Portugal the 19-02-12 . - COM : Fun Boy OTBB ( Classe Apart x Al Pacino ) 1 "ex" CACIB/BOB owner : kennel Rio Verdugo . . . - The Champion of Champion show Polen the 25-02-12 . - CCHF : H Twix ( seven up x Muffin ) 1 "ex" CACS/CACIB/BOB owner : Kathe . . . - The Victory show Bratislava 19-02-12 . - COM : F `Adam OTBB ( Classe Apart x Al Pacino ) 1 "ex" CACIB/BOB owner : Maria . . . - The intern show Fribourg Switzerland the 25-02-12 . - CJF : Galilea OTBB ( Classe Apart x One ) 1 "ex" CACJ /BOBJ/ BOGJ3 . - CJM : Fonzie OTBB ( Dolce Vita x Muffin ) 2 "ex" RCACJ . - CIM : Fudge OTBB ( Chiwa x U2 ) 1 "ex" CACS / RCACIB . - COF : H Lady ( Seven Up x Muffin ) 1 "ex" CACS/RCACIB . . . - The intern show Fribourg the 25-02-12 . - CHF : Galilea OTBB ( Classe Apart x One ) 1 "ex" CACJ/BOBJ/BOG3 . - CJM : Fonzie OTBB ( Dolce Vita x Muffin ) 1 "ex" CACJ . - COF : H Lady ( Seven Up x Muffin ) 1 "ex" CACS/RCACIB . - CIM : Fudge OTBB ( Chiw x U2 ) 1 "ex" CACS/CACIB/BOB/BOG2 . . . - photo : CH. F `Adam of Trebons Berger Blanc |
Date: 12 February 2012 |
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- - Bonsoir,
J'ai le plaisir de vous annoncer que ENKA est CHAMPIONNE RÉGIONALE et que elle est sélectionnée pour le GRAND PRIX DE FRANCE SCC D'OBEISSANCE 2012 qui se déroulera ŕ CAUDRY (nord pas de calais) le 5 et 6 mai .
Cordialement Claude PIRARD
- Congratulations to Claude and Enka OTBB ( Danka x Ice cool ) . . . - Congratulations to Crispy OTBB ( Zena x Crunch ) and her owner kennel Made To Measure for their superb result in Rally - Obe competition the 28-01-12 . - Classe 1 : 3 of 20 with 95 points out of 100 and qualified for the . -------- Danish championship in Ralley - Obe ------------- . . . - Congratulations to elite One OTBB ( Centerfold x Ice Cool ) and her owner kennel Domaine de la vielle Eglise for their result at the intern show in Troyers the 05-02-12 : . - COF : 1 "excellent" CACS . . . - Congratulations to Bequer L.G ( Cota x U2 ) and his owner kennel Regius for their results at the double intern show in Porto the 29/30-01-12: . - 29-01-12 - CCHM : 1 "excellent" CACIB/BOB and : . ----------- PORTO WINNER 2012 ---------------- . - 30-01-12 - CCHM : 1 "excellent" CACIB/BOB and . ---------- CHAMPION OF PORTUGAL ------------ . . . - Congratulation to Luka Lyn OTBB ( Sweetest x Ice Cool ) and her owner Gitte for their result in Fredericia intern. show the 11-01-12 : . - CJM : 1 "excellent" BOB J . . . -photo : Elka Of Trebons Berger Blanc , the only BBS in France to have qualified for the French Championship in two different working diciplins |
Date: 11 February 2012 |
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- - - Congratulations to everybody for the follow results with their Of Trebons Berger Blanc dogs : - - - Intern show Niort 09-02-12: - - CIF : Grep OTBB ( Classe Aprt x One ) 1 "excellent" CACS/BOS - - - Intern show Mouceron 02-02-12 : - - CPF : Hakela OTBB ( Lady x Chesto ) 1 "very promising" - - - Intern show Herning 09-02-12: - - CJM : Galdalf OTBB ( Chiwa x U2 ) 1 "excellent" CK/ BOBJ - - - Intern. show Moscau " Speciality show BBS " 09-02-12 - - COM : Fandorin OTBB ( Chiwa x U2 ) 1 "excellent" CACS - - - - Health results : - Gr8 OTBB ( Sweetest x Ice ) HD A/A EDO/O MDR1+/+ DM N/N - Glace OTBB ( Lady xChesto ) HD A/A EDO/O MDR1 +/+ DM N/N - - - - Video of puppies : EW./CH Classe Apart and CH./WJW.One - - - - photo : MCH Fandorin Of Trebons Berger Blanc Suisse |
Date: 5 February 2012 |
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- - - -We have the great pleasure to annonce that the official winner of the European FCI Centenary Championship 2011 is Horsebo Twix ( Muffin x Seven Up ) and BIG congratulations to her owner Kate for this well deserved achivement Also good luck with Twix`s first litter : EW/MCH Twix and Mundo Another occasion to stress how important it is to buy a puppy with a full three generation FCI accepted pedigree if you want a future show dog that that is eligible for the CACIB and accepted as the winner of the biggest FCI shows For further information read FCI circulare 32 / 2010 - - - Bounty`s puppies are born 5 males and 4 females :CHJ. Bounty and CH. Luck Dragon - - - -photo : European Champion 2011 Horsebo Twix
Date: 4 February 2012 |
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. - Bonjour Ulla et NickJ'ai le plaisir de vous annoncer que ENKA est CHAMPIONNE RÉGIONALE et que elle est sélectionnée pour le GRAND PRIX DE FRANCE SCC PISTAGE 2012 qui se déroulera ŕ MONTRICHARD le 18 et 19 février. Cordialement Claude PIRARD
I have the please to announce that Enka OTBB ( Danka x Ice Cool ) is now Regional Tracking Champion and has been selected for the French Tracking Championship which takes place the 18/19 - 02 Best regards Claude Pirard . . . photo : Enka Of Trebons Berger Blanc |
Date: 2 February 2012 |
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- - The results of the intern. show in Valls 29-01-12 . - CJM : Fonzie OTBB ( Dolce Vita x Muffin ) 1 "excellent" and becomming : . ------------ SPANISH JUNIOR CHAMPION ----------------- . - CIM : Fudge OTBB ( Chiwa x U2 ) 1 "excellent" CACS/CACIB/BOB/BOG3 . - COF : H Sweetest Thing ( Babybelle x Muffin ) 1 "excellent" RCACIB . - CJF : LG Dula ( Bauma x Chesto ) 1 "excellent" owner kennel La Gebrada . . . - The results of the intern show IDS Trencin, Slovakia the 29-01-11 : . - CIM : Flash OTBB ( Dolce Vita OTBB x Muffin ) 2 "excellent" o. Martine . - COM : C `Moi OTBB ( Blitza x Al ) 3 "excellent" o. kennel White Melodie . F `Adam OTBB ( Classe x Al ) 1 "excellent" CACS and becomming . --------------- SLOVACIAN BEAUTY CHAMPION --------------------- . . . photo : Fudge of Trebons Berger Blanc BOG2 |
Date: 15 January 2012 |
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- - Superb start to the new year . - Our new "superstar " Flash of Trebons Berger Blanc ( Dolce Vita x Muffin ) showed one more time his hugh classe in the show ring - This time he participated in the famous Champion of Champions show in Pragh the 14-01-12 - The show is an all breed show but exclusively for dogs with a FCI championtitle . - Berger Blanc Suisse : 1¤ excellent BOB Flash OTBB . ---------- Champion of Champions Winner 2012 ------------ . - FCI group1 : BOG4 - Flash OTBB ( at the age of 16 months ) . . . photo : Flash of Trebons Berger Blanc owner Martina |
Date: 30 December 2011 |
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- Congratulations to Flash OTBB ( Dolce Vita x Muffin ) and his owner Martina for their latest results and title - Intern show Brn the 20-11-11 - CJM : 1° "excellent" and becomming . -------- µSlovakien Junior Champion ---------------------- . . . - Updated our Agenda 2012 . - Updated our litter page . - Updated our links . - New photos of Galilea Grease Lightning . . . - photo : Flash OTBB dobbelt junior champion |
Date: 9 December 2011 |
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Date: 7 December 2011 |
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- - All our congratulations Diamant OTBB ( Wonder x Ice Vool ) and Gr8 OTBB ( Sweetest thing x Ice Cool ) and her owner kennel Neige d`or for their super results at the Special de Race intern. show in rouen the 03-12-11: . - CPF : Gr8 - 1 "very promising" BOB puppy . - CCHF : Diamant 1 "excellent" CACIB / BOS . . . - All our congratulations and deepest respect for the results of Fandorin OTBB ( Chiwa x U2 ) and his owner kennel Iz Ocean Udache for their latest showresults : . - Nat show 03-12-11 - - CJM : 1 " excellent" . - Nat show 04-12-11: - CJM : 1"excellent" JCAC / JBOB /CAC and becomming . -------------- RUSSIAN JUNIOR CHAMPION --------------------- . ------------- RUSSIAN CHAMPIOM ------------------------------ . . . - New photos of :Chiwa and WV./CH. U2 . CH. Quiet a lady and Chesto . . . - photo : Fandorin of Trebons Berger Blanc : Junior Champion of Russia and Champion of Russia at the age of 16 months |
Date: 28 November 2011 |
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- - Big congratulations to Drambuie OTBB ( Chiwa x U2 ) and her owner kennel Whyteridge for the following show results at the intern show Doeritigo Association the 26-11-11: . - CIF : 1° "excellent" CACS/CACIB/BOB / BOGI and BOGR . . . - The results of the Regional clubmatch Marseille the 26-11-11 and a big thanks to the puppy owners who had bought their dogs and made us very proud with their excellent results . - CJM : Fudge OTBB ( Chiwa x U2 ) 1° "excellent" . - CIM : Farouk OTBB ( Danks x Ice ) 2° "excellent" owner cCorinne . - CCHM : U2 ( Enjoy x Al Pacino ) 2° "excellent" . - CCHF : Dolce Vita OTBB ( Wonder x Ice ) 1° "excellent" . - CWF : Enka OTBB ( Danka x Ice ) 1° "excellent" owner Claude . - CPF : Galilea OTBB ( Classe Apart x One ) 1° "very promising" BOB puppy and . ------------------------ BEST IN SHOW PUPPY --------------------- . - Brace : Dolce Vita x U2 : 1° and . ------------------------ BEST IN SHOW BRACE --------------------- . - Paire : Fudge x U2 : 1° and .1----------------------- BEST IN SHOW PAIRE ---------------------- . - TAN ( natural attitude test ) : Enka 20/20 . - TAT ( work attitude test ) : Enka 20 /20 and . ----------------------- BEST WORKING ATTITUDE AT THE CLUBMATCH ------------ . .. - photo : First three female puppies from right to left : 1° : Galilea of Trebons Berger Blanc ( Classe Apart OTBB x H One ) 2° : Geny du domaine de la combre noir ( Eko Asgaard x Circe DDLCN ) 3° : White Dreams of Athabasca Greatness ( Cherokke LBDT x Kentalo VSG ) . - C |
Date: 23 November 2011 |
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- - Congratulations to Fandorin OTBB ( Chiwa x U2 ) and his owner kennel Iz Ocean Udache for their fantastic show results last week end Extreamly impressiv for a 15 months young dog . On November 19. - 1. Regional show CAC, judge Krakovskaya L (RUS) : Excellent-1, CW, CAC, BOB -2. Regional show CAC, judge Burykin A (RUS): Excellent-1, CW, CAC, BOB -3. National show CAC, judge Belkina E (RUS) : Excellent-1, CW, CAC, BOS, Champion Russian Canine Federation(RKF) On November 20. -1. Regional show CAC, judge Sokolova L (RUS): Excellent-1, CW, JCAC, JBOB, BOB -2. National show CAC, judge Melchior-Schlechter Marie-Josée(Luxembourg): Excellent-1, CW, JCAC, JBOB, BOB, Champion Russian Canine Federation(RKF), BIG-3!!!!!! . . . - Congratulations to Diamant OTBB ( Wonder x Ice Cool ) sister to our Chiwa for her show results the 20 - 11-11 at the Eurodog Show in Belgium . - CCHF : 1 "excellent" CACIB and BOB and becomming . ------------- EURO DOG WINNER 2012 ------------------ . . . - New photos of Chiwa x U2 puppies :Chiwa and WV./CH. U2 . . . - phot : Fandorin ( called Luka ) Of Trebons Berger Blanc ( Chiwa x U2 ) 1 week end 5 X BOB |
Date: 7 November 2011 |
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- - - X rays results of our dogs or dogs breed by us : . - Fudge OTBB ( Chiwa x U2 ) HD A/A EDO/O ; - Fandorin OTBB ( Chiwa x U2 ) HD A/A ED O/O owner kennel Oz ; - Farina OTBB ( Chiwa x U2 ) HD A/A ED O/O owner Linda . - Fonzie OTBB ( Dolce Vita x Muffin ) HD A/A ED O/O . - Farinella OTBB ( Dolce Vita x Muffin ) HD A/B ED O/O owner Cecilie . . - Congratulations to Gaia OTBB ( Sweetest Thing x Ice Cool ) for passing her first test in order to become a police dog and also congratulations to her show result in Herning the 06-11-11 . - CPF : 1° "very promising" BOB P . . . - First photos of Chiwa x U2 puppies : Chiwa and WV./CH. U2 . . . - First photos of Lady x Chesto puppies : CH. Quiet a lady and Chesto . . . - photo : Chiwa with her puppies |
Date: 2 November 2011 |
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- Congratulations to Drambuie OTBB ( Chiwa x U2 ) and her owner kennel whyteridge for their results at the intern show in Port Macquarti the 31-10-11: . - CCHF : 1 "excellent"CACIB/BOB . . . - The results of the show in Perpignan the 31-10-11 . - CCHM : U2 ( Enjoy x Al Pacino ) 1 "excellent" CACIB/ BOB . - CJM : Fudge ( Chiwa x U2 ) 1 "excellent" . - CPF : Galilea ( Classe x One ) "very promising " BOGP and BISP2 . . . - The results of the intern show in Barcelone the 30-10-11 . - COM : One ( Babybell x Muffin ) 1 "excellent" CACS/CACIB/BOS . - CJM : Fonzie ( Dolce Vita x Muffin ) 1 "excellent" BOBJ / JCAC . . . - Chiwas puppies are born : Chiwa and WV./CH. U2 . - Ladys puppies are born : CH. Quiet a lady and Chesto . . . - photo : Galilea of Trebons Berger Blanc |
Date: 22 October 2011 |
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. . . - 2011 is the 100 years annerversary for the FCI , in order to celebrate this unique event the most prestigiouse dog show in the FCI world has been organised . The whole show year 2011 has been evolving around the qualifications shows ( FCI Centenary Show Dortmund , World Dog Show Paris and Euro Dog Show Leuwarden ) and now here in the end of 2011 everybody is ready for the final : . . ------- FCI CENTENARY CHAMPIONS OF CHAMPIONS ---------------- . . - For us as a breeder the biggest goal is to be selcted to represent our breed and we are therefore immensly proud to be able to announce thar the winner of the FCI Centenary Show Dormund and World Dog Show in Paris : . . ------------- HORSEBO U2 ------------------ . . - Has qualified and been selected to represent the pure breed Berger Blanc Suisse the 12th of November in Brussel . . . |
Date: 14 October 2011 |
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- - Congratulations to Fandorin OTBB ( Chiwa x U2 ) and his owner kennel Iz Ocean Udache for their result at the bigbest dog show Russia 2011 the 09-10-11: . - CJM : 2 "excellent" RJCACS . ---- between 2.07 and 6.00 min ------------ . . . - Congratulations to Drambuie OTBB ( Chiwa x U2 ) and her owner kennel Whyteridge for their latest four showresults : . - CIF : Lake Macqucrie the 24-09-11 - 1 "excellent" CACS/CACIB /BOB . - CIF : Chessnock the 25-09 - 11 - 1 "excellent CACS/CACIB/BOB . - CIF : Manning River the 09-10-11 - 1 "excellent" CACS/CACIB/BOB and BOGI . . . - Congratulations to Faria OTBB ( Chiwa x U2 ) and her owner kennel White Rewyr for their results at the intern show in Letohallen the 09-10-11 : . - CJF : 1 "excellent" BOBJ and BOB . . . - An ultrascan confirms that bothe Chiwa Chiwa and WV./CH. U2 and Lady CH. Quiet a lady and Chesto are expecting puppies - . . . - photo : Chiwa with her last litter : CHJ.Fudge , Fandorin , Fitch , Feroe , Farina , Forever , Flower Power , Five Up and Fallon |
Date: 21 September 2011 |
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- - congratulations to H Vi2 ( enjoy x Al Pacino ) and his owner Kennel Britaje for their results at the intern. show in Bjerringbro the 18-09-11 : . - CCHM : 1° "excellent" CACIB/BOS . . . - congratulations to Bianca OTBB ( Danka x Gazon ) and her owner kennel Barvestadt for their result at the intern. show in Sandviken the 18-09-11: . - CCHF : 1° "excellent" CACIB/BOS . . . - congratulations to Flash OTBB ( Dolce Vita x Muffin ) and his owner Martina for another amazing result at the intern show in Brn the 18-09-11 : . - CJM : 1° "excellent" CACJ / BOBJ/BOB/BIG and . ------------ B.I.S.J. - BEST JUNIOR IN SHOW ---------- . ----------- CHEZH JUNIOR CHAMPION ------------------ . . . - photo : Flash of Trebons Berger Blanc |
Date: 14 September 2011 |
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; - Congratulations to Bianca OTBB ( Danka x Gazon ) and her owner kennel Barvestadt for their result at the intern. show in Gimo the 11-9-11: . - CCHF : 1 "excellent" CACIB/BOB . . . - Congratulations to C'Moi OTBB ( called Sammy )( Blitza x Al Pacino ) and his owner kennel White Melodie for their result at the Slovak club show the 1-9-11 : . - COM : 1 "excellent" CACS and becomming . ------------- SLOVAK CLUB CHAPION --------------- . . . - Congratulations to H Vi2 ( Enjoy x Al Pacino ) and his owner kennel Britaje for their result at the intern. show in Stavanger the 11-9-11: . - CCHM : 1 "excellent" CACIB/BOB and becomming . ---------- CHAMPION OF NORWAY ------------- . --- MULTICHAMPION ( more than two FCI Championshiptitels ) --- . . . - photo : Horsebo Vi 2 Multichampion , champion of Denmark , Norway and Sweden |
Date: 11 September 2011 |
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- The results of our dogs or dogs from our kennel at the European Champion ship , Leeuwarden , Holland the 04-10- 11 - - CJM : Flash OTBB ( Dolce Vita x Muffin ) "excellent" Fudge OTBB ( Chiwa x U2 ) 2° "excellent" . -CCHM: H U2 ( Enjoy x Al Pacino )1° "excellent" . - COF : H Twix ( Seven up x Muffin ) 1° "excellent" RCACIB H Quiet a Lady ( Seven up x Muffin ) 3° "excellent" . -CCHF: Dolce Vita OTBB ( Wonder x Ice Cool ) 1° "excellent" . . . - A big congratulations to Bianca OTBB ( Danka x Gazon ) and her owner kennel Barvestadt for their results at the nat. show in Eskilstuna the 04-10-11 . - CCHF : 1 "excellent" BOB / BOG and . ------------------- BIS 2 - SECOND BEST DOG IN SHOW ---------------------- . . . - photo : Bianca of Trebons Berger Blanc 6 years of age and second best in show !!!!!
Date: 28 August 2011 |
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- - Congratuation to Drambuie OTBB ( Chiwa x U2 ) and her owner kennel whyteridge for another two excellent show results : . - Forster Tuncurry Club Show the 20-08-11 . - CCHF : 1 "excellent" BOB . - Mid North Coast Canin Club Show 21-08-11 . - CCHF : 1 "excellent" BOB . . . - Congratulations to H Vi2 ( Enjoy x Al Pacino ) and Genesis OTBB ( Sweetest Thing x Ice Cool ) for their results at the nat. show in Varde the 21-08-11 . - CBM : Genesis 1" very promising" owner Tania . - CCHM : Vi2 1"excellent" BOB owner kennel Britaje . . . - Congratulations to C'Moi OTBB ( Blitza x Al Pacino ) and Flash OTBB ( Dolce Vita x Muffin ) for their results at the intern. show in Mlada Boleslaw the 27-08- 11 : . - COM : C'moi 1 "excellent" CACS/CACIB/BOS owner Kennel White Melodie . - CJM : Flash 1 "excellent" BOBJ /BOGJ and . ------------------------ BEST JUNIOR IN SHOW --------------------------- . . . - Chiwa and Lady have been mated for more info : CH. Quiet a lady and Chesto Chiwa and WV./CH. U2 . . . |
Date: 20 August 2011 |
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- New standard . - As a follow up for the full recognizion of the Berger Blanc Suisse FCI breed number 347 the standard has been modified the 12-08-2011 - We as a kennel has always since 2003 tried to breed dogs as close to the standard as possible within the framwork of the rules and regulations of the FCi and our national kennelclub We have therfore read the new extended standard very carefully and we after having done so, we can proudly say that we still are a FCI kennel that produces puppies that live up to the standard . - For us the most important changed and additions in the new standard are the following : . - General appearence a powerfull MEDIUM seized ELEGANT looking sheep dog - High social competence with the capasity to adapt into all social events and situations - Playfull dog devoted to its owner - Coat half long or long - Backline HORIZONTAL and strong - Toes tight and well arched - Forarm straight and only slightly oblique - Tail NEVER above the backline - Seize ; males 58 - 66 cm , max 40 kg females 53 - 61 cm , maw 35 kg . . . - Photo : The FCI illustration of the STANDARD Berger Blanc Suisse |
Date: 12 August 2011 |
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- - A hugh gratulation to Kathe and H Twix ( Seven up x Muffin ) for their results in 8 days of show . . - Black Sea Double show the 30/31-07-11: - 30-07 : COF - 1 "excellent" CACS/CACIB/BOS - 31-07 : COF - 1 "excellent" CACS/CACIB/BOB . -------- CHAMPION OF ROMANIA -------------- . - Albena intern. show the 01-08-11 - COF : CACS/BOS . - Cypres nat. show the 02-08-11 - COF CACS/BOB . ----------- CHAMPION OF CYPRES --------- . - Albena intern. show 03-08-11 - COF - 1 "excellent" CACS/CACIB /BOB . -Georgia nat. show 04-08-11 -COF : CACS/BOB . -----------CHAMPION OF GEORGIA ------------ . - Moldova nat. show 05-08-11 - COF : 1 "excellent" CACS/BOB . ---------- CHAMPION OF MOLDAVIA ----------- . - Nat show Macedonia 07-08-11 - COF : 1 "excellent" CACS/BOB/BOG3 . --------- CHAMPION OF MACEDONIA --------- . - Intern show Black Sea Winner 06-08-11 - COF : 1 "excellent" CACS/CACIB/BOB . --------- BULGARIAN GRAND CHAMPION ---- --------- BLACK SEA WINNER 2011 ---------- . - Nat. Show Montenegro 08-08-11 - COF : 1 "excellent" CACS/BOB/BOG/BIS3 . . . - photo : Horsebo Twix ( Seven up x Muffin ) a true MULTICHAMPION |
Date: 4 August 2011 |
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- - Congratulations to Heather ( kennel Whyteridge ) who at the moment is turing Australia with Drambue OTBB ( Chiwa x U2 ) having the following amazing results : . - Brunswick Valley KC the 15 /16 and 17-07-11 intern. show ( same result all three days ) . - COF : 1 "excellent" CACS/CACIB and BOB . . - Brisebane DC intern show the 24-07-11 . - COF : 1 "excellent" CACS/CACIB and BOB . . - Kempsey KC intern. shoa 29/30 /31-07-11 ( same result every day ) . - COF : 1 "excellent" CACS/CACIB and BOB . . - Seven BOBs within a space of two weeks !!! . . . - Congratulations to L. Balka ( Cali x U2 ) and her owner Esa for their result at the intern. show in Helsinki the 24-07-11: . - COF : 1 "excellent" CACS/CACIB and BOB and becomming . ------------------ Helsinki Winner 2011 ------------------------- . . . - Congratulation to L Bequer ( Cali x U2 ) and his owner kennel Regius for their result at Porto Winner Show the 24-07-11: . - COM : 1 "excellent" CACS/CACIB/BOB and BOG2 . ------------- Porto Winner 2011 ----------------------- . . . - The results from the intern show in Vejen the 28/29 -07-11 . - 28-07-11 - COM : Chesto OTBB ( Woner x Ice ) 2 "excellent" . - COF : Cali DDDP ( Amazone x Ice ) 2 "excellent" . - CCHF : Bianca OTBB ( Danka x Gazon ) 1 "excellent" RCACIB . - 29-07-11 - COM : Chesto OTBB ( Wonder x Ice ) 2 "excellent" . - COM : Cali DDP ( Amazone x Ice ) 1"excellent" CACIB/BOB . - CCHF : Bianca OTBB ( Danka x Gazon ) 1 "excellent" RCACIB . . . - Two new litters planned : Chiwa and WV./CH. U2 CH.Dolce vita and WV./CH. U2 . . . - photo : Horsebo U2 - father of Bequer , Balka and Drambuie Dobbelt World Winner 2008 and 2011 Dobbelt FCI Centenary Winner - Dortmund and Paris Qualified for the higest quality show in 2011 - CHAMPIONS OF CHAMPION Brussel now. 2011
Date: 15 July 2011 |
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. - The results for our dogs and dogs born in our kennel at the biggest World Dog Show ever with more than 190 BBS in the ring in Paris the 09-07-11 . - CIF : Elite One OTBB ( Centerfold x Ice Cool ) 3 "excellent" . - COF : Diva OTBB ( Wonder x Ice Cool ) excellent . H Twix ( Seven up x Muffin ) 2 "excellent" . - CCHF : Diamant OTBB ( Wonder x Ice Cool ) 4 "excellent" . Quiet a Lady ( Seven up x Muffin ) 1 "excellent" . - CJM : Fudge ( Chiwa x U2 ) 4 "excellent" . Fonzie OTBB ( Dolce Vita x Muffin ) 1 "excellent" and . ---------FCI CENTENARY WORLD JUNIOR CHAMPION 2011 --------- . - COM : Chesto ( Wonder x Ice Cool ) 5 "excellent" . Diabolo OTBB ( Danka x U2 ) "excellent" . - CCHM : Braveheart OTBB ( Wonder x Al Pacino ) "excellent" . U2 ( Enjoy x Al Pacino ) 1 "excellent" CACIB and . ------------- FCI CENTENARY WORLD WINNER 2011 -------------- . . . photo : U2 - TWO TIMES WORLD WINNER 2008 and 2011 . WHEN PERFECTION IS THE ONLY OPTION |
Date: 14 July 2011 |
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- - The results from the French Championsship the 08-07-11 which this year was the "run up" to the WDS and therefore had more than 170 BBS in the ring this is the results of our dogs and dogs born in our kennel : . - CJF : Fly OTBB ( Enjoy x Al Pacino ) 2 "excellent" . - CIF : Elite One OTBB ( Centerfold x Ice Cool ) 3 "excellent" . - COF : H Twix ( Seven Up x Muffin ) excellent . Quiet a Lady ( Seven Up x Muffin ) 2 "excellent" RCACS . - CCHF : Dolce Vita ( Wonder x Ice Cool ) 1 "excellent" . Diamant OTBB ( Wonder x Ice Cool ) 4 "excellent" . . . - photo : Horsebo Quiet a Lady second best female at the French Championship 2011 |
Date: 6 July 2011 |
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- - -Dear members, It is my great honor to inform you that the BBS is definitely recognized! The FCI General Assembly concluded on July 4, 2011 in Paris the definite recognition of the BBS. This is another great success for the FBBSI. The CACIB will be awarded for the first time on the WDS in Paris on Saturday July 9. Thanks to the GWS Schweiz and the SKG as well as to all members of the FBBSI that were fighting for our goal: For BBS worldwide! Kind regards, Birgit H. Hilsbos, Chair - - - |
Date: 28 June 2011 |
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. - Congratulations to Bianca OTBB ( Danka x Gazon ) and her owner kennel Barvestad for their result at the nat. show Avesta the 19-06-11 . - CCHF : 1 "excellent" BOB . . . - Congratulations to Diamant OTBB ( Wonder x Ice Cool ° and Elite One ( Centerfold x Ice cool ) and their owner for their results at the international show in Chalon - sur - Champagne the 26-06-11: . - CCHF : Diamant 1 "excellent" . - CIF : Elite One 1 "excellent" CACS/CACIB/BOS . . . - New photos of : EW./CH Classe apart and CH./WJW.One . . . - Bounty's puppies are born : CHJ. Bounty and CH./WJW.One . . . - photo : Gucci Of Trebons Berger Blanc ( Classe Apart x One ) |
Date: 24 June 2011 |
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. - Congratulations to Horsebo Vi2 ( Enjoy x Al Pacino ) and his owner kennel Britaje for their result at Copenhagen Winner 18-06-11: . - CCHM : 1 "excellent" CACIB/BOB and becomming . ----------- COPENHAGEN WINNER 2011 --------------- . . . - Congratulations to Horsebo Twix ( Seven Up x Muffin ) and her owner Kathe for their result at the international show in Szczecin the 18-06-11 : . COF : 1 "excellent " CACS/CACIB/BOB . . . - Congratulations to Cool Casper of Trebons Berger Blanc ( Danka x Ice Cool ) and his owner kennel Barvestadt for their result at the nat; show in Tollerud the 18-06-11 : . - CTM : 1 "excellent" CACS/CERT /BOS . . . - The result of the 5th. FBBSI Winner Cup 2011 / Italien Speciality Show in Fubine the 19-06-11 : . - CPM : Fonzie ( Dolce Vita x Muffin ) 1 " very promising " BOB PUPPY . - CJM : Fudge ( Chiwa x U2 ) 1 "excellent" . - CCHM : U2 ( Enjoy x Al Pacino ) 1 "excellent" RCACIB . - CCHF : Dolce Vita ( Wonder x Ice Cool ) 1 "excellent" RCACIB . - COF : Lady ( Seven up x Muffin ) 1 "excellent" CACIB / BOB . ---- FBBSI CUP WINNER 2011 / ITALIEN SPECIALITY WINNER 2011 ------ . . . - 6 FSBBI CUP WINNER IS THE WORLD DOG SHOW IN PARIS . . . - photo : Cool Casper of Trebons Berger Blanc Working and Beauty Champion |
Date: 12 June 2011 |
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- - Congratulations to H. Twix ( Seven up x Muffin ) and her owner Kathe for another superb show result at the nat: show in Wroclaw the 11-06-11 . - COF : 1 "excellent" CACS/BOB/BOG and . ---------- B.I.S. - BEST IN SHOW ------------------ . . . - Congratulations to Flash OTBB ( Dolce Vita x Muffin ) and her owner Kathy for another superb show result at the intern. show in Nitra the 06-06-11: . - CPM : 1 "very promising" BOBP /BOGP and . -------- B.I.S.2 - SECOND BEST PUPPY IN SHOW ---------- . . . - photo : Flash of Trebons Berger Blanc BIS2 |
Date: 7 June 2011 |
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- Congratulations to Bianca OTBB ( Danka x Gazon ) et her owner kennel Barvestadt for their result at the intern show in Drammen le 5-06-11 : . - COF : 1 "excellent" CACS/CACIB/BOB et devient . ------------ ------CHAMPION OF NORWAY ------------------- . --- NORDIC CHAMPION ( Norvay Finland and Sweden) --- . ---------------- MULTI CHAMPION ----------------------- . - Clearly a lot of breeders have not understood the the word Multichampion , the correct definition is a dog that has won three or more championshiptitels in the same category, that gives acess to the championclasse in a FCI show . This mean one cannot mix junior Championshiptitels and adult Championship titles nor can one use the un recognized titels ie BBI World Winner etc in order to call ones dog Multichampion . . - Congratulations to Excel OTBB ( Enjoy x Ice Cool ) and his owner Gilles for their result at the nat. show d'Union le 5-06-11: . - COM : 1 "excellent" CACS/BOS . . . - Congratulations to all the owners of dogs born in our kennel at the show :Special de Race a Evreux le 2-06-11 : . - CJF : Fiona OTBB ( Gavania x Ice Cool ) 1 "excellent" prop. kennel Paradis Boupi . - CJM : Falko OTBB ( Gavania x Ice Cool ) 1 "excellent" BOBJ prop. kennel Paradis Boupi . - CIF : Elite One ( Centerfold x ICe Cool ) 2 "excellent . - CCHF : Diamant OTBB ( Wonder x Ice Cool ) 1 "excellent" . . . - Congratulations to all the owner of dogs born in our kennel at the Regional Club Match Normandie the 5-06-11 : . - CJF : Fiona OTBB ( Gavania x Ice Cool ) 5 "excellent" prop elevage Paradis Boupi . - CJM : Falko OTBB ( Gavania x Ice Cool ) 1 "excellent" prop. elevage Pardise Boupi . - CIF : Elite One ( Centerfold x Ice Cool ) 2 "excellent" . - CCHF : Diamant OTBB ( Wonder x Ice Cool ) 1 "excellent " . - CTM : Apache Boy OTBB ( Unique x Mack ) 1 "excellent" BOB prop Rene . . . - Congratulations to the owner of dogs born in our kennel at the intern. show in Nitra the 5-06-11: . - CPM : Flash OTBB ( Dolce Vita x Muffin ) 1 "tres prometteur" BOBP prop. Kathrine . - COF : H Twix ( Seven ip x Muffin ) 1 "excellent" (prop. Kathe) CACS/CACIB/BOS . . . - the results of the intern show in Vic le 6-06-11 : . - COM : Chesto ( Wonder x Ice Cool ) 1 "excellent CACS/CACIB et BOS . - CCHF : Dolce Vita ( Wonder x Ice Cool ) 1 "excellent" CACIB /BOB et BOG2 . . . - New photos of the puppies from :EW./CH Classe apart and CH./WJW.One .. . - photo : puppy from our European Champion Classe Apart and our Junior World Winner One . . . |
Date: 31 May 2011 |
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- - Congratulations to Eastern Idahoo OTBB ( Centerfold x Ice Cool ) and her owner Caroline for passing her CAESC test ( attitude certificat for canin sociblity training . . . - Congratulations to C'Moi OTBB ( Blitz x Al Pacino ) and his owner kennel White Melodie for his new titel : . --------------- SLOVACIAN CLUB CHAMPION ------------------- . . . - Congratulations to Drambuie OTBB ( Chiwa x U2 ) and her owner kennel Whyteridge for their showresults at the dobb. show Cuff Harbour the 28/29 - 05 -11 ( same result both days ) . - CCHF : 1° "excellent" BOB . . . - Congratulations to Bianca OTBB ( Danka x Gazon ) and her owner kennel Barvestad for their show results at Valletuna Show the 28-05 and Osterbybruk the 29-05-11: . - CCHF : 1° "excellent" BOS . - CCHF : 1° "excellent" BOB . . . - Congratulations to Faria OTBB ( Chiwa x U2 ) and her owner kennel Wite REwyr for their show results at the dobb. show in Tronheim the 29/30-05-11 ( same results both days ) . - CJF : 1° "excellent" BOBJ /CERT./BOB at just 10 months . . . - photo - C'Moi of Trebons ( called Sammy ) Slovacian Club Champion 2011 |
Date: 22 May 2011 |
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- - - This year is the the 100 years anniversay of the Spanish kennelclub ( RSCE ) . In order to celebrate this big event two shows were organised from the 20 to the 22-5 ( Cynophila Latina and Centenary RSCE ) . More than 11.000 ( of which 60 were BBS ) dogs participated in the biggest dog show ever in Spain The quality of the BBs was elevated by the presence of the two biggest kennels in France and Belgium The two juges was carefully selcted beeing french specialist in BBS and with a hugh experience in the breedWe are therfore enourmosly proud of the results of our three participating dogs : Horsebo One ( Babybell x Muffin ) CHAMPION OF SPAIN Horsebo Quiet a Lady ( 7-up x Muffin ) CHAMPION OF SPAIN Fudge of Trebons Berger Blanc ( Chiwa x U2 JUNIOR CHAMPION OF SPAIN BOG - BEST JUNIOR HERDING DOG IN SHOW - - photo : Fudge OTBB , best junior herding dog in show at the age of 9 months and a half
Date: 19 May 2011 |
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- Another week end with some fabolous show results with dogs from our kennel and we will take the opportunity to one more time to say THANK YOU to all those wonderfull puppy owners of ours that are representing us and the Berger Blanc Suiise in such a positive way ; . . . - congratulation to Drambuie OTBB ( Chiwa x U2 ) and her owner kennel Whyteridge for another four excellent show results in at the Clarence P and A Society Show the 13/14-05 and at the Bonneville Distric Kennel Club the 14/15 -05 / . - Clarence Show CCHF : 1° "excellent" BOB . - Bonneville CCHF : 1° "excellent" BOB . . . - Congratulation to Alexia OTBB ( Ultimo x Danka ) and Flash OTBB ( Dolce Vita x Muffin ) and their owner Kathy for some excellent show results at the double international show Spring Duo Show Bratislava the 14/15-05 : . - 14-05 - CPM : Flash 1° "very promising" BOBP . - CCHF : Alexia 1° "excellent" CACIB/BOB and BOG3 - third best herding dog in show . - 15-05 - CCHF : Alexia 1° "excellent" CACIB/BOB . - CPM : Flash 1° "very promising" BOBP / BOG - best herding puppy in show and ; ------------------- BEST IN SHOW PUPPY ----------------------- . . .- photo : Flash of Trebons Berger Blanc - BEST PUPPY IN SHOW |
Date: 16 May 2011 |
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- - New puppy photos :Centerfold and Chesto . EW./CH Classe apart and WJW.One. Sweetest thing and EW/CH. Ice Cool . . . - New photos of : Chiwa . Fudge . . - photo : chiot of Trebons Berger Blanc |
Date: 10 May 2011 |
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- We are very proud to announce the results of the first of the 3 biggest show events this year ( the FCI Centenary shows in Dortmund , Paris ( World Dog Show ) and Leuwarden ( Euro Dog Show ) in Dortmund the 08-05-11 . - This show ( like the WDS) is also part of the FBBSI ( Federation berger blanc suisse international )cup turnement . . . - CCHF : Quiet a Lady ( Seven up x Muffin )- 4 "excellent" . - COF : Twix ( Seven up x Muffin ) - 2 "excellent" RCACS owner Kathe . - CCHM : U2 ( Enjoy x Al Pacino ) - 1 "excellent" CACS/CACIB/BOB and . ---------- FCI CENTENARY SHOW WINNER -------------- ( this titel is exclusivly given in this show ) . ---------------- FBBSI CUP WINNER --------------------- . . . - photo : Horsebo U2 the first and only BBS with the titel FCI CENTENARY SHOW WINNER |
Date: 6 May 2011 |
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. . . - New puppy photos : Centerfold and Chesto ; EW./CH Classe apart and WJW.One ; Sweetest thing and EW/CH. Ice Cool . . . -photo : Of Trebons Berger Blanc puppies |
Date: 2 May 2011 |
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- - Congratulations to Elite One OTBB ( Centerfold x Ice Cool ) and to Diva OTBB ( Wonder x Ice Cool ) owner Francoise for their results at the intern. dog show in Roanne the 01-05-11: . - COF : Diva 2° "excellent" . - CIF : Elite One 1° "excellent" CACS/CACIB and BOB . . . - Congratulations to Elka OTBB ( Gavania x Al Pacino ) owner Aurelia , Estaque DDCAL ( Alaska x Ice Cool ) owner kennel Domaine de Chene au Loup and Eroica DDCAL ( Chanelle x Al Pacino ) owner kennel Domaine de Chene au Loup for their results at the nat. dog show in Amiens the 01-05-11: . - CIM : Estaque : 1 "excellent" RCACS . - COF : Elka : 1° "excellent" RCACS . - CIF : Eroica : 1° "excellent" CACS/BOS . . . - Congratulations to H Twix ( Seven up x Muffin ) and her owner Kathe for their results at the intern. dog show in Opolo the 30-04-11: . - COF : 1° "excellent" CACS/CACIB/BOB and BOG3 . . . - Photo : Horsebo Twix 3th best herding dog in show |
Date: 29 April 2011 |
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- - - New puppy photos :Centerfold and Chesto . EW./CH Classe apart and WJW.One . Sweetest thing and EW/CH. Ice Cool . . . |
Date: 25 April 2011 |
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- - Congratulations to Egypte OTBB ( Danka x Ice Cool ) and Fly OTBB ( Enjoy x Al Pacino ) and their owner kennel Terre de Arche for been selcted at " calender Girls " for Vos Chiens Dog calender 2012 - Also congratulations to Egypte excellent result at the intern. dog show in Monaco the 23-04-11: . CIF : 1 "excellent" CACS/CACIB and BOS . . . - photo : Egypte and Fly of Trebons Berger Blanc |
Date: 24 April 2011 |
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- - congratulations to Eastern Idahoo OTBB ( Centerfold x Ice Cool ) and her owner kennel Terre de Merlin for their result at the inter. show Chateauroux the 23-04-11 : . - CIF : 1 "excellent" CACS/CACIB/BOS . . . - Congratulations to Flash OTBB ( Dolce Vita x Muffin ) and his owner Kathy for another excellent result at the Cheque Clubmatch the 17-04-11 : . - CPM : 1"very promising" BOBP . . . - Congratulations to Discovery OTBB ( Wonder x Ice Cool ) and his owner Anna for their result at the nat. show in Lublin the 17-04-11: . - COM : 1"excellent" CACS/BOB . . . - Congratulations to LG Bequer ( Cota x U2 ) and his owner kennel Regius for their excellent results at the intern show in Asturis the 23-04-11: . - COM : 1"excellent" CACS/CACIB/BOB and BOG3 . . . - New photos of Enjoys puppies :.Multi CH. Enjoy and Chesto . . - Photo : Eastern Idahoo of Trebons Berger Blanc ( Centerfold x Ice Cool ) |
Date: 17 April 2011 |
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- - The result from the international show in Pau " Spacial de Race de BBS " the 16-04-11 . - CPM : Fudge ( Chiwa x U2 ) - 1 "very promising" BOBP BOGP - best herding puppy BIS2 - second best puppy all breeds included . - CJM : Farouk ( Danka x Ice )- 1 "excellent" BOBJ BOG - best junior herding dog Special de Race Junior Winner owner : Corinne . - COM : Even ( Enjoy x Ice ) - 4 "excellent" owner Angelique . U2 ( Enjoy x Al ) - 1 "excellent" CACS/CACIB/BOS Special de Race Winner . - CCHF : Lady ( Seven up x Muffin ) - 1 "excellent" CACIB/BOB BOG2 - second best herding dog Special de Race Winner . . .- New photos of all the Centerfolds , Sweetest and Classe Aparts puppies :Centerfold and ChestoEW./CH Classe apart and WJW.OneSweetest thing and EW/CH. Ice Cool . . .- photo : Farouk of Trebons Berger Blanc |
Date: 13 April 2011 |
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- - Congratulations to Dicovery OTBB ( Wonder x Ice Cool ) and his owner Anna for his x ray results / . HD : A/A ED: O/O . . . - Enjoys puppies are born ; 2 males :Multi CH. Enjoy and Chesto . . . - New photos of Classes puppies :EW./CH Classe apart and WJW.One . . .
Date: 10 April 2011 |
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- - - Big congratulations to Elite One OTBB ( CENTERFOLD x Ice ) for her dysplasia / MDR1 results: . HD : A/A ED: O/O . MDR1 +/+ . BOBP French Clubmatch 2009 BOSJ Belgium Clubmatch 2010 BOBJ French Clubmatch 2010 BOBJ French Championship 2010 . . . - New photos of Centerfolds puppies : Centerfold and Chesto . . . - New photos of Sweetest puppies : Sweetest thing and EW/CH. Ice Cool - - - - photo Elite One of Trebons Berger Blanc daughter of Centerfold OTBB |
Date: 8 April 2011 |
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- - - - Classes puppies are born 9 puppies : 5 females / 4 males : EW./CH Classe apart and WJW.One - - - photo : Classe Apart of Trebons Berger Blanc and her puppies |
Date: 2 April 2011 |
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- - - - Sweetest puppies are born - 10 ( 5 males and 5 females ) : Sweetest thing and EW/CH. Ice Cool - - - -photo Horsebo Sweetest Thing and her 10 puppies |
Date: 1 April 2011 |
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- - - - Centerfolds puppies are born - 11 puppies ; 4 males and 7 females :Centerfold and Chesto - - - - photo : Vice Champion Centerfold of Trebons Berger Blanc |
Date: 30 March 2011 |
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- - Congratulations to Fun Boy OTBB ( Classe x Al Pacino ) and his owner kennel Rio Verdigo for their super results at the intern double show in Vigo the 26/27 -03-11: . - CJM : 1° "excellent" BOBJ/BOB and CACJ ( saturday ) . - CJM : 1° " excellent" BOBJ/BOB/CACJ and BOB2 ( sunday - at the age of 13 months ) . . . - Congratulations to Drambuie OTBB ( Chiwa x U2 ) and her owner kennel Whyteridge for their results at the intern; show Wllaamba A/H assosiation the 26-03-11 . - CCHF : 1° " excellent" CACS/CACIB/BOB . . . - phot : Drambuie Of Trebons Berger Blanc : 10 shows = 10 BOB and 1 BOGI
Date: 22 March 2011 |
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- -Congratulations to Drambuie OTBB ( chiwa x U2 ) and her owner kennel Whyteridge for a new excellent result at the Comboyne A and H Society show the 19-03-11 : . - CCHF : 1 "excellent" CACIB/BOB . . . - Congratulation to H Twix ( Seven uo x Muffin ) and her owner Kathe for another superb result at the intern show in Katowice the 19-03-11: . - COF : 1 "excellent" CACS/CACIB/BOB and BOG2 . . . - Congratulation to Danouk OTBB ( Bounty x Ice Cool ) and his owner Martine for their results at the obedience competition in Tarbes the 18-03-11: . - Classe Obe 2 : 1 "excellent" 195 points out of 200 . . . - photo : Danouk OTBB - a true polyvalent BBS
Date: 19 March 2011 |
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. - All our congratulations to Fiona OTBB ( Gavania x Ice Cool ) and Falko OTBB ( Gavania x Ice Cool ) and their owner kennel Paradis Boopi for their results at the regional clubmatch BBS the 13-03-11 : . - CJM : Falko 2 "excellent" . - CJF : Fiona 1 "excellent" BOBJ . . . - All our congratulations to Drambuie OTBB ( Chiwa x U2 ) and her owner kennel Whyteridge for their result at the intern show of Canden Heaven the 13-03-11: . - CCHF : 1 "excellent" BOB . . . - All our congratulations to Faria OTBB ( Chiwa x U2 ) and their owner kennel White Rewyr for their result at the puppy show in Melhus the 13-03-11 : . - CPF : 1 "very promising" BOBP and BOG . . . - photo : Fiona OTBB - Junior RE Winner 2011 |
Date: 10 March 2011 |
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- - Big congratulations to F`Adam OTBB ( Classe Apart x Al Pacino ) and his owner Maria for another superb result at the famous show Champions of Champions the 06-03-11: . - CJM : 1 "excellent" BOBJ and becomming . ---------- JUNIOR CH OF CHAMPIONS WINNER 2011 ----------------- . . . photo : F `Adam already CHJ AND JCHOCH at the age of 12 months |
Date: 8 March 2011 |
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- - congratulations to Fandorin OTBB ( chiwa x U2 ) and his owner Anastasia for their results at the double nat. show in Moscau the 25/26-02-11: . - CPM : 1 "very promising" BOB puppy ( same result both days ) . . . - congratulations to elite One OTBB ( Centerfold x Ice Cool ) and his owner for their result at the nat. show Flexicourt the 06-03-11: . - CIF : 1 "excellent" CACS/BOB . . . - And now a real fairytale by HC Andersen ! . - Dolly OTBB was in the end of november stolen from her home in soutth west of France , a lot of volunteers spent a lot of time looking for her and every possible option was explored but in vain . In january her family decided to adopt a new puppy in their family Fichelle OTBB as life without a dog seemed impossible for them Yesterday we received an e mail from Dollys family with the increadible message that Dolly after four months has come back home !!! She has been found three months ago by one of Lourdes ( a holy catholic town 70 km away from Dolly home ) young beggars walking around in the holy grotto of the Virgin Mary . The young homeless decided to adopt Dolly and after she joined up with him , his income grew considerably , so when she last week cut her paw he took her to the local vet. which checked her chip number and told the young man that Dolly has been missing for several months . Dollys friend for the last three months of course contaced her family which could pick her up a few hours later - in super form and with no bad leftovers from her long trip at all . At home Dolly was extreamly pleased with finding a new playmate in the house and according to the family - having two BBS is more than double the fun Finally to finish off this pretty story , the owner of Dolly and Fichelle has offered the young man employment in their compagny and he is now starting in a new direction in life . - a BIG THANKS to everybosy who helped trying to find Dolly . . . - photo : A happy Dolly with fichelle at home |
Date: 2 March 2011 |
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- - - ------------------------ BABYBOOM IN TREBONS -------------------------- . . . - Four of our females are expecting puppies in the end of marts /beginning of april . For us it means a minimum of shows in april/mai and june and maximum of challing work in our nurseries . . - Pour plus info : Multi CH. Enjoy and Chesto . ( we cannot accept more reservations for females ) . Centerfold and Chesto . EW./CH Classe apart and WJW.One . ( we cannot accept more reservations for females) . Sweetest thing and Multi.CH. Ice Cool . ( we cannot accept more reservations for males ) . . - photo : puppy Of Trebons Berger Blanc Suisse |
Date: 1 March 2011 |
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- - - Congratulations to Drambuie OTBB ( Chiwa x U2 ) and her owner kennel Wyteridge for another fantastic result at the intern. show in Canberra le 26-02-11: . - CIF : 1° "excellent" CACS/CACIB/BOB and BOGI . . . - Congratulations to Fly OTBB (Enjoy x Al Pacino ) et Egypte OTBB ( Danka x Ice ) and their owner Audrey/Pierrick for their results at the intern. show in Bourges le 17-02-11: . - CIF : Egypte 1° "excellent" RCACS/RCACIB . - CJF : Fly 1° "excellent" BOBJ . . . - une grande merci a les properitaires qui ont emmene leur chiens a l'exposition intern. de Toulouse , npus sommes tres fier avec tout les travail que vous etez fait avec " nos chiots" . - COM : Chesto ( Wonder x Ice ) 2° "excellent" CACS/CACIB/BOS . Excel OTBB ( Enjoy x Ice ) 3° "excellent" owner. Gilles . - CPM : Farell DLDB ( Tracker x Diva ) 1° " very promising" . - COF : Diva OTBB ( Enjoy x Al ) 1° "excellent" CACS/RCACIB owner Vanessa . Dolce Vita ( Wonder x Ice ) 3° "excellent" . - CCHF : Lady ( Muffin x Seven up ) 1° "excellent" CACIB / BOB/BOG2 . . . - photo : Dolce Vita et Chesto 2° best couple in show |
Date: 18 February 2011 |
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- - Congratulations to Fandorin ( Luka ) OTBB ( Chiwa x U2 ) and his owner Anastasia for their first show result at the nat. show Moscau the 12-02-11: . - CPM : 1° "very promising" BOBP . . . - Congratulations to Flash OTBB ( Dolce vita x Muffin ) and his owner Martine for their 4 showresults : . - Nat show Olomauc the 09-01-11 CPM : 1° " very promising" BOBP . - Intern show Trencin the 22-01-11 CPM : 1° "very promising" BOBP . - Intern show Brno the 05-02-11 CPM : 1° "very promising" BOBP . - Intern show Brno the 06-02-11 CPM : 1° " very promising" BOBP . . . - photo Flash of Trebons Berger Blanc
Date: 7 February 2011 |
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- congratulation to all the owners of dogs from Trebons /Horsebo and for the owners of dogs decending from our stud males at the big international show in Troyers the 6-02-11 - a Special de Race for the BBS with 47 BBS represented : . - CJF : Eroica DDCAL ( Al x Canelle ) 3 "excellent" . - CIF : Elite OTBB ( Ice X Centerfold ) 1 "excellent" RCACS/RCACIB . - COF : H Cookies ( Muffin x Cocus ) 3 "excellent" . - CIM : Estaque DDCAL ( Ice x Alaska ) 2 "excellent" . - COM : Douglas OTBB ( Enjoy x Al ) 3 "excellent" . Cresus DDP ( Ice x Amazone ) 1 "excellent" CACS/CACIB/BOB . . . - all our congratulations to Fun Boy OTBB ( Classe apart x Al Pacino ) and his owner kennel Rio Verdigo for their results at the intern show in Porto the 6 -02-11: . - CJM : 1 "excellent" BOBJ and becomming . -----------Porto Junior Winner 2011 -------------- . . . - all our congratulations to Drambuie OTBB ( Chiwa x U2 ) and her owner kennel Whyteridge for their excellent show result at the doubel show in Canberry Dog Show the 5/6-02: . - COF : 1 "excellent" CACS/CACIB and BOB saturday . - COF : 1 "excellent" CACS/CACIB and BOB sunday . . . - photo : Fun Boy of Trebons Berger Blanc ( Classe Apart x Al ) 12 months old |
Date: 3 February 2011 |
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- Congratulations to Braveheart OTBB ( Wonder x Al Pacino ) and his owner kenel Regius , also congratulations to Fun Boy OTBB ( Classe x Al Pacino ) and his owner kennel Rioverdigo for their results at the ig dobbel show in Porto " Porto Winner " the 29/30-01-11: . - Saturday 29-01: - CCHM : Braveheart 1° "excellent" RCACIB . - CJM : Fun Boy 1° "excellent" BOBJ . - Sunday 30-01 - CCHM : Braveheart 1° "excellent" RCACIB . - CJM : Fun Boy 1° "excellent" BOBJ and becomming . ------------------ Porto Junior Winner 2011 --------------------------- . . . - The results from the nat. show in Valls the 30-01-11 . - CPM : Fudge ( Chiwa x U2 ) 1 ° "very promising" BOBP and BOG2 . - CJF : Florida ( Enjoy x Al Pacino ) 1° "very promising BOBJ . - COF : Sweetest Thing ( Babybell x Muffin ) 1° "excellent" CACS / BOS . - COM : U2 ( Enjoy x Al Pacino ) 1° "excellent" CACS/BOB and BOG3 . . . - Our females have been mated see the puppy pages for further info : . - Sweetest thing and Multi.CH. Ice Cool . EW./CH Classe apart and WJW.One . . . - Photo Horsebo U2 ( Enjoy x Al Pacino ) |
Date: 25 January 2011 |
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- - all our congratulations to Drambuie OTBB ( Chiwa x U2 ) and her owner kennel Whyteridge for another two excellent show results at the intern. double show in Dorrigo the 22 and 23/01/00: . - 22/1 - CIF : 1 "excellent" CACS/CACIB and BOB - selected between the best 6 in group 1 . - 23/1 - CIF : 1 "excellent" CACS/CACIB/BOB - BOGI best group 1 dog in intermidiare classe . . . -congratulations to Faria OTBB ( Chiwa x U2 ) and her owner for her results in her second show in Ler the 23/1-11 : . - CPF : 1 "very promising" BOBP and BOGP2 - two shows and 1 BOG and 1 BOG2 !!!!! . . . - congratulations to F'Adam OTBB ( Classe Apart x Al Pacino ) and his owner Maria for their show result in Slovacia the 22/1-11 . - CJM : 1 "excellent" CACJ/BOBJ - three shows and three CACJ and becomming . ------------- JUNIOR CHAMPION OF SLOVACIA ------------------------- . . . - congratulations to LG Nova ( Cota x U2 ) and her owner Esa /Mari for their show results . - Helsinki Winner show 12/12-10 - CIF : 1 "excellent" . - Lathi intern. show 22/1-11 - CIF : 1 "excellent" CACS/CACIB and BOS . . . - Our females are on heat CH. Quiet a lady and Chesto . Sweetest thing and Multi.CH. Ice Cool . EW./CH Classe apart and WJW.One . . . photo : La Gebrada Nova ( Cota x U2 )
Date: 17 January 2011 |
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. - all our congratulations to Faria OTBB ( Chiwa x U2 ) and her owner kennel White Rewyr for their results at the intern. puppy show in Ler the 6-01-11 : . - CPF : 1° "very promising" BOB puppy and . ------------ BOG - BEST IN GROUP PUPPY ------------------------ . . .- all our congratulations to Flash OTBB ( Dolce Vita x Muffin ) and his owner Kathy for their result at the intern show in Olomouc the 16-01-11 : . - CBM : 1° "very promising" BOB baby . . . - Flash of Trebons Berger Blanc 4 months old |
Date: 7 January 2011 |
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- - - - THANKS for all the carts and Chrismas geetings we have received from all over the world - - - - WE WISH ALL A HAPPY NEW YEAR AND HOPEFULLY SEE YOU IN 2011 - - - - - kennel Of Trebons Berger Blanc - nick , ulla and sofia |
Date: 31 December 2010 |
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- WE ARE THE ONLY BREEDER OF BERGER BLANC SUISSE WITH 4 WORLD CHAMPIONS FCI , 5 EUROPEAN CHAMPIONS FCI AND 40 NATIONAL CHAMPIONS IN 28 DIFFERENT COUNTRIES ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------OUR CHAMPIONS : . - U2 : CH of the World 08 CH Spain 10 CHJ of Europe 07 - 7 - Up : CH of the World 08 CH Denmark 08 CH Sweden 08 CH of Europe 08 - One : CHJ of the World 10 CH Spain 11 - Ice Cool : CH of Europe 07/09 CH Spain 08 CH Irlande 09 - Classe Apart : CH of Europe 09 CH Irlande 09 - Chanel no5 : CH France 08 CH Luxembourg 08 - Muffin : CHJ of the World 08 CH of Europe 09 CH Denmark 09 - Apple : CH Denemark 09 - Bianca : CH Sweden 08 CH Finland 09 CH Norway 11 - Cool Casper : CH Sweden 09 - Coco : CH Russia 09 CH Slovaque 09 CH Slovenia 09 - Blizzard : CH Finland 09 - Belle : CH Israel 09 - Beauty : CH Israel 09 - Cash Money : CH Israel 09 - Cleopatra : CH Israel 09 - Diamant : CH France 09 CH Luxembourg 10 - VI2 : CH Denemark 09 CH Sweden 10 - Chagall : CH Norway 09 - Bright Blaze : CH Sweden 09 - Bacharra : CH Sweden 09 - Barbie : CH Portugal 08 - Braveheart : CH Portugal 09 CH Spain 09 CH Gibraltar 09 - Cherie : CH Danemark 09 - Avantgarde : CH Israel 08 - Artic : CH Luxembourg - Cajus : CH Polen 09 CH Macedonia CH Bulgaria 09 - Aragon : CH Austria 09 - Campary : CH Norway 09 - C`Moi : CH Slovaque 09 CH Serbia 09 - Alexia : CH Bulgaria 10 CH Czech 10 CH Macedonia CH Montenegro - Dolce Vita : CH Spain 10 - Drambuie : CH Australia 10 - Supreme : CH Sweden 10 CH Norway 10 - Lady : CH Slovenia 10 CH Spain 11 - . ------------------------------------------------------------------- . THIS RESULT HAS BEEN ACHIEVED WITH ONLY A PRODUCTION OF 220 PUPPIES SINCE 2005 THIS ALSO MEANS THAT EVERY 5TH. ( 20 % ) PUPPY BORN IN OUR KENNEL BECOMES AN FCI CHAMPION THE BEST BREEDER OF BERGER BLANC SUISSE ???? --------------------------------------------------------------------- . phot: U2 WORLD WINNER IN 2008 and 2011 " When PERFECTION is the only option " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Date: 23 December 2010 |
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- Congratulations to Elote One OTBB ( Centerfold x Ice Cool ) for her result at the intern. show in Rouen the 4-12-10: . - CJF : 1 "excellent" BOBJ . . . - Congratulations to Falco OTBB ( Gavania x Ice Cool ) , Fiona OTBB ( Gavania x Ice Cool ° and Eis Cool OTBB ( Enjoy x Ice Cool ) for their results at the Spacial de Race Niort the 11-12-10 : . - CJF : Fiona 2° "excellent" owner kennel Paradise Boupi . - CIF : Eis Cool 2° "excellent" owner Anne Francoise . - CJM : Falco 1° "excellent" BOBJ and BOS at the age of 10 months owner kennel Paradise Boupi . . . - Congratulations to Eis Cool OTBB ( Enjoy x Ice Cool ) and her owner Anne Francoise for their result at thintern; show Niort the 12-12-10 : . - CIF : 1° "excellent" CACS/CACIB and BOS . . . - News from Enka OTBB ( Danka x Ice Cool ) 14 months old . ( Bonjours quelques nouvelles d'ENKA ) Exo 2° excellent Special de Race in Castres (Expo 2čme exellent ŕ la speciale de race ŕ Castres.) French Tracking otained her starting certificat with 176 point "excellent (Pistage Francais obtention du brevet avec exellent 176 points ŕ Carcassonne.) Obedience classe 1 , 2° excellent and upgraded to classe 2 (obé 2čme exellent avec 173 points !!! ŕ Castelmaurou passage en niveau 2.) French Tracking classe 1 , 1° 187 excellent (Pistage Francais 1ere exellent niveau 1 avec 187 points ŕ Montréjeau.) J'čspčre que tout le monde va bien et je vous souhaite de bonnes fętes. CLAUDE. . . - The results from Brussel Dog Show , 1st qualification show for the exclusive FCI Cententenary show Champion of Champions 2011 . - CBM : Fudge ( Chiwa x U2 ) 1° "ver promising" BOBB . - CIM : One ( Babybell x Muffin ) 1° "excellent" . - CPF : Florida ( Enjoy x Al Pacino ) 1° "very promising" BOBP . - CIF : H Twix ( Seven Up x Muffin ) 1° "excellent" owner Kathe . - COF : Cali DDDP ( Amazone x Ice Cool ) 1° "excellent" CACS/CACIB/BOS and becomming . ---------- BRUSSEL DOG SHOW WINNER 2010 and qualified for the C of C ---------------- . - CCHF : Lady ( Seven up x Muffin ) 1 ° "excellent" RCACIB . . . - Photo : Fudge of Trebons Berger Blanc 4 months old |
Date: 4 December 2010 |
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- Congtatulations to Gavice ( called Lia ) Filia OTBB ( Gavania x Ice Cool and her owner Nichole for have obtaine their first "Junghund " diploma A special thanks to her owners for having put such a big effort into her . . . - Congratulations to diabolo OTBB ( Danka x U2 ) and her owner kennel Des chemin du Poitou for having passed his "brevet d'obedience" witha score of 96/100 . . . -Congratulations to F'Adam OTBB ( Classe Apart x Al Pacino ) and her owner Maria for their results at the Dou CACIB Nitra the 21/22-11-10, both days with the sam top result : . - CJM : 1° "excellent" BOBJ ( at just 9 months ) . . . - Congratulations to H Vi2 ( Enjoy x Al Pacino ) and his owner kennel Britaje for their results at the inter. show in Koge the 28/11-10 : . CCHM : 1° "excellent3 CACIB /BOB . . - New photos of Centerfolds puppies 5 weeks old :Centerfold and Multi.CH. Ice Cool . . .- photo F'Adam OTBB " Made for families but with the quality of a Champion" |
Date: 28 November 2010 |
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--------------------- IMPORTANT ---------------------- . . . Dolly OTBB has been stolen Saturday evning from her home in Tarbes ( south /west of France ). Her family has been desperatly looking for her since , they have contacted all local and national organisations for lost/stolen domestic animals but so far in vain - Only clue is a neighbour who saw a small van parked outside the familys garden Saturday evning that did not belong to anybody living in the area - So if you have any information concerning Dolly or have heard any talking about a BBs that fit her discription , please contact us ( 0034 5 62 97 16 13 anytime or mail us on ) - Dolly - neutered 2 year old female very thick coated , very white ( no yellow stains ) very pigmentated ( almost black eyes ) , 58 cm super sociable ( unfortunately ) with all humans , also kids and extrea- ly friendly with other dogs and animals chip number : : 250269200190771 . ------------- THANKS IN ADVANCE -------------------- . . phot Dolly Of Trebons Berger Blanc ( please help her getting home ! ) |
Date: 24 November 2010 |
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- the result of the Special de Race show in Casres the 21-11-10 we would like to thanks all the owners of Trebons dogs for participating in this big event and for representing our kennel so well . - CPF : Florida ( Enjoy x Al Pacino ) 1"very promising " . - CJF : Enka OTBB ( Danka x Ice ) owner Claude 2 "excellent" . - CCHF : Quiet a Lady ( seven up x Mufin) 1 " excellent"CACIB/ BOB and . --------------- SPECIAL DE RACE WINNER 2010------------- . - CPM : Farouk OTBB ( Danka x Ice ) owner Corinne 1"very promising" . - CIM : One ( Babybell x Muffin ) 1 "excellent" CACS/CACIB/BOS and . ------------- SPECIAL DE RACE WINNER 2010 -------------- . - COM : Excel OTBB ( enjoy x Ice ) owner Gilles 2 "excellent" . . - photo : Special de Race Winner Horsebo ONE |
Date: 22 November 2010 |
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- -Congratulations to Eroica DDCAL ( Canelle x Al Pacino ) and her owner kennel Domaine du Chene au loup for the following x ray results : . HD : A/B ED: 0/0 . - Congratulations to Excel OTBB ( Enjoy x Ice Cool ) and his owner Giles for the following x ray results : . HD : A/B ED: 0/0 . . . - Congratulations to H. Twix ( Seven up x Muffin ) and her owner Katrine for the following results a the double intern show in Poznan the 6/7- 11-10 : . - 6-11-10 : CJF - 1 "excellent" BOBJ / BOB and BISJ2 . - 7-11-10 : CJF - 1 "excellent" BOBJ /BOB and BISJ4 . ------- POLISH JUNIOR WINNER 2010-------------- . . - Congratulations to Cresus DDDP ( Amazone x Ice Cool ) and his owner kennel Phantome blancs de la nuit for their result at the regional clubmatch in Picarde the 20/11- 10 : . - COM : 1 "excellent" - BOB - BEST OF BREED : BEST IN SHOW . . . - photo Cresus De Domaine de Pegase |
Date: 18 November 2010 |
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. - first photos of Centerfolds puppies , 3 weeks :Centerfold and Multi.CH. Ice Cool . ; . - photo : puppy of Trebons Berger Blanc |
Date: 5 November 2010 |
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- - New puppy photos 7 weeks : CH.Dolce vita and WJV. Muffin(Horsebo) . . . - photo : puppy of Trebons Berger Blanc |
Date: 29 October 2010 |
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- Congratulations to Drambui OTBB ( Chiwa x U2 ) and her owner kennel Whyteridge for another two superb show results at the Hastings kennel and obedience club show the 23 and 24-10-10 : . - 23-10 - CIF : 1° "excellent" CACS / BOB . - 24- 10 - CIF : 1° "excellent" CACS/CACIB / BOB . . . - BIG congratulations to Bianca OTBB ( Danka x Gazon ) and her owner kennel Barvestadt for another championtitel , she is now / . ----------- SWEDISH BLOODTRACKING CHAMPION ----------------------- . - with a special "Price of honor " ( twice 42/42 points in her tracking ) . . . - photo / Bianca of TrebonsBerger Blanc Swedish /Finnish and working Champion . ------------CARACTER AND BEAUTY IN A SUPERB COMBINATION ----------------- |
Date: 25 October 2010 |
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- Congratulations to Bianca OTBB and her owner kennel Barvestadt for anoter victory in the Swedish bloostracking the 9/10-10 in Osthammar : . - 1° "excellent" 37 points out of 42 . . . - New photos of our champion litter : CH.Dolce vita and WJV. Muffin(Horsebo). ---- FULL FCI PEDIGRRE WITH A RIGHT FOR THE CACIB IN 2013 ----- . . . - We would also like to take the opportunity now in the end of 2010 to thanks all the owners of Trebons and Horsebo dogs , who has done a tremedous job with their dogs and represented our kennels so well all over the world - A special thanks to owners in Spain , France and Denmark where our kennels have the following results the 1st of november 2010 : . SPAIN : Obligatory show Madrid : H One BEST MALE H Sweetest Thing BOB Obligatory show Granada : Dolce Vita OTBB BEST FEMALE H One BEST YOUNG DOG Club match : Braveheart OTBB BEST MALE Fun Boy OTBB BEST PUPPY . DENMARK : H Vi 2 BEST MALE Cherie OTBB BEST FEMALE FRANCE : H Lady BEST FEMALE Diamant OTBB 2. BEST FEMALE 2° best kennel with a puppy production og 30 % of the first and third kennel . . . - photo : puppy from Dolce Vita x Muffin
Date: 20 October 2010 |
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- Congratulations to Eastern Idahoo OTBB ( Centerfold x Ice Cool ) and her owner Caroline for the following x ray results : . HD: A/A ED: O/O . . . - Congratulations to Bianca OTBB ( Danka x Gazon ) and her owner kennel Barvestadt for the following results at the tracking competition the 14-10-10: . 1° excellent 42 points out of 42 . . . - Special Club show KHKG/FCI Copenhagen the 16-10-10 : . - CCHM : H. Vi2 ( Enjoy x Al Pacino ) 2° "excellent" owner kennel Britaje . - CCHF : Cherie OTBB ( Zena x Crunch ) 1° "excellent" BOS2 and becomming . ------------- DANISH CLUBCHAMIPON ( first BBS female with this titel ) ------------------- . . . - Congratulations to Dior OTBB ( Danka x Gazon ) for his results at the nat. show in Cambrai the 17-10-10: . - COM : 1° "excellent" CACS/BOB . . . - The results from the intern. show in Barcelone (Martorell ) the 16-10-10: . - CIM : One ( Babybell x Muffin ) 1° "excellent" CACS/CACIB/BOS . - COF : Daina OTBB ( Wonder x Ice ) 1° "excellent" RCACS/RCACIB owner Jordi . - CIF : Sweetest Thing ( Babybelle x Muffin ) 1° "excellent" CACS/CACIB/BOB . - CPF : Florida ( Enjoy x Al Pacino ) 1 ° "very promising" BOBP and . ------------------------ BOGP2 - second best herding puppy --------------------- . . . - The results from the intern. show in Perpignan the 17-10-10 : . - CIF : Quiet a Lady : 2° "excellent" . - COM : Excel OTBB ( Enjoy x Ice ) 2° "excellent" RCACS/RCACIB . Chesto ( Wonder x Ice ) 1° "excellent" CACS/CACIB and BOB . . . - photo Florida of Trebons Berger Blanc 6 months old second best puppy in group 1 |
Date: 19 October 2010 |
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- New photos of Dolce Vita and puppies : CH.Dolce vita and WJV. Muffin(Horsebo) . . . - Meet our new female Florida OTBB :Florida . . - photo : puppies of Trebons Berger Blanc |
Date: 14 October 2010 |
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- New photos of Dolce Vitas and Muffins puppies : CH.Dolce vita and WJV. Muffin(Horsebo) . . . - photo : PUPPY OF TREBONS BERGER BLANC |
Date: 13 October 2010 |
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- The results from the Special Euro Show the 03-10-10 and the European Championship the 04-10-11 We had a superb trip meeting a lot of old friends and making new ones but unfortunatly the show itself lost a lot of its creadibility with a juge that clearly rewarded dobbel handling and scared not approchable dogs - What a big disfavour to a breed where stabel caracter is a major issue ! . - Euro Special show 03-10-10: . - COM : Chesto ( Wonder x Ice Cool ) 2° "excellent" RCACS . - CIF : Lady ( Muffin x Seven up ) 1° "excellent" CACS / second best female . - COF : Cali DDDP ( Amazone x Ice Cool ) 1 "excellent" CACS/BOS owner kennel LaGebrada and . --------------------- SPECIAL EURO SHOW WINNER 2010 ------------------------------ . . . - European Champion Ship ( Euro Dog Show FCI ) 04-10-10 . - COM : Chesto ( Wonder x Ice ) 2° "excellent" RCACS . - CIM : One ( Muffin x Babybell ) 1° "excellent" CACS - third best male . - COF : Cota DDDP ( Amazone x Ice ) 2° "excellent" RCACS owner kennel La Gebrada . - CIF : Lady ( Muffin x Seven up ) 1° "excellent" CACS and - second best female . ------------------------ VICE CHAMPION OF EUROPE 2010 ------------------------- . ----------------------- CHAMPION OF SLOVENIA 2010 ------------------------------ . . . - photo : Vice champion of Europe 2010 Quiet a Lady |
Date: 7 October 2010 |
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- Congratulations to Douglas OTBB ( Enjoy x Al Pacino ) for his results at the Regional Club match Strassbourg the 19-09-10 . - COM : 1 "excellent" CACS / BOS . TAN test ( french caractertest ) passed with 18/20 . . . - Congratulations to all the owners of dogs born in our kennel at the Special de Race Tarbes the 25-09-10: . - COM : Even OTBB ( Enjoy x Ice Cool ) 1 "excellent" owner Angelique . - CIM : Excel OTBB ( Enjoy x Ice Cool ) 2 "excellent" owner Gilles . - CJF : Enka OTBB ( Danka x Ice Cool ) 1 "excellent" owner Claude . A special congratulations to Even and Angelique for passing the CSAU ( french sociablity and working test ) and Brevet obedience both with the qualification "excellent" . . . - Congratulations to Bianca OTBB ( Danka x Gazon ) and kennel Barvestad for the following result at the intern. show in Ĺland the 25-09-10 : . - CCHF : 1 "excellent" CACIB /BOB and becomming . --------------- CHAMPION OF FINLAND ------------ . . . - Congratulations to the owner of dogs born in our kennel or out of our males for their results at the Spanish Clubmatch the 25-09-10 . - CCHM : Braveheart OTBB ( Wonder x Al Pacino ) 1 "excellent" BOS and . ------------- SPANISH CLUBCHAMPION ---------------- . - COF : Cali DDDP ( Amazone x Ice Cool ) 1 "excellent" RCACS . - CJM : LG Bequer ( Cali x U2 ) 1 "excellent" BOBJ and ------------- SPANISH JUNIOR CLUBCHAMPION -------- . - CPM : Fun Boy OTBB ( CLasse Apart x Al Pacino ) 1 " VP " and BOBP . . . -photo Even of Trebons Berger Blanc " beauty and caracter " |
Date: 25 September 2010 |
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- Congratulations to Elka OTBB ( Gavania x Al Pacino ) and her owner Aurelia for the following x ray results : . HD : A/A ED : O/O . - New photos of Dolce Vitas puppies : CH.Dolce vita and WJV. Muffin(Horsebo) . - Photos of Chiwas puppies puppy test : Chiwa and WV. U2 . . . |
Date: 22 September 2010 |
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- Congratulations to Falco and Fiona OTBB ( Gavania x Ice Cool ) and their owner kennel Paradise Boupi for their show results at the intern; show Lisieux the 19-10-10: . - CPM : Falco "very promising" . - CPF : Fiona "very promising" . . . - Congratulations to H.Vi2 ( Enjoy x Al Pacino ) , Cherie OTBB ( Zena x Crunch ) and their ower kennel Britaje for their results at the intern Copenhagen Winner Show 2010 the 19-10-10 : . - CCHM : Vi2 1"excellent" CACIB/BOS and becomming . ------------ COPENHAGEN WINNER 2010 ---------------- . - CCHF : Cherie 1 "excellent" CACIB/BOB and becomming . ----------- COPENHAGEN WINNER 2010 ----------------- . . . - Congratulations to Diamant OTBB ( Wonder x Ice Cool ) and Elite One OTBB ( Centerfold x Ice Cool ) for their results at the Regional Clubmatch the 19-10-10 : . - CJF : Elite One 1 "excellent" BOBJ . - CCCF : Diamant 1 "excellent" BOB and becomming . ----------- BEST IN SHOW --------------- . . . - Congratulations to Fun Boy ( Classe Apart x Al Pacino ) called Lobo and his owner kennel Rio Verdugo for their results at the nat. show in Coruna the 18-10 : . - CPM : 1 "very promising " BOBP / BOG . Lobo has now participated in four shows with the following results : . -------------- BIS / BOG x 2 / BOG3 --------------- . . . - Adding a new link BBI WORKING DOGS BEST IN EUROPE . - Spain : 1st Of Trebons Berger Blanc . - Europe : 2nd Of Trebons Berger Blanc . - We are of course very proud of these results that confirme our theory that in order to make a good working dog , you need the foundation of a well balanced family pet . . . - photo : Fun Boy of Trebons Berger Blanc |
Date: 16 September 2010 |
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- Congratulations to LG Bequer ( Cali x U2 ) and kennel Regius for the following x ray results : . HD : A/A ED: O/O . . . - Congratulations to Elite One OTBB ( Centerfold x Ice Cool ) for her result at the intern. show Pontoise the 12-09-10 : . CJF - 1 "excellent" BOBJ . . . - Congratulations to H. Supreme and kennel White Ice Wolfs for their results at the nat. Working Dog Show in Umeĺ the 12-09-10 : . - COF : 1 "excellent" CACS/ BOB and BIS3 and in addition becomming . --------------- CHAMPION OF SWEDEN ----------------------------- . --------------- CHAMPION OF NORWAY ----------------------------- . . . photo : Horsebo Supreme double Champion |
Date: 8 September 2010 |
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- Congratulations to Bianca OTBB ( Danka x Gazon ) and her owner kennel Bravestad for the following results during the week end 5/6-09-10: . - Knista canin club copetition . - Obedience classe 2 : 1th 170 points out of 8 dogs . . . - Congratulations to Enka OTBB ( Danka x Ice Cool ) and her owner for their results at her 12 months birthday at the canin club Castres the 06-09-10 : . - CSAU ( sociability and work test ) : passed with "excellent" . - Brevet obedience ( obedience certificat ) : passed with "excellent" . - Obedience competition classe 1 : 1th. "tres bon " 149 points . . . - Congratulations to Kennel Domaine du chene au loup for the results at the intern. show in Besancon the 5-09-10 : . - CJM : Estaque DDL ( Alaska OTBB x Ice Cool ) 1 "excellent" BOBJ . - CJF : Eroica DDL ( Canelle x Al Pacino ) 1 "excellent" . - CIF : Era DDL ( H. Cookies x Ice Cool ) 1 "excellent" . . . - Congratulations to Fun Boy ( called Lobo ) OTBB ( Classe Apart x Al Pacino ) and his owner kennel Rio Verdigo for their result at the nat. show in Isla de la Toya the 05-09-10: . - CPM : 1 "very promising" BOBP and BOGP2 . . . - Congratulation to Cresus DDP ( called Casper ) ( Amazone x Ice Cool ) and his owner Pierre for their result at the Championship of Luxembourg the 06-09-10 : . - COM : 1 "excellent" CACL and BOB . . . - photo : Enka of Trebons Berger Blanc 12 months old |
Date: 6 September 2010 |
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- Photos of Dolce Vitas puppies : CH.Dolce vita and WJV. Muffin(Horsebo) . . ; - photo Champion Dolce Vita of Trebons Berger Blanc |
Date: 5 September 2010 |
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- Photos of Chiwas puppies :Chiwa and WV. U2 . . . - photo : BOG Chiwa of Trebons Berger Blanc |
Date: 3 September 2010 |
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-Our Champion Dolce Vita had her puppies last night 6 females and 5 males , the proud father is the European/World Champion Muffin : CH.Dolce vita and WJV. Muffin(Horsebo) . . . - Ultrasound shows that Centerfold is expecting puppies : Centerfold and Multi.CH. Ice Cool . . . -photo : Dolce Vita with her 11 puppies . |
Date: 1 September 2010 |
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- New photos of Chiwas x U2's puppies : Chiwa and WV. U2 . . |
Date: 31 August 2010 |
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- Congratulations to LG. Bequer ( Cali x U2 ) , Braveheart OTBB ( Wonder x Al Pacino ) and their owner kennel Regius for their show results at the intern. show in Estoril the 24-08-10: . - CIM : Bequer 1 "excellent" CAC . - CCHM : Braveheart 1 "excellent" CACIB / BOB . . . - Congratulations to Elite One OTBB ( Centerfold x Ice ) and Casper DDDP (Amazone x Ice ) and their owner Veronique and Pierre for their results at the nat; show in Sct. Gobain the 29-08-10 : . CJF : Elite 1 "excellent" BOBJ . COM : Casper 1 "excellent" CACS/BOB and BOG . . . - Congratulations to H. Twix ( Seven up x Muffin) and her owner Kathe for their result at the intern. show in Bialystole the 29-08-10: . - CJF : 1 "excellent" BOBJ and BOB . . . - Young male looking for a new home , full dentition , both testicules in place , pre x rays okay , house and basic obedience trained, interestin pedigree - mix of dutch / french and german bloodlines - only for a home with no cages and a big garden . For further info , please contact : . . . - photo : Horsebo Twix |
Date: 25 August 2010 |
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- Congratulations to H. Twix ( Seven up x Muffin ) and Kate for their result at the nat; show in Radom the 24-08-10 : ; - CJF : 1 "excellent" BOBJ , BOB and BOG . . . - Congratulations to Fun Boy OTBB ( Classe x Al Pacino ) and his owner kennel Delrigo for thier results at the nat. show Alburega the 24-08-10: . - CPM : 1 "very promising" BOBP , BOGP and B.I.S 2 puppy . . . - Congratulations to F'Adam OTBB ( Classe x Al Pacino ) and his owner Maria for their first show results at the big intern. double show in Bratislava the 2324-08-10, where they were juged by two of the most prominent experts in the breed : . - 23-08: - CPM : 1 "very promising" BOBP judge Mm Mach judge for the BBS at the World Dog Show 2011 - her comments ; excellent caracter , very sociable puppy , well presented , good pigmentation , excellent back line , a bit retroflected in the knees , excellent neck and head , big ears but very well placed . - 24-08: - CPM : 1 "very promising " BOBP juge M Kuzelj juged the BBS at the Euro Dog Show 2008 - his comment ; excellnt type, excellent caracter , beautifull head, excellent ears , correct dentition , very nice movements . . . - New photos of chiws puppies : Chiwa and WV. U2 . . . - photo : F'Adam Of Trebons Berger Blanc Suisse |
Date: 18 August 2010 |
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- Congratulations to CH Bianca OTBB ( Danka x Gazon ) , Cool Casper OTBB ( Danka x Ice ) called Grimm and their owner kennel Barvestadt for their result at the Swedish Clubmatch the 14/15 - 08-10 : . - CCHF : Bianca 1 "excellent" CQ . - CWM : Cool Casper 1 "excellent" CQ . - Clubchampionship obedience . - Cool Casper 2nd 240 points . . . - Congratulations to Chagall OTBB ( Danka x Ice ) and kennel White Rewyr for their result at the intern. qualifcation show for Cruft 2012 the 14-08-10: . - CCHM : 1 "excellent" BOS . . . - Congratulations to H. Vi2 ( Enjoy x Al Pacino ) and his owner kennel Britaje for their result at the nat. show in Vejen the 14-08-10: . - CCHM : 1 "excellent" BOB . . . photo : |
Date: 11 August 2010 |
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- The results of the intern. show in Chatel Guyon the 08-08-10 : . - COF : Cota DDP ( Amazone x Ice ) 1 "excellent" CACS/BOS prop: kennel La Gebrada . - CIF : H Sweetest Thing ( Babybell x Muffin ) 1 "excellent" RCACS . - CJF : Eastern Idahoo ( Centerfold x Ice ) 1 "excellent BOBJ owner : Caroline . . . - Congratulations to Diamant OTBB ( Wonder x Ice ) and Elite One OTBB ( Centerfold x Ice ) for their results at the Belgium clubmatch the 08-08-10: . - CCHF : Diamant :2 "excellent" . - CJF : Elite One : 1 "excellent" . . . - Congratulations to Kathe and H. Twix ( Seven Up x Muffin ) for their super results at the intern show in Legnica the 07-08-10 : . - CJF : 1 "excellent" BOBJ/BOB/BIS JUNIOR/BIS3 ADULT . . . - New photos of Chiwas and U2 puppies : Chiwa and WV. U2 ------- STILL 1 MALE AVAILABLE ------- . . . photo : Horsebo Twix BEST IN SHOW JUNIOR
Date: 4 August 2010 |
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- First photos of Chiwa and her puppies :Chiwa and WV. U2 . . . - photo : Chiwa of Trebons Berger Blanc |
Date: 2 August 2010 |
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- Chiwas puppies are born 8 males and 2 females : Chiwa and WV. U2 . - Ultrascan confirms that Dolce Vita is expecting puppies : CH.Dolce vita and WJV. Muffin(Horsebo) . - Centerfold is on heat and will be mated soon : info to come . . . - News from Elura OTBB ( Gavania x Al Pacino ) who has started her career as an adility dog , here is a couple of videos from her training sessions : : : - thanks Bruno . . . - Congratulations to Elka OTBB ( Gavania x Al Pacino ) and her owner Aurelie for the following show result at the intern show in Puy en Velay the 24-07-10: . - CJF : 1 "excellent" . . . - Congratulations to Fiona OTBB ( Gavania x Ice Cool ) , Falko OTBB ( Gavania x Ice Cool ) and their owner kennel Paradise Boupi for their first show result at the nat. show in St. Lo the 14-07-10 : . - CPF : Fiona " very promising" . - CPM : Falko "very promising" . . . - Congratulations to Diva 2 OTBB ( Wonder x Ice Cool ) owner Francoise and to Casper DDP ( Amazone x Ice Cool ) owner Pirre for their show results at the nat. show dieppe the 24-07-10 : . - COF : Diva 1 "excellent" RCACS . - COM : Casper 1 "excellent" CACS/BOB/BOG and BIS2 . . . - Congratulations to Cherie OTBB ( Zena x Crunch ) and her owner Inge Britt for their succes at the double show in Borore the 31-07-10 : . 1 show - - CCHF : 1 "excellent" BOS and BIS4 . 2 show - - CCHF : 1 "excellent" BOS . . . - Photo : Cherie of Trebons Berger Blanc BIS4 - |
Date: 21 July 2010 |
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- Congratulations to Aragorn OTBB ( Danka x Ultimo) and his owner kennel Von Stainzer Schilcherland for the 18-06-10 to have paased the test for the FH3 ( searching classe 3 ) . . . - Congratulations to Enka OTBB ( Danka x Ice Cool ) and her owner Gerald for their result at the national show in St Girons the 27-07-10 . - CJF : 1 "excellent" BOBJ . . . - Congratulations to Eastern Idaho OTBB ( Centerfold x Ice Cool ) and her owner Caroline for their result at the national dog show in Cressat the 14-07-10 : . - CJF : 1 "excellent" BOBJ . . . - Congratulations to Diamant OTBB ( Wonder x Ice Cool ) , Elite One OTBB ( Centerfold x Ice Cool ) and their owner Veronique for the following results at the Special de Race Berger Blanc Suisse at Rennes the 18-07-10: . - CJF : Elite One 1 "excellent" BOBJ . - CCHF : Diamant 1 "excellent" BOB and BOG2 . . . - Congratulations to H Trixie ( Seven Up x Muffin ) and her owner Kathe for another super result at the intern show in Schezcin the 27-07-10: . - CJF : 1 "excellent" BOBJ / BOB and BOG . . . - photo Horsebo Trixie ( Seven Up x Muffin ) Best herding dog in show |
Date: 16 July 2010 |
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- Congratulations to CH. Bianca OTBB ( Danka x Gazon ) and her owner kennel Barvestadt for beeing the FIRST female Berger Blanc Suisse in Sweden to obtain the working title KORAD and therby having the opportunity to compete in working classe . . . - Congratulation to Drambuie OTBB ( Chiwa x U2 ) and her owner Kennel Witeridge for after six shows ( 6 x BOB) to be able to qualifie for the title : . -------------- CHAMPION OF AUSTRALIA --------------------- . - Drambuie is the FIRST imp. Berger Blanc Suisse that has been able to obtain this title in Australia since the breed got recognized in 2008 . - A BIG THANKS to Heather for all the work she has put into her and all the luck in the future for Drambuia and her for achieving their new goals in the working diciplins . . . - Congratulations to Fun Boy OTBB ( Classe Apart x Al Pacino) and kennel Rio Verdugo for their results at their first nat. show in Porto do Son the 03-07-10: . - CPM : 1 "very promising" - BOB puppy and BOG2 puppy . . . - Congratulations to Braveheart OTBB ( Wonder x Al Pacino ) , LG Bequer ( Cota x U2 ) and their owner kennel Regius for their succes at the intern show Lisboa Winner the 14-07-10: . - CCHM : Braveheart - 1 "excellent" . - CJM : Bequer - 1 "excellent" BOBJ /BOG and . -------------- B.I.S 2 JUNIOR IN SHOW ------------------- . . . - photo : La Gebrada Bequer 2 best junior in show
Date: 12 July 2010 |
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- We are very happy and proud of announcing the results of this years French Championship the 11-07-10 with over 7000 dogs of which 90 were Berger Blanc Suisse - A big Thanks to the owners of Trebons dogs that took all the hassle of travelling and showing their dogs in 35 degrees heat ! . - COM : Chesto OTBB ( Wonder x Ice ) 3 excellent . - CIM : H. One ( Babybell x Muffin) 1 excellent . - CJM : Excel OTBB ( Enjoy x Ice ) 2 excellent prop. Giles . - CCHF : Diamant OTBB ( Wonder x Ice ) 3 excellent prop. Veronique . - CJF : Elite One OTBB ( Centerfold x Ice ) 1 excellent BOBJ prop. Veronique . ------------------ French Junior Champion 2010 ------------------- . - CIF : H. Quiet a Lady ( Seven up x Muffin) 1 excellent CACS/CACIB/BOB . --------- FRENCH CHAMPIONSHIP WINNER 2010 ----------------- . and . --------- BOG3 - THIRD BEST HERDING DOG 2010 --------------- . . . photo : Horsebo Quiet a Lady BOB and BOG3 at the French Championship 2010 |
Date: 4 July 2010 |
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- Cocus puppies are born 5 males and 5 females :CH. Cocus ( Horsebo) and CH. Crunch . . . - Dolce Vita has been mated :CH.Dolce vita and WJV. Muffin(Horsebo) . . . - Ultrasound confirms that Chiwa is expecting puppies :Chiwa and WV. U2 . .- photo : Dolce Vita Ch Spain and Muffin Ch Europe and Multichampion |
Date: 28 June 2010 |
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- The result of the intern; show in La Rochelle the 13-06-10: . - COM : Diabolo OTBB ( Danka x U2 ) 1° "excellent" CACS/CACIB/BOB owner Frederique . . . - The results of the nat. show in Charlons sur Campagne the 29-06-10 . - CJF : Elite One OTBB ( Centerfold x Ice ) 1°"excellent" BOBJ owner Veronique . - CCHF : Diamant OTBB ( Wonder x Ice ) 1°"excellent" BOB / BOG2 owner Veronique . . . - The results of the World Dog Show Herning 23-06-10 . - CCHM : H. Muffin ( Cedor x Cocus ) "excellent" . H. Vi2 ( Enjoy x Al Pacino ) 3° "excellent" . - COM : Chesto OTBB ( Wonder x Ice ) 3° "excellent" . - CJM : H. Quiet Naughty ( Muffin x Seven Up ) 2° "excellent" . - CCHF : H. Seven Up ( Enjoy x Al Pacino ) 3° "excellent" . - COF : Dolce Vita OTBB ( Wonder x Ice ) 3° "excellent" . - CJF : H. Quiet a Lady ( Muffin x Seven Up ) "excellent" . - Breeding group : Horsebo 1° excellent . ---------------- 2 BEST BREEDING GROUP IN SHOW AT THE WDS -------------------------- . - Progeny group : Horsebo 1° excellent . ---------------- 3 BEST PROGENY GROUP IN SHOW AT THE WDS -------------------------- . . . - New puppy plans : CH Horsebo Cocus x CH/ WDW Crunch von Stainzer Schilcherland . CH Dolce Vita Of Trebons x CH/WDW Horsebo Muffin . . . photo : CH Dolce Vita and Ch Muffin |
Date: 16 June 2010 |
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The results from the double show in Douai the 12 and 13 of june 2010 . Douai nat. show 12-06-10: . - COM : Chesto OTBB ( Wonder x Ice ) 1. excellent CACS /BOS . - CJM : Estaque DDCDL ( Alaska X Ice ) 1. excellent owner Sylvie . - CCHF : Diamant OTBB ( Wonder x Ice ) 1. excellent owner Veronique . - COF : Dolce Vita OTBB ( Wonder x Ice ) 1 . excellent CACS . - CJF : Elite One OTBB ( Centerfold x Ice ) 3 . excellent owner Veronique . H. Sweetest Thing ( Babybell x Muffin ) 1. excellent BOBJ and BOB . B.I.S. 3 junior in show . B.O.G 2 herding dog in show . . . - The results from the intern. show Douai - Special de Race 13-06-10 . - COM : Chesto OTBB : 1 excellent CACS/RCACIB . - CIM : Eliot OTBB ( Enjoy x Ice ) very good owner : Philippe . - CJM : Estaque DDCL ( Alaska X Ice ) 4 very good , owner Sylvie . - CCHF : Diamant OTBB ( Wonder x Ice ) 1 excellent . - COF : Dolce Vita OTBB ( Wonder x Ice ) 1 excellent RCACS/RCACIB . Diva 2 OTBB ( Wonder x Ice ) 3 excellent , owner Francoise . - CPF : Eroica DDCL ( Canelle x Al ) 1 very promising BOB puppy . - CJF : Elite One OTBB ( Centerfold x Ice ) 2 excellent , owner Veronique . H. Sweetest Thing ( Babybell x Muffin ) 1 excellent BOBJ / BOB . B.I.S JUNIOR IN SHOW . ( for the first time a Berger Blanc Suisse as BIS junior in an international show with more than 2200 dogs of all breeds ) . . . photos to come
Date: 1 June 2010 |
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- The result of the intern. show in Vic the 30-06-10: . - CJM : One ( Babybell x Muffin ) 1 "excellent" BOBJ . - COM : Chesto ( Wonder x Ice ) 1 "excellent" CACS/CACIB/BOB and . -------------- BOG ------------------ . ------------- BIS 3 ----------------- . - CIF : Sweetest Thing ( Babybell x Muffin ) 1 "excellent" RCACS/RCACIB . - COF : Dolce Vita ( Wonder x Ice ) 1 "excellent" CACS/CACIB/BOS and . -----CHAMPION OF SPAIN ------- . . . - photo Chesto of Trebons Berger Blanc BOG/BIS3 |
Date: 28 May 2010 |
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- Congratulations to discoveru OTBB ( Wonder x Ice) and his owner Anina for his result at the nat. show in Random the 23-05-10 : . - COM : 1° "excellent" CACS/BOB . . . - Congratulations to Djenn OTBB ( Bounty x Ice ) and his owner for his result at the intern dog show in Castelnaudary the 23-05-10: . - COM : 1° "excellent" CACS/CACIB and BOB . . . - Chiwa is on heat ans wil be mated the comming week : Chiwa and WV. U2 . . . - photo : Discovery of Trebons Berger Blanc |
Date: 25 May 2010 |
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- Congratulations to Balka LG called Nova ( Cota x U2 ) and her owner for the following result at the intern show in Helsinki the 23-05-10 / . - CYF : 1° "excellent" BOBJ and BOB . . . - Congratulations to H. Suprime ( Cocus x Ice Cool ) and her owner kennel White Ice wolfe for the following results at the nat; show in Piteae the 23-05-10 : . - COF : 1° "excellent" CACS/BOB and BOG4 . . . - Congratulations to the owner of the Trebons dogs that participated at the French Clubmath the 16-05-10 : . - CIM : Diabolo OTBB ( Danka x U2 ) "very good " owner Fredreique . - CCHF : Diamant OTBB ( Wonder x Ice Cool ) 2° "excellent" owner Veronique . - CIF : Dawn OTBB ( CB x Ice Cool ) 2° "excellent" owner Valerie . - CPF : Elite One OTBB ( Centerfold x Ice Cool ) 1° "very promising" BOBP . . . - The results of the intern show in Madrid ( obligatory for the titel Champion of Spain ) the 23-05-10 . - CJM : Bequer LG ( Cota x U2 ) 1° "excellent" BOBJ owner kennel Regius . - CIM : H One ( Babybell x Muffin) 1° "excellent" CACS / CACIB and BOS . - COM : Chesto OTBB ( Wonder x Ice ) 1° "excellent" RCACS/RCACIB . - CCHM : Braveheart OTBB ( Wonder x Al Pacino ) 1 "excellent" owner kennel Regius . - CIF : Ideal Impulse CDA ( Rennesaince x Ice Cool ) 2° "excellent" owner Sue . - COF : Cali DDP ( Amazone x Ice Cool ) 2 ° "excellent" RCACS/RCACIB ovner kennel La Gebrada . H Sweetest Thing ( Babybell x Muffin ) 1° "excellent" CACS/CACIB and BOB . . . - photo : Sweetest Thing Winner at the obligatory show in Madrid 2010 |
Date: 14 May 2010 |
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- Congratulations to Drambuie OTBB ( Chiwa x U2 ) and her owner Kennel Whiteridge for the following show results , that has brought her closer to beeing the first Berger Blanc Suisse with an official Championtitle in Australia: . - Albion Park Kennel Clubs intern show 02-05-10: . - CJF : 1 "excellent" BOBJ and BOB . . - Bonville Kennel Clubs intern show 07-05-10: . - CJF : 1 "excellent" BOBJ and BOB . . -Coffs Harbour intern show 08-05-10: . - CJF : 1 "excellent" BOBJ and BOB . . - Bonville Kennel Club intern. show 09-05-10: . - CJF : 1 "excellent" BOBJ and BOB . . . |
Date: 9 May 2010 |
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- We are very proud of the results of our dogs and dogs born in our kennel at the big internationa show " Alliance Cynophile Latine ( France/Spain and Italy) in Toulouse the 08-05-10 we would also like to thanks all the owners of dogs born in our kennel for showing their dogs so well and for all the work they have put into them . THANKS EVERYBODY . CPF : Enka OTBB 5 Danka x Ice Cool ) prop. Claude Pirard " very promising" . CJF : Lady ( Seven up x Muffin) 1° "excellent" BOBJ . COF : Dixie OTBB ( CB x Ice Cool ) prop. G Vanderhout 3° "excellent" . Dolce Vita ( Wonder x Ice Cool ) 1° "excellent" CACS/CACIB and BOS . CJM : One ( Babybell x Muffin) 2° "excellent" . Excel OTBB ( Enjoy x Ice Cool ) prop.G Guerin 1° "exellent" . COM : Chesto OTBB ( Wonder x Ice Cool ) 1° "excellent" CACS/CACIB / BOB et . ------------------ BOG2 second best herding dog in show------------------ ( selected and juged by M Arthus , president of the French kennelclub ) . . . photo : Chesto of Trebons Berger Blanc BOG 2 |
Date: 5 May 2010 |
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- New photos of Danka and Enjoys puppies . . . - Congratulation to Cool Casper OTBB ( Danka x Ice Cool ) for having obtained a new title KORAD dog , in order to deserv this workingdog title the dog has to pass the following tests preformed by the Swedish Kennelclubs juges for working and exteriure: . - 1 : HD free - 2 : Mental decription - 3 : Caracter and working test juged by two juges - 4 : Exteriure according to the FCI standard ; - Cool Casper is now at the age of 3 years Swedish Obedience Champion , Swedish Bloodtracking Champion and Korad - Congratulation to kennel Barvestad for such amazing results with one of "our" dogs ; ; ; - Congratulations to Cherie OTBB ( Zena x Crunch ) , H. Vi2 ( Enjoy x Al Pacino ) and their owner Inge Britt for the following show results at the intern. show in Hillerod the 03-04-10: . - CCHF : Cherie 1° "excellent" CACIB /BOB . - CCHM : Vi2 1° "excellent" CACIB / BOS . . . - Congratulations to Alexia OTBB ( Danka x Ultimo) and her new owner Martina for obtaning four FCI championshoptitles in the last month and can call herself : . CHAMPION OF MONTENEGRO . CHAMPION OF MACEDONIA . CHAMPION OF THE CHECH REP. . CHAMPION OF BULGARIA . . . Photo : Multichampion Alexia Of Trebons Berger Blanc . |
Date: 28 April 2010 |
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- Enjoys Multi CH. Enjoy and Al-Pacino and Dankas Danka and Multi.CH. Ice Cool puppies are born . . . - Congratulations to Eager OTBB ( Enjoy x Ice ) and his owner Angelique for their result at the nat. show in Pau the 23-04-10 . - CJM : 1 "excellent" . . . - Congratulations to Diabolo OTBB ( Danka x U2 ) and his owner Frederique and also to Eastern Idahoo OTBB( Centerfold x Ice Cool ) and her owner Merlin for their results at the Special de Race at the intern. show in Chateauroux the 23-04-10 . . - CIM : Diabolo 2 " excellent" . - CPF : Idahoo 1 "very promising" and BOBP . . . - Congratulations to LG Nova ( Cota x U2 ) and her owner Esa for their result at the Special de Race in Lathi the 23-04-10 : . - CJF : 1 "excellent" BOBJ and BOB . . . - Congratulations to kennel Regius for the following results at the intern. show in Asturia the 23-04-10: . - CJM : LG Bequer ( Cota x U2 ) 1 "excellent" BOBJ . - COF : Bagharatti OTBB ( Zena x Ultimo ) 1 "excellent" RCACS /RCACIB . - CCHM : Braveheart OTBB ( Wonder x Al Pacino ) 1 "excellent" CACIB /BOB . -------------------- BOG 3 ( Third best dog in group 1 ) ------------------ . . . - Congratulations to Drambuie OTBB ( Chiwa x U2 ) and her owner kennel Whyteridge for the following results at the 4 days show at the National Capital Kennel Club show the 23/24/24/26 - 04-10 : . 23-04 : CJF : 1 "excellent" BOBJ and BOB . 24-04 : CJF : 1"excellent" BOBJ and BOB . 25-04 : CJF : 1 "excellent" BOBJ and BOB . 26-04 : CJF : 1 "excellent" BOBJ and BOB . . . Photo : La Gebrada Nova ( Cota x U2 )12 months old |
Date: 18 April 2010 |
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- Congratulations to Drambuie OTBB ( Chiwa x U2 ) and kennel Whyteridge for the following x ray results : . HD : 0/3 = A/A ED: O/O = O . . . - Congratulations to H; Vi2 ( Enjoy x Al Pacino ) , Cherie OTBB ( Zena x Crunch ) and their owner Inge Britt for another super result at the nat. show in Koge the 11-04-10 : . CCHF : Cherie 1° "excellent" BOS ( best opposite sex ) . CCHM : Vi2 1° "excellent" BOB ( best of breed ) and also . ------------------ BIS - second best dog in show - all breeds included ---------------------------- . . . - Confirmation that Enjoy is expecting her last litter in the beginning of mai , little brothers and sisters to Vi2 (see photo ) for further info :Multi CH. Enjoy and Al-Pacino . . . photo : Horsebo Vi 2 BIS2 |
Date: 8 April 2010 |
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- - - - Classes puppies are born 9 puppies : 5 females / 4 males : EW./CH Classe apart and WJW.One - - - photo : Classe Apart of Trebons Berger Blanc and her puppies |
Date: 5 April 2010 |
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- We are very proud of that our Classe Apart OTBB ( Danka x Ice Cool ) has been chosen by the IKC ( Irish Kennelclub ) , as the best Berger Blanc Suisse in 2009 and therfore has been given the title : . --------------------- CHAMPION OF IRELAND ------------------ . . . - Ultrascan confirms that Danka is expecting puppies in the end of April ( little brothers and sisters to our European and Irish Champion Classe Apart ) For further information : Danka and Multi.CH. Ice Cool . . - Photo Classe Apart European and Irish Champion |
Date: 28 March 2010 |
Place: 28-03-10 |
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- Congratulations to Diamant OTBB ( Wonder x Ice ) and her owner kennel Du Loup de la vielle Eglise for their results at the intern. show in Luxembourg the 28-03-10 . . CCHF : 1 excellent and became . --------------------- CHAMPION OF LUXEMBOURG -------------------- . . . photo : Diamnt Of Trebons Berger Blanc our third Champion dog this year |
Date: 27 March 2010 |
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- Congratulations to the owners of Chagall OTBB ( kennel White Rewyr ) and H. Supreme ( kennel white wolfes ) for the following results at the intern. show in Harstad the 20-03-10 : . - CCHM : Chagall OTBB ( Danka x Ice Cool ) 1° "excellent" CACIB / CERT. / BOS . - COF : H. Supreme ( Cocus x Ice Cool ) 1° "excellent" CACS/CACIB/CERT. and BOB . . . - Congratulations to Drambuie OTBB ( Chiwa x U2 ) and her owner kennel Whyteridge for their results at the inter. show in Camden the 21-03-10 : . - CJF : 1° "excellent" BOBJ and BOB . . . - Congratulations to all the owners of "our" dogs that participated at the intern. show in Montlucon the 21-03-10 with such good results : . - CPF : Elka OTBB ( Gavania x Al Pacino ) owner Aurelie " very promising" . Eastern Idahoo OTBB ( Centerfold x Ice Cool ) owner Merlin "very promising" . Elite One OTBB ( Centerfold x Ice Cool ) owner kennel La vielle eglise "very promising" . -COM : Dior OTBB ( Danka x U2 ) 4° "very good" owner kennel La vielle eglise . -CCHF : Diamant OTBB ( Wonder x Ice Cool ) 1° "excellent" CACIB and BOB owner kennel La vielle eglise . . . - Phot Horsebo Supreme |
Date: 22 March 2010 |
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- Congratulations to Even OTBB ( Enjoy x Ice Cool ) and his owner Angie for the following x ray results : . HD : A/A ED: O/O . . . - Congratulations to Dana OTBB ( Enjoy x Al Pacino ) and her owner Laura for the following results : . HD : A/A ED: O/O . Nat show Walls the 27-01-10 : 1° "excellent" CACS and BOB . And last but not least her two new titels : . AGILITY CHAMPION OF CATALONIA . DOG DANCING CHAMPION OGF CATALONIA . . . - Congratulations to H. Vi 2 ( Enjoy x Al Pacino ) and his owner Inge Britt for their result at the intern. show in Malmo the 21-03-10 : . - CCHM : 1 ° excellent CERT; and becomming . CHAMPION OF SWEDEN . . . - Results from Girons intern. show the 20-03-10 : . - CJM : Bruc LG ( Cota x U2 ) 1° "excellent" BOBJ . - COF : Dacsa DDTL ( Vanda x Al Pacino ) 2 ° "excellent" RCACS / RCACIB owner : La Gebrada . Dolce Vita ( Wonder x Ice Cool ) 1° "excellent" CACS/CACIB/BOB . . . - photo : Dana OTBB Agility and Dog dancing champion of Catalonia |
Date: 16 March 2010 |
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- Congratulations to Drambui OTBB ( Chiwa x U2 ) and her owner kennel Whyteridge for her first result at the intern; show in Tarago the 07-03-10 : ; - CJF : 1° "excellent" BOBJ and BOB ; ; , - New photos of puppies from :CH Branca (Gebrada ) and Cau ( Gebrada ) . Gavania and Multi.CH. Ice Cool ; . . photo : puppies from kennel La Gebrada |
Date: 7 March 2010 |
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- New photos of Gavanias puppies : Gavania and Multi.CH. Ice Cool . . . - Congratulations to Diamant OTBB ( Wonder x Ice Cool`) and her owner kennel La vielle Eglise for their fantatic result at the biggest Agricultural show in France " Salon Agriculture " . Only dogs that has won the yearly clubmatch in each breed are invited and due to Diamants title as CACS / BOS female at the National d`elevage , she this year represented the female BBS in competition against all the best group 1 female this year Her result was as per normale very impressive :------------------ Second Best Female in Group 1 --------------------------- and the best placed Berger Blanc Suisse at the famous Salon Agriculture Show in Paris the 3 marts 2010 . . . - photo :Diamant of Trebons Berger Blanc |
Date: 27 February 2010 |
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- The results form the inter. show in Granada the 21-02 ( obligatory for the titel Champion of Spain ) . - CJM : One ( Babybell x Muffin ) 1 "excellent" BOBJ . - CIM : F. Garcia ( Zena x Cedor ) 1 " excellent" Owner La Gebrada . - CCHM : Ice Cool 1 " excellent" RCACIB . - CJF : Lady ( 7-Up x Muffin) 1 " excellent" . - CIF : Dacsa DDTL ( Vanda x Al Pacino ) 2 "excellent" owner La Gebrada . Dolce Vita ( Wonder x Ice Cool ) 1 "excellent" CACS/CACIB / BOS . . . - Congratulations to Sylvie , kennel Chene au Loup for the following x ray results of her dogs. . Era DDCAL ( Cookies x Ice Cool ) A/A O/O . Dragon OTBB (Apple x Ice Cool ) A/A O/O . . . |
Date: 21 February 2010 |
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- New puppy photos of : CH Branca (Gebrada ) and Cau ( Gebrada ) . EW.Classe apart and Al-Pacino . Gavania and Multi.CH. Ice Cool . . . - BIG CONGRATULATIONS to Jean Marc et Vero , elevage Les loups de veielle Eglise for their results at the intern. show in Troyer the 07-02-10 : . - CIM : Dior OTBB ( Danka x U2 ) 1° "excellent" . - CIF : Diamant OTBB ( Wonder x Ice Cool) 1) "excellent" CACS/CACIB/BOS and became . ---------------------------------- CHAMPION OF FRANCE ------------------------------------ . . . photo : Diamant of Trebons Berger Blanc , the 5th Champion of Trebons 2010 |
Date: 19 February 2010 |
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- Congratulations to Diabolo OTBB ( Danka x U2 ) and his owner Frederique for the following results at the interN show in Niort the 13-02-10 . - CIM : 1 "excellent" CACS/CACIB and BOS . . . - Congratulations to H; Supreme ( Cocus x Ice ) and her owner kennel Of White Wolves for their super result at the nat. working dog show in Jokkmokke the 13-02-10: . - COF : 1 "excellent" CACS/BOB - BOG and . -------------------------------- BEST IN SHOW --------------------------------------------------- . . . photo : Horsebo Suprime BIS |
Date: 15 February 2010 |
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- New photos of Classe Apart puppies :EW.Classe apart and Al-Pacino . . - First photos of Gavanias puppies :Gavania and Multi.CH. Ice Cool . . . - A little update on our dogs living in Israel at kennel Kfar Rubin and our congratulations to what they have obtained in 2009 . Cool Cash OTBB ( Danka x Ice Cool) CHAMPION ISRAEL . Beauty OTBB ( Zena x Ultimo ) CHAMPION OF ISRAEL . Belle OTBB ( Zena x Ultimo) CHAMPION OF ISRAEL . Cleopatra OTBB Unique x Al Pacino ) CHAMPION OF ISRAEL . . . - photo 4 new beauty champion from TREBONS BERGER BLANC |
Date: 5 February 2010 |
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The x ray results of our three new hopes : . - Horsebo Sweetest Thing ( Babybell OTBB x H. Muffin ) HD : A/A ED : O/O . - Horsebo One ( Babybell OTBB x H. Muffin) HD : B/B ED: O/O . - Horsebo Quiet a Lady ( H. 7 - Up x H. Muffin ) HD : A/A ED : O/O - Several new litters planned for spring/summer 2010 . . .
Date: 1 February 2010 |
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- Congratulations to Cresus called Casper DDDP ( Amazone x Ice Cool ) and his owner kennel Domaine de fantomes blanc for their result at the intern. show in Mauscron the 31-01-10: . - COP : 1° "excellent" CACS/CACIB and BOB . . . - Congratulations to Pablo kennel Regius for the results of his dogs at the dobble intern. show in Oporto the 16/17-01-10 : . 16-01 : - CJM : Bequer LG ( Cota x U2 ) 1° "excellent" BOBJ . - COF : Bagahratti OTBB ( Zena x Ultimo ) 2° "excellent" RCACS . - CCHM : Braveheart OTBB ( Wonder x Al Pacino ) 1° "excellent" BOB . 17-01 : - CJM : Bequer LG ( Cota x U2 ) 1° "excellent" BOBJ . - COF : Bagahratti OTBB ( Zena X Ultimo) 1° "excellent" CACS/CACIB/BOS and became . ------------------- PORTO WINNER 2010 ----------------------------- . - CCHM : Braveheart OTBB ( Wonder x Al Pacino) 1° "excellent" CACIB/BOB and became . ------------------- PORTO WINNER 2010 ----------------------------- . . . - Puppies from kennel La Gebrada on our site :CH Branca (Gebrada ) and Cau ( Gebrada ) . . . - photo : Multi Champion Braveheart of Trebons Berger Blanc |
Date: 28 January 2010 |
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- First photos of Classe's puppies :Gavania and Multi.CH. Ice Cool . . - Congratulations to Nova LG. ( Cota x U2 ) and her owner Esa/Mari for their result at the intern. show in Tuka the 24-01-10 : . - CJF : 1° "excellent" BOBJ . . . photo : Nova La Gebrada grandaughter of Ice Cool and daughter of U2 |
Date: 25 January 2010 |
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- We proudly present : . Drambuie of Trebons Berger Blanc ( Chiwa x U2 ) . - The first French breed BBS to be recognized by the Australien kennelclub , who ONLY accepts Berger Blanc suisse with a 3 generations pedigree where ALL the ancestors have FCI numbers ( no UKC/ANKC etc ) ,FCI affixes and has been bred according to the FCI circulaire -77 . - Drambuie is preparing for her first show in marts and we wish the owner all the luck . . . - NEVER TAKE A CHANCE WHEN BUYING A PUPPY ALWAYS BE SURE THAT IS BRED BY A KENNEL THAT FOLLOWS THE FCI's STANDARD AND RECOMMENDATIONS . . . Photo : Drambuie of Trebons Berger Blanc |
Date: 24 January 2010 |
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- Classes puppies are born two males and two females Photos to come for further information :EW.Classe apart and Al-Pacino . - Confirmation of chiwas pregnancy :Chiwa and WV. U2 . - Gavania is expecting puppies in the end of the week : Gavania and Multi.CH. Ice Cool . . WE DO NOT ACCEPT MORE RESERVATIONS FOR ANY OF OUR EXPECTED OR ACTUAL LITTERS |
Date: 22 January 2010 |
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- A BIG thanks to all the owners of Trebons dogs , who participated in the large intern. show in Bordeaux the 14-01-10 and did it with such a super succes , . - CTM : Chuck OTBB ( Danka x Ice ) 1° "excellent" RCACS / RCACIB owner Sylvie . - COM : Douglas OTBB ( Enjoy x Al Pacino ) 1° " excellent" CACS/CACIB /BOS owner Cecilie . - CJM : Excel OTBB ( Enjoy x Ice ) 1° " excellent" owner Giselle . - CIF : Diams OTBB ( CB x Ice ) 2° " excellent" owner Cecilie . - CJF : Danka OTBB ( Centerfold x Ice ) 1° " excellent" BOBJ owner Chantal . . . photo : Douglas and Chuck of Trebons Berger Blanc
Date: 13 January 2010 |
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- The results of Paris Dog show 10-01-10: . - COM : Cresus called Casper DDP ( Amazone x Ice ) 1 "excellent" CACS/RCACIB owner : Pierre - kennel Domaine des fantomes Blanc . - CIM : Dior OTBB ( Danka x U2 ) 1 "excellent" owner : Veronique - kennel Du Loup de la vielle Eglise . - CIF : Diamant OTBB ( Wonder x Ice ) 2 "excellent" owner : Veronique - kennel Du Loup de la vielle Eglise . . , - photo : Dior of Trebons Berger Blanc |
Date: 10 January 2010 |
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- Year 2010 has gone and we would like to take the opportunity to THANK all the owners of dogs from our kennel or offsprings from our males for representing our kennelnames so well in the beauty ring or in various working deciplins - Unfortunatly we cannot name all and everybody but here is a few highlights from 2010 : . . . - Bianca OTBB ( Danka x Gazon ) - Tracking Champion Sweden Beauty Champion Finland . - Cota DDP ( Amazone x Ice ) - Special Euro Show Winner Brussel Dog Show Winner .
Date: 10 January 2010 |
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- Year 2010 has gone and we would like to take the opportunity to THANK all the owners of dogs from our kennel or offsprings from our males for representing our kennelnames so well in the beauty ring or in various working deciplins - Unfortunatly we cannot name all and everybody but here is a few highlights from 2010 : . . . - Bianca OTBB ( Danka x Gazon ) - Tracking Champion Sweden Beauty Champion Finland . - Cota DDP ( Amazone x Ice ) - Special Euro Show Winner Brussel Dog Show Winner . - Cherie OTBB ( Zena x Crunch ) - Danish Clubchampion Copenhagen Winner Best female BBS Denmark . - H. Vi2 ( Enjoy x Al ) - Danish Clubchampion Copenhagen Winner Best BBS Denmark . -H. Twix ( Seven x Muffin) - BIS Best in Show Junior Legnica . -H. Sweet ( Babybell x Muffin ) - BIS Best in Show Junior Douai BOB Spanish Championship Special de Race Winner Douai . -H. Lady ( Seven x Muffin ) - BOB French Championship Special de Race Winner Castres Champion Slovenia Best BBS female France . - Dolce Vita OT ( Wonder x Ice ) - Champion of Spain Special de Race Winner Toulouse . - Chesto OTBB ( Wonder x Ice ) - BOG best herding dog Vic BIS3 third best dog in show Vic BOG2 second best herding dog Tours . - Elite OT ( Centerfold x Ice ) - BOBJ at the French Championship BOBJ at the Belgium Clubmatch . - Braveheart OT ( Wonder x Al ) - Spanish Clubchampion Porto Winner . - Bagahratti OT ( Zena x Ultimo ) - Porto Winner . - Diamant OTBB ( Wonder x Ice ) - Champion of Luxembourg BOG2 Salon Agriculture 3th best BBS female France . - Cresus DDP ( Amazone x Ice ) - Paris Dog Show Winner . - H. U2 ( Enjoy x Al ) - Champion of Spain . - Alexia OT ( Danka x Ultimo) - Champion of Makedonia Champion of Rep Cheque . - Drambuie OT ( Chiwa x U2) - Champion of Australia . - H Supreme ( Cocus x Ice ) - Champion of Sweden Champion of Norway . - H One / Babybell x Muffin ) - Special de Race Winner Castres BOS at the Spanish Championship . . . - Team Trebons preparing for 2011 |
Date: 30 December 2009 |
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- Congratulations to Diabolo OTBB ( Danka x U2 ) and Dina OTBB ( Danka x U2 ) for the following x ray results : . HD : A/A ED: O/O . . - Congratulations to Aragon OTBB ( Danka x Ultimo ) and his owner Ingrid ( kennel Von Stainzer Schilcherland ) for having passed the FH3 and at the same time becomming . ------------------------ CHAMPION OF AUSTRIA -------------------- . - Aragon of Trebons Berger Blanc is the 20th FCI Champion born in our kennel in 2009 . . . - Congratulation to Cajus OTBB ( Bounty x Ice Cool ) and his owner kennel Hodowla Psow Rasouych Leo for another two super show results at the intern. show in Kilce and Poznan in nov. 2009 : . - CCHM : 1° "excellent " CACIB/BOB and became . ----------------------- CHAMPION OF POLAND ------------------------------ . Cajus of Trebons Berger Blanc is the 21th. international Champion born in our kennel in 2009. . Cajus is now Champion of the following countries : Bulgarien Polan Macedonia Chezk Rep. Montenegro . . . photo : Multichampion Cajus of Trebons Berger Blanc Suisse |
Date: 16 December 2009 |
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- Congratulation to Diams OTBB ( CB x Ice Cool ) for the following x ray results : . HD : A/A ED: O/O . . . - Chiwa has been mated with U2 and we are expecting the puppies in the end of febuary . . . - Congratualtion to Cresus 5called Casper DDP ( Amazone x Ice Cool ) and kennel La Fontom de nuit for the following results at Brussel Dog show the 13-12-09 : . COM : 1° "excellent" CACS/CACIB/ BOB and . ---------------------- BRUSSEL DOG SHOW WINNER 2009 ----------------------------- . . . - Results from the intern. show Special de Race Rouen the 06-12-09 : . - CYM : Etan OTBB ( Enjoy x Ice Cool ) very good owner : Francoise Dior OTBB ( Danka x U2 ) 2° excellent owner : Loup de vielle eglise . - COF : Diva OTBB ( Wonder x Ice Cool ) excellnt owner : Francoise Deesee OTBB ( Bounty x Ice Cool ) 2 excellent owner : Sophie Diamant OTBB ( Wonder x Ice Cool ) 1 excellent / CACS/CACIB/BOB owner : Loup de vielle eglise . ------------------- SPECIAL DE RACE WINNER ROUEN 2009 --------------------------- . . . photo : Dior and Diamant OTBB . |
Date: 20 November 2009 |
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- Congratulations to Cool Chili OTBB ( Blitz x Al Pacino) and the owner Anne Beate for the following x ray results : . HD : A/A ED : O/O . . . - Congratulations to Diabolo OTBB ( Danka x U2 ) and his owner Frederique for passing his sociablity and working test CSAU with mention "excellent" . . . - Congratiolation to Chuck OTBB ( Danka x Ice Cool ) and his owner Sylvie for passing his tracking test FCI ( brevet pistage FCI ) with 99 points out of 100 He is now qulified for working classe . . . - Congratulation to Balka LG ( Cota x U2 ) called Nova and her owner Esa/Mari for another super show result at the intern. puppy show in Helsinki the 07-11-09 : - CPF : 1"very promising" BOBP et BOG . . . - Congratulation to Cherie OTBB ( Zena x Crunch ) and her owner Inge Britt for their result at the intern. show in Herning the 07-11-09 : . - CCHF : 1 "excellent" CACIB / BOS and becomming . -------------------- DANISH WINNER 2009 ------------------------------ . . . |
Date: 6 November 2009 |
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- The results of the two days show in Badajoz the 30/31-10-09 : . - 30-10-09: - COF : Cali DDP ( Amazone x Ice ) 1° "excellent" RCACS owner La Gebrada . - CIF : Dolce Vita ( Wonder x Ice ) 1° "excellent" CACS/BOB Dacsa DDTL ( Wanda x Al Pacino) 2° "excellent" owner La Gebrada . - CJM : F. Garcia ( Zena x Cedor ) 1° "excellent" BOBJ H. One ( Babybell Muffin) 2° "excellent" . . . - 31-10-09 ( obligatory show for the Spanish Championship ) . - COF : Cali DDP ( Amazone x Ice ) "very good " owner La Gebrada . - CIF : Dacsa DDTL ( Wanda x Al Pacino) 1° "excellent" RCACS/RCACIB owner La Gebrada Dolce Vita ( Wonder x Ice ) 2° "excellent" . - CJM : H. One ( Babybell x Muffin) 1° "excellent" BOBJ . - COM : H. U2 ( Enjoy x Al Pacino ) 1° "excellent" CACS/CACIB / BOB and becomming . ------------------------- CHAMPION OF SPAIN ---------------------------------------- . . . - photo : Horsebo U2 CHAMPION OF SPAIN |
Date: 27 October 2009 |
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- Updated our litter pages : Chiwa and WV. U2 . Multi CH. Enjoy and CH. Luck Dragon . EW.Classe apart and WJV. Muffin(Horsebo) . . . - Congratulations to Victoria , kennel La Gebrada for her results at the international show in Barcelona the 19-10-09: . - COF : Cali ( called Cota ) DDP ( Amazone x Ice Cool ) 1 "excellent" RCACS . - CIF : Draba OTBB ( Enjoy x Al Pacino ) 1° "excellent" CACS / BOB . - CJF : Dina OTBB ( Danka x U2 ) 1° "excellent" BOBJ . . . - Congratulations to Jean-Marc et Veronique elevage du loup de la vielle eglise for their result at the dobbel show in Nantes the 24/25 -10-09 : . 24-10 : CIF : Diamant 1° excellent" RCACS . 25-10 : CIF : Diamant 1° "excellent" RCACS . . . - Congratulations to Esa /Mari for their result at the puppy show in Lathi the 25-10-09: . CPF : Balka ( called Nova ) LG ( Cali x U2 ) 1° "very promising" BOBP . . . |
Date: 19 October 2009 |
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. . . It has become increasingly apparent to us that "our" club the ACBB ( Club Special de Race ) has failed in its duty to the Berger Blanc Suisse The total disrespect for the standard 347 and continued ignoring of the FCI circular 77/2007 posted on the clubs web site 18/07/07, leaves us with no choice but to WITHDRAW FROM the club . . . photo : The mother of the new generation of BBS approved by the club special de race ACBB France
Date: 14 October 2009 |
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- New photos of Danka and Centerfolds puppies : Centerfold and Multi.CH. Ice Cool Danka and Multi.CH. Ice Cool . . . - Congratulations to Aragon OTBB ( Danka x Ultimo ) and Ingrid ( kennel Von Stainzer Schilcherland ) for their result at the intern. show in Tulln the 04-10-09 : . CWM : 1° "excellent" CACS . . . - The results at the intern. show in Tarbes the 27-09-09 : . - CPM : Excel OTBB ( Enjoy x Ice Cool ) " very promising " . - CJF : Drambui OTBB ( Chiwa X U2 ) 2° "very good " . - CIF : Dolce Vita OTBB ( Wonder x Ice Cool ) 1) "excellent" . - CJM : H. One ( Babybell x Muffin) 1° "excellent" BOBJ / BOGJ and . --------------------------- BIS2 JUNIOR IN SHOW ------------------------------------ . . . - The results of the Slovaque club math the 09-10-09: . - CCHM : Chagall OTBB ( Danka x Ice Cool ) 3° " excellent" owner kennel White Rewyr . - COM : Cajus OTBB ( Bounty x Ice Cool ) 2 "excellent" owner Monika . - CCHF : Coco Baltic Beauty OTBB ( Wonder x Ice Cool ) 2° "excellent" owner kennel Baltic Beauty . - CJM : Cabo OWR ( Alexia x Muffin ) 1° "excellent CACJ owner kennel White Rewyr . . . - The 08-10-08 we participated in the biggest dog show in the FCI 's history with more than 22.000 dogs in The WORLD DOG SHOW 2009 It was a very interesting experience and in spite of the great number of dogs the orgnisation of the show was almost spotless We would like to especially THANK Miriam ( kennel White Melody ) for hosting us and our dogs during our three days stay and for looking after us and our dogs in such an great manner ( better than beeing at home ! ) We also enjoyed to meet old friends as Ingrid and Manfred ( kennel Von Stainzer Schilcherland ) , Anne and Arne ( kennel White REwyr ) and last but not least Alex and Tamara ( kennel Baltic Beauty ) All together very happy with the results where all our dogs in spite of strict jugement and high quality competition received an excellent and with our young dogs( our hopes for the future ) having the best results . - CCHM : Chagall OTBB ( Danka x Ice Cool ) " excellent" Cajus OTBB ( Bounty x Ice Cool ) " excellent" Ice Cool " excellent" . - CCHF : Coco Baltic Beauty OTBB ( Wonder x Ice Cool ) 3° "excellent" . - COF : Cota DDP ( Amazone x Ice Cool ) "excellent" . - CIF : Dolce Vita OTBB ( Wonder x Ice Cool ) 3° "excellent" . - CJM : Cabo OWR ( Alexia x Muffin ) 3° "excellent" H. One ( Babybell x Muffin ) 1° "excellent" CACJ and . ------------------- WORLD JUNIOR WINNER 2009 ------------------------------------ . . .. Photo : Horsebo One A BIG THANKS TO HELLE FOR MAKING THIS POSSIBLE |
Date: 2 October 2009 |
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- The results of the French Clubmatch the 27-09-09 This year also the BBI - Coup of Nations . . - CJM : Dior OTBB ( Danka x U2 ) " very good" owner Veronique ( kennel La Vielle Eglise ) . . - CCHF : Coco OTBB ( Wonder x Ice ) 2° "excellent" owner Alex ( kennel Baltic Beauty ) . . - CIF : Diamant OTBB ( Wonder x Ice ) 1° "excellent" owner Veronique ( (kennel La vielle Eglise ) . --------------------------- CACS - FRENCH CLUBMATCH WINNER 2009--------------------- . ---------------------------- " BBI - WORLD WINNER 2009 " ---------------------------------- . . . --------------------- KENNEL TREBONS QUALITY NOT QUANTITY ---------------------- . . . photo : Diamant of Trebons Berger Blanc - BEST FEMALE AT THE FRENCH CLUBMATCH AND THE BBI COUP |
Date: 29 September 2009 |
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- New puppy photos :Danka and Multi.CH. Ice Cool . Centerfold and Multi.CH. Ice Cool . . - Congratulations to Darcy OTBB ( Bounty x Ice Cool ) and Cecilie for the following result : . HD : A/A . . . - Congratulations to Danouk OTBB ( Bounty x Ice Cool) and his owner Jacky and Martine for the following results : . CSAU - mention excellent . Brevet d'obe. - mention excellent . . . - Congratulations to Dior OTBB ( Danka x U2 ) and vero ( kennel La Vielle eglise) for the following result : . CSAU - mention excellent . . . |
Date: 22 September 2009 |
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- New puppy photos : Centerfold and Multi.CH. Ice Cool . Danka and Multi.CH. Ice Cool . . - Congratulations to Dior OTBB ( Danka x U2 ) , Diamant OTBB ( Wonder x Ice Cool ) and their owner Jean-Marc/ Vero ( kennel Domaine du loup de la vielle eglise) for thier results at the international show in Beauvais the 20-09-09 : . - CJM : Dior 1° "excellent" BOBJ . - COF : Diamant 1° "excellent" CACS/CACIB/BOS . . . - Congratulations to Coco Baltic Beauty OTBB ( Wonder X Ice Cool) and her owner kennel Baltic Beauty for their result at thecintern. show in Warszarva the 20-09-09: . - CCHF : 1° "excellent" /CACIB and BOB . . . - Congratulations to Cherie OTBB ( Zena x Crunch) and her owner Inge Britt for their show result at Hillerod intern. show the 20-09-09: . - COF : 1° "excellent" RCACS/RCACIB/ CERT and becomming . ---------------------- CHAMPION OF DENMARK -------------------------- . . . - Congratulations to Braveheart OTBB ( Wonder x Al Pacino ) and Bequer LG ( Cota x U2 ) and their owner Pablo ( kennel Regius) for their show results at the double intern. show in Gibraltar the 19/20-09-09: . - 19-09 : CPM : Beuqer 1° " very promising" BOBP et BOG ( best group 1 puppy ) . CCHM : Braveheart 1° "excellent" CACIB/BOB . - 20-09 : CPM : Beuqer 1° "very promising" BOBP . CCHM : Braveheart 1° "excellent" CACIB/BOB and became . ----------------------- CHAMPION OF GIBRALTAR ---------------------------- . . . - Congratulations to Blizzard OTBB ( Zena x Ultimo) and their owner Esa/ Mari for the following results . - Caracter test : Excellent 144 point ( minimum demands 75 ) . - Intern. show Turko the 09-09-09 . - COM : 1° "excellent" CACS/CACIB/BOB and became . ----------------------- CHAMPION OF FINLAND ---------------------------------- . . . - Congratulations to Bianca OTBB ( Danka x Gazon ) and Annicka ( kennel Barvestadt ) for their result in obedience the 19-09-09 : . - Classe 2 : 1° "excellent" 172,5 points and qualified to obe. classe 3 . . . photo : Blizzard of Trebons Berger Blanc Suisse - CHAMPION OF FINLAND |
Date: 16 September 2009 |
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- Congratulations to Artic OTBB ( Einstein x Blitz ) , H. Cookies ( Cedor x Cocus) and their owner Sylvie ( domaine du chene au loup for their results at the intern. show Special de Race BBS in Macon the 05-09-09: . - CCHM : Artic 1° "excellent" RCACIB . - COF : Cookies 2° "excellent" RCACIB/RCACS . . . - Congratulations to Dior OTBB( Danka x U2 ) , Diamant OTBB ( Wonder x Ice Cool) and their owner Veronique ( domaine du loup de la vielle eglise ) for their results at the nat. show Isle d'Adam the 06-09-09: . - CIF : Diamant 1° "excellent" CACS/ BOB . - CJM : Dior 1° "excellent" BOBJ . - brace : Dior and Diamant - BEST BRACE IN SHOW . . . - Congratulations to Cresus calles Casper DDDP ( Amazone x Ice Cool ) and Pierre ( domaine des fantomes blancs) for their results at the intern. show in Luxembourg the 06-09-09 and at the intern. show Metz Special de Race BBS the 12-09-09 : . - Luxembourg - COM : 2° "excellent" RCACL . - Metz - COM : 2° "excellent" RCACS/RCACIB . . . - Congratulations to Douglas OTBB ( Enjoy x Al Pacino ) , Diams ( CB. x Ice Cool) and Cecilie for their results at the nat. show in Sorge-en-Perigour the 06-09-09: . - COM : Douglas 1° "excellent" CACS/BOB . - CJF : Diams 1° "excellent" BOBJ . . . - Congratulations to Bianca OTBB ( Danka x Gazon) and Annicka ( kennel Barvestadt ) for their result at the intern. show in Hoganas the 06-09-09: . CCHF : 1° "excellent" CACIB/CERT and BOB . . . - Congratulations to Cool Casper OTBB called Grimm ( Danka x Ice Cool) and Annicka ( kennel Barvestadt ) and also to H. Vi2 ( Enjoy x Al Pacino) for their results at the intern. show in Sofienro the 12-09-09 : . - CCHM : Vi2 1° "excellent" RCACIB . - COM : Cool Casper 1° "excellent" CACIB / BOS . . - New Photos of the puppies from :Centerfold and Multi.CH. Ice Cool . Danka and Multi.CH. Ice Cool . . . ----- WE DO NOT ACCEPT MORE RESERVATIONS FOR OUR PUPPIES OR FOR OUR PLANNED LITTERS ------ |
Date: 6 September 2009 |
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- Danka's puppies are born 2 females and 6 males :Danka and Multi.CH. Ice Cool . . - Centerfolds puppies are born 6 females and 3 males :Centerfold and Multi.CH. Ice Cool . . - Both females and all the puppies are doing well |
Date: 30 August 2009 |
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- New photos of Gavanias puppies : Gavania and Al-Pacino . .photo : puppy from Gavania and Al's litter |
Date: 28 August 2009 |
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- We are extreamly proud that our kennel has been choosen to represent the STANDARD of Berger Blanc Suisse in the WORLD ATLAS OF DOG BREEDS ( 6th edition ) . This book ( with more than 420 dog breeds ) is " unparalleled in seize , dept and scope of information and it offers the most informative and authoritative doog breed information available today " . This book also includes the German White Shepherd race and comparing the two breeds it becomes even more apparent, why it is so important and essential that all serious Berger blanc Suisse breeders respect and obey the FCI cirk. 77 . . photos : Bonbon OTBB ( owner kennel Horsebo ) and Baika OTBB ( owner kennel Terre de Voldai ) |
Date: 25 August 2009 |
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- New photos of Gavanias puppies : Gavania and Al-Pacino . . - Congratulations to Bianca OTBB ( Danka x Gazon ) and Annicka ( kennel Barvestadt ) for the following results in beauty and obedience competition : . - Vallentuna Minneudstilling the 23-08-09 - CCHF : 1° "excellent" CB and BOS . - VHK ( canin club ) clubmatch 2009 - Obedience classe 2 : 2° with 174 points . . - Congratulations to the owners of the following dogs at the intern. show in Chaulnes the 23-08 : . - CJM Dior OTBB ( Danka x U2 ) 1° "excellent" prop. Veronique ( kennel le vielle eglise ) . - CIF Diamant OTBB 5 Wonder x Ice ) 1° "excellent" prop. Veronique ( kennel la vielle eglise) . - BRACE Diamant et Dior 2 BEST BRACE IN SHOW . - COM Cresus dit Casper DDP ( Amazone x Ice ) 1° "excellent" CACS / BOB prop. Pierre ( kennel les phantomes blancs ) and . BOG - BEST HERDING DOG IN SHOW . . photo : Dior et Diamant of Trebons Berger Blanc |
Date: 17 August 2009 |
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- Congratulations to Bianca OTBB ( Danka x Gazon ) and Annicka ( kennel Barvestadt ) for the following result at the intern. show in Oslo the 15-08-09 : . - COF : 1 " excellent" CK. / RCACS /RCACIB . . - Congratulations to Cherie OTBB ( Zena x Crunch ) and Inge Britt for the following result at the inter. show in Hillerřd the 17-08-09: . - COF : 1 " excellent" CACS/CACIB/CERT. and BOB . . - New photos of Gavanias puppies :Gavania and Al-Pacino . . photo : Cherie of Trebons Berger Blanc |
Date: 10 August 2009 |
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- Congratulations to Bianca OTBB ( Danka x Gazon) and Annicka ( kennel Barvestadt ) for the following result at the nat. show in Akerssund the 09-08-09: . - CCHF : 1 "excellent" BOS . . - Congratulations to Cherie OTBB ( Zena x Crunch ) and Inge Britt for their result at the nat. show Koge the 03-08-09: : - COF : 1 "excellent" CACA/CERT. and BOS . . |
Date: 9 August 2009 |
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- Congratulations to Diva OTBB ( Enjoy x Al Pacino ) and Vanessa for the following x ray results : . HD : A/A ED: O/O . . - New photos of Gavanias puppies : Gavania and Al-Pacino . . |
Date: 6 August 2009 |
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- The results of the special herding show in Koge ( Denmark ) the 2 and 3-08-09 : . 02-08-09 - CPM : H. Naughty (Seven x Muffin) : 1 very promising BOBP and . -------------- BIS 2 PUPPY -------------------------- . - COF : H. Apple Pie ( Cocus x Cedor ) : 1 excellent CACS/CERT . --------------- BIS 2 ADULT --------------------------- and ----------- CHAMPION OF DENMARK ----------------- . . 03-08-09 - CPF : H. Lady ( Seven x Muffin) 1 very promising . ------------ BEST IN SHOW PUPPY --------------------- . - CCHM : H. Muffin ( Cocus x Cedor ) 1 excellent BOB and . ------------ BEST IN SHOW ------------------------------ . . photo : Our new Danish beauty champion Horsebo Apple Pie and a BIG thanks to Helle for showing her |
Date: 4 August 2009 |
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- New photos of Gavania puppies Gavania and Al-Pacino . . - X rays results for Dolce Vita OTBB ( Wonder xIce Cool ) HD : A/B ED : O/O . Djinn OTBB ( Bounty x Ice Cool ) HD : A/A ED: O/O . . - The result of the Belgium Clubmatch the 02-08-09 and at the same time BIG congratulations to the owners of the dogs for representing our kennel in such a superb way . . - CIF : Diamant OTBB ( Wonder x Ice Cool ) 2 " excellent" owner Vironique ( kennel Le vielle Eglise ) . - CJM : Dior OTBB ( Danka x U2 ) 1 " excellent" owner Vironique ( kennel Le vielle Eglise ) . - COM : Cresus dit Casper DDDP ( Amazone x Ice ) 1 excellent and BOB . ------------ Belgium Club Champion 2009 ----------------- . owner Pierre ( kennel Les fantomes Blancs ). - photo : Diamant and Dior of Trebons Berger Blanc . |
Date: 26 July 2009 |
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- New photos of Gavi puppies : Gavania and Al-Pacino . . - Big congratulations to Cresus DDDP , called Casper ( Amazone x Ice Cool ) and his owner Pierre ( kennel Les fantomes blances ) and to Diva 2 OTBB ( Wonder x Ice Cool ) and her owner Francoise for their top results at the intern. show in Dieppe the 25-07-09 : . - CIF : Diva 1° "excellent" CACS/ BOS . - COM : Casper 1° "excellent" CACS/BOB . . |
Date: 22 July 2009 |
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- New photos of Bounty : Bounty . - Bounty is on heat and will be mated in the comming week For further info : Bounty and Darius . . |
Date: 21 July 2009 |
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- Congratulations to Cresus DDP called Casper ( Ice Cool x Amazone ) and Pierre ( kennel Domaine de fantomes blanc ) for their show result at the intern; show Maltot the 14-07-09 : ; - COM : 1° "excellent" CACS/CACIB and BOB . . - Congratulations to Dawn of Heven OTBB ( C.B. x Ice Cool ) and Sarah for their result at the nat. show in Dax the 05-07-09 : . - CJF : 1° "excellent" BOBJ . ; - Congratulations to Diamant OTBB ( Wonder x Ice Cool ) and Veronique ( elevage Domaine de vielle eglise ) for their result at the intern. show in Charlette the 19-07-09 : . - CIF : 1° " excellent" RCACS / RCACIB . . - Congratulations to Aragon OTBB ( Danka x Ultimo ) and Ingrid ( kennel Von Stainzer Schilcherland ) for their result at the nat. show in Oberwald the 19-07-09 : . - CTM : 1° "excellent" CACS and BOB . . - photo Aragon of Trebons Berger Blanc Suisse |
Date: 21 July 2009 |
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- first photos of Gavanias puppies : Gavania and Al-Pacino . . - ultrasound shows that both Danka and Centerfold are expecting puppies . Centerfold and Multi.CH. Ice Cool . Danka and Multi.CH. Ice Cool .
Date: 14 July 2009 |
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- Gavanias and Al Pacinos puppies are born - 4 males and 4 females Everybody are in good health Photos to come For more info :Gavania and Al-Pacino . . - Congratulations to Cool Casper OTBB 8 called Grimm) and Annicka ( kennel Barvestadt ) for their result at the nat. show in Tvaaker the 10-07-09: . - COM : 1 "excellent" CACS / CERT / BOS . . - Congratulations to Artic OTBB ( Blitz x Einstein) , Diamant OTBB ( Wonder x Ice ) and Dior OTBB ( Danka x U2 ) and their owners Kennel Domaine de chene au loup et Domaine de vielle eglise for their results at the international show in Doui the 12-07-09 .' . - CIF : Diamant 2 "excellent" . - CCHM : Artic 1 "excellent "CACIB . - CJM : Dior 1 "excellent" BOBJ and BOB . .
Date: 8 July 2009 |
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- congratulations to Dacsa DDTL ( Vanda x Al Pacino ) et Victoria ( elevage de La Gebrada ) for the following x ray results : . HD : B/B ED: O/O . . . - congratulations to Corto DDTL ( Voice X Ice Cool) and Christilla ( kennel Domaine de Thu Lan ) for the following results : . HD : A/A ED. O/O . CSAU : excellent ( obedience test ) . Exposition nat. Auch the 05-07-09 : . -COM : 1 "excellent" CACS and BOB . . . - congratulationa to H. Supreme ( Cocus x Ice Cool ) and Petra ( kennel White Wolves ) for their result at the intern. show in Piteĺ the 05-07-09: . - CJF : 1 "excellent" BOBJ and BOB ( only 9 months old ) . . . - congratulation to H. Vi2 ( Enjoy x Al Pacino ) and Cherie OTBB ( Zena x Crunch) and their owner Inge Britt for their result at the herding show in Wordingborg the 05-07-09: . CCHM : Vi2 - 1 "excellent" BOS . COF : Cherie - 1 " excellent" BOB and after that . ----------------- BIS3 ( third best dog in show ------------------------- . . . - congratulations to Coco Baltic Beauty OTBB ( Wonder x Ice Cool ) and kennel Baltic Beauty for their result at the Lativia Clubmatch the 05-07-09 : . - COF : 1 "excellent" CACS and became . ------- CHAMPION of Latvia /Estonia/Lithuania/Chech Rep. and Russia ------- . . . |
Date: 30 June 2009 |
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- Congratulation to Déesee OTBB ( Bounty x Ice cool) and Sophie for their result at the intern. show in Chatres the 28-06-09 : - CJF : 1° "excellent" BOBJ . . - Congratulations to Danka OTBB ( Centerfold x Ice Coll ) and Denver OTBB ( Wonder x Ice Cool ) and their owners Chantal ( kennel Maison de jeux ) et Dominique for their results at the nat. show in Dax the 27-06-09 - Denver - CJM : 1° "very good " . - Danka - CPF : 1° " very promising" and selected for the 6" Best puppies in Show " . . - Congratulation to Diamant OTBB ( Wonder x Ice Cool ) and Dior OTBB ( Danka x U2 ) and their owners Jean-Marc and Veronique ( kennel La vielle Eglise ) for their results at the Regional Clubmatch in Obernai the 27 and 28-06-09: - Diamant TAN 18/20 ( caracter test , lost two points as she did not bark at a unknown person but wagged her tail !!! ) CSAU - excellent . - Diamant CIF : 1° "excellent" - Dior CJM : 3° " excellent" . . The result at the nat. show in St. Girons the 28-06-09: . - CCHM : Ice Cool - 1 "excellent" BOB and BOG2 . - COF : Chiwa ( Wonder x Ice Cool) - 1° "excellent" CACS and BOS . - CJF : Dolce Vita ( Wonder x Ice Cool ) - 1° "excellent" BOBJ . - CPM : One ( Babybell x Muffin) - 1° "very promising" . - CPF : Sweetest Thing ( Babybell x Muffin) - 1° " very promising" BOBP and BOG2 . - Ice Cool and Dolce Vita 4° best couple in show . - Dolce Vita and Chiwa 2° best paire in show . . . photo : Diamant and Dior of Trebons berger blanc |
Date: 29 June 2009 |
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- Congratulation to Diva OTBB ( Wonder x Ice Cool) and Françoisefor the following HD and ED results : . HD : A/A ED: O/O . . . - Congratulations to Bianca OTBB ( Danka x Gazon ) and Annicka ( kennel Barvestadt) for the following results at the nat. show in Boras the 27-06-09 : . - CCHF : 1° "excellent" BOB . . . - Congratulations to Campary OTBB ( Unique x Al Pacino ) and Anne ( kennel White Rewyr) for the following result at the intern. show in Tronheim the 27-06-09 : . - COF : 1° "excellent" CACS / BOS / CERT and became . -------------------------- NORWEGIAN CHAMPION ---------------------------- . . - CB is on heat and will be mated with our double European Champion Ice Cool . . - photo : Campary of Trebons Berger Blanc , Champion of Norway |
Date: 25 June 2009 |
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- All our congratulations to Aragon OTBB ( Danka x Ultimo) and Ingrid ( kennel Von Stainzer Schilcherland) for passing his FH3 ( the higest level of tracking classes in Austria ) Aragon now meet the requirement for participating in working classe . . - Danka is on heat and will be mated to our dobble Eurpean Champion Ice Cool in the end of this week for more information please click Danka and Multi.CH. Ice Cool . . photo : Aragon of Trebons Berger Blanc FH1/FH2/FH3 et Manfred |
Date: 17 June 2009 |
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- Congratulations to Daina OTBB ( Wonder x Ice) and Jorgi for their result at the intern. show in Vic the 07-06-09 : - CJF : 1° "excellent" BOBJ et BOB . . - Congratulations to Bianca OTBB ( Danka x Gazon ) and Annicka ( kennel Barvestadt) for their result at the nat. show in Avesta the 14-06-09 : - CCHF : 1° excellent BOS . . - Congratulation to Djinn OTBB ( Bounty x Ice ) and kennel De la Foret a l'Arcanin for their result at the intern. show in Union the 07-06-09 : - CJM : 1° excellent BOBJ . . - Congratulations to Daika OTBB ( Enjoy x Al Pacino) and Vanessa for their result at the intern. show in Libourne the 07-06-09 : - CIF : 1° excellent RCACS/RCACIB . . - Congratulation to Campary OTBB ( Unique x AL Pacino) and Kennel White Rewyr for their result at the international show in Drammen the 06-06-09 : - COF : 1° excellent . . -Congratulation to Dior OTBB ( Danka x U2 ) and Diamant OTBB ( Wonder x Ice ) for their results at the French Championship the 14-06-09 : - Diamant CIF : excellent owner kennel le veille eglise - Dior CJM : 2° excellent owner kennel le veille eglise - Couple : 4° best couple in show . . . photo : Dior and Diamant of trebons berger blanc 4Ł° best couple in the French Championship |
Date: 5 June 2009 |
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- The result of the second biggest dog show in Europe this year ( after the FCI World Championship ) the FCI EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP the 30/31 and 01-06-09 in Dublin : . . - CCHM : Ice Cool 1° " excellent" CACIB/GREEN STAR / BOS and became . ----------------------- EUROPEAN CHAMPION 2009 ---------------------------- . The first BBS to be double European Champion ( 2007 and 2009 ) . ----------------------- BEAUTY CHAMPION OF IRELAND 2009 ----------------- . . - COF : Classe Apart ( Danka x Ice Cool) 1° "excellent" CACS/CACIB/GREEN STAR / BOB and became . ----------------------- EUROPEAN CHAMPION 2009 --------------------------- . . - Best couples in show : Classe Apart and Ice Cool became . ------------------- 3° BEST COUPLE AT THE EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP 2009 ----------------------- . The first BBS ever to be on the podium at a European Championship . . . photo : Classe Apart of Trebons Berger Blanc - European Champion - Best of Breed 2009 |
Date: 2 June 2009 |
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- Congratulations to Diwas OTBB ( Enjoy x Al Pacino) and Chantal ( elevage La maison de joue - new link) for the following x ray results : . HD : A/B ED : O/O . - Congratulations to Cresus dit Casper du domaine de Pegase ( Ice Cool x Amazone ) and Nicole/ Pierre for their result at the international show in Senlis the 31-05-09: . COM : 1° "excellent" CACS/CACIB and BOS . . - Congratulations to Chuck OTBB ( Danka x Ice Cool) et Sylvie for their result at the national show in Agen the 31-05-09: . COM : 1° "excellent" CACS and BOB . . photo : Cresus du domaine de Pegase
Date: 25 May 2009 |
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- Congratulations to Bianca OTBB ( Danka x Gazon) and Annicka ( kennel Barvestadt) for their result at the show in Osterbybruk the 24-05-09: . - CCHF : 1° "excellent" RCACIB . . - Congratulations to Artic OTBB ( Blitz x Einstein) / Caline OTBB ( Wonder x Ice Cool) and Sylvie ( kennel Domaine du chene au loup) for their results at the intern. show in Tours the 25-05-09: . - CCHM : Artic 1° "excellent" RCACIB - COF : Caline " very good" . . - Congratulations to Diva OTBB ( Enjoy x Al Pacino) and Vanessa for their result at the intern. show in Castelnaudary the 25-05-09 : . - CIF : 2° "excellent" RCACS / RCACIB . . - Congratulations to C'moi OTBB ( Blitz x Al Pacino) called Sammy and Miriam ( kennel White Melodie ) for their results at the two shows in Mol the 24-05-09 and Subotica the 25-05-09: . - COM : 1° "excellent" CACS - COM : 1° excellent" CACS/CACIB /BOB and became . ------------ CHAMPION OF SERBIA ----------------- . . . - The results of the international show in Talaverna de la Reina ( Championship of Spain) the 24-05-09 . - CJM : F. Garcia ( Zena x Cedor) called Gorg 1° "excellent" owner. Victoria ( kennel La Gebrada) . - COM : Braveheart OTBB ( Wonder x Al Pacino) 1° "excellent" CACS/RCACIB and became . ----------- CHAMPION OF SPAIN ------------- . - CCHM : Ice Cool 1° "excellent" CACIB / BOS . - CJF : Dolce Vita OTBB ( Wonder x Ice Cool) 1° "excellent" Dacsa DDTL ( Vanda x Al Pacino) 2° "excellent" owner Victoria ( kennel La Gebrada) . - COF : Classe Apart OTBB ( Danka x Ice ) 2° "excellent" RCACS/RCACIB . - CCHF : Branca OTBB ( Wonder x Al Pacino) 1° "excellent" owner Victoria ( kennel La Gebrada) . . photo : CH. Braveheart of Trebons Berger Blanc owner Pablo ( kennel Regius ) |
Date: 20 May 2009 |
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- Congratulations to Cresus ( called Casper) du Domaine de Pegase ( Amazone x Ice Cool) and his owner Pierre et Nicole ( kennel Domaine des fantomes blancs) for an outstanding show result at the national show in Namur the 17-05-09 : . COM : 1° "excellent " CACS /BOB . ------------------------ BOG - BEST HERDING DOG ---------------------------------- . ------------------------ BIS - BEST IN SHOW --------------------------------- . . photo : Casper son of our european champion Ice Cool |
Date: 17 May 2009 |
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- Congratulations to Daika OTBB ( Enjoy x Al Pacino) owner V Drouault for their result at the intern. show in Libourne the 17-05-09 : - CIF : 1° "excellent" CACS/CACIB and BOS . . . - Congratulations to Veronique et Jean Marc ( kennel Du Loup de la la vielle Eglise ) and Sophie for their results at the international show in Pontoise the 17-05-09 : - CPM : Dior OTBB ( Danka x U2 ) 1° "very promising" BOB puppy prop. Veronique/ Jean Marc . - CJF : Diamant OTBB ( Wonder x Ice Cool) 1° "excellent" BOB junior prop. Veronique / Jean MArc Deesee OTBB ( Bounty x Ice Cool) 2° "excellent" prop. Sophie . . photo : Dior Of Trebons Berger Blanc |
Date: 14 May 2009 |
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- Congratulation to Sylvie ( kennel Domaind ede Chene au Loup) for her results at the intern. show in Cuisery the 10-05-09 : . - CCHM : Artic OTBB ( Blitz x Einstein) 1° excellent . - COF : Caline OTBB ( Wonder x Ice Cool ) 1° excellent CACS and BOS . . - Congratulations to Miriam ( kennel White Melodie) and C'Moi OTBB ( Blitz x Al Pacino) for her results at the intern. spring show in Duodanube the 9/10-05-09 : . - 09-05 : COM - 1° excellent CACS - 10- 05 : COM - 1° excellent CACS/CACIB /BOB and became . CHAMPION OF SLOVACK . photo : CH C'Moi OTBB called Sammy .
Date: 14 May 2009 |
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- Congratulation to Eva Liz ( kennel Vallegaarden) for her results at the nat. show in Larv the 10-05-09: . - CCHF : Bacharra OTBB ( Zena x Ultimo) 1° excellent CACS/ BOB Bianca OTBB ( Danka x Gazon) 2° excellent owner Annicka ( kennel Barvestadt) - COM : Bright Blaze OTBB ( Zena x Ultimo) 1° excellent CACS/BOB and became . CHAMPION OF SWEDEN . photo : CH. Bright Blaze OTBB and CH Bacharra OTBB |
Date: 10 May 2009 |
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- The results of the Special de Race BBS at the international show in Toulouse the 09-05-09 : . -CJM : F. Garcia ( Zena x Cedor) 1° "excellent" owner . Victoria ( kennel La Gebrada) . Special de Race Junior Winner Toulouse 2009 . -COM : Chuck OTBB ( Danka x Ice ) 2° "excellent" RCACS owner . Sylvie . -CCHM: Ice Cool 1° "excellent" CACIB and BOS . -COF : Classe Apart OTBB ( Danka x Ice ) 1° "excellent" RCACIB/RCACS . - CIF : Draba OTBB ( Enjoy x Al Pacino ) 3° "excellent" owner . Victoria ( Kennel La Gebrada) Diva OTBB ( Enjoy x Al Pacino) 1° "excellent " CACS / CACIB owner Chantal . - CJF : Dolce Vita OTBB ( Wonder x Ice ) 1° "excellent" BOB Junior and BOB . Special de Race Junior Winner Toulouse 2009 . Special de Race Winner Toulouse 2009 . photo : Doce Vita BOB JUNIOR / BOB |
Date: 7 May 2009 |
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- New photos of Enjoy's puppies :Multi CH. Enjoy and Multi.CH. Ice Cool . . - Gavania is on heat and will be mated the comming week : Gavania and Al-Pacino . . |
Date: 28 April 2009 |
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- New photos of Enjoy's puppies : Multi CH. Enjoy and Multi.CH. Ice Cool . . |
Date: 27 April 2009 |
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- Congratulations to all the owners of the follwing dogs , who participated this week end in shows and who all had stunning results THANKS for presenting our dogs in such a positive way . . - Nat. show in Iqualada the 26-04-09 - CPF : Dolca OTBB ( Danka x U2) 1° "very promising" BOB puppy prop. Jordi and Rose - CJF : Daina OTBB ( Wonder x Ice Cool) 1° "excellent" BOBJ and BOB prop. Jordi and Rose Draba OTBB ( Enjoy x Al Pacino ) 2° "excellent" prop. Victoria ( kennel La Gebrada) . . - Nat. show Gallivar the 26-04-09 - CPF : H. Supreme ( Cocus x Ice Cool) 1° "very promising" BOB / BOG AND BIS2 PUPPY prop. Petra ( kennel White Ice Wolves) . . - Intern. show Chateauroux the 25-04-09 - CCHM : Artic OTBB ( Blitz x Einstein) 1° "excellent" prop. Sylvie ( kennel Domaine du loup) - COF : Caline OTBB ( Wonder x Ice ) 2° "excellent" RCACS prop. Sylvie ( kennel Domaine du loup) - CJF : Dessee OTBB ( Bounty x Ice ) "very good" prop. Sophie - CJM : Darius Ancilia ( father of the Bounty's comming litter) 1° "excellent" BOBJ / BOB / BOG2 prop. Sophie . . - Vasteras nat. show the 26-04-09: - CCHF : Bianca OTBB ( Danka x Gazon ) 1° "excellent" CACS /CK/ BOS prop.Annick ( kennel Barvestadt) Bacharra OTBB ( Zena x Ultimo) 1° "excellent" CK prop. Eva Liz ( kennel Vallegaarden) . . - Asturia intern. show the 21-04-09 - CCHM : Braveheart OTBB ( Wonder x Al Pacino) 1° "excellent" CACIB/ BOB prop. Pablo ( kennel Regius) . . - Sunndalsorna intern. show the 26-04-09: - CCHM : Chagall OTBB ( Danka x Ice Cool) 1° "excellent" BOB prop. Anne ( kennel White Rewyr) . . - The results of Pau intern. show the 26-04-09: - CPF : Dream ( Danka x U2 ) "very promising" ( no ranking in this classe) - CJF : Dolce Vita ( Wonder x Ice Cool) 1° "excellent" BOBJ and BOGJ2 - CIF : Diva OTBB ( Enjoy x Ice Cool) 1° "excellent" prop Cha,tal - COF : Classe Apart ( Danka x Ice Cool) 1° "excellent" CACS/CACIB /BOS - CCHM : Ice Cool 1° "excellent" CACIB/ BOB /BOG2 . . - photo Horsebo Supreme ( Cocus x Ice Cool) |
Date: 24 April 2009 |
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- Ultrascan today confirmed that Wonder is expecting puppies :Wonder and WV. U2 . |
Date: 22 April 2009 |
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- Congratulations to Darwin DDTL ( Wanda x Al Pacino) and Cathrine for a fantastic debut in the show ring at the international show in Fajus the 13-04-09: . - CJM : 1° "excellent" BOB Junior and also BOB ( best of breed) . BOGJ - BEST JUNIOR HERDING DOG . BISJ4 - FORTH BEST YOUNG DOG IN SHOW . . photo : Darwin du domaine de Thu-Lan |
Date: 20 April 2009 |
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- The puppies from the European Junior Champion and Best BBS in Spain 2009 Cali DDDP and the World Champion H. U2 are born More information and photos at the kennel La Gebrada ( link to us ) . . 1 MALE and 1 FEMALE still to be reserved . . photo : Cali and her puppies |
Date: 19 April 2009 |
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- Congratulations to Chagall OTBB ( Danka x Ice Cool) and Anne/ Arne ( kennel White Rewyr) for the results at Harstad show the 19-04-09 : . - COM : 1° "excellent" CACS / CERT. /BOB and became . . -------------------------- CHAMPION NORWEGE ------------------------------ . / |
Date: 18 April 2009 |
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- New photos of Enjoys puppies :Multi CH. Enjoy and Multi.CH. Ice Cool . . . |
Date: 12 April 2009 |
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- Congratulations to Douglas OTBB ( Enjoy x Al Pacino) and Cecelie for the follwoing x rays results: . HD : A/B ED : O/O . . . - New photos of Enjoy's puppies :Multi CH. Enjoy and Multi.CH. Ice Cool . . photo : Puppy Of Trebons Berger Blanc |
Date: 11 April 2009 |
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- Congratulations to Draba OTBB ( enjoy x AL Pacino) and Victoria ( kennel La Gebrada ) for the following x ray results : . HD : A/B ED : O/O . . . - Congratulations to Bacharra OTBB ( Zena x Ultimo) and Eva Liz ( kennel Vallegaarden) for the following results at the international show in Stockholm the 10-04-09: . COF : 1° "excellent" CACS/ RCACIB/ CERT. et devient . ------------------------ SWEDISH BEAUTY CHAMPION -------------------------- . . . photo : Bacharra of Trebons Berger Blanc . |
Date: 8 April 2009 |
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- Congratulation to Diabolo OTBB( Danka x U2) and Frederique for their result at the nat. show La Roche sur Yon the 04-04-09 : CPM : 1° "very promising" . . . - Congratulation to H. Supreme ( Cocus x Ice Cool) and Petra ( kennel White Wolfs ) for their results at the show in Gallivar the 04-04-09: CPF : 1° "very promising" and . ----------------- BEST IN GROUP I PUPPY --------------------- . . . - Congratulations to all the owner of the following dogs that participated at Swedish Winner 2009 We are VERY proud of all the results and all the work everybody obviously have put into their dogs . CCHF :Bianca OTBB ( Danka x Gazon) 2° "excellent" owner kennel Barvestadt . CJF : Cherie OTBB ( Zena x Crunch) 1° "excellent" owner Inge Britt . COM : H. Vi2 ( Enjoy x Al Pacino) 1° "excellent" owner Inge Britt . CIM : Chagall OTBB ( Danka x Ice Cool) 1° "excellent" CACS/CACIB/CERT/BOB owner kennel White Rewyr . ------------------ SWEDISH WINNER 2009 --------------------------- FOR THE THIRD YEAR RUNNING A DOG FROM KENNEL TREBONS IS SWEDISH WINNER . . . photo : Chagall Of Trebons Berger Blanc |
Date: 2 April 2009 |
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- Congratulations to H. Supreme ( Cocus x Ice Cool) and Petra ( kennel White Ice Wolfs ) for their first show result at the show in Kalix the 29-03-09 : . CPF : 1° "very promising" best puppy . --------- BOG PUPPY and BEST IN SHOW PUPPY ------------- . . . .- Congratulations to H. Taco Bell ( Cocus x Ice Cool) and Els-Mari ( kennel Pipinos) for their first show result at the show in Kathrineberg the 29-03-09: . CPF : 1° "very promising " best puppy . --------- BOG2 PUPPY ---------- . . . - Results from Ch Luxembourg le 29-03-09 : . CCHM : Ice Cool 4° "excellent" . COF : Classe Apart ( Danka x Ice ) "excellent" . CJF : Dolce Vita ( Wonder x Ice ) 4° "excellent" . CPF : Dream ( Danka x U2 ) 1° "tres prometteur" . -------- BEST PUPPY ---------- . CBF : Dufckan ( Chiwa x U2 ) 1° "tres prometteur " Best Baby . -------- SELECTED BETWEEN THE 6 BIS PUPPIES -------------- . . . - The result of the international Herding show in Copenhagen the 29-03-09 : . - COM : Muffin( Cocus x Cedor) 1° "excellent" CACS/BOB/CERT. . ------------- CHAMPION OF DENMARK and BIS2 ----------------- . - CBM : Quiet Naughty ( Seven up x Muffin) 1° "very promising" best baby . ------------- BEST BABY IN SHOW ---------------- . . . - New photos of Enjoys puppies :Multi CH. Enjoy and Multi.CH. Ice Cool . - Wonder has been mated with U2 and we are expecting puppies in the end of maj Wonder and WV. U2 . - Our link page has been updated . - Our litter page has been updated . .
Date: 27 March 2009 |
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- Congratulations to all the owners of the following dogs , that participated in the international show in Girona the 21-03-09: . - CPF : Dolca OTBB ( Danka x U2) 1° "very promising" . - CPM : Frostflakes Garcia ( Zena x Cedor) 1° "very promising" BOB puppy and . - BEST PUPPY GROUP 1 - . - CJF : Daina OTBB ( Wonder x Ice Cool) 3° "excellent" Dana OTBB ( Enjoy x Al Pacino ) 2° "excellent" Draba OTBB ( Enjoy x Al Pacino) 1° "excellent" BOB JUNIOR/ BOB ADULT and . - BETWEEN THE 6 BEST DOGS IN GROUP 1 -photo : Draba of Trebons Berger Blanc
Date: 26 March 2009 |
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- New photos of Enjoys puppies :Multi CH. Enjoy and Multi.CH. Ice Cool . . - Congratulations to Chuck OTBB ( Danka x Ice Cool) and Sylvie for the following result at the international show in Perigieux the 21-03-09 : . - CIM : 1° "excellent" CACS/CACIB and BOS . .- Congratulations to Cool Casper OTBB ( Danka x Ice Cool) called Grimm and Annicka ( kennel Barvestadt) for another new titles : BEST WORKING BBS IN SWEDEN 2008 . . |
Date: 19 March 2009 |
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- new photos of Enjoys puppies :Multi CH. Enjoy and Multi.CH. Ice Cool . . |
Date: 13 March 2009 |
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- Wonder is on heat and will be mated to our World Champion FCI 2008 U2 in the comming week For further info : Wonder and WV. U2 . - New photos of Dolce Vita ( Wonder x Ice Cool ) :Dolce vita . . |
Date: 10 March 2009 |
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- Congratulations to Helle ( kennel Horsebo) and H. Muffin ( Cocus x Cedor) for the following new titel : . DANISH KENNELCLUBS BREEDE WINNER 2008 . . - Congratulations to kennel Val de Princessa and Barbie OTBB ( Zena x Ultimo) for the following new titel : . PORTUGISE KENNELCLUBS BREED WINNER 2008 . . |
Date: 9 March 2009 |
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- first photos of Enjoy and her puppies :Multi CH. Enjoy and Multi.CH. Ice Cool . . |
Date: 5 March 2009 |
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- New photos of Apple's puppies : Apple and Multi.CH. Ice Cool . - Enjoys puppies are born , 4 males and 4 females :Multi CH. Enjoy and Multi.CH. Ice Cool . - Congratulations to Marion and Candy OTBB ( Zena x Crunch ) for the following x ray results : . HD : A/A ED : O/O . - Congratulations to Evelyn ( kennel Domaine de Pegase ) and Dune OTBB ( Enjoy x Al ) for the following x ray results : . HD: A/A ED: O/O . - Congratulations to kennel White Rewyr and Chagall OTBB ( Danka x Ice Cool) for the following results at Bo international show the 21-02-09: . - CIM : 1° "excellent" CACS/CACIB and BOB ( and second cert. for the Norwegian Champion title ) . - Congratulations to kennel Regius and Braveheart OTBB ( Wonder x Al ) for the following results at the international show in Valladolid the 22-02-09 : . CCHM : 1° "excellent" CACIB and BOB . . |
Date: 17 February 2009 |
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- New photos of Dream ( Danka x U2 ) . Dream . |
Date: 16 February 2009 |
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- The results of the intern. show in Fredericia the 14-02-08 and a BIG congratulations to Inge Britt and Horsebo Vi2 ( Enjoy x Al Pacino ) - CIF : H. Madam Mim ( Seven up x Mojo) 1° "excellent" CACS/CACIB and BOB . - COM : H. Vi2 ( Enjoy x Al Pacino) 1° "excellent" CACS/CACIB/BOS and became . DANISH BEAUTY CHAMPION . - Our Enjoy of white sunshine is now the mother of 9 national champions and 2 worldchampions She has 27 off spring between 13 months and 3 years meaning that 30% of her off spring has becom CHAMPIONS We are pretty sure that she is the only BBS female that can produce a statistic like that . - photo Enjoy of white sunshine , expecting new champions in the beginnning of marts |
Date: 14 February 2009 |
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- New puppy photos : Apple and Multi.CH. Ice Cool . Centerfold and Multi.CH. Ice Cool . . |
Date: 8 February 2009 |
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- Congratulations to Artic OTBB ( Blitz x Einstein ) and his owner Sylvie ( kennel Domaine du chene au loup) for their result at the international show in Bourges the 07-02-09 : . - CCHM : 1° "excellent" CACS/CACIB and BOB . . - New puppy photos : Apple and Multi.CH. Ice Cool . Centerfold and Multi.CH. Ice Cool . . |
Date: 3 February 2009 |
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- Congratulations to Diamant OTBB ( Wonder x Ice Cool) and her owner Veroniquefor their result at the intern. show and Special De Race de Chalons en Champagne le 01-02-09 : . - CJF : 1° "excellent" Best Junior and becomming . SPECIALE DE RACE JUNIOR WINNER . photo : Diamant of Trebons Berger Blanc |
Date: 2 February 2009 |
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- New puppy photos : Apple and Multi.CH. Ice Cool . Centerfold and Multi.CH. Ice Cool Chiwa and WV. U2 . photo : puppy Apple x Ice |
Date: 30 January 2009 |
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- Congratulations to Diabolo OTBB ( Danka x U2 ) and Dina OTBB ( Danka x U2 ) for the following x ray results : . HD : A/A ED: O/O . . - Congratulations to Aragon OTBB ( Danka x Ultimo ) and his owner Ingrid ( kennel Von Stainzer Schilcherland ) for having passed the FH3 and at the same time becomming . ------------------------ CHAMPION OF AUSTRIA -------------------- . - Aragon of Trebons Berger Blanc is the 20th FCI Champion born in our kennel in 2009 . . . - Congratulation to Cajus OTBB ( Bounty x Ice Cool ) and his owner kennel Hodowla Psow Rasouych Leo for another two super show results at the intern. show in Kilce and Poznan in nov. 2009 : . - CCHM : 1° "excellent " CACIB/BOB and became . ----------------------- CHAMPION OF POLAND ------------------------------ . Cajus of Trebons Berger Blanc is the 21th. international Champion born in our kennel in 2009. . Cajus is now Champion of the following countries : Bulgarien Polan Macedonia Chezk Rep. . . . photo : Multichampion Cajus of Trebons Berger Blanc Suisse |
Date: 29 January 2009 |
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- Ultrascans today showed that bothe ou Vice World Champion Classe Apart and our European Champion Enjoy are expecting puppies in the beginning og marts - Further information about these two litter : . Classe apart and WJV. Muffin(Horsebo) . Multi CH. Enjoy and Multi.CH. Ice Cool . photo : Classe Apart and Enjoy |
Date: 28 January 2009 |
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- Congratulations to Dior OTBB ( Danka x U2 ) and Diamant OTBB ( Wonder x Ice Cool) and their owner Veronique for their results at the international show in Mouscron the 25-01-09: - CBM : Dior 1° "very promising" - best baby . - CJF : Diamant 1° "excellent" - best junior . photo : Dior and Diamant of Trebons Berger Blanc |
Date: 24 January 2009 |
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- CONGRATULATIONS to Cool Casper OTBB ( Danka x Ice Cool) owner Annicka ( kennel Barvestadt) He is the first Berger Blanc Suisse to have obtained two national Working Champion titles at the age of 22 months . He is now : . SWEDISH OBEDIENCE CHAMPION ( SLCH ) . and . SWEDISH BLOODTRACKING CHAMPION ( SVCH) .- Of the 150 puppies born at kennel Trebons since 2003 , 5 have been selected to participate in spesific working disciplins , Cool Casper ( Called Grimm) is one of them. All five puppies were selected using our puppy enviroment program and puppy test conducted by expert veterinaire comportementalist Victoria Coll The other puppies selected was Aragon OTBB ( Danka x Ultimo ) owner kennel Von Stainzer Schilcher- land . He has now achived: . BGH 1 - 2 - 3 . and . F1 - 2 . The third selected puppy was Apache Boy OTBB ( Unique x Mack ) owner kennel Gardien du Val He has now achived : . CSAU / TAN and TAT . The last two puppies selected are still very young but we will keep you updated , especially Don Knut OTBB ( Bounty x Ice Cool) who is aiming for entering into the national Danish police force we hope to be writing a lot about . For us this is proof that we are on the right track when it comes to our breeding program and finding the RIGHT PUPPY FOR THE RIGHT PERSON - no matter what you want - family pet / show dog or working dog - we can do it.!!! . Finally a BIG thanks to all the handlers and especially to dr. vet. Victoria Coll for her help in setting up our program and guiding us along the way . . photo : Cool Casper ( called Grimm) Of Trebons Berger Blanc |
Date: 22 January 2009 |
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- New puppy photos of :Centerfold and Multi.CH. Ice Cool . Chiwa and WV. U2 . Apple and Multi.CH. Ice Cool .. : photo puppies Chiwa x U2 |
Date: 20 January 2009 |
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- Congratulations to Luke Dragon Snowey River ( father to the litters of Danka and Enjoy ) and his owner Michele ( kennel Snowey River ) for this result ED : O/O . - The show results at Bordeaux international show the 18-01-09 : - CJF : Diwa OTBB ( Enjoy x Al Pacino ) 1° "very good" Daika OTBB ( Enjoy x Al Pacino ) 2° "very good" - CJM : Douglas OTBB ( Enjoy x Al Pacino) 1° "excellent" and BOB junior - CIM : Chuck OTBB ( Danka x Ice Cool) 1° "excellent" and RCACS/ RCACIB . . - The show results at the Danish Herding clubs show in Copenhagen 17-01-09 , - CJF : H. Madam Mim ( Seven Up x Mojo) 1° " excellent" BOB junior - CIM H. Muffin ( Cocus x Cedor) 1° "excellent " CACS / BOB and . . FOR THE FIRST TIME IN DENMARK A BERGER BLANC SUISSE AS BEST IN SHOW - BEST IN SHOW - BEST IN SHOW . . - photo : HORSEBO MUFFIN ( father of Seven up and Classes puppies ) |
Date: 14 January 2009 |
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- Congratulations to Coco Baltic Beauty OTBB ( Wonder x Ice Cool) and kennel Baltic Beauty for another good show result at the international show in Tartu the 10-01-09 : - CIF : 1° "excellent" CACS and BOB . - New puppy photos of :Babybel ( Horsebo) and WJV. Muffin(Horsebo) Chiwa and WV. U2 Centerfold and Multi.CH. Ice Cool Apple and Multi.CH. Ice Cool . . |
Date: 10 January 2009 |
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- Three exceptionel litters are on their way : . EUROPEAN CHAMPION ENJOY X EUROPEAN CHAMPION ICE COOL Puppies expected in the end of Febuary Multi CH. Enjoy and Multi.CH. Ice Cool . VICE WORLD CHAMPION CLASSE X EUROPEAN CHAMPION MUFFIN Puppies expected beginning of Marts Classe apart and WJV. Muffin(Horsebo) . SOUTH AFRICAN CHAMPION LUKE DRAGON X EUROSIEGER DANKA Puppies expected mid Marts Danka and CH. Luck Dragon. |
Date: 7 January 2009 |
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- New photos of the puppies from :Apple and Multi.CH. Ice Cool Centerfold and Multi.CH. Ice Cool Chiwa and WV. U2 . |
Date: 6 January 2009 |
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- Congratulations to Bianca OTBB ( Danka x Gazon) and Annicka ( kennel Barvestadt ) for their results at the dobble international show in Goteborg the 3/4-01-09 : 03-01-09 : CCHF : 1° "excellent" C.K and BOs 04-01-09 : CCHF : 1° "excellent C.K and BOS ; - . - Congratulations to Cali DDDP ( Amazone x Ice Cool , breeder E Drogue ) and Victoria ( kennel La Gebrada) for their new title according to the Spanish BBS Club . - BEST FEMALE BERGER BLANC SUISSE SPAIN 2008 - . - BEST BERGER BLANC SUISSE SPAIN 2009 - . photo : Bianca of Trebons Berger Blanc |
Date: 1 January 2009 |
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- New puppy photos of : Centerfold and Multi.CH. Ice Cool Chiwa and WV. U2 . - Two new litters planned for spring 2009 Danka and CH. Luck Dragon Multi CH. Enjoy and Multi.CH. Ice Cool . |
Date: 30 December 2008 |
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- New photos of Babybell and Muffin's puppies: - Babybel ( Horsebo) and WJV. Muffin(Horsebo)-. photo : Horsebo puppy |
Date: 28 December 2008 |
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- Appels puppies are born 2 males and 2 females for further information : Apple and Multi.CH. Ice Cool . - New link from South Africa ( Snowey River) . - Classe is on heat and will be mated to the European Champion Muffin in the end of next week for further information : Classe apart and WJV. Muffin(Horsebo) . |
Date: 26 December 2008 |
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- New photos of Centerfold's and Chiwa's puppies . - Chiwa and WV. U2 - . - Centerfold and Multi.CH. Ice Cool -
Date: 23 December 2008 |
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- Big congratulations to Duran Duran OTBB ( called Hippy , Enjoy x Al Pacino) and Mathilde ( kennel Conquistados del Azahar ) for two excellents results at the dobbel international show in Valencia the 20/20-12-08: . 20-12-08 : CJM : 1° "excellent" best junior and BEST OF BREED ( 11 months old ) 21-12-08 : CJM : 1° "excellent" best junior . photo Duran Duran Of Trebons Berger Blanc |
Date: 22 December 2008 |
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- First photos of Centerfolds and our European Champion Ice Cool's puppies - Centerfold and Multi.CH. Ice Cool - . - All our congratulations to Blizzard OTBB ( Zena x Ultimo) and Mari/esa for another two CACS in international shows in Finland , now he only needs one more to obtain the titel Finnish Champion - photo Blizzard of Trebons Berger Blanc |
Date: 20 December 2008 |
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- Centerfold puppies are born 9 puppies , 6 females and 3 males photo to come for further info :Centerfold and Multi.CH. Ice Cool .
Date: 18 December 2008 |
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- New puppy photos on : Chiwa and WV. U2 Babybel ( Horsebo) and WJV. Muffin(Horsebo) . photo : chiot de Babybelle et Muffin |
Date: 18 December 2008 |
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- New puppy photos on : Chiwa and WV. U2 Babybel ( Horsebo) and WJV. Muffin(Horsebo) . photo : puppy of Babybelle et Muffin |
Date: 14 December 2008 |
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. Chiwas puppies are born 6 males and 3 females for further information : Chiwa and WV. U2 photos to come |
Date: 11 December 2008 |
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- Congratulations to Victoria and Ramon ( kennel La Gebrada ) for the following results at the double international show in Alicant the 6/-12-08 : the 07-12-08 - COF : Branca OTBB ( Wonder x Al ) 1 ° "excellent" RCACS/RCACIB - CIF : Cota DDP ( Amazone x Ice Cool ) 1° "excellent" CACS/CACIB and BOB - CJF : Dacsa DDTL ( Wand x Al Pacino) 1° "excellent" BOB Junior the 06-12-08 - CJF : Draba OTBB ( Enjoy x Al Pacino) 1° "excellent" BOB Junior COF : Branca OTBB ( Wonder x Al Pacino) 1° "excellent" CACS/CACIB/BOB and became . - CHAMPION OF SPAIN - . photo Branca OTBB - saur de notre Babybell |
Date: 9 December 2008 |
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- Congratulations to Bianca OTBB ( Danka x Gazon) and Annicka ( kennel Barvestadt ) for the following result at the international show " Stora Stockholm 2008 " the 08-12-08 - CCHF : 1° "excellent" CACIB /BOS and _ - STORA STOCKHOLM WINNER 2008 - . photo Bianca OTBB |
Date: 5 December 2008 |
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. - First photos of Babybell and Mufins puppies : Babybel ( Horsebo) and WJV. Muffin(Horsebo) |
Date: 3 December 2008 |
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. . Babybell's puppies are born 5 males and 5 females Photos to come For more infor : Babybel ( Horsebo) and WJV. Muffin(Horsebo). |
Date: 23 November 2008 |
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Date: 17 November 2008 |
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- The results of Euro Dog Show Belgium the 16-11-08 : . - CJF : H. Madame Mim ( Seven x Mojo) 1° "excellent" BOB Junior / BIS7 junior . Euro Dog Show Junior Winner 2008 . - COM : H. Muffin ( Cocus x Cedor) 1° "excellent" CACS/CACIB/BOB and . Euro Dog Show Winner 2008 . . |
Date: 16 November 2008 |
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- congratulations to Orna ( kennel Kfar Rubin) and their results at the international herding show Tel Aviv the 09-11-08 : . Cash Money OTBB ( Danka x Ice Cool) CJM : 1° excellent best junior . Beauty OTBB ( Zena x Ultimo ) COF : 1° excellent CACS/CACIB BOB and became . CHAMPION OF ISRAEL . . |
Date: 14 November 2008 |
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- Chiwa , Appel and Centerfold are all expecting puppies , for further information : - Chiwa and WV. U2 . - Apple and Multi.CH. Ice Cool . - Centerfold and Multi.CH. Ice Cool . . . photo : Chiwa , Appel and Centerfold |
Date: 13 November 2008 |
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- Congratulations to Cute OTBB ( Danka x Ice Cool) and his owner Evelyn ( Kennel Domaine de Pegase) for the following x ray results :` HD : A/A ED: O/O . . - Congratulations to c'Moi OTBB ( Blitz x Al Pacino) called Sammy for passing the Slovacien BBS clubs obedience test with the following result : 87 points out of 100 - very good . . - Congratulations to Aragon OTBB ( Danka x Ultimo) and Ingrid ( kennel von Stainzer Schilcherland) for his result in Tracking classe 2 : 95 points out of 100 - excellent . . - Our show results at the Special de Race at Castres the 09-11-08 : - CPF : Dolce Vita ( Wonder x Ice Cool) very promising ( no classing in puppy classe ) - CJF : Diva OTBB ( Enjoy x Al Pacino ) 2° excellent - CIF : Classe Apart OTTB ( Danka x Ice Cool) 2° excellent - COF : H. Appel ( Cocus x Cedor) 2° excellent - CIM : Chuck OTBB ( Danka xICe Cool) 2° excellent prop: Sylvie . . - Congratulations to Victoria (kennel La Gebrada ) , Jordi and Estella for their show results at the nat. show ine Sant Fost de Cammmpentelles the 09-11-08: - CJF : Draba OTBB ( Enjoy x Al Pacino) 1° excellent BOB Junior BOB Adult prop: Victoria Dana OTBB ( Enjoy x Al Pacino) 2° excellent prop: Estella - CPF : Daina OTBB ( Wonder x Ice Cool) 1° very promising BOB Puppy prop: Jordi Dasca DDTL ( Wanda x Al Pacino ) 2° very promising prop: Victoria - CBM : F. Garcia dite Gorg ( Zena x Cedor) 1° very promising BOB Baby prop: Victoria . . - |
Date: 3 November 2008 |
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-Congratulations to Artic OTBB ( Blitz x Einstein ) and Sylvie ( kennel Domaine du chene au loup) for their result at the international show in Metz the 01-011-08 ( 40 BBS): - CCHM : 1° "excellent" CACIB and BEST OF BREED - Also congratulations to Cymba DDDCAL ( Alaska OTBB x Artic OTBB) and Anita for their result at the same show - CJM :1° "excellent" BEST JUNIOR MALE . . |
Date: 21 October 2008 |
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- Congratulations to Victoria ( kennel La Gebrada ) and Mathilde ( kennel Conquistadors de Azahar ) for their show results at the double international show in Perpignan - Barcelona ( Catalonian Championship) the 18 and 19 of october : Barcelona : CPF - Daina OTBB ( Wonder x Ice Cool) 1° "very promising" BOB puppy owner : Jordi CJF - Draba OTBB ( Enjoy x Al Pacino) 1° "excellent" BOB Junior owner : Victoria CIF - Cali DDP ( Amazone x Ice Cool ) 1° "excellent" CACS/CACIB/BOB and BOG3 owner : Victoria CJM - Duran Duran OTBB ( Enjoy x Al Pacino ) 1° "excellent" owner : Mathilde . Perpignan : CJF - Draba OTBB ( Enjoy x Al Pacino) 1° "excellent" BOB junior owner : Victoria CIF - Cali DDP ( Amazone x Ice Cool) 1° "excellent" CACS/CACIB and became CATALONIAN CHAMPION 2008 ( non FCI) . |
Date: 21 October 2008 |
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- Congratulations to Victoria ( kennel La Gebrada ) and Mathilde ( kennel |
Date: 16 October 2008 |
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- Congratulation one more time to Coco Baltic Beauty OTBB ( Wonder x Ice ) and Tamara/Alex ( kennel Balitc Beauty) for another two superb show results in Vilinus Autum Show the 11-10-08 and Vilnius Cup the 12-10-08 : - Vilnius Autom Show - COF : 1° "excellent" CACS and BOB - Vilnius Cup Show - COF : 1° "excellent" CACS and BOB . - The results of our dogs and dogs born out of our kennel at the Special BBS show in Orleans the 12-10-08 ( 55 BBS) : - CPF : Diamant OTBB ( Wonder x Ice ) "very promising" prop: Veronique Dolce Vita OTBB ( Wonder Ice ) "very promising" BOB puppy . - CIF : H. Cookies ( Cocus x Cedor) 3° "excellent" prop: Sylvie ( elevage domaine du chene du loup) . - CCHF : Enjoy 1° "excellent" RCACIB . - COM : Artic OTBB ( Blitz x Einstein ) "excellent" prop: Sylvie ( elevage domaine du chene du loup) . - CCHM : Ice Cool 1° "excellent" RCACIB and BOB Champion . photo : Dolce Vita OTBB ( Wonder x Ice ) BOB PUPPY SPECIAL DE RACE ORLEANS |
Date: 15 October 2008 |
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- Congratulations to Cresus DDP ( Amazone x Ice Cool ) and Pierre/Nicole and also to Diamant OTBB ( Wonder Ice Cool) for their results at the intern. show in Chalerois the 11-10-08: - CPF : Diamant "tres prometteur" - CIM : Cresus ( Casper) 1° "excellent" CACS /CACIB and BOB . - Congratulations to Cool Casper OTBB ( Danka x Ice Cool) and Annicka ( kennel Barvestad for the following results the 11-10-08: - Classe Obedience elite : Casper ( Grimm) excellent ( needs only one more for the championtitel ) . - The results of Koge nat. show the 11-10-08 : - CIF : Cherie OTBB ( Zena x Crunch) 1° "excellent" CACS/CERT. BOS ( best opposite sex) prop. Reykdal - BIS4 for BOS - CYM : H. Mojo Jojo ( Seven x Mojo) 1° "excellent" CACS/CERT. BOB and - BIS4 for BOB - COM : H. Vi2 ( Enjoy x Al Pacino) 1° "excellent" - Congratulation to Evelyne ( kennel Domaine de Pegase) for the following x ray results of Chawki DDDP ( Amazone x Ice Cool): HD : A/A ED: O/O .
Date: 13 October 2008 |
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- The results of our dogs and dogs born out of our kennel at the European Championship the 05-10-08 Budapest : . - CJM : Cajus OTBB ( Bounty x Ice Cool) 2° "excellent" owner : Gesner . - CIM : Chagall OTBB ( Danka x Ice Cool) 2° "excellent" owner : Nielsen . - COM : H. Muffin ( Cocus x Cedor) 1° "excellent" CACS and BOS and became . EUROPEAN CHAMPION 2008 . Ice Cool 2° "excellent" RCACS . . - CCHF : H Seven Up ( Enjoy x Al Pacino) 1° "excellent" . - COF : Baika OTBB ( Unique x Amaroq ) 3° "excellent" prop. Emelie . - CIF : Chiwa OTBB ( Wonder x Ice Cool) 3° "excellent" Campary OTBB ( Unique x Al Pacino) 4° "excellent" - CYF : H . Madam Mimse ( Seven Up x Mojo) 3° "excellent" . : Cali DDP ( Amazone x Ice Cool) prop. V Coll prod : E Drouge 1° "excellent" BOB YOUNG and . JUNIOR EUROPEAN CHAMPION 2008 . photo : Cali du Domaine de Pegase European junior Champion 2008 |
Date: 9 October 2008 |
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- New photos of Cocus' puppies : CH. Cocus ( Horsebo) and Multi.CH. Ice Cool . - Centerfold is on heat and will be mated in the end of next week : Centerfold and Multi.CH. Ice Cool . |
Date: 7 October 2008 |
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- Congratulations to Barbie OTBB ( Zena x Ultimo ) and Simone ( kennel Val de Princessa ) for their result at the Spanish Clubmatch the 27-09-08 : - COF : 1° "excellent" BOS - Best female and became SPANISH CLUBWINNER 2008 . - Congratulations to Coco Balic Beauty OTBB ( Wonder x Ice ) and Tamara /Alex ( kennel Baltic Beauty ) for her new titel : SLOVACIEN CHAMPION . - Babybell has been mated the 1/3 and 5 of october and we are expecting her and Muffins puppies in the beginning of December . . The results of the Hungarian Clubmatch the 03-10-08: - CJF : H. Madam Mim ( Mimse) 1° "excellent" BOB Junior and became HUNGARIAN CLUBMATCH JUNIOR WINNER and BIS2J - Second best junior dog in show - COM : H. Muffin 1°"excellent" BOB and Became HUNGARIAN CLUBMATCWINNER photo : Horsebo Muffin |
Date: 29 September 2008 |
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- New photos of Danka's puppies : Danka and WV. U2 . - Congratulations to Crispy OTBB and Cherie OTBB ( Zena x Crunch ) for the following x ray results: HD: A/A ED: O/O ( for both dogs ) and another congratulations to Cherie for passing her MH -test with excellent results . - Congratulations to Campary OTBB ( Unique x Al Pacino) and Anna ( kennel White Rewyr) for passing the AH ( endurance test 20 km ) with excellent . photo : puppy from Danka x U2 |
Date: 25 September 2008 |
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- Congratulations to Baika OTBB ( Unique x Amaroq) and Coco Baltic Beauty OTBB ( Wonder x Ice Cool) and their owners Emelie ( kennel Terre de Voldai) and Tamara/Alex ( kennel Baltic Beauty ) for their results at the BBI show the 21-09-08 at the Czech Rep. : . - COF : Baika 1° "excellent" CACS Coco 2° "excellent" RCACS . - Congratulations to H. Rennesaince ( Enjoy x Mojo) called Ira and Duran Duran OTBB ( Enjoy x Al Pacino) called Hippy and their owner Mathilde ( kennel Conquistadors of Azahar) for their super results at the dobbel show in Gibraltar the 20/21-09-08 : - CPM : Hippy 1° "very promising " best puppy and BEST HERDING PUPPY IN SHOW - COF : Ira 1° "excellent" CACS/ BOS and CHAMPION OF GILBRALTAR .
Date: 22 September 2008 |
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- Congratulations to Diamant OTBB ( Wonder x Ice) prop. Veronique et Cresus dit DDDP ( Amazone x Ice) prop. Pierre/Nichole ( kennel Fontomes de Nuit) for the following results at the nat. show Compiege the 21-09-08: - CPF : Diamant 1° "very promising" Best puppy - CJM : Casper 1° "excellent" Best young dog . - Congratulations to D'Nova OTBB ( Enjoy x Al Pacino) and Pernilla ( kennel Vesterengen) for their super results at the show in Strangenas the 21-09-08: - CPF : 1° "very promising" best puppy BOG - Best herding puppy in show BIS4 - 4th. best puppy in show . - The results of the international show in Ballerup the 20-09-08 : - CJF : H. Madame Mim ( 7-Up x Mojo) 1° "excellent" BOB YOUNG/CACS/CERT and BOS - CIM : H. Muffin ( Cocus x Cedor) 1° "excellent" CACS/CERT. and BOB . |
Date: 21 September 2008 |
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- New photos of Danka's puppies : Danka and WV. U2 . - Welcome to Horsebo Apple Pie : Apple. |
Date: 18 September 2008 |
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- Congratulations to Diva OTBB ( Enjoy x Al Pacino) and Vanessa for their result at the international show in Carcasonne the 14-08-08: . - CPF : 1° "very promising" BEST PUPPY . - Congratulations to Diamant OTBB ( Wonder x Ice Cool) and Jean Claude for their result at the international show in Pontoise the 14-09-08 : . - CPF : 1° "very promising" BEST PUPPY . - Congratulations to D'Nova OTBB ( Enjoy x Al Pacino) and Pernilla for their fabulouse results at the show in Vallentuna the 14-08-08 : . - CPF : 1° "very promising" BEST PUPPY and . BEST HERDING PUPPY IN SHOW. |
Date: 14 September 2008 |
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- Congratulations to the owner of H. Devil K7 ( Caroline ) , H. Vi2 and Cherie OTBB ( Inge Britt ) for the following show results a Sofienro's international show the 14-09-08 : . - COM : H. Devil K7 ( Enjoy x Al ) 1° "excellent" CACS/CERT and BOB H. Vi2 ( Enjoy x AL ) 2° "excellent" RCACS - CIF : Cherie OTBB ( Zena x Crunch ) 1° "excellent" CACS/CERT and BOS . . - Congratulations to Victoria ( kennel La Gebrada) for the following x ray results of her dogs : . H. Cau ( Cocus x Cedor) HD : B/B ED: O/O Cota DDP ( Amazone x Ice Cool ) HD: B/B ED: O/O . - Cocus' puppies are born 5 males and 5 females :CH. Cocus ( Horsebo) and Multi.CH. Ice Cool 2 MALES and 2 FEMALES to be reserved . - New photos of Danka's puppies 3 weeks old :Danka and WV. U2 . |
Date: 13 September 2008 |
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- BIG congratulations to Sylvie , elevage Domaine du chene au loup for the following results at the internationale show Championat de Luxembourg le 06-09-08 : - CIF : H. Cookies ( Cocus x Cedor) 1° "excellent" CACL - CJM : Cymba DDCAL ( Alaska OTBB x Artic OTBB) 1° "excellent" BOB JUNIOR and became . JUNIOR CHAMPION OF LUXEMBOURG . - COM : Artic OTBB ( Blitz x Einstein) 1° "excellent" CACL BOB and became . CHAMPION OF LUXEMBOURG . . - Congratulations to D'Nova OTBB ( Enjoy x Al Pacino) and Pernilla ( kennel ) and their first show result at Araboga the 07-09-08 : - CPF : 1° "very promising" best puppy and became : . BOG RESERVE PUPPY . . - The results of the Danish Clubmatch at the international show in Silkeborg the 07-09-08 : . - CJF : H.Madame Mim ( Seven x Mojo) 1° excellent BOB junior and BOS ( best opposit sex) . DANISH JUNIOR CLUB CHAMPION . Cherie OTBB ( Zena x Crunch ) 2° excellent . - COF : Ulja OTBB ( Emma x Sisco ) 1° excellent . - CIM : H. Muffin ( Cocus x Cedor) 1° excellent CACS and BOB and became . DANISH CLUB CHAMPION BOG - BEST HERDING DOG IN SHOW . photo : D' Nova Of Trebons Berger Blanc
Date: 2 September 2008 |
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- Congratulations to Blaze OTBB ( Zena X Ultimo) and Eva Liz ( kennel Vallegaarden) for the following results at the dobble international show in Gotland the 30 and 31-08-08 : - 30-08 : CIM 1° excellent - 31-08 : CIM 1° excellent CERT . - Congratulations to Coco Baltic Beauty OTBB ( Wonder x Ice ) and Tamara/Alex ( kennel Baltic Beauty) for the following results at the international show in Bialystoc the 30-08-08 : - COF : 1° excellent CACS/CACIB and BOS . - Congratulations to Campary OTBB ( Unique x Al )/ Chagall OTBB ( Danka x Ice ) and Anne/Arne ( kennel White Rewyr ) for the following results at the international show in Tronhein the 30 and 31-08-08: - 30-08 : Chagall CIM 1° excellent CACS/CACIB /CERT. and BOS Campary CIF 1° excellent CACS/CACIB/CERT. and BOB - 31-08 : Chagall CIM 1° excellent CACS/CACIB/CERT. and BOS Campary CIF 1° excellent CACS/CACIB/CERT. and BOB . - Congratulations to Chuck OTBB ( Danka x Ice ) and Sylvie for another super result at the intern. show in Casteljaloux the 30-08-08 : - CIM : 1° excellent CACS/CACIB/BOB and . BOG - BEST HERDING DOG IN SHOW . |
Date: 30 August 2008 |
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- Congratulations to C'moi ( called Sammy) OTBB ( Blitz x Al Pacino) and Miriam ( kennel White Melodie) for the following results : ` HD: A/A ED: O/O . - First photos of Dankas puppies : Danka and WV. U2. |
Date: 26 August 2008 |
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- Congratulations to Cresus DU Domaine de Pegase ( Amazone x Ice Cool) and his owner Pierre et Nicole ( kennel du domaine des fantomes blanc) for another excellent show result at the national show in Ribemont the 24-08-08 : CJM : 1st. "excellent" BOB young and BOGJ ( best young group 1 dog in show ) . photo : Casper |
Date: 23 August 2008 |
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- Dankas puppies are born 9 puppies 5 males and 4 females All in good shape including the mother ALL PUPPIES ARE RESERVED . |
Date: 21 August 2008 |
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- Congratulations to Cool Casper OTBB called Grimm ( Danka x Ice Cool , brother to our Classe) and Annicka ( kennel Barvestadt) for another fantastic working result : First Berger Blanc Suisse in Scandinavia to receive a 1° excellent in obedience classe ELITE Another two results like that and he will be double champion of Sweden ( bloodtracking and obedience) And he is just 17 months old !!!!!. - Congratulations to C'Moi OTBB called Sammy ( Blitz x Al Pacino) a,d Miriam ( kennel white Melodie ) for another two super show results at the dobbel international show in Bratislava the 17/18-08-08 : CIM : 1° "excellent" CACS . - Congratulations to Cherie OTBB ( Zena x Crunch) and Inge Britt for their show result at the national show in Vejen the 17-08-08: CJF : 1° "excellent" BOB young dog and CK. . Photo : Cherie of Trebons Berger Blanc |
Date: 13 August 2008 |
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- The dysplasia results of Horsebo Muffin ( Cocus x Cedor) HD: A/A ED: O/O - New litter planned for autom 2008 : Babybel ( Horsebo) and WJV. Muffin(Horsebo) . |
Date: 8 August 2008 |
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- Congratulations to Baika OTBB ( Unique x Amaroq) and Emelie ( kennel Terres de Voldai ) for their result at the nat. show in Louvain the 03-08-08: - COF : 1st. "excellent" CACS and BOB . - The results of our dogs at the Special BBS Show in Brive ( 49 BBS) the 03-08-08 : - CPF : Draba OTBB ( Enjoy x Al ) "very promising " no placing in this classe owner Victoria - CJF : Classe Apart OTBB ( Danka x Ice ) 1st. "excellent" and SPECIAL DE RACE JUNIOR WINNER BRIVE 2008 - CIF : Centerfold OTBB ( Unique x Al ) 2nd. "excellent" - COF : Bauma OTBB ( Danka x Gazon ) 4th. "excellent" owner Victoria - CJM : Chuck OTBB ( Danka x Ice ) 1st. "excellent" BOB JEUNE owner Sylvie SPECIAL DE RACE JUNIOR WINNER BRIVE 2008 BOGJ2 ( second best young herding dog in show ) - COM : Ice Cool 1st. "excellent" CACS/CACIB /BOS and SPECIAL DE RACE WINNER BRIVE 2008 - A BIG THANKS to Sylvie , Victoria ( kennel La Gebrada )and Christilla ( kennel Domaine du Thu Lan) for helping me with my dogs during the show . photo : Classe Apart of Trebons Berger Blanc
Date: 31 July 2008 |
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- Dysplasia results : Centerfold OTBB ( Al Pacino x Unique ) A/A O/O Chiwa OTBB ( Wonder x Ice Cool ) A/A O/O Classe Apart OTBB ( Danka x Ice Cool) A/A O/O C' Darling DDP ( Uta x Al Pacino ) A/A O/O Chili OTBB ( Blitz x Al Pacino ) A/A Asuia OTBB ( Blitz x Einstein ) A/B O/O . - Congratulation to Baalka OTBB ( Unique x Amaroq) and Juliette for their result at the nat. show in Mont de Marsan the 15-06-08 : COF : 1st. "excellent" CACS and BOS . - Congratulations to Alex/Tamara ( kennel Baltic Beauty ) and Coco Baltic Beauty OTBB ( Wonder x Ice Cool) for the following result at the nat; show in Rapina the 12-07-08 : CJF : 1st. "excellent" BOB JUNIOR and BOB ADULT and she is now Lativian/Lithuanian/Russian/Estonian and Baltic JUNIOR CHAMPION . - The result at the international show in Ronne the 27-07-08 : CIF : H. Apple ( Cocus x Cedor ) 1st. "excellent" BOB and CERT. CPF : H. Mimse ( Seven Up x Mojo ) 1st. "very promising" best puppy and BIS4 PUPPY ( 4th. best puppy in show ) . - New photos of Bounty's puppies : Bounty and Multi.CH. Ice Cool . - Ultrascan confirms that Danka is expecting puppies end of August . photo : Horsebo Mimse ( Seven up x Mojo) BIS4 PUPPY |
Date: 10 July 2008 |
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- The results of our dogs ( Horsebo and Trebons) at the Swedish Clubshow ( Circuit ) the 03-07-08: - CJM : H. Muffin ( Cocus x Cedor ) 1st. "excellent" CACS and . BOB JUNIOR - COM : Ice Cool OHF ( Lesley x Capo) "excellent" H. U2 ( Enjoy x Al Pacino) 4th. "excellent" . - CIF : Chiwa OTBB ( Wonder x Ice Cool) 1st. "very good" - COF : Seven Up ( Enjoy x Al Pacino) 2nd. "excellent" . . - The results of our dogs at the World Dog Show 2008 , the biggest dogs show with 23.000 dogs of which 89 were Berger Blanc Suisse from 10 different countries : - CJM : H. Muffin ( Cocus x Cedor ) 1st. "excellent" CACS/ BOB JUNIOR and . WORLD JUNIOR WINNER 2008 FCI . - COM : Ice Cool OHF ( Lesley x Capo) 3th. "excellent" H. U2 ( Al Pacino x Enjoy ) 1st. "excellent" BOS and . WORLD WINNER 2008 FCI . - CIF : Classe Apart OTBB ( Danka x Ice Cool) 1st. "excellent" RCACS and . VICE WORLD WINNER 2008 FCI . - COF : H. Seven Up ( Enjoy x Al Pacino ) 1st. "excellent" BOB and . WORLD WINNER 2008 FCI . . photo : Two VERY proud parents Al Pacino and Enjoy , parents of two WORLD WINNERS !!!!! |
Date: 9 July 2008 |
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- Danka has been on heat and been mated to U2 the 22/24 and 26 of june more info :Danka and CHJ. U2 . - Cocus is on heat and will be mated to Ice Cool in the comming week more info : CH. Cocus ( Horsebo) and Multi.CH. Ice Cool . - New photos of Bounty's puppies 4 weeks old more info : Bounty and Multi.CH. Ice Cool . |
Date: 8 July 2008 |
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- Congratulations to Monica and Cajus OTBB ( Bounty x Ice Cool) for their show result at the intern. show in Karkow the 06-07-08: - CJM : 1st. "excellent" BOB Junior . - Congratulations to Eva Liz ( kennel Vallegarden) Bacharra OTBB / Blaze OTBB ( Zena x Ultimo) for their results at the intern. show in Avesta the 22-06-08: Bacharra COF : 1st "excellent" CAC et CERT. Blaze COM : 1st. "excellent" CAC . - Congratulations to Pablo and Braveheart OTBB ( Wonder x Al Pachino) for their show result at the intern. show in Burgos the 22-06-08 : CCHM : 1st "excellent" . - The result at the intern. show Copenhagen Winner 2008 the 22-06-08 : - CJF : Cherie OTBB ( Zena x Crunch ) 1st. "excellent" C.K - COM : H. Vi2 ( Enjoy x Al Pacino) 1st. "excellent" C.K -CIF : H. Apple ( Cocus x Cedor ) 1st. "excellent" CACS , CERT BOS and COPENHAGEN WINNER 2008 -CJM : H. Muffin ( Cocus x Cedor) 1st. "excellent" CACS, CERT BOB and COPENHAGEN WINNER 2008 BOG2 ( Second best herding dog in show ) ..
Date: 23 June 2008 |
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- Congratulations to Coco Baltic Beauty OTBB ( Wonder x Ice Cool) and Tamara ( kennel Baltic Beauty) for their result at Sct. Petersburg dog show the 21-06-08 : - COF : 1st. "excellent" CACS . - Congratulations to Artic OTBB ( Blitz x Einstein) , H. Cookies ( Cocus x Cedor) and Sylvie ( kennel Domaine du chene au loup) for their resultats at the national dogshow in Semur en Auxois the 21-06-08 : - Artic COM : 1st. "excellent" CACS - Cookies CJF : 1st. "excellent" and BOB Junior . - Congratulations to C'Moi OTBB ( Blitz x Einstein ) and Miriam ( kennel White Melodie) for another three show results : - CACIB Portoroz 14-06-08 : CJM : 1st. "excellent" BOB Junior - CACS Alpe Adria 15-06-06 : CJM : 1st. "excellent BOB Junior and BOB adult - CACIB Umaq 21-06-06 : CJM : 1st. "excellent" BOB junior and BOB adult . - Congratulations to Baika OTBB ( Unique x Amaroq) and Emelie ( kennel Terre de Voldai) for their result at the international Brussel Dog Show the 21-06-08 : - CIF : 1st. "excellent" CACS and BRUSSEL DOG SHOW WINNER 2008 ( qualfied for Cruft 2009) .
Date: 9 June 2008 |
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- Congratulations to C'Moi OTBB ( Blitz x Al Pacino ) and Meriam ( kennel White Melodie) for two new show results at the nat. show in Serec the 06-06-08 and the intern. show Nitra the 07-06-08 ( same rsult both days): - CJM : 1st. excellent BOB JUNIOR . - Congratulations to Bacchara OTBB ( Zena x Ultimo) , Blaze OTBB ( Zena x Ultimo ) and Eva Liz ( kennel Vallegarden) for their show results at the intern. show in Vanerborg the 06-06-08 :
- Bacchara COF : 1st. "excellent" CACS/ CERT and BOB - Blaze COM : 1st. "excellent" CACS/CERT and BOS . - The results of our dogs and dogs related to our kennel at the French Championship 06-06-08 (112 BBS):
- CIM : Blues 2 OTBB ( Zena x Ultimo ) 2nd "excellent" prop. Gertman - COM : H. U2 ( Enjoy x Al Pacino) 2rd "excellent" Artic OTBB ( Blitz x Einstein ) " excellent" prop. Fromental - CJF : Class Apart OTBB ( Danka x Ice ) 4th. "excellent" Caline Beauty OTBB ( Wonder x Ice ) " very good" prop. Fromental Cali DDP ( Amazone x Ice ) 2nd. "excellent" prod. Drogue prop. Pujol Chirin DDP ( Amazone x Ice ) 1st. "excellent" BOB JUNIOR prop. Drogue prod. Drogue - CIF : Baika OTBB ( Unique x Amaroq ) 3th. "excellent" prop. Centerfold OTBB ( Unique x Al Pacino ) 1st. "excellent" RCACS /RCACIB - COF : Bauma OTBB ( Danka x Gazon) 5th. "excellent" prop. Pujol Babybell OTBB ( Wonder x Al Pacino) 3th. "excellent" prop. Pujol . Photo : Centerfold of Trebons Berger Blanc "Vice Champion of France 2008 " just 16 months old
Date: 8 June 2008 |
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- Bounty's puppies are born 4 males and 4 females the 06-06-08 More information under Bounty and CH. Ice Cool . - Danka is on heat and will be mated to U2 in the end of the week More information under Danka and CHJ. U2 . |
Date: 5 June 2008 |
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- Congratulations to Blizzard OTBB ( called Pyro) ( Zena x Ultimo) and Mari for their result at the intern. dog show in Helsinki the 25-05-08: - CIM : 1st. "excellent" CACS/CACIB and BEST OF BREED . - Congratulations to Bianca OTBB ( Danka x Ice Cool) , Cool Casper ( called Grimm )( Danka x Ice Cool) and Annicka ( kennel Barvestadt ) for the following results :
- Norrekoping intern. show 31-05-08: - CCHF : Bianca 1st. "excellent" CACIB BOS - OBE CLASS 3 : Cool Casper "excellent" and has herby the right to participate in classe ELITE
At the age of 14 months . VERY impressive .
Date: 29 May 2008 |
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- Dysplasia results for : H. Chester ( Cocus x Cedor ) A/A O/O H. Cookies ( Cocus x Cedor) A/A O/O Chiba OTBB ( Danka x Ice ) A/A O/O Caline OTBB ( Wonder x Ice ) A/A O/O . - Congratulations to Barbie OTBB ( Zena x Ultimo) and Simone ( kennel Val das Princesses ) for the show result at the intern. show in Santarem the 25-05-08 : - COF : 1st. "excellent" CACS BOB and to obtain the title : CHAMPION OF PORTUGAL . - Still 30 days to the biggest show event 2008 WORLD DOG SHOW ( FCI )in Stockholm but we have just seen the statistic 85 BERGER BLANC SUISSE we are looking forward see them all.
Date: 25 May 2008 |
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- Congratulations to Chagall OTBB ( Danka x Ice Cool) , Campary OTBB ( Unique x Al Pacino) and Anne ( kennel White REwyr) for their results at the intern. show in Alesund the 25-05-08 : - Chagall CJM : 1st. "excellent" - Campary CJF : 1st. "excellent" . - One more time congratulation to C'Moi OTBB ( Blitz x Al Pacino) and Miriam ( kennel White Melodie) for their result at the international show in Prague the 24-05-08 :
- CJM : 1st. "excellent" BOB junior and JUNIOR CHAMPION OF THE CHECH REP. . - The results of our dogs and dogs born out of our kennel at the intern show in Talavera de la Reina ( obligatory for the titel Ch of Spain ) the 24-05-08 :
- CJF : Classe Apart OTBB ( Danka x Ice ) 1st. "excellent" BOB junior - CIF : Centerfold OTBB ( Unique x Al Pacino) 2nd. "excellent" - COF : Bauma OTBB ( Danka x Gazon) 2nd. "excellent" prop. Pujol H. Ira ( Enjoy x Mojo ) 1st. "excellent" RCACS/RCACIB prop. Muller - COM : Braveheart OTBB ( Wonder x Al Pacino) "excellent" Ice Cool 2nd "excellent" RCACS/RCACIB and became SPANISH CHAMPION H. U2 ( Enjoy x Al Pacino) 1st. "excellent" CACS/CACIB and BEST OF BREED . Updated : page AGENDA page LINKS
. Photo : Horsebo U2
Date: 18 May 2008 |
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- The results of our dogs at Tarbes international show the 18-05-08: CYF : Classe Apart OTBB ( Danka x Ice) 1st. "excellent" BOB YOUNG DOG COF : Centerfold OTBB ( Unique x AL ) 1st. "excellent" CACS/CACIB and BOS COM : U2 H ( Enjoy x Al ) 1st. "excellent" CACS/CACIB BOB and BOG 3 ( Third best herding dog in show ) . The results of kennel Horsebo's dogs at the international show in Hasselholm 18-05-08 : CJM : H Muffin ( Cocus x Cedor) 1st. "excellent" CACS CERT; and BOS COF : H. 7-Up ( Enjoy x Al ) 1st. "excellent" CACS CERT. BOB and CHAMPION OF SWEDEN . - Congratulations to Cool Casper OTBB ( Danka x Ice ) and Annicka ( kennel Barvestadt) for another super result in obedience classe 2 in Mark the 17-05 , where he obtained a second place and 182 points . He is now ready for obe. classe 3 at the age of 15 months !
. - Congratulation to Coco Baltic Beauty OTBB ( Wonder x Ice ) and Tamara ( kennel Baltic Beauty ) for the following result at the nat; show in Latvia the 18-05-08 :
. -Congratulation to Artic OTBB ( Blitz x Einstein) , Caline OTBB ( Wonder x Ice) and Sylvie ( kennel Domaine du chene au loup) for their results at the nat. show in Belfort the 18-05-08 :
- CYF : Caline 1st. "excellent" - COM : Artic 1st. "excellent" CACS/CACIB and BOB . - Congratulations to C'Moi OTBB ( Blitz x Al Pacino) and Miriam for their results at the dobbel international show in Bratislava the 17 and 18-05-08 ( same result both days ):
- CYM : 1st. "excellent" BOB young dog and SLOVACIAN JUNIOR CHAMPION
. - Congratulations to Candy OTBB ( Zena x Crunch ) and Marion for their first show result at St. Gallens intern. show the 18-05-08 ( first obligatory show for the titel FBBSI Grand Prix Winner 2008) :
- CPF : 1st. "very promising" best puppy and BEST PUPPY IN SHOW ( all breeds included )
Date: 13 May 2008 |
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- Congratulations to Blaze and Bacchara OTBB ( Zena x Ultimo) and Eva Liz ( kennel Vallegaarden) for having passed their MH ( caracter test ) done by the Swedish Kennelclub - Congratulations to Cool Casper ( Danka x Ice Cool) and Annicka ( kennel Barvestadt for another 1a prize in obedience classe 2 the 10-05-08 - Congratulation to Luke Dragon ( father of Enjoys comming litter) and the owner Michele for his sons Winther Dragons fantastic result at the KZN Working and Herding Breeds Championship Show the 03-05-08: BEST IN SHOW PUPPY photo : Snowey River Winther Dragon ( six months old ) |
Date: 11 May 2008 |
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- New photos of Gavania CHJ. 7-Up ( Horsebo) - Congratulations to Michele ( kennel Snowey River) and Luke Dragons ( father of Enjoys comming litter) for his MDR1 test result :
MDR1 +/+ And a special thanks to Michele for having him tested , as the first BBS in South Africa |
Date: 10 May 2008 |
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- The results from Hillerod international show the 04-05-08: - CYM : H. Muffin ( Cocus x Cedor) 1st. "excellent" Best of Breed - COF : H. 7-Up ( Enjoy x Al Pacino) 1st. "excellent" Best Female photo : Horsebo 7-Up
Date: 7 May 2008 |
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- Congratulation to Bianca OTBB ( Danka x Gazon) and Cool Casper OTBB ( Danka x Ice Cool) and their owner Annicka ( kennel Barvestadt) for another two superb results at obedience : -03-05-08 : Bianca 1.a price obed. classe 2 -01-05-08 : Cool Casper 1.a price obed. classe 2 photo ; Bianca OTBB : - An ultrascan confirms that Bounty is expecting puppies
Date: 2 May 2008 |
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- Congratulations to Barbie OTBB ( Zena x Ultimo) and Simone ( kennel Val das Princesas) for the following results at the international show in Viano do Castelo and Penafied Both days : COF : 1st. "excellent" and BEST OF BREED . |
Date: 29 April 2008 |
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- Congratulations to C'Moi OTBB ( Blitz x Al Pacino) and Miriam for the following show results at the international show in Dresden the 27-04-08 : CYM : 1st. "excellent" and BOB YOUNG DOG .
- Congratulations to H. Chester ( Cocus x Cedor) , Chiba OTBB ( Danka x Ice Cool) and kennel "La Combre Noir) for their results at the international show Lorette the 27-04-08 : CYM : Chester 1st. "excellent" BOB YOUNG DOG CYF : Chiba 1st. "excellent" BOS YOUNG DOG .
- Congratulations to kennel White Rewyr for the following x ray results : Chagall OTBB ( Danka x Ice Cool) HD: A/A ED: O/O Campary OTBB ( Unique x Al Pacino ) HD: A/A ED: O/O |
Date: 27 April 2008 |
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- Dysplasia results for : Aron OTBB ( Blitz x Einstein) HD: A/A Cool Casper OTBB ( Danka x Ice Cool) HD: A/A ED: O/1 |
Date: 27 April 2008 |
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- New litter planned for summer 2008 :CH. Cocus ( Horsebo) and CH. Ice Cool - New male :Muffin ( Horsebo) |
Date: 24 April 2008 |
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- Congratulations to Sylvie ( kennel Domaine du chene au loup) and Artic OTBB ( Blitz x Einstein) and Caline Beauty OTBB ( Wonder x Ice) for their results at the international show in Cateroux the 20-04-08 : COM Artic - 1st. "excellent" RCACS/RCACIB CYF Caline 2nd "excellent" - New puppy photos from : Blitz and CHJ. U2 Wonder and CH. Ice Cool |
Date: 22 April 2008 |
Place: International show Pau the 20-04-08 |
Event |
- The results of our dogs and dogs born out of our kennel at the international show in Pau the 20-04-08: - CPM : Cooper Eagle Peak OTBB ( Zena x Crunch ) 1st. "very promising" Best puppy - CJM : Chuck OTBB ( Danka x Ice Cool) 2nd "excellent" and confirmed - CJF : Centerfold OTBB ( Unique x Al Pacino) 1st. "excellent" Best young dog BOGJ2 - Second best young herding dog in show - CJF : Cannelle DDCDL ( Altesse x Rival) Groendaler 1st. "excellent" Best young dog BOGJ3 - Third best young herding dog in show ( see photo) - COM : Balto OTBB ( Unique x Amaroq) 2nd. "excellent" RCACS/RCACIB
Ice Cool 1st. "excellent" CACS/CACIB/BOB and BOG - Best herding dog in show
Date: 21 April 2008 |
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- Congratulation to Annicka ( kennel Barvestadt) and Bianca OTBB ( Danka x Gazon) for their result at the national show in Vasteras the 20-04-08 : - COF : 1st. "excellent" CACS BOB and with her final CACS she is now : CHAMPION OF SWEDEN photo : Bianca of Trebons Berger Blanc SUCH Lasse |
Date: 15 April 2008 |
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-New photos of the puppies from : Wonder and CH. Ice Cool Blitz and CHJ. U2 - Congratulations to C'moi OTBB ( Blitz x Al Pacino) and Meriam for their result at the international show in Wieseberg ( Austria) the 13-04-08 :
CYM : 1st. "excellent" - Congratulation to Chuck OTBB ( Danka x Ice Cool) and Sylvie for their result at Bordeaux canin club the 13-03-08 : CSAU ( working and sociability test) excellent Brevet 1 ( obedience level 1 ) - Congratulation to Coco Baltic Beauty OTBB ( Wonder x Ice Cool) and Tamara ( kennel Baltic Beauty) for the following hip and elbow score :
HD : A/A ED: O/O - Congratulation to Cool Casper OTBB ( Danka x Ice Cool) and Johanne for their third 1st. price in tracking and now he is the youngest ( 12 months ) BBS in Sweden with the following title : CHAMPION OF SWEDEN
Date: 3 April 2008 |
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- Bounty has been mated and we are expecting puppies in the end of mai For more info : Bounty and CH. Ice Cool |
Date: 2 April 2008 |
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- New photos of puppies from : Wonder and CH. Ice Cool Blitz and CHJ. U2 |
Date: 2 April 2008 |
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- Congratulations to Artic OTBB ( Blitz x Einstein ) and Sylvie ( kennel Domaine du chene au loup) for their result at Championat de Luxembourg the 30-03-08 - COM : 1st. "excellent" and CACL ( now he needs only one more for the Champion title ) - Congratulations to Bauma OTBB ( Danka x Gazon) and H. Ira ( Enjoy x Mojo) and their owner Victoria ( kennel La Gebrada ) and Werner ( kennel Conquistador del Azahar) for their results at the international show in Gerona the 30-03-08 :
- CIF : Ira 1st."excellent" RCACS/RCACIB - COF : Bauma 1st "excellent" CACS/CACIB and BOB |
Date: 31 March 2008 |
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- All our congratulations to Cresus (Casper) du domaine de Pegase ( Ice Cool x Amazone) and his owner Pierre et Nicole for an amazing result at the international show in Angers the 30-03-08 : - CYM : 1st. excellent BOB JUNIOR BOGJ ( Best young shepherd in show) BISJ3 ( Third best young dog in show) Photo Casper as BISJ3
Date: 24 March 2008 |
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- New litter planned for autom - For more info. :Multi CH. Enjoy and CH. Luck Dragon -photo CH. Luck Dragon
Date: 23 March 2008 |
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- Bounty is on heat and will be mated with Ice Cool in the end of last week More info. : Bounty and CH. Ice Cool |
Date: 22 March 2008 |
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- Congratulations to Werner/Mathilde ( kennel Conqustados de Azahar) and H. Ira ( Enjoy x Mojo ) for their show result at the international show in Torrelavega ( Spain) the 16-03-08: CIF : 1st. excellent CACS CACIB BOB -Congratulation to Petra ( kennel Of White Wolves) and Crystal Shine OTBB calles Charma ( Blitz x Al Pacino) for their show result at the show in Kiruna ( Sweden) the 16-03-08:
CIF : 1st. Excellent BOB and BEST IN GROUP1 -Congratulations to Helle ( kennel Horsebo) and 7-Up ( Enjoy x Al Pacino) , also congratulation to Inge Britt and Cherie OTBB ( Zena X Crunch) for their show results at the national show in Nastved ( Danemark) the 22-03-08:
CPF : Cherie - 1st very promising BOB PUPPY COF : 7-Up 1st. excellent CACS CACIB and CERTIFICAT - Congratulations to Miriam and C'Moi OTBB ( Blitz x Al Pacino) for their show result at the international show in Praque ( Chezk Rep.) the 22-03-08:
CYM : 1st excellent BOB YOUNG |
Date: 20 March 2008 |
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First photos of puppies from Wonder and CH. Ice Cool 1 FEMALE TO BE RESERVED |
Date: 17 March 2008 |
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-Congratulations to Caline Beauty OTBB ( Wonder x Ice Cool) sister to the newborn litter and Sylvie (kennel Domaine du chene au loup ) for their good show result at the international show in Montlucon the 16-03-08: -CJF : 1st. "excellent" BOB JUNIOR -Congratulation to Coco Baltic Beauty OTBB ( Wonder x Ice Cool) sister to the newborn litter, and Alex/Tamara ( kennel Baltic Beauty ) for their good show result at the biggest show in Lativia , Lativa Winner Show the 16-03-08:
-CJF : 1st. "excellent" JCAC and BOS ( BEST FEMALE) and therefore LATIVA WINNER 2008 ( just 12 months ) photo Caline Beauty of Trebons Berger Blanc
Date: 17 March 2008 |
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Wonders puppies are born 13 - 8 females and 5 males TO FEMALES TO BE RESERVED |
Date: 14 March 2008 |
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- Three new exciting litters planned for 2008 Centerfold and Einstein VSS Bounty and CH. Ice Cool C. B. and Artic
Date: 13 March 2008 |
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- Blitz's puppies are born 1 male and 1 female More information under Blitz and CHJ. U2 - The results of Centerfold OTBB ( Unique x Al Pacino) x rays :
HD : A/B ED: 0/0 - Congratulations to Aragon OTBB ( Danka x Ultimo) and Ingrid ( kennel von Stainzer Schilzerland) for passing the "zuchttauglichkeitprufung" at the Austrian BBS club ( WSO) and now beeing a "recommende" stud dog - we also congratulate with the good show result at Graz intern. show the 09-03-08 : COM : 2nd "excellent" RCACS
Date: 5 March 2008 |
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- Congratulations to Coco OTBB ( Wonder x Ice Cool) and Tamara/Alex ( kennel Baltic Beauty ) for another two superb showresults: Daugavpils ( L) national show the 02/03/08 -CYF : 1st. excellent" BOB junior and BOB Eurasia 2 international show Moscow ( R) the 24/02/08 - CYF : 1st. excellent BOB junior and RUSSIAN JUNIOR CHAMPION |
Date: 25 February 2008 |
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- Unfortunately our Danka had a smaller accident last week and she aborted all her puppies. She has now been checked out by our vet. and been declared a 100% "fit for fight" and we have therfore decided to repeat the mating with U2 next time she is on heat A BIG thanks to everybody who has had the pateince to keep their reservations for a puppy |
Date: 25 February 2008 |
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- Congratulations to Coco Baltic Beauty OTBB ( Wonder x Ice Cool) and their owner Tamara/ Alex ( kennel Baltic Beauty) for another super show result at the biggest show in Russia the Eurasia Dog Show 2008: CYF : 1st. "excellent" BOB Junior and EURASIA JUNIOR WINNER 2008 |
Date: 23 February 2008 |
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- New photos of the puppies from Multi CH. Enjoy and Al-Pacino |
Date: 22 February 2008 |
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ATTENTION - We cannot accept any more reservations for the following litters :
Danka and CHJ. U2 Wonder and CH. Ice Cool . |
Date: 17 February 2008 |
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- Congratulations to Sylvie ( kennel Domaine de chene au loup) for the superb results at the national show in Bouges the 16-02-08: COM : Artic OTBB ( Blitz x Einstein ) 1st. "excellent CACS BEST OF BREED CYF : Caline OTBB ( Wonder x Ice , sister to our Chiwa ) 1st. "excellent" BEST YOUNG DOG |
Date: 17 February 2008 |
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-New photos of puppies from Multi CH. Enjoy and Al-Pacino 5 and a half weeks old |
Date: 14 February 2008 |
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- Congratulations to C'Moi OTBB ( Blitz x Al Pacino) and Miriam for their result at the international show in Brno ( CZ) ( 28 BBS) the 10-02-08 : CYM : 1 "excellent" BEST YOUNG DOG - Congratulations to H Chanel No5 ( Enjoy x Al Pacino) and Nathalie ( kennel Bois de Ternes ) for her new titel : BEST BBS SHOW- FEMALE IN FRANC 2007 |
Date: 11 February 2008 |
Place: Special de Race Niort ( 39 BBS) 10-02-08 |
Event |
- We are very proud of the result of our dogs and dog born in our kennel at the international show in Niort ( 2578 dogs) the 10-02-08: - COM : Ice Cool 2nd "excellent" RCACS/ RCACIB - CYM : Best 2nd "excellent" Chuck OTBB ( Danka x Ice Cool) 3th. "excellent" prop. Blanco Cute OTBB ( Danka x Ice Cool) 4th. "excellent" prop. Drouge - CPM : Cresus DDP ( Amazone x Ice Cool) 1st very promising prop. BEST PUPPY Chawkee DDP ( Amazone x Ice Cool) 2nd. very promising prop. Drouge - CJF : C'Darling DDP ( Uta x Al Pacino ) 2nd . "excellent" prop. Drouge Chiwa ( Wonder x Ice Cool ) 1st. "excellent" BEST YOUNG DOG BEST OF BREED SPECIAL SHOW WINNER NIORT ( only 11 months old ) BEST OF GROUP1 JUNIOR BEST IN SHOW4 JUNIOR BEST OF GROUP4 photo : CHIWA OF TREBONS BERGER BLANC ( Wonder x Ice Cool)
Date: 8 February 2008 |
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- Updated AGENDA |
Date: 7 February 2008 |
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- New photos of the puppies from Multi CH. Enjoy and Al-Pacino ALL PUPPIES ARE RESERVED |
Date: 5 February 2008 |
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- Congratulations to Nathalie ( kennel Chateau de Glamys) for her results with Blues called Blizzard OTBB ( Zena x Ultimo) and Cherokee CDG ( Unimak x Al Pacino) at the international show in Chalon en Champagne le 03-02-08 : - Blizzard CIM : 1st. excellent - Cherokee CJF : 1st. excellent BEST YOUNG DOG Updated links
Date: 3 February 2008 |
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- Congratulations to Victoria /Pablo ( kennel Le Gebrada ) and Werner/Mathilde ( kennel Conquistadors del Azahar ) for their results at the international exposition in Zaragoza ( obligatory for the Spanish Championship ) the 02-02-08: - CPF : Cali called Cota DDP ( Amazone x Ice ) prop. Pujol 1st. very promising Best puppy - CIF : H Renessaince called Ira ( Enjoy x Mojo) prop. Muller 1st. excellent RCACS Bauma OTBB ( Danka x Gazon) prop. Pujol 2nd. excellent - COF : Branca OTBB ( Wonder x Al Pacino) prop. Pujol 1st. excellent CACS and BOS ( see photo) - Danka and Blitz has been scanned and they are both expecting puppies
Date: 31 January 2008 |
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- New photos of Multi CH. Enjoy and Al-Pacino puppies 3 weeks old |
Date: 29 January 2008 |
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- Congratulations to Cool Casper OTBB called Grimm ( Danka x Ice Cool) and his owner Annicka ( kennel Barvestadt ) for another super result in working classe the 24/01/08: -Obidence classe 1 : Ist. price 160,5 points and 3th. out of 15 dogs - Congratulations to C´Moi OTBB ( Blitz x Al Pacino) and his owner Miriam for another good show result at the international show in Trencin ( Slovacia) the 28/01/08:
- CYM : 1st. ex. BOB YOUNG DOG - Congratulations to Coco OTBB ( Wonder x Ice Cool) and her owner Tamara ( kennel Baltic Beauty) and their result at the national show in Kaunes ( Lituania ) the 20/01/08:
- CYF : 1st. ex. and BOB YOUNG DOG photos to come
Date: 29 January 2008 |
Place: Valls international show the 28/01/08 |
Event |
- The results of our dogs and dogs born out of our kennel at the international show in Valls ( Spain ) the 28/01/08: -COF : Branca OTBB ( Wonder x Al Pacino) 1st. ex RCACS prop. Pujol -CIF : H Rennesaince ( Enjoy x Mojo) 1st. ex CACS and BOS prop. Muller Bauma OTBB ( Danka x Gazon ) 2nd. ex prop. Pujol -CYF : Centerfold OTBB ( Unique x Al Pacino ) 1st. ex ( NO BOB CHOOSEN)
-CPF: Cali DDP ( Amazone x Ice Cool) 1st. very promising prop. Pujol
-COM : Ice Cool 1st. ex CACS and BEST OF BREED
photos to come |
Date: 25 January 2008 |
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- Congratulation to Barbie OTBB ( Zena x Ultimo) and Simone ( kennel Val das Pricesas) and their showresult at the international show in Norte ( obligatory for the titel Ch Portugal) the 20-01-08: -CIF : 1st. "excellent" CACS , BOS and BEST OF BREED - Congratulation to Beauty OTBB ( Zena x Ultimo ) and H Avantgarde ( Enjoy x Mojo) and their owner Orna ( kennel Kfar Ruppin) and their showresults at the international show in Haifa the 19-01-08 :
- Avantgarde CHCM : 1st. "excellent" BOB - Beauty CIF : 1st. "excellent" CACS and BOS |
Date: 21 January 2008 |
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- New photos of Enjoy's puppies Multi CH. Enjoy and Al-Pacino 2 weeks old |
Date: 20 January 2008 |
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- Congratulations to Cool Casper OTBB called Grimm ( Danka x Ice Cool) for the following superb results at the Swedish Bloodtracking competitions: 02-01-08 : Passed his test as a blood tracking dog 15-01-08 : First competition 1st. classe excellent" 20-01-08 : Second competition 1st. classe excellent Now he only needs one more 1st. classe excellent and then he is Swedish Champion , and he is only 10 months old !!!! |
Date: 20 January 2008 |
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- New photos of : Cannelle Centerfold (Unique x Al ) Chiwa ( Wonder x Ice ) Classe apart ( Danka x Ice) Photo !Chiwa OTBB ( Wonder x Ice Cool) |
Date: 15 January 2008 |
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- First photos of Enjoys puppies 1 week old click on Multi CH. Enjoy and Al-Pacino |
Date: 14 January 2008 |
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- Congratulations to Coco Baltic Beauty OTBB ( Wonder x Ice Cool) and kennel Baltic Beauty for another good show result at the international show in Tartu the 10-01-09 : - CIF : 1° "excellent" CACS and BOB . - New puppy photos of :Babybel ( Horsebo) and WJV. Muffin(Horsebo) Chiwa and WV. U2 Centerfold and Multi.CH. Ice Cool Apple and Multi.CH. Ice Cool . . |
Date: 13 January 2008 |
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- Congratulations to C'Moi OTBB ( Blitz x Al Pacino) and Miriam for another perfect show result at the national show in Olomauc , Moravia the 13-01-08 - CPM : 1st. "very promising" BOB PUPPY -Congratulations to Chuck OTBB ( Danka x Ice Cool) and Sylvie for their result at the international show in Bordeaux the 13-01-08:
- CYM : 1st. "excellent" BOB YOUNG DOG |
Date: 13 January 2008 |
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- Wonder ( see photo) has been mated to Ice the 10/11 and the 12-01 and we are doing a scan beginning of Feburary to confirm her pregnancy - New link |
Date: 8 January 2008 |
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- Enjoys puppies has been born 10 females and 2 males Click on Multi CH. Enjoy and Al-Pacino THREE FEMALES TO BE RESERVED Photos to come |
Date: 7 January 2008 |
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- Congratulations to Annicka ( kennel Barvestadt) and her two dogs Bianca OTBB ( Danka x Gazon) and Cool Casper called Grimm ( Danka x Ice Cool) for the following results : - Grimm : Passing his first tracking test a the age of 9 months Result at the intern. dog show "My Dog" the 03-01-08: -CJM : 1st. "excellent" - Bianca : Result at the intern. dog show Swedish Winner 2008 the 06-01-08: - CIF : 1st. "excellent" CACS CERT. BOB and SWEDISH WINNER 2008 photo by L Kronfjall |
Date: 5 January 2008 |
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- Danka has been mated with U2 the 2/3-01-08 - Blitz has been mated with U2 th 4/5-01-08 - Wonder has started her heat and will be mated to Ice Coll around the 12th of January |
Date: 27 December 2007 |
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- New photos of Wonder and Danka |
Date: 26 December 2007 |
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- Updated our page OFFSPRING RESULTS , look under LITTERS and click on "Offspring results . |
Date: 24 December 2007 |
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- BIG congratulations to Beauty OTBB ( Zena x Ultimo) and Horsebo Avantgarde ( Enjoy x Mojo) and their owner Orna and Baruch ( kennel Kfar Ruppin) for their results at Tel Avivs international Chrismas Show the 23-12-07 : Beauty COF : 1st. "excellent" CACS/CACIB Avantgarde COM : 1st. "excellent" CACS/CACIB/BOB and his is now CHAMPION OF ISRAEL photos to come |
Date: 23 December 2007 |
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- CONGTATULATIONS to Braveheart OTBB ( Wonder x Al Pacino) and Pablo/Ali ( kennel Regius) for his titel as : BEST BERGER BLANC SUISSE IN SPAIN 2007 -CONGRATULATIONS to Horsebo Renessaince ( Enjoy x Mojo) and kennel Conquistadors el Azahar for her titel as : BEST YOUNG FEMALE BBS IN SPAIN 2007 . |
Date: 20 December 2007 |
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- BIG congratulations to Braveheart OTBB ( Wonder x Al Pacino) and Pablo/Ali for another super result in Portugal at the international show in Bathala the 16-12-07 : -CIM : 1st. "excellent" CACS/CACIB/BOB and he is therefore: CHAMPION OF PORTUGAL |
Date: 18 December 2007 |
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- Danka is finally on heat and will be mated in the end of next week WE DO NOT ACCEPT MORE RESERVATIONS FOR THIS LITTER. |
Date: 17 December 2007 |
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- New litter planning look under Blitz and CHJ.U2 - Two new puppies Gavania ( female) and Cau ( male) - New links |
Date: 16 December 2007 |
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- Congratulation to Horsebo Art-Deco( Enjoy x Mojo) and Horsebo Romantic ( Enjoy x Mojo) and their owner kennel Van Zants for the following results at the Finnish Winner Show 09-12-07 : -Art-Deco CYM : 1st. "excellent" - Romantic CYF : 1st. "excellent" and FINNISH JUNIOR WINNER 2007 -Congratulation to Horsebo Cocus ( Enjoy x Mojo) and Helle ( kennel Horsebo) and Bianca OTBB ( Danka x Gazon) and Annicka ( kennel Barvestads) for the following results at the Nordic Winner Show in Stockholm the 15-12-07 :
-Bianca COF : 1st. "excellent" and CK. - Cocus CCHF: 1st. "excellent" CACS BOB NORDIC WINNER 2007 . |
Date: 14 December 2007 |
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-Congratulations to Braveheart OTBB ( Wonder x Al Pacino) and Pablo ( kennel Regius) for their superb result at the international show in Lisboa the 02/12/07: -CIM : 1st. "excellent" CACS/CACIB/BOB BOG2 ( second best dog in group 1 ) -Congratulation to Coco OTBB ( Wonder x Ice ) and Tamara ( kennel Baltic Beauty) for their result at the national show in Latvia the 09/12/07: -CPF : 1st. "very promising" BOB PUPPY ( see photo) |
Date: 12 December 2007 |
Place: Alicante international show 8/9-12-07 |
Event |
- The results of our dogs and dogs born out of our kennel at the internatinal dobbel show in Alicante 8/9-12-07 ( obligatory for the Spanish Championship) Friday the 8/12/07 : -CPF : Cota DDP ( Ice x Amazone ) prop. Pujol 1st. "very promising" BEST PUPPY -CYF : Centerfold ( Unique x Al Pacino) 1st. "excellent" BEST YOUNG DOG - CIF : Bauma OTBB ( Danka x Gazon) prop. Pujol 1st. "excellent" CACS BEST FEMALE ( BOS) - COF : Wonder 1st. "excellent" RCACS Branca OTBB ( Wonder x Al Pacino) prop. Pujol 2nd "excellent" - CIM : Braveheart OTBB ( Wonder x Al Pacino ) prop Regius 1st. "excellent" RCACS - COM : Ice Cool 1st. "excellent" CACS BEST OF BREED ( BOB) -Saturday 09/12/07:
-CPF : Cota DDP ( Ice x Amazone ) prop. Pujol 1st. "very promising" BEST PUPPY -CYF : Centerfold ( Unique x Al Pacino) 1st. "excellent" BEST YOUNG DOG -CIF : Bauma OTBB ( Danka x Gazon) prop. Pujol 1st. "excellent" RCACS/RCACIB -COF : Wonder 2nd. "excellent" Branca OTBB ( Wonder x Al Pacino) prop. Pujol 1st. "excellent" CACS/CACIB BEST FEMALE (BOS) -CIM : Braveheart OTBB ( Wonder x Al Pacino) prop. Regius 1st. "excellent" RCACS/RCACIB -COM : Ice Cool 1st. "excellent" CACS/CACIB BEST OF BREED (BOB) PHOTOS TO COME
Date: 3 December 2007 |
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- Congratulations to Baghirrati OTBB ( Zena x Ultimo ) and Pablo ( kennel Regius) for the following x ray results : HD : A/A ED: O/O - Enjoy has been scanned today and she is having puppies with Al Pacino WE DO NOT ACCEPT MORE RESERVATIONS FOR THIS LITTER - Congratulation to Bianca OTBB ( Danka x Gazon) and Annicka ( kennel Barvestadt) for the following result at the biggist show in Norway , Norwegian winnershow the 24/11/07:
CIF : ist "excellent" CACS / RCACIB (see photo) |
Date: 29 November 2007 |
Place: Regional Clubmatch Martigues 25/11/07 |
Event |
- The results for our dogs and dogs born in our kennel at the Regional Clubmatch Martigues the 25/11/07 ( 52 BBS): COM : Ice Cool 4th. "excellent" CIM : U2 ( Enjoy x Al ) 1st. "excellent" best longcoated male CBF : Cali ( Ice x Amazone) 1st. " very promising" BEST BABY CPF : Classe Apart ( Danka x Ice) 1st. "very promising" BEST PUPPY CIF : Baume OTBB ( Danka x Gazon) 1st. "excellent" prop. Pajol COF : Branca OTBB ( Wonder x Al ) 1st. "excellent" prop. Pajol CCHF : Enjoy 1st. "excellent" BOB and REGIONAL ELEVAGE WINNER 2007 |
Date: 28 November 2007 |
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- Congratulations to Baika OTBB ( Unique x Amaroq) and Emelie ( kennel Terres de Voldai ) for the following results in obedience : CSAU : excellent ( sociablity and obedience test) Brevet d'Obdience : excellent 90/100 ( first level of obedience) - We are also immensly proud of two sons of Ice Cool in Norway . Fero ( see photo) who has passed the strict tests for the policedog school and Aice who has started his education as a rescue dog |
Date: 28 November 2007 |
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Congratulations to Braveheart OTBB ( Wonder x Al ) and Pablo ( kennel Regius) for the following results at the dobble show in Bilbao ( Portugal ) the 24/25-11-07 : 24/11 : CIM 1st "excellent" CAC and BOB 25/11 : CIM 1st. "excellent" CACS/CACIB and BOB |
Date: 19 November 2007 |
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- Congratulations to Miriam and C'moi OTBB ( Blitz x Al Pacino) for their result at the international show in Pragh the 17/11/07: CPM : 1st. "very promising" BOB PUPPY -Congratulations to Pablo ( kennel Regius ) and Braveheart OTBB ( Wonder x Al Pacino) for their result at the national show in Braga , Portugal the 18/11/07:
CIM : 1st. "excellent" CACS and BOB , selected between the 6 best shepherds in group 1 - Congratulations to Emelie ( kennel Terre de Voldai) et Baika OTBB, ( see photo) ( Unique x Amaroq) for their fantastic result at Euro Dog Show in Courtai , Belgium the 18/11/07:
CYF : 1st. "excellent" BOB YOUNG DOG/ BEST OF BREED and EURO DOG WINNER 2007 ( only 16 months old ) |
Date: 14 November 2007 |
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- Congratulation to Annicka ( kennel Barvestads ) and Cool Casper ( Danka x Ice Cool) for the following results at the international dogshow in Vasjo the 04/11/07: -CPM : 1st. "very promising" and BEST PUPPY -Congratulation to Victoria and to Sylvie ( kennel Domaine du chen au loup) and to Artic OTBB ( Blitz x Einstein) , Balco OTBB ( Zena xUltimo) ,Branca OTBB ( Wonder x Al Pacino) and Bauma OTBB ( Danka x Gazon) for the following results at the intern. show St. Etienne the 10/11/07: Artic COM : 4th. "excellent" Balco CYM : 2nd. "excellent" Bauma CIM : 2nd. "excellent" Branca COF : 1st "excellent" RCACS/ RCACIB -Congratulation to Tamara ( kennel Baltic Beauty ) and Esa/Mari and to their dogs Coco OTBB ( Wonder x Ice Cool) and Blizzard OTBB ( Zena x Ultimo) for their superb results at the big dog show Baltic Winner 11/11/07 :
Coco CPF : 1st. "very promising" BOS PUPPY Blizzard CYM : 1st "exellent" BEST YOUNG DOG and BALTIC JUNIOR WINNER 2007 - Congratulation to Petra ( kennel White Wolf) and Brilliant Shine OTBB ( Danka x Gazon) for the following x ray results :
HD : A/B ED: O/O -Congratulation to Ingrid ( kennel von Stainer Schilcherland) and Aragon OTBB ( Danka x Ultimo) for passing the FHI- test ( sniffing) with succes. See photo
Date: 5 November 2007 |
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-Congratulations to Anne ( kennel White Rewyr) Chagall OTBB ( Danka x Ice Cool) and Campary OTBB ( Unique x Al Pacino) for the following results at the international show in Tromso Norway the 28/10/07 : Chagall CPM : 1st. "very promising" Best puppy Campary CPF : 1st. "very promising" best female puppy -Congratulation to Lena ( kennel Frostflake) and Cirrus OTBB ( Blitz x Al Pacino) for the following result at the international show in Vasjo Sweden the 04/11/07 :
CPF : 2nd. " very promisng" - Congratulations to Miriam et C'moi OTBB ( Blitz x Al Pacino) for the following result at the international show in Nitra Rep. Tcheque the 04/11/07 :
CPM : 1st. "very promising" Best puppy - Finally congratulations to Sylvie ( kennel Domaine de chene au loup) Artic OTBB ( Blitz x Einstein) and Balco OTBB ( Zena x Ultimo) for the following results at the international show in Metz the 04/11/07:
Balco CYM : 1st. "excellent" and Best young dog Artic COM : 1st. "excellent" CACS/CACIB and BOB |
Date: 29 October 2007 |
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- Enjoy is on heat and will be mated in the end of the week WE CANNOT ACCEPT MORE RESERVATIONS FOR THIS LITTER |
Date: 24 October 2007 |
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- Nouvelles photos de chiots de Zena et Bounty , voir PORTEE - Toutes nos felicitations a Caroline et Bout d'Chou OTBB ( Unique x Amaroq) pour ressuit son CSAU avec excellent - Toutes nos felicitations a Eva Liz ( elevage Vallegarden) et Blaze OTBB ( Zena x Ultimo) et Bacchara OTBB ( Zena x Ultimo) et leur resultats : Blaze : HD: A/B ED: O/O Bacharra : HD: A/A ED: O/O |
Date: 24 October 2007 |
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- New photos of Zena and Bounty's puppies , look under LITTERS - Congrtulations to Caroline and Bout d'Chou OTBB ( Unique x Amaroq) for passing their CSAU ( obedience level 1) with excellent - Congratulations to Eva Liz ( kennel Vallegarden) and Bacchara and Blaze ( both Zena x Ultimo) for their x ray results: Bacchara : A/A O/O Blaze : A/B O/O |
Date: 20 October 2007 |
Place: Perpignan/Barceona international shows 20/21-10 |
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- The results of our dogs and dogs born in our kennel at the doubel international show Barcelona/Perpignan ( Championat de les deux Catalonia) the 20/21-10-07: Perpignan 20-10-07: CPF : Chiwa OTBB ( Wonder x Ice) 1st. "very promising" Best puppy
CIF : Bauma OTBB ( Danka x Gazon) prop. Pajol 1st. "excellent" CACS/CACIB and BOB COF : Branca OTBB ( Wonder x AL ) 2nd. " excellent" Wonder 1st. "excellent" RCACS/RCACIB COM : Ice Cool 1st. "excellent" CACS/CACIB and BOS CPF : Canelle DDCDL 1st. "very promising" Best puppy Barcelona 21-10-07
CPF : Chiwa OTBB ( Wonder x Ice) 1st. "very promising" Best puppy
CIF : Bauma OTBB ( Danka x Gazon) prop. Pajol 1st. "excellent" COF : Branca OTBB ( Wonder x Al ) prop. Pajol 2nd. "excellent" RCACS/RCACIB Wonder 1st. " excellent" CACS/CACIB and BOS COM : Ice Cool 1st. "excellent" CACS/CACIB/BOB and CHAMPION OF CATALONIA ( non FCI ) |
Date: 16 October 2007 |
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- Congratulation to Baike OTBB ( Unique x Amaroq) and Emilie ( kennel Terre de Voldai) for the following x ray results : HD: A/A ED: O/O -Congratulation to Chrystal Shine OTBB ( Blitz x Al Pacino) and Petra ( kennel White Wolf) for their result at the inofficial show in Galliware the 14/10/07:
-CPF: 1st. "very promising" and best puppy -Congratulation to Cash Money OTBB ( Danka x Ice cool) for their result at the international Israelien autom show 2007 :
-CPM : 1st. "very promising" best puppy and BEST IN SHOW PUPPY ( BIS) - Congratulation to Chanel ( enjoy x Al Pacino) and Nathalie ( kennel Les Bois des Ternes) for their result at the Special de Race in Strassbourg the 14/1/07:
- COF: 1st. "excellent" CACS/CACIB and with this last result she is now FRENCH CHAMPION |
Date: 16 October 2007 |
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- New photos of Zena and Bounty's puppies look under LITTERS- New link : Kennel Kfar Ruppin , Israel |
Date: 12 October 2007 |
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-Congratulations to Baika OTBB ( Unique x Amaroq) and her owner Emelie ( kennel Terre de Voldai) for the following results at the national show Maubeuke the 23-09-07: -CYF : 1st. "excellent" BOB young dog -Congratulations to Chanel ( Enjoy x Al Pacino) , Empire ( Enjoy x Mojo) and their owner Nathalie ( kennel Les Bois des Ternes) for the following results :
- Empire : HD: A/A ED:O/O - Chanel : TAN ( caracter test) passed with 19/20 - Congratulations to Apache Boy OTBB ( Unique x Mack) and Rene for the following result at the Regional clubmatch Achers the 29-09-07:
- Apache : TAT ( working test = ScH2 ) passed -Congratulations to Bo Tai ( Ultimo x Eijka ) and Eric ( kennel Les gardiens de vieux manoir) for the following x ray results:
- Bo Tai : HD: A/A ED: O/O |
Date: 5 October 2007 |
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- New photos of Zena and Bounty's puppies , look under LITTERS |
Date: 30 September 2007 |
Place: Leon International Show 30/09/07 |
Event |
- The results of our dogs and dogs born in our kennel at the international show in Leon the 30/09/07: - CPF : Centerfold ( Unique x Al Pacino) see photo 1st. "very promising" BOB puppy and BIS4 PUPPY - CIF : Bauma OTBB ( Danka x Gazon) prop. R Pajol 2nd. "excellent" - COF : Branca OTBB ( Wonder x Al Pacino) prop. R Pajol 1st. "excellent" BOS - CYM : Best 1st. "excellent BOB YOUNG DOG - CIM : U2 ( Enjoy x Al Pacino) 1st. "excellent" CACS/CACIB BOB and BOG ( BEST IN GROUP 1) - COM : Ice Cool 1st. "excellent" RCACS/RCACIB |
Date: 29 September 2007 |
Place: Spanish Clubmatch Leon 29/09/07 |
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- The result of our dogs and dogs born in our kennel at the Spanish Clubmatch in Leon the 29-09-07: - CBF : Cali DDP ( Ice Cool x Amazone) 1st. "very promising" BEST BABY - CPF : Centerfold ( Unique x Al Pacino ) 1st. "very promising" BIS PUPPY - CIF : Bauma OTBB ( Danka x Gazon) 1st. "excellent" BOS ( bedst female) SPANISH CLUB CHAMPION 2007 - COF : Branca OTBB ( Wonder x Al Pacino) 3rd. "excellent" Danka 1st. "excellent" - CCHF : Enjoy 1st. "excellent" - CYM : Best 2nd " excellent" - CIM : U2 ( Enjoy x Al Pacino) 1st. "excellent" BOB SPANISH CLUB CHAMPION 2007 Braveheart OTBB ( Wonder x Al Pacino) 2nd. "excellent" - COM : Ice Cool 1st. "excellent" |
Date: 22 September 2007 |
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- First photos of Zena and puppies , look under LITTERS - New photos of Bounty's puppies 2 weeks old , look under LITTERS |
Date: 20 September 2007 |
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- Zena's puppies are born 6 males and 3 females Photos to come ALL PUPPIES ARE RESERVED
Date: 20 September 2007 |
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- Congratulation to Victoria , Bauma OTBB ( Danka x Gazon) and Branca OTBB ( Wonder x Al Pacino) for the following results at the international show in Pampelona the 09-09-07: -CYF : Bauma 1st. "excellent" BOB young dog -CIF : Branca 1st. "excellent" CACS/CACIB and BOB - Congratulations to Helle ( kennel Horsebo) and Bonbon OTBB ( Danka x Gazon) ( see photo) for their result at Copenhagen Winner Show the 16-09-07 :
CIM : 1st. "excellent" - Congratulations to Miriam and C'moi OTBB ( Blitz x Al Pacino) for their result at the BBI World dog Show the 16-09-07
- CBM : 1st " very promising" and BEST BABY
Date: 13 September 2007 |
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- FIrst photos of Bounty and her puppies , 5 days old , look under LITTERS |
Date: 7 September 2007 |
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- Bounty's puppies are born , 3 females and 5 males ALL PUPPIES ARE RESERVED |
Date: 5 September 2007 |
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- New photos of Best , look under OUR KENNEL |
Date: 3 September 2007 |
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- New photos of Enjoy , look on her personal page OUR KENNEL |
Date: 3 September 2007 |
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- Congratulation to Helle ( kennel Horsebo) and Bonbon ( Danka x Gazon) for their result at the Danish Clubmatch 02-09-07 -CIM : 1st. "excellent" - Congratulation to Nathalie ( kennel Bois des Ternes) and Chanel ( Enjoy x Al) for their result at "Championat de Luxembourg" the 01-09-07 -COF : 1st " excellent" CACS/CACIB BOB and LUXEMBOURG CHAMPION 2007 ( see photo) |
Date: 28 August 2007 |
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- Congratulation to Pernilla and Captain Izor ( Wonder x Ice) for the super result at their first show at the national show in Sweden the 25-08-07: - CPM : 1st "very promising" best puppy and BIG4 puppy |
Date: 28 August 2007 |
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- Congratulations to Anne ( kennel White Rewyr) and Babette ( Danka x Gazon) , Campary ( Unique x Al Pacino) and Chagall ( Danka x Ice Cool) for the following results at Tronheims Hundefestival the 25-08-07. - CIF : Babette 1st "excellent" cert. and BOB - CPM : Chagall 1st "very promising" an best male puppy - CPF : Campary 1st "very promising" best puppy and BIGR puppy ( see photo)
Date: 28 August 2007 |
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- Congratulation to April OTBB ( Danka x Ultimo) for the following x ray result : HD. : A/A |
Date: 23 August 2007 |
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- New Litter planned for winther 2007 look under LITTERS: Danka x U2 |
Date: 21 August 2007 |
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- Congratulations to Braveheart OTBB ( Wonder x Al Pacino) and Pablo for the following x ray result : HD: A/A |
Date: 18 August 2007 |
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- Congratulation to K9 Devil ( Enjoy x Al Pacino) and his owner Caroline for having obtained the official titel LP1 ( obedience ) with 185,5 out of 200 points and a placing as nr. 3 out of 21 dogs. |
Date: 13 August 2007 |
Place: DKK 's 100 anniversary Show 11-08-07 |
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- Congratulation to Vi2 ( Enjoy x Al Pacino) and Inge Britt for the result at the DKK's 100 years anniversery Show in Vejen the 11-08-07 - CIM : 1st. "excellent" CACS BOB CERT. and DKK'S ANNIVERSARY WINNER 2007 |
Date: 13 August 2007 |
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- Updated AGENDA and LINKS |
Date: 12 August 2007 |
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- We are very proud of the following results of puppies born out of our kennel at the Austrian - and the Sweedish clubmatch and would like to thanks all the new owners for the good work they already have put into their puppies: - Austrian Clubmatch 27-07-07 -CBM : C'Moi OTBB ( Blitz x Al Pacino) "very promising" ( no ranking ) ( see photo) - Sweedish Clubmatch 11-08-07 - CBM : Cool Caspar OTBB ( Danka x Ice Cool) 1st. very promising Best baby and best male puppy ( 3 -9 months) Chagall OTBB ( Danka x Ice ) 2nd. very promising Second best baby and second best male puppy ( 3-9 months) - CPF : Campary OTBB ( Unique x Al Pacino) 2nd very promising Second best puppy ( 3-9 months) - CIM : K9 Devil ( Enjoy x Al ) 1st. excellent and ck. |
Date: 12 August 2007 |
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- Both Bounty and Zena are pregnant , and we are expecting puppies in the middle of september - we cannot accept more reservations from Zena's litter but male puppies after Bounty x Ice Cool can still be reserved |
Date: 10 August 2007 |
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- Congratulations to Sweedish Winner 07 Bianca OTBB ( Danka x Gazon) and Annicka ( kennel Barvestadt) for the following x ray results : HD: A/B ED: O/O |
Date: 6 August 2007 |
Place: Spcial BBS Show Cahors |
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- Special BBS Show Cahors the 05-08-07 - CPF : Centerfold " very promising" se photo ( no ranking in this classe) - CYF : Baika OTBB ( Unique x Amaroq) 3th. "excellent" - CIF : Babybel 1st. "excellent" CACS BOS - CYM : Bout d'chout OTBB ( Unique x Amaroq) 3th. "excellent" - CIM : U2 1st. "excellent" CACS BOB and SPECIAL SHOW WINNER CAHORS 2007 |
Date: 29 July 2007 |
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- Two new litters planned ( look under LITTERS) ENJOY X AL PACINO (autom 2007) WONDER X CRUNCH ( winther 2007) |
Date: 27 July 2007 |
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- Meet our new female MULTI CH. Enjoy of White Sunshine |
Date: 25 July 2007 |
Place: Oberwardt Austria 22-07-07 International show |
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- Congratulation to Ingrid ( kennel von stainer schilcherland) and Aragon OTBB for another good showresult at the international show in Oberwardt the 22-07-07: - COM : 1st. "excellent" CACS and RCACIB |
Date: 22 July 2007 |
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- Zena has been in Denmark and been mated to Crunch the 17-07-07 We are expecting puppies mid september We cannot accept more reservations for female puppies from this litter |
Date: 22 July 2007 |
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-Congratulation to Braveheart OTBB ( Wonder x Al Pacino) and Pablo ( kennel Terre de Aquistatos) for the following show result at Lisbons international show the 14-07-07 ( obligatory CACS for the Portugish Championtitel) -CIM : 1st "excellent" CACS/CACIB and BOB |
Date: 22 July 2007 |
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- Congratulation to K9 ( Enjoy x Al Pacino) for the following x-ray results: HD: B/B ED: O/O -Congratulation to 7-Up ( Enjoy x Al Pacino) for the following x ray results: HD: A/B ED: O/1 |
Date: 9 July 2007 |
Place: Brive International Show 08-07-07 ( 29 BBS) |
Event |
- The results of our dogs and dogs born in our kennel at the international show in Brieve the 08-07-07: -COM : Al Pacino 1st. "excellent CACS/CACIB and BOS Artic OFBB ( Blitz x Einstein) 4th. "excellent" -CPM : Best 1st. "very promising" and BEST PUPPY - COF : Wonder 1st "excellent" CACS/ RCACIB - CPF : C.B. 1st "very promising" ( see photo) |
Date: 7 July 2007 |
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- Zena is n heat and will be mated with Crunch the 13-07-07 At the same time congratulation to Crunch for his new titel SWEDISH BEAUTY CHAMPION |
Date: 6 July 2007 |
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- Congratulation to Babette ( Danka x Gazon) for the following x-ray results HD : B/B ED : O/O |
Date: 6 July 2007 |
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- Congratulation to Aragon OTBB ( Danka x Ultimo) and Manfred ( kennel Von Stainer Schilcherland) for having passed the BGH3 with succes |
Date: 29 June 2007 |
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- New photos of U2 |
Date: 27 June 2007 |
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- Bounty is on heat and will be mated with Ice around the 5th. of July |
Date: 27 June 2007 |
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- New photos of Babybel and C.B |
Date: 26 June 2007 |
Place: burgos Spain International Show 24-03-07 |
Event |
-Congtatulations to Pablo and Braveheart ( Wonder x Al Pacino) for another good show result at Burgos International Show Spain the 24-06-07 -CIM : 1st. "excellent" CACS/CACIB and BOB -New link added Regius et Terra Astur ( Braveheart and Baghi)
Date: 22 June 2007 |
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- New Photos of Bounty - New stud dog for Bounty ( look under litter Ice x Bounty summer 2007) . |
Date: 19 June 2007 |
Place: Internation Show Bodo 16/17- 06-07 |
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- Congratulation to Babette OTBB ( Danka x Gazon) , Campari OTBB ( Unique x Al Pacino) and Anne ( kennel White Rewyr) for their results at the dobbel International Show in Bodo the 16/17-06-07 : CPF : Campari 1st. "very promissing" best puppy and BOG2 CPF : Campari 1st. "very promising" best puppy CYF : Babette 1st. "excellent" CERT. BOB and BOG RESERVE CYF : Babette 1st. "excellent" CERT. and BOB ( see photo ) |
Date: 17 June 2007 |
Place: International exposition Besancon 16-03-07 |
Event |
- Congratulation to Artic OTBB ( Blitz x Einstein) , Balco OTBB( Zena x Ultimo) and kennel Domaine de Chene du loup for their results at the internation show in Besancon the 16-06-07: COM : Artic 3rd. "excellent" CJM : Balco 1st "excellent " best young male ( see photo ) |
Date: 16 June 2007 |
Place: French Clubmatch ( 98 BBs) 10-06-07 |
Event |
- Big congratulation to Bayka OTBB ( Zena x Ultimo) and Ursula for the result at the French Clubmatch 2007 ( 98 BBS) We are very proud of both of you especially as it was the first show for both owner and dog CYF : 1st. "excellent" best young female and BEST YOUNG DOG ( only 10 months old ) |
Date: 16 June 2007 |
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- Congratulation to Baume ( Danka x Gazon) for the following x ray results : HD : A/A ED: O/O . |
Date: 12 June 2007 |
Place: Zagreb Euro Dog Show 08-06-07 |
Event |
- We are very proud of our dogs and kennel Horsebos dogs results at the European championship in Zagreb 08-06-07 but we would also like to thank Emelie ( Baika OTBB) , Esa ( Blizzard OTBB) and Nathalie ( H Chanel ) for showning their dogs to their full potential CPM : Best - 1st. "very promising" and BEST PUPPY CYM : U2 - 1st "excellent" and EUROPEAN JUNIORCHAMPION 2007 CROATIAN JUNIOR CHAMPION 2007 Bonbon ( Danka x Gazon) 2nd "excellent" Blizzard ( Zena x Ultimo) 3rd. "excellent" CIM : Ice - 1st "excellent" CACS CACIB BOB EUROPEAN CHAMPION 2007 CROATIAN CHAMPION 2007 COM : Cactus ( Enjoy x Mojo) 1st. "excellent" CACS RCACIB CYF : 7 - Up 1st. "excellent" BOB Young dog EUROPEAN JUNIOR CHAMPION 2007 CROATIAN JUNIOR CHAMPION 2007 Baika ( Unique x Amaroq) 3th. "excellent" COF : Chanel ( Enjoy x Al Pacino) 1st. "excellent" CACS RCACIB |
Date: 3 June 2007 |
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- Congratulation to Byron ( Wonder x Al ) and Elke ( kennel von Durbuscher Forst) for the following x-ray results : HD: A/A ED: O/O - New headphoto of U2 ( look on his page) - New photos of Blitz and Al puppies 6 weeks ( look under LITTERS spring 2007 Blitz and Al) |
Date: 27 May 2007 |
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- Congratulation to Pablo and Braveheart OTBB ( Wonder and Al-Pacino ) for their excellent result at the biggest show in Spain Talaverna de la Reine : - CIM : 1st. "excellent"- Updated the follow pages : Babybel, Danka , Blitz , Ice and Al-Pacino |
Date: 23 May 2007 |
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- New photos of Blitz's puppies 5 weeks old Look under LITTERS spring 2007 Blitz and Al |
Date: 21 May 2007 |
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-Congratulation to Emelie ( kennel Voldai's Terre) et Baika ( Unique x Amaroq) for the following result at Libourne international show the 13-05-07 - CYF : 1st. "excellent" BOB young dog -Congratulation to Sylvie ( kennel Chene du loup) Artic ( Blitz x Einstein) and Balco ( Zena x Ultimo) for the following results at Roanne international show the 20-05-07 ( 17 BBS)
- COM : Artic OTBB 1st. "excellent" CACS/CACIB - CYM : Balco OTBB 1st. "excellent" BOB young dog and BEST OF BREED ( only 9 months old !!) ( bravo Philippe) . |
Date: 21 May 2007 |
Place: Tarbes international exposition the 17th. of Mai |
Event |
- the results of our dogs and dogs born out of our kennel at the international show in Tarbes the 17th. of Mai -COM : Ice Cool 1st. "excellent" and BOB/CACS/CACIB -CIF : Asucia OTBB ( Blitz x Einstein) 1st. "excellent" - CJF : Babybel ( Wonder x Al ) 1st. "excellent" BOB young dog and BOS . |
Date: 14 May 2007 |
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- Congratulation to Sylvie ( kennel Chene du Loup) , Balco ( Zena x Ultimo) and Aric ( Blitz x Einstein) for the following results at the intern. show in Charolles the 13-05-07 COM : Artic 2nd "excellent" CPM : Balco 1st. "very promising" -Congratulation to Nathalie ( kennel Bois des ternes) and Chanel ( Enjoy x Al Pacino for another excellent result at the international show in Sct. Gallen the 13-05-07 CYF: Chanel 1st. "excellent" BOB young dog and JUNIOR CHAMPION OF SUISSE 2007 - Congratulation to Annicka ( kennel Barvestadt) and Biance ( Danka x Gazon) for another brilliant result at Oesterbruk internation show ( 22 BBS) 13-05-0 -CYF : Biance 1st "excellent" BOB young ,BOB best of breed and SWEDISH WINNER 2007 ( 13 months old !!) . |
Date: 10 May 2007 |
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-New photos of Blitz's puppies , look under LITTERS spring 2007 Blitz x Al - Congratulation to Victoria and Branca ( Wonder x Al Pacino) for the following x ray results: HD: A/B ED: O/O - Congratulations to Elke ( kennel Von Durbuscher Forst ) and Baley ( Eijka x Ultimo) for the following results : HD: A/B ED: O/O . |
Date: 8 May 2007 |
Place: Montlucon Championat de France 2007 |
Event |
- We are very proud of the results of our dogs and dogs born out of our kennel at the French Championship the 5th. of Mai 2007 - CPM : Baltic OTBB ( Zena x Ultimo ) 1st. "very promising" best male puppy Balto OTBB ( Zena x Ultimo ) 2nd. "very promising" - CYM : U2 ( Enjoy x Al Pacino) 1st "excellent" and best young dog FRENCH JUNIORCHAMPION 2007 - CIM : Ice Cool 2nd "excellent" - COM : Artic OTBB ( Blitz x Einstein) 3rd "excellent" - CYF : Bounty ( Ultimo x Eijka ) 2nd "excellent" FRENCH VICE JUNIORCHAMPION 2007 Baika ( Unique x Amaroq ) " very good" - CIF : Aqua 4th. " excellent" - COF : Chanel No5 ( Enjoy x Al Pacino) 1st "excellent " BOS and BOB FRENCH CHAMPION 2007 . |
Date: 8 May 2007 |
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- New photos of Danka's and Wonders puppies look under LITTERS |
Date: 6 May 2007 |
Place: San Sebastian International Show 06-05-07 |
Event |
- The results of our dogs at the international show in San Sebastian the 06-05-07: - CPM : Best 1st "very promising" and best puppy - COF : Zena 1st "excellent" BOS - COM : Al Pacino 1st "excellent" and BOB . |
Date: 22 April 2007 |
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- New photos of Blitz's pupies , look under LITTERS Blitz x Al - Congratulations to Annicka ( kennel Barvestadt ) and Bianca ( Danka x Gazon) for passing the MH. ( caracter test preformed by the Swedish kennelclub) -Congratulation to Sylvie ( kennel Domaine de Chene de Loup ) and Emelie ( kennel Terre de Voldai) for the following showresults at the international show in Chateroux the 20-04-07: COM : Artic ( Blitz x Einstein) 1st. "excellent" CACS/CACIB BEST MALE CPM : Balto ( Zena x Ultimo) "very promising" CYF : Baldine ( Valka x Al ) 1st. "excellent" BEST YOUNG DOG Baika ( Unique x Amaroq) 2nd. "excellent" . . |
Date: 22 April 2007 |
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Event |
- New photos of Dankas and Wonders puppies look under LITTERS . |
Date: 16 April 2007 |
Place: Regional Clubmatch the 14-04-07 ( 37 BBS) |
Event |
- The result of our dogs and dogs born in our kennel at the Regional Clubmatch Limoges the 14-04-07 : - COM : Ultimo "excellent" - CIM : Ice 2nd "excellent" - CYM : U2 1st "excellent" - CPM : No ranking in this classe Baltic OTBB ( Zena x Ultimo) " very promising" Balco OTBB ( Zena x Ultimo) "very promising" - CIF : Aqua 1st. "excellent" and BOB ( best of breed) REGIONAL CLUB WINNER 2007 - CJF : Bounty 1st. "excellent" and BOB Young dog . |
Date: 15 April 2007 |
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- Blitz's puppies are born 10 puppies 4 females and 6 males 2 MALES and 1 FEMALE to be reserved . |
Date: 8 April 2007 |
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- Congratulations to Annicka ( kennel Barvestad ) and Bianca ( Danka x Gazon) for their result at the international show "little Stockholm" 07-04-07 -CYF : 1st "excellent" BOB young dog and first certificat for the CHSV - Congratulation to Helle ( kennel Horsebo) and 7-Up ( Enjoy x Al Pacino) for their result at the national show in Ribe the 07-04-07
-CYF : 1st "excellent" BOB young dog , BOB best of breed and BEST IN GROUP1 .
Date: 7 April 2007 |
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- New photos of Wonder and Danka's puppies , look under litter spring 2007 , Wonder x Ice and Danka x Ice - The x ray results of U2 and Bounty have arrived : - U2 HD: A/A E/D: O/O - Bounty HD A/A E/D: O/O . |
Date: 4 April 2007 |
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-Congratulations to Nathalie ( kennel Les Bois des Ternes ) and Chanel No5 ( Enjoy x Al Pacino) for their super result at the Championt de Luxembourg ( 31 BBS) the 01-04-07 : COF : 1st. "excellent" CACS CACIB and BEST FEMALE . |
Date: 1 April 2007 |
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Photos of Wonder and Danka's puppies , look under litters spring 2007 Danka x Ice and Wonder x Ice . |
Date: 31 March 2007 |
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- New photos of Uniqu's puppies 7 weeks , look under litter winther 2006 Unique x Al Pacino . |
Date: 30 March 2007 |
Place: Horsebo Denmark |
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- Cocus' puppies are born the 27-03-07 9 puppies 7 males and 2 female STILL 3 MALES TO BE RESERVED . |
Date: 27 March 2007 |
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-Congratulation to Eric ( kennel Le Vieux Manoir) and Aicka OTBB ( Danka x Ultimo) for the following x-ray results HD : B/B ED: O/O - Congratulation to Paulina ( kennel White Line Czech) and Alexia OTBB ( Danka x Ultimo) for the follow result at the Special BBS Show in Czech 2007 -COF : 1st "excellent" CACS . |
Date: 25 March 2007 |
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- Unfortunatly we cannot accept more reservations for female puppies from the following litters : Bounty x Cedor Zena x Crunch . |
Date: 24 March 2007 |
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- Two new links : Baltic Beauty and Conquistdors del Azahar . |
Date: 24 March 2007 |
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- The results of our dogs and dogs born in our kennel at the International Show in Gerona 23-03-07 ( 10 BBs) -COF : Zena 1st. "excellent" CACS and BOS -CJF : Bauma OTBB ( Danka x Gazon) 2nd "excellent" Branca OTBB ( Wonder x AL) 1st. "excellent" BOB young dog -CPM :Best "very promising" -COM :Al 1st. "excellent" CACS and BOB . |
Date: 22 March 2007 |
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- Danka's puppies are born 12 puppies , 8 males and 4 female All in good health ,look under litter spring 2007 Danka x Ice Photos to come 3 MALES TO BE RESERVED . |
Date: 20 March 2007 |
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- Wonder had her puppies last night 6 females and 4 males look under litter spring 2007 Wonder x Ice Cool Photos to come 1 male and 1 female to be reserved - Congratulations to Braveheart OTBB ( Wonder x Al Pacino) and Pablo/ Ali for a new super show result at Cantabria International Show the 17-03-07: -CYM : 1st. "excellent" BOB Young and BEST OF BREED ( 13 months old) . |
Date: 18 March 2007 |
Place: Malmo International Show 17-03-07 |
Event |
-Congratulation to Helle ( kennel Horsebo) ,Inge Britt and Lene for their results at Malmo's International Shoow 17-03-07 - COM : Cactus ( Enjoy x Mojo) 1st. "excellent" and BOB - CYM : Vi2 ( Enjoy x Al ) 1st "excellent" and BOB young dog -CYF : Alba OTBB ( Blitz x Einstein) 1st "excellent" - Congratulation to Paulina ( kennel White Czech ) and Alexia ( Danka x Ultimo) for their new titel at Nitra's national Show the 17-03-07 - COF : 1st. "excellent" BOS , BOB and SLOVAKIAN WINNER 2007 . |
Date: 17 March 2007 |
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- New photos of Uniqu's puppies , look under litter winther 2006 Unique x Al - New photo of U2 |
Date: 15 March 2007 |
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-We are very proud to announce that kennel Trebons has succesfully exported frozen semen to three females around the world in the last three months and we can now offer the following service to anyone: FROZEN OR COOLED SEMEN FROM OUR STUD DOGS . |
Date: 13 March 2007 |
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-New photos of Unique's puppies look under litter winther 2006 Unique x Al |
Date: 10 March 2007 |
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-Congratulations to Chanel ( Enjoy x Al ) and Nathalie ( kennel Les Bois des Ternes) for the following result : HD: A/A ED: O/1 . |
Date: 9 March 2007 |
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-Congratulation to Braveheart OTBB ( Wonder x Al) and his owner Pablo and Al for his first show titel; BEST YOUNG BBS IN SPAIN 2006. |
Date: 8 March 2007 |
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- Blitz has been scanned today and she is expecting puppies in mid April -Congratulation to Beauty OTBB ( Zena x Ultimo) and her owner Ornali and Baruch for her first show result at Tel Avivs International Herding Show the 04-03-07 -CPF : 1st. "very promising" best puppy and BIS2 PUPPY - Congratulation to Braveheart OTBB (Wonder x Al ) and his owner Pablo and Ali for their good result at Madrids international show the 25-02-07 -CYM : 1st. "excellent" and BOB :
Date: 1 March 2007 |
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- New fotos of Uniqu's puppies 4 weeks old , look under LITTERS winther 2006 Unique x Al Pacino-Congratulations to Altaya de l'ange Gardien de Faujus ( Ultimo x Vickybell) for her x-ray results : HD : A/A ED: O/O . |
Date: 27 February 2007 |
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-New links ( kennels and ressources ) . |
Date: 24 February 2007 |
Place: Toulouse International Show ( 24-02-07) 32 BBS |
Event |
- The results of our dogs and dogs born out of our kennel at the international show at Toulouse the 24-02-07 ( 32 BBS) - CYM : U2 1st "excellent" - CIM : Ice 1st "excellent" RCACS and RCACIB - CIF : Aqua 1st. "excellent" CACS and RCACIB - CPF : Baalka OTBB ( Unique x Amaroq) "very promising" - CPM : Baltic OTBB ( Zena x Ultimo ) "very promisng" Bout d'Chou OTBB dit Timbow ( Unique x Amaroq) "very promising" Blizzard OTBB ( Zena x Ultimo) "very promising" ; |
Date: 18 February 2007 |
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-Congratulation to Helle ( kennel Horsebo) for the following results at Odense International Show the 17-02-07 - CJM : Bonbon OTBB ( Danka x Gazon) 1st "excellent" BOB young dog , BOS and his first certificat for the CHDK - CCHF : Enjoy 1st. "excellent" - COF : Cocus ( Enjoy x Mojo) 1st "excellent BOB and therefore DANISH CHAMPION - Congratulation to Sylvie ( kennel Domaine de chene du loup) for the following results at Bouges International Show the 17-02-07 -CPM : Balto OTBB ( Zena x Ultimo) "very promising" - COM : Artic OTBB ( Blitz x Einstein) 1st. "excellent CACS/CACIB and BOB . |
Date: 16 February 2007 |
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-New photos of Unique's puppies , look under litters Unique x Al . |
Date: 14 February 2007 |
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- An echografi confirms that both Danka and Wonder are expecting puppies mid Marts-Blitz has been mated the 12th. and the 14th. of Feburary . |
Date: 12 February 2007 |
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- Congratulation to Bianca ( Danka x Gazon) and Annicka ( kennel Barvestad) for their superb result at Haselmoens International Show in Norway the 10-02-07: - CYF : 1st "excellent" best young dog BOB and Certificat for the NOCH- Congratulation to Baika ( Unique x Amaroq) and Emelie for their superb result at the international show in Niort the 11-02-07: - CPF : 1st "very promissing " and BEST PUPPY - Congratulation to Blizzard ( Zena x Ultimo) and Esa and Mari for their superb results at Freiburg International Show the 10/11-02-07 , the same result both days: - CPM : 1st "very promising" and BEST PUPPY - Congratulation to Chanel ( Enjoy x Al ) and Nathalie ( kennel Les Bois des Ternes) for their superb results at Freiburg International Show the 10/11-02-07, the same result both days - CJF : 1st "excellent" best young dog and BIS YOUNG DOG . |
Date: 11 February 2007 |
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- First photos of Unique and Al's puppies , one week old Look under litters Unique x AL winther 2007- New litter planned for summer 2007 Bounty x Cedor Look under litter Bounty x Cedor summer 2007 . |
Date: 2 February 2007 |
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- Uniques puppies are born 6 males and 6 females - Blitz is on heat and will be mated the 12th. of Feburary . |
Date: 30 January 2007 |
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- Congratulation to all the owners of the following dogs for passing the MH - test ( caracter and working capasity) preformed by the DKK ( Danish Kennel club) the 28-01-07 : - Bonbon OTBB ( Danka x Gazon) - Horsebo's Vi2 ( Enjoy x Al ) - Horsebo's 4-You ( Enjoy x Al ) - Horsebo's 7-Up ( Enjoy x Al) -Congratulation to Nathalie ( kennel Les Bois des Ternes) and Chanel ( Enjoy x Al ) for the following result at Monpellier International Show the 28-01-07 - CYF : 1st " excellent" . |
Date: 19 January 2007 |
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- Danka and Wonder have been mated , we are doing a scan mid -Feburary and are expecting puppies mid marts- Cocus is on heat and will be mated end of January - New photos of Bounty . |
Date: 17 January 2007 |
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- Congratulations til Annicka ( kennel Bravestad ) og Bianca OTBB ( Danka x Gazon) for thier result at Nykobing Show the 13-01-07 - CYF : 1st excellent best young dog and best of breed ( BOB)- Congratulation to Paulina ( kennel White Line Check ) and Alexia OTBB ( Danka x Ultimo) for their result at the show in Olomduc - COF : 1st. excellent best female best of breed ( BOB) and NATIONAL WINNER . |
Date: 15 January 2007 |
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- First photos of Enjoys puppies 1 week old click on Multi CH. Enjoy and Al-Pacino |
Date: 15 January 2007 |
Place: Bordeaux International Show ( 29 BBS) 14-01-07 |
Event |
- The results for our dogs and dogs born in our kennel at the International show in Bordeaux ( 29 BBS) the 14-01-07 :- CPM : Bout c'Hou OTBB ( Unique x Amaroq) Very promising - CPF : Baika OTBB ( Unique x Amaroq) Very promising - CYM : U2 1st "excellent" BOB Young dog and BOG - CYF : Baume OTBB ( Danka x Gazon) 1st. excellent Bauma OTBB ( Wonder x AL ) 2nd. excellent Babybel 3th. excellent - CIM : Ice Cool 1st excellent CACS CACIB and BOS - CIF : Bounty 1st excellent CACS CACIB BOB and BOG3 - COF : Aqua 1st excellent , RCACS and RCACIB And a big THANKS to all the owners of a Trebons Berger Blanc for showing their dogs with so much skill!!! .
Date: 9 January 2007 |
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-Frontpage Unique - Updated AGENDA 2007 |
Date: 8 January 2007 |
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-Danka is on heat and she will be mated the 18th. of jan , we are expecting the puppies mid-mart -Congratulation to Sylvie ( kennel Domaine de chene de loup) and Avalanche 5 Blitz x Einstein) for the following x-ray results: HD: A/A ED: O/O ; |
Date: 6 January 2007 |
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- Wonder is on HEAT and will be mated the 17 of january . |
Date: 4 January 2007 |
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-2006 is gone and we are very proud of some of the results of our own dogs and especially of the results of puppies born in our kennel: SHOW RESULTS -Al Pacino : Specialshowinner BOB and BOG Niort -Ice Cool : BOB Young dog at the French Championship Danish Juniorchampion -Aqua : Danish Junior Champion Danish Viceclubchampion -U2 : BOB Baby at the French Clubmatch BOB Puppy at the French Clubmatch -Danka : Specialshowwinner Metz -Babette : Danka x Gazon BOB Puppy at the Swidish Clubmatch WORLD PUPPY CHAMPION -Artic : Blitz x Einstein BOB Young dog at the French Clubmatch -Bianca : Danka x Gazon BIS Puppy at Vallernaas Show -Chanel : Enjoy x Al BIS Puppy at Bulle VICEJUNIOR WORLDCHAMPION - Aragon : Danka x Ultimo Alpencupwinner and BOG2 - Branca : Wonder x Al BOB and BOG at Valencia International Show - 7 - Up : Enjoy x Al BOB Young dog at the Cup Of Nations WORLD JUNIOR CHAMPION HEALTH: - Aragon ( Danka x Ultimo ) A/A O/O - Ace ( Danka X Ultimo ) B/C O/O - Aiko ( Danka x Ultimo ) A/A O/O - Aliena ( Unique x Mack) A/A O/O - Apache ( Unique x Mack) A/A O/O - Alaska ( Unique x Mack ) A/A O/O - Artic ( Blitz x Einstein ) A/A O/O - Asui ( Blitz x Einstein ) A/B O/O WORKING / CARACTER - Aliena ( Unique x Mack ) MH test - Alfonse ( Danka x Ultimo) MH test - Aluk ( Unique x Mack) TAN and CSAU - Apache ( Unique x Mack ) TAN - Aragon ( Danka x Ultimo ) BGH1 and BGH2 |
Date: 26 December 2006 |
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-New photos of U2 and Babybel . |
Date: 20 December 2006 |
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-Front page Al Pacino on La Mongie |
Date: 7 December 2006 |
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-Front pagephoto Bayka ( Zena x Ultimo) 3 months old |
Date: 7 December 2006 |
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-After a lot of hassel ( maneged to erase our whole home page !!) our GUESTBOOK is now back to normale All entries are very much appriciated |
Date: 27 November 2006 |
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-Updated our OFF SPRING gallery with lots of new photos , look under LITTERS -New litter planning for spring 2007 Cocus x Credor and Zena x Crunch look under LITTERS |
Date: 20 November 2006 |
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- Unique is on heat and will be mated around the 28/29 of November . The puppies will be born in the end of January -New link the new official Spanish BBS club |
Date: 19 November 2006 |
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-One more time congratulation to Victoria and Branca ( Wonder x Al) and Bauma ( Danka xGazon) for another super show result ; This time at Valencia international show the 14-12-06 -CPF: Bauma 1st very promising and BEST PUPPY -CYF: Branca 1st; excellent BOB young dog and BOB at the age of 11 months - Also congratulation to Eric kennel Le viux Manoir and Aika ( Danka x Ultimo) for their show result at the Special BBS show ( 41 dogs) at Rouen the 4-1-06 -COF: Aicka 2nd excellent and RCACS |
Date: 8 November 2006 |
Place: WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP 2006 Poland ( 93 BBS) |
Event |
- We are very happy to announce the results of our dogs and dogs related to our kennel at the WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP in Poznan Poland 2006 -A special thanks to Sylvie and Philip ( kennel Domaine de chene de loup) for looking after us for three days and also to Melody ( kennel Luna legacy) for helping us on the the way home!! -CYM : U2 "excellent" -CIM : Ice Cool 2nd "excellent" Cactus ( Mojo x Enjoy) 4th. "excellent" -CPF : Babette ( Danka x Gazon) 1st "very promising" Best puppy and WORLD PUPPY WINNER 2006 -CYF : Chanel ( Al Pacino x Enjoy ) 2nd. "excellent" 7 -Up 1st "excellent" BOB young dog and WORLD JUNIOR WINNER 2006 ( Between the 12 best young dogs group I III and IV thursday ) -CIF : Cacos ( Mojo x Enjoy) 1st . "excellent" -COF : Danka 3th. "excellent" And off course a special congratulation to our Zena's sister Zeta Jones Of White Condor and her owner Pia Modl for her new titel WORL DOG WINNER 2006
Date: 7 November 2006 |
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-Congratulation to Brilliant , called Trazy ( Danka x Gazon) and Petra ( kennel Of White Wolves Sweden) for the following results: -Boden 08-10-06 nat. show -CPF: 1st. "very promising" and best puppy -Gelliwar -CPF : 1st. "very promising" best puppy and BIS4 PUPPY -Congratulations to Pablo and Braveheart ( Wonder x Al) for the following result at the intern. show in Bilbao the 05-11-06 -CYM : 1st. excellent and BOB young dog -Congratulations to Victoria with her super results at the nat. show in Sct. Pere de Vilmajor with Branca ( Wonder x Al) and Bauma ( Danka x Gazon) -CPF : Bauma 1st. "very promising" and best puppy -CYF : Branca 1st. "excellent" BOB young dog and BOG1 ( at the age 9 months)
Date: 4 November 2006 |
Place: Special Berger Blanc Show Metz 04-11-06 ( 59 BBS) |
Event |
-The results of our dogs at the special BBS show in Metz 04-11-06 -CYM : U2 1ier "excellent" -CIM : Ice 1ier "excellent" -COF: Danka 1ier "excellent" BOS and SPECIAL SHOW WINNER METZ 2006 .
Date: 4 November 2006 |
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-Congratulation to Ingrid ( kennel Von Stainer Schilcherland Austria) and Aragon ( Danka x Ultimo) for the following result; - BGH2 : passed with mention excellent . |
Date: 1 November 2006 |
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-Congratulations to Annicka ( kennel Barvestad Sweden) and Aliena ( Unique x Mack) for their result at the show in Eskilstuna the 28-10-06 -COF : 1st. "excellent" BOS and BOB - New photos of Bounty and U2 , look under our kennel |
Date: 26 October 2006 |
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-Front page photo: Aluk ( Unique x Mack) doing agility . |
Date: 24 October 2006 |
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-New link -Congratulation to Anne ( kennel White Rewyr Norway) and Babette ( Danka x Gazon) for another excellent presentation at the international Show in Tromsoe 22/23 of October - CPF : 1st "very promising" and BOB puppy -Congratulation to Victoria and Branca ( Wonder x Al) and Bauma ( Danka x Gazon) for their excellent show results at the national show in San Salvador the 23 of October - CPF : Bauma 2end "very promising" Branca 1st "very promising" BOB puppy and BIS3 PUPPY .
Date: 22 October 2006 |
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-New photos of Zena's puppies 8 weeks old , look under litter Zena x Ultimo |
Date: 13 October 2006 |
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-Congratulation to Victoria and Branca ( Wonder x Al) and Bauma ( Danka x Gazon) and Serge and Blues ( Wonder x Al) for the following result at the international show in Martorell the 7-10-06 in Spain -CPM : Blues 1st. " very promising" and Best Male Puppy -CPF : Branca 1st. "very promising" and Best Puppy Bauma 2nd. " very promising" . |
Date: 7 October 2006 |
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-The result of Ice Cool's x-rays have arrived ( done under full anestetic! ) HD : A/A ED : O/O The result of Artic OTBB's (Blitz x Einstein) x rays have arrived ( done under full anestetic) HD : A/A ED : O/O . |
Date: 5 October 2006 |
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-New photos of Zena's puppies ( look under litter Zena x Ultimo) |
Date: 3 October 2006 |
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-Congratulation to Aliena ( Unique x Mack) and Annicka (kennel Barvestad Sweden) for passing the extended MD ( caracter test made by the Swedish kennelclub for all dog breeds) -Congratulation to Babette ( Danka x Gazon) for another super result at the puppy show in Verdal Norway the 30-09-06 -CPF : 1st "very promising" best puppy and RBOG (reserve best in group) -Congratulation to Braveheart ( Wonder x Al) and Pablo for their result at the international dog show in Leon Spain the 24-09-06 -CPM : 1st "very promising" BEST PUPPY |
Date: 27 September 2006 |
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-Updated off spring under : Unique Danka Ultimo Al Pacino |
Date: 27 September 2006 |
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- Updated our Agenda . |
Date: 26 September 2006 |
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- Some of our dogs has participated in our local dog clubs caracter test ( TAN) with the following results ; - Ice Cool : 20/20 excellent - Unique : 20/20 excellent - Ultimo : 20/20 excellent - Aqua : 15/20 very good - Zena : 18/20 excellent |
Date: 21 September 2006 |
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- New photos of Zena's puppies ( look under litter Zena x Ultimo) -New mating planned for winther 2006 Unique x Apache |
Date: 20 September 2006 |
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-Congratulations to Rene ( kennel Val du Gardien) and Apache Boy ( Unique x Mack) for their result at the ACBB's regional Clubmatch ( 58 BBS) the 17-09-06 -CIM : 1st "excellent"-Congratulation to Anne and Aluk ( Unique x Mack) for their result at the same show -CIF : "excellent" and for passing the CSAU ( sociablite and working test) with mention "excellent" -Congratulation to Annicka ( kennel Barvestad) and Bianca ( Danka x Gazon) for their remarcable result at Strangnas inofficial show 16-09-06 in Sweden - CPF : 1st "very promising" best puppy best in group puppy ( BOG) BEST IN SHOW PUPPY ( for the first time in Sweden a BBS as BIS!) - The results of our dogs at the "Cup of Nations" . First BBI Show held in Germany the 18-09-06 with 87 BBS -CPF : Babybel : 3th. "very promising" -CYF : 7-up ( saur de U2) : 1st "excellent" Aqua : "very good" -CIF : Cocus ( saur de High) : 2nd. "excellent" - COF : Danka : 1st "excellent" and CACS -CYM : Ice : 3rd. "excellent" -CIM : Cactus ( frere de High) "very good" .
Date: 14 September 2006 |
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-Congratulation to Paulina ( kennel Of White Line) and Alexia ( Ultimo x Danka) for their result at the Special BBS Show in Zeleznice Check Rep. the 10-09-06 -COF : 2nd "excellent" and RCACS-Congratulation to Line and Alba ( Blitz x Einstein) for their result at Sofieros national show in Sweden the 10-09-06 -CJF : 1st "excellent" BOS and CERT. for the CHSV |
Date: 14 September 2006 |
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-New link |
Date: 11 September 2006 |
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-Welcome to Hi-Tech look under our kennel |
Date: 11 September 2006 |
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-Changing in our future litter planning : Wonder x Ice ( mating december 2006) Danka x Ice ( mating january 2007 ) Blitz x Al ( mating january 2007) Aqua x Ice ( mating june 2007 ) Unique x ?? (mating december 2006) . |
Date: 11 September 2006 |
Place: Vallentuna nat. show 10-09-06 Sweden |
Event |
-Congratulation to Annicka ( kennel Bravestad Sweden) for the following results at Vallentuna Show 10-09-06 Sweden - COF : Aliena OTBB ( Unique x Mack) 1st. "excellent" - CPF : Bianca OTBB ( Danka x Gazon) 1st "very promising" BOB puppy BIG puppy BIS4 puppy ; |
Date: 10 September 2006 |
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-New photos of Zena's puppies , look under litter Zena x Ultimo |
Date: 6 September 2006 |
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- Up dated the LINK page |
Date: 6 September 2006 |
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-Congratulation to Chanel ( Enjoy x Al) and Nathalie ( kennel Les Bois des Ternes) for their fantastic result at the internation Show in Luxembourg 04-09-06 - CPF : 1ier "very promissing" best puppy and between the best 6 puppies in show |
Date: 5 September 2006 |
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-New photos of Zena's puppies ( look under litter Zena x Ultimo) |
Date: 4 September 2006 |
Place: Silkeborg Danish Club Match 2006 03-09-06 |
Event |
-The results for our dogs ( kennel Trebons and kennel Horsebo) and dogs born out of our kennel at the Danish Clubmatch 2006: -CPM : U2 1st "very promising" VI'To ( Al x Enjoy) 2nd "very promising" -CYM : Ice Cool 1st. "excellent" Certificat for the Danish Champion titel and
DANISH JUNIOR CLUB CHAMPION 2006 -CIM : Cactus ( Enjoy x Mojo) 1st. "excellent" Certificat for the Danish Campiontitel -CCM : Mojo 1st "excellent" CACS et BOS DANISH CLUBCAMPION 2006 -CPF : 7-Up ( Enjoy x Al) 1st "very promissing" Babybel ( Wonder x Al) 2nd. "very promissing" -CCF : Enjoy 1st "excellent"
-CJF : Aqua 1st. "excellent" BOB Young RCACS and DANISH JUNIOR CLUB CHAMPION 2006 VICE DANISH CLUB CHAMPION 2006 -CIF: Cocus ( Enjoy x Mojo) sister to our new hope Hi Tech 1st "excellent" BOB and DANISH CLUB CHAMPION 2006 and BOG and BIS2 |
Date: 3 September 2006 |
Place: Cloppenbourg Intern. Expos. Allemagne 04-09-06 |
Event |
-Congratulation to Elke ( kennel Von Durbuscher Forst) for the following result: - CPM : Byron OTBB ( Wonder x Al) 1st. " very promising" and BEST PUPPY |
Date: 3 September 2006 |
Place: Expos. Intern. Nevres 02-09-06 |
Event |
-Congratulations to Sylvie ( kennel Chene du Loup) for the following results: -CIM : Ace OTBB ( Danka x Ultimo) 1ier. "excellent" RCACS and RCACIB - CYM : Artic OTBB ( Blitz x Einstein) 1ier "excellent" and Best young dog |
Date: 30 August 2006 |
Place: Alpencup , International Show Innsbruck Austria |
Event |
-Congratulation to Aragon ( Danka x Ultimo) and Ingrid ( kennel Von Stainer Schilzerland) for their fantastic result at the Alpencup Show in Innsbruck Austria 27-08-06; - CYM: 1st. "excellent" , best young dog , best male and 2ND BEST YOUNG DOG IN SHOW! |
Date: 29 August 2006 |
Place: Tronheim International Show 27/8 -06 Norway |
Event |
-Congratulation to Babette ( Danka x Gazon) and Anne ( kennel White-Rewyr) for another superb result at Tronheims International Show 27-08-06 - CPF : 1st "very promising" best puppy and BIGreserv. |
Date: 27 August 2006 |
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- First photos of Zena's puppies 5 days old , look under litter summer 2006 Zena x Ultimo |
Date: 25 August 2006 |
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-New photos of Unique's puppies , look under litter Unique x Amaroq -Zena's puppies are born 9 females and 5 males Photos very soon STILL TWO MALES TO BE RESERVED |
Date: 12 August 2006 |
Place: Special BBS Show Sweden 12-08-06 ( 61 BBS) |
Event |
- The results of dogs born in our kennel at the special BBS Show in Sweden 12-08-06 and congratulations to all the owners for their super results. CBF : Bianca OTBB ( Danka x Gazon) 2nd "very promising" Babette OTBB ( Danka x Gazon) 1st " very promising" and BIS (best in show) baby ( 4- 6 months) and after that BIS PUPPY ( 4 - 9 months) CPM : K7 Devil ( Al x Enjoy) 1st " very promising " and BOS ( best of opposit sex) PUPPY |
Date: 6 August 2006 |
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-New fotos of Unique's puppies -look under litter Unique x Amaroq -CONGRATULATIONS to Annicka ( kennel Bravestad Sweden) and Bianca OTBB ( Danka x Gazon) for the following result at their first show at Sodertalje Show the 06-08-06 : CPF : 1st. "very promising" best puppy BIG - Best in group puppy BIS2 - 2nd best puppy in show |
Date: 4 August 2006 |
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- Updated the following pages : Al - Pacino Danka Unique Aqua Ice Cool - New litter planned for winther 06/07 ( look under Aqua x Ice winther )
Date: 2 August 2006 |
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- As a follow up to the international FCI meeting in Copenhagen the 18/19th. of March 2006 , the criteria for hip and elbow readings have changed. It is believe that dogs x-rayed without anestetic can give a false positive score and is therefore no longer internationally accepted ( this is an rectroactive law)- We would therefore like to assure everyone who has had delings with us that ALL OUR DOGS HAVE BEEN X-RAYED UNDER ANESTETIC AND THEIR REULTS ARE INTERNATIONALLY RECOGNIZED BY THE FCI. |
Date: 1 August 2006 |
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-New photos of Unique's puppies 4 weeks old, look under litter Unique and Amaroq summer 06 -Congratulation to Ice Cool's mother Leslee Of Haley's Future for her BOB at the Alpentrohy 2006 ( 98 BBS) |
Date: 29 July 2006 |
Place: |
Event |
- Congratulation to Ingrid ( kennel von stainer schilcherland) and Aragorn ( Danka x Ultimo) for the following x-ray results HD: A/A ED: O/O - Results from Copenhagen Show 27-07-06 COF : Cocus ( Enjoy x Mojo) 1st excellent and BOB CPF : 7-Up ( Enjoy x Al) 1st very promising BOB puppy and BIS2 PUPPY ( out of 40 puppies ) |
Date: 26 July 2006 |
Place: |
Event |
-Congratulation to Pablo and Braveheart (Wonder x Al) for their result at the international show in Oviedo Spain the 16-07-06 - CPM : 1st "very promising" and best puppy |
Date: 26 July 2006 |
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Event |
- New photos of U2 and Babybel |
Date: 24 July 2006 |
Place: |
Event |
- New photos of Uniques and Enjoys puppies 3 weeks old , look under litters - Ultrascan today confirms that Zena is expecting puppies ( the vet saw minnimum 10 babies!!!) |
Date: 23 July 2006 |
Place: Special BBS Show Brieve 23-07-06 ( 59 BBS) |
Event |
The results of our dogs at the Special BBS Show in Brieve the 23-07-06 - COM: Al 2nd "excellent" - CIM : Ace ( Danka x Ultimo) 3rd "excellent" - CYM : Ice 1st "excellent" BEST YOUNG DOG Artic ( Blitza x Einstein ) 2nd "excellent" - CYF : Aqua 2nd "excellent" - CPF : Bounty "very promising" no ranking n this class Chanel ( Enjoy x Al) "very promising" - Junior handling : Sofia and Wonder 2nd out of 22!! |
Date: 11 July 2006 |
Place: |
Event |
-Congratulation to Alaska Beauty ( Unique x Mack) and Sylvie ( kennel Chene du Loup) for the following x-ray results: HD A/A ED O/O- New photos of Unique`s puppies look under litter summer 06 Unique x Amaroq |
Date: 7 July 2006 |
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Event |
-Congratulations to Aliena ( Unique x Mack ) and Annicka ( kennel Bravestad Sweden) for the following x-ray results ; HD A/A ED O/O |
Date: 6 July 2006 |
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- Uniques puppies are born 3 females and 3 males - First photos look under litter summer 06 Unique x Amaroq ALL PUPPIES ARE RESERVED |
Date: 4 July 2006 |
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-Congratulation to Helle ( kennel Horsebo) with the following results at the international show on Bornholm Denmark the 02-07-06 CPF : 7- up ( Enjoy x Al) 1st "very promising" and BEST PUPPY CIF : Cocus ( Enjoy x Mojo) 1st "excellent" and BEST OF BREED and BOG - BEST IN GROUP 1 -Congratulation to Nathalie ( kennel Les Bois Des Ternes ) with the following result at Bulle International Show Suisse the 02-07-06 CPF : Chanel ( Enjoy x Al) 1st " very promising" BEST PUPPY and BIS - BEST PUPPY IN SHOW |
Date: 30 June 2006 |
Place: |
Event |
-Congratulation to Aragon ( Ultimo x Danka) and Ingrid ( kennel Von Stainer Schilserland) for obtaining the BGH1 with 87 points out of 100 -Congratulation to Alexia ( Ultimo x Danka) and kennel Of Whiteline Chezh for their excellent2 at the international show in Brno the 24/06/06 |
Date: 29 June 2006 |
Place: |
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-Enjou have had her puppies 5 females and 3 males ( look for more information under litters) |
Date: 29 June 2006 |
Place: |
Event |
-Two new litters planned for Autom 2006; LEE x AL-PACINO WONDER x ICE COOL |
Date: 28 June 2006 |
Place: |
Event |
-Unfortunately Blitz lost her puppies yesterday , she is fine but we are off course very dissapointed |
Date: 28 June 2006 |
Place: |
Event |
-Meet our new dog Babybel on her own page |
Date: 23 June 2006 |
Place: |
Event |
-The HD results for Aika OTBB (Unique x Maxk) A/A O/O Congratulation to Peter the owner |
Date: 22 June 2006 |
Place: |
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-New photos of Lee |
Date: 21 June 2006 |
Place: Bourget Championat de France 18-06-06 ( 87 BBS) |
Event |
-Our dogs results at the French Championship 2006: -COM : Al-Pacino 3th. "excellent" -COF : Zena 4th. "excellent" -CJM : Ice Cool 1st "excellent" best young male ,best young dog and FRENCH JUNIOR CHAMPION 2006
Date: 21 June 2006 |
Place: Aalborg International Show 18-06-06 |
Event |
-The results from Aalborgs International Show (Denmark) 18-06-06 -CIF : Cocus ( Mojo x Enjoy) 1st "excellent" BOB and BOG4 -CPM : Vi'2 ( Al x Enjoy) 1st "very promising" , best male puppy -CPF : 7-Up ( Al x Enjoy) st "very promising" and best puppy |
Date: 20 June 2006 |
Place: |
Event |
-Zena has been mated to Ultimo and we are doing a scan mid-July New headphotos of Ultimo and Zena ( look under our kennel) |
Date: 11 June 2006 |
Place: |
Event |
-Updated link page -New photos of U2 and Bounty |
Date: 8 June 2006 |
Place: |
Event |
- Blitz is on heat and has been mated with Al-Pacino - We are doing an ultra scan in the beginning of July - New photos of Bounty , Aqua and Ice-Cool -X-ray results for Amie OTBB( Danka x Ultimo) HD: A/A ED O/O |
Date: 3 June 2006 |
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Event |
-The x-ray results for Andy OTBB ( Ultimo x Danka) HD: A/A ED: O/O |
Date: 2 June 2006 |
Place: |
Event |
-Congratulation to Rene ( kennel Gardien du Val) and Apache Boy OTBB ( Unique x Mack) for the following results: TAN : 17/20 ( test de caracter) Confirmation : excellent HD: A/A ED: O/O |
Date: 2 June 2006 |
Place: |
Event |
-New litter planned for summer 2006 Look under litter Enjoy x Mojo for further information |
Date: 29 May 2006 |
Place: Landskrone Inofficiel Show 27/05/06 |
Event |
-Congratulation to Caroline and K7 Devil ( Enjou x Al) for their 1st price and best puppy at Landskrona Inofficiel Show Sweden |
Date: 29 May 2006 |
Place: |
Event |
- Unique are expecting lots of puppies , we expect the delivery in the beginning of July |
Date: 25 May 2006 |
Place: Tarbes International Show 25-05-06 |
Event |
-The results for our dogs at Tarbes International Show 25-05-06 COF : Unique 1st. "excellent" CACS and CACIB CJM : Ice Cool 1st. "excellent" best young dog , BOB and BOG5 ( at the age of 9 months!!!) Junior Handling : Sofia and Baika 3th. "excellent" |
Date: 22 May 2006 |
Place: French Clubmatch Acheres 21-05-06 (140 BBS) |
Event |
-The results of our dogs and dogs related to our kennel at the French Club match the 22-05-06 -A special thanks to Helle and Christoffer ( kennel Horsebo) , Gretel and Gea ( kennel Of Haley's Future) and Sylvie and Philip ( kennel Chene au Loup) for helping me with all my dogs. -Finally a BIG congratulation to Sylvie for all the work she has put into Artic Of Trebons Berger Blanc ( Blitz x Einstein) and made him BEST MALE at the age of 9 months ( and beating 2 Europen Champions ,3 French Champions and 2 Luxembourg Champions) CBM: U2 1st " very promissing " and BOB BABY Bo Tai ( Ultimo x Eijka) 2nd. "promissing" CPM: Ice Cool " very promising" CJM: Apache-Boy ( Unique x Mack) "excellent" Ace Ventura ( Ultimo x Danka) 4th. "excellent" Cactus ( Mojo x Enjoy) 2nd "excellent" Artic ( Blitz x Einstein) 1st. "excellent" BOB Young Dog and BEST MALE IN SHOW at 9 months!!!! CCM: Mojo 1st "excellent" CJF : April (Danka x Ultimo) insufficient ( 63cm)
Aqua 3th. "excellent" ( 9 months old) Cocus 2nd "excellent" CIF : Zena 2nd "excellent"
Date: 16 May 2006 |
Place: |
Event |
-New photos of Danka's puppies 7 weeks ( look under litter Danka x Gazon) |
Date: 15 May 2006 |
Place: Cuisery National expos. 14-05-06 |
Event |
-Congratulation to Sylvie kennel " Domaine du Chene au Loup" for the following results at the Nat. expos. Cuisey ( 23 BBS) - Young male : Ace ( Ultimo x Danka) 2nd "excellent" -Puppy male : Artic ( Einstein x Blitz) 1st. "very promising" and BOB puppy -Young femelle : Belle ( Al-Pacino x Urban) 1st. "excellent" BOB Young and RCACS ( 9 and a half months old !!) Alaska ( Unique x Mack ) 2nd " excellent" and confirme |
Date: 15 May 2006 |
Place: Dortmund Intern. Show 07-05-06 |
Event |
-Congratulations to Lee's sister ( Lunalee) and brother ( Herzog) for their new titels at the Intern. Show in Dortmund 07-05-06 -Young male : Herzog Lee Of Haley's Future 1st. excellent BOB ( 13 months!) VDH -Jugend Eurosieger -Young female : Lunalee Of Haley's Future 1st. excellent VFH- Jugend Eurosieger |
Date: 12 May 2006 |
Place: |
Event |
-New photos of U2 , Bounty and Ice |
Date: 12 May 2006 |
Place: |
Event |
-New photos of Danka's puppies 6 weeks old ( look under litter Danka x Gazon)) |
Date: 7 May 2006 |
Place: Austria Atzbach |
Event |
-Unique has been mated with X-Dream Amaroq and we are doing a scan around the 1st. of June WE CANNOT ACCEPT MORE RESERVATIONS FOR THIS LITTER |
Date: 1 May 2006 |
Place: |
Event |
-Congratulations to Vi2 ( Al x Enjoy) and Inge-Britt ( Denmark) for their first obediens competions . Class 1 ( age 3 months to 24 months) Result : 1 st 92 points out of 100 and youngest dog ( 4 months old)!!-Congratulation to Eric ( elevage Le vieux Manoir) and Aicka ( Ultimo x Danka) and their 1 ier "excellent" at Amiens internation Show the 01-05-06 She was als confirmed excellent |
Date: 30 April 2006 |
Place: National show Chateauroux |
Event |
-Congratulation to Sylvie kennel "domaine de chene de loup" for their results at the national show in Cateauroux the 30-04-06: - Ace Venture ( Danka x Ultimo : Young male 2nd "excellent" and confirmed excellent - Alias Belle Beauty ( Al x Urban) :Young female 1st. "excellent and BOB young dog - Artic ( Blitz x Einstein) : Puppy male 1st. very promissing |
Date: 29 April 2006 |
Place: |
Event |
-New photos of Danka and her puppies 5 weeks old |
Date: 26 April 2006 |
Place: |
Event |
-New photos in the "off-spring gallery" look under litters |
Date: 22 April 2006 |
Place: |
Event |
-New photos of Ice -New photos of Danka's puppies 4 weeks old |
Date: 21 April 2006 |
Place: |
Event |
-Unique is on heat ( finally!!!) and will be mated in the beginning of Mai |
Date: 18 April 2006 |
Place: Essen Germany club show 16-04-06 |
Event |
- Concratulation to Elke kennel Durbuscher Forst for the following results at the RWS club show in Essen - baby female : Baley Von Durbuscher Forst ( Ultimo x Eijka) Very promising - baby male : Byron Of Trebons Berger Blanc ( Al x Wonder) Very promising |
Date: 14 April 2006 |
Place: |
Event |
-New photos of Danka's puppies 3 weeks old ( look under litter Danka x Gazon) |
Date: 13 April 2006 |
Place: |
Event |
- Meet kennel Horsebo's stud dog Mojo on our home page |
Date: 5 April 2006 |
Place: |
Event |
-Last photos of Wonder and Al's pupies 8 weeks old ( look under litter Wonder x A )-New photos of Aqua
Date: 2 April 2006 |
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-New photos of Danka's puppies ( look under litter Danka x Gazon) |
Date: 2 April 2006 |
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Event |
-The results from Hedensted show Denmark 02-04-06 - Young female : Cocos ( Enjoy x Mojo) 1st. excellent , best female ,BOB and BOG4 - baby male : K7 ( Enjoy x Al) 1st very promising and best baby male - baby female : 7-up ( Enjoy x Al) 1st very promising and BEST baby
Date: 1 April 2006 |
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Event |
-All our congratulations to Aluk ( Unique x Mack) and Anne for their 1st excellent , best young dog and BEST FEMALE at the national show La Roche sur Foron |
Date: 29 March 2006 |
Place: |
Event |
-New links: Vallgarden ( Sweden) White Rewyr (Norway) White Ice Wolfs ( Sweden ) Go and take a look , very interesting sites! |
Date: 27 March 2006 |
Place: |
Event |
-First photos of Danka's puppies , look under litter Danka x Gazon |
Date: 22 March 2006 |
Place: |
Event |
-Two new litters planned for summer and autum look under Blitz x Al-Pacino ( summer) Zena x Ultimo (autum) |
Date: 16 March 2006 |
Place: |
Event |
-New puppy photos - look under litter Wonder x Al 6 weeks old |
Date: 12 March 2006 |
Place: Graz International Show Austria 12-03-06 |
Event |
-BIG congratulations to kennel "Von Stainer Schilcherland" in Austria for their fabolous results at the internation show in Graz -Young female: Costa Rica VSS excellent 2nd Cobra VSS excellent 3rd -Open female : Asra VSS ( sister to Baika) excellent 1st. CACA CACIB and BEST FEMALE -Young male : David VSS ( brother to Baika) excellent 1st and BOB and 2nd best in group 1 BOG2 Aragon of Trebons BB excellent 2nd. |
Date: 10 March 2006 |
Place: |
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-Up dated Off-spring gallery with new photos |
Date: 6 March 2006 |
Place: |
Event |
- We are very happy and proud of the fact that our kennel as the first in France has obtained permission to have 20 dogs in a National Park - We would like to thank the Sous Prefecture and our Major for their help and understanding in this matter |
Date: 5 March 2006 |
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Event |
-New puppy photos 5 weeks old ( look under Wonder x Al litter spring2006) |
Date: 3 March 2006 |
Place: |
Event |
Date: 26 February 2006 |
Place: Toulouse Intern. Show 26-02-06 |
Event |
-The results of our dogs at Toulouse Intern. Show 26-02-06 (27 BBS) -Open male : Ultimo 2nd "excellent" RCACS and RCACIB -Puppy male : Ice 1st "very promising" and BEST PUPPY -Junior Handling: Sofia and Baika 3rd ( for the first time in the group age 10-16) |
Date: 24 February 2006 |
Place: |
Event |
-NEW STUD DOG FOR UNIQUE ( look under Unique x Amaroq suller -06) |
Date: 23 February 2006 |
Place: |
Event |
-New photos of Wonder and Al's puppies 3 weeks old ( look under litter Wonder x Al) -Danka has been scanned today and she is expecting puppies around the 25th. of Marts |
Date: 19 February 2006 |
Place: -Bourges Int. Show 19-02-06 |
Event |
-Congratulation to kennel "Domaine de Chene de loup" and their results at the show in Bourges 19-02; -Ace ( Ultimo x Danka) : 1st. young male " exc" and BEST YOUNG BBS -Alaska ( Unique x Mack) : 1st. young female "excellent" -Artic (Blitz x Einstein) : "very promissing" male puppy ( no ranking in this class) |
Date: 14 February 2006 |
Place: |
Event |
-New puppy photos ( look under litter Wonder x Al) |
Date: 12 February 2006 |
Place: -Niort int. Show Special BBS (37) 12-02-06 |
Event |
Our dogs results at the special BBS show in Niort ( 37 BBS) - classe puppy fem.: Aqua "very promising" et best puppy - classe interm. fem : Zena 1ier "excellent" CACS et RCACIB - classe open male : Al-Pacino 1ier excellent CACS CACIB et BOB SPECIALSHOW WINNER NIORT -06 et BOG3 |
Date: 6 February 2006 |
Place: |
Event |
-New photos of Wonder and Al's puppies ( look under litter) |
Date: 31 January 2006 |
Place: |
Event |
-Up dated our Agende 2006 |
Date: 29 January 2006 |
Place: |
Event |
-First photos of Wonder's puppies ( look under litter Wonder x Al) |
Date: 28 January 2006 |
Place: |
Event |
-WONDER'S PUPPIES ARE BORN (look under litters Wonder x Al) 9 males and 3 females 2 MALES ARE STILL LOOKING FOR A NEW HOME |
Date: 27 January 2006 |
Place: |
Event |
-New photos of Enjoy and Al's puppies 6 weeks old ( look under litters Enjoy x Al) |
Date: 26 January 2006 |
Place: |
Event |
-New puppy photos of Enjoy and Al's babies ( look under litter Enjoy x Al) |
Date: 23 January 2006 |
Place: |
Event |
-Danka has been mated with Gazon the 20 and 22nd. of Jan |
Date: 17 January 2006 |
Place: |
Event |
-New photos of Eijka and Ultimo's puppies , 2 weeks old Look under litters and off-spring gallery |
Date: 12 January 2006 |
Place: |
Event |
-New photos of Aqua |
Date: 11 January 2006 |
Place: |
Event |
-New photos of Enjoy and Al's pupies 4 weeks old ( look under litter ) -First photos of Ejka and Ultimo's puppies 1 week old ( look under litters, off- spring gallery) |
Date: 6 January 2006 |
Place: |
Event |
First puppy photos from Al and Enjoy ( look under litters Enjoy x Al) look at our link Horsebo Updated off spring gallery ( look under litters) Puppies after Ultimo and Eijka are born , 2 males and 2 females see our link Durbuscher Forst for more information |
Date: 26 December 2005 |
Place: |
Event |
-Updated Agenda 2006 |
Date: 19 December 2005 |
Place: Germany White Chrismas Show 2005 (60 BBS) |
Event |
-Big congratulations to Paulina and Aliena -Nichole ( sister to Al-Pacino) for their BOB at the White Chrismas Show 2005 -Also gongratulation to Herzog and Honeylee 8sister and brother to Lee) for best male and best female puppy |
Date: 14 December 2005 |
Place: |
Event |
- Enjoy's puppies are 3 females and 6 males ( look under litter) -New male for Danka (look under Danka x Gazon)-New links added -New photos of Aqua 4 months ols |
Date: 13 December 2005 |
Place: Holland |
Event |
-Mighty has after 7 days dissapearens in Holland finally been found and we ( Nick , Henriette and me) would herby like to THANKS everybody who has been involved in the huge effort to find him and will never forget how many peole that was concerned about him THANKS |
Date: 4 December 2005 |
Place: -Rouen 04-12-05 Intern. show |
Event |
-Congratulation to E. Levant and Aika for BEST PUPPY at Rouen Inten. Show 05-12-05 |
Date: 4 December 2005 |
Place: -Amsterdam Winner 05-12-05 |
Event |
-All the results for our dogs and dogs connected to our kennel at the "Winner" Champ. class male : Mojo 1st. excellent CAC and Best Male (Horsebo) Open class male : Ultimo 4th. excellent and best longcoated male Interm. class male : Al-Pacino 2nd excellent and best longcoated male Youth class male : Cactus 2nd excellent (Horsebo) Puppy class male : Ace Ventura 1st very promising ( Fromental) Ami 2nd. very promising Open female class : Danka 1st excellent CACIB Youth class female : Cocus 2nd. excellent (Horsebo) Puppy female class : Alaska Beauty 2nd. very promising |
Date: 24 November 2005 |
Place: |
Event |
-Wonder has been mated and we expect the puppies in the end of January |
Date: 17 November 2005 |
Place: |
Event |
-Wonder is on heat and we expect her to be mated next week New photos of Unique, Zena, Al and Danka |
Date: 12 November 2005 |
Place: Copenhagen Danemark |
Event |
-Enjoy is pregnent ( ultrascan the 10-11-05) and we are expectinh puppies mid. December. |
Date: 12 November 2005 |
Place: |
Event |
-New litter planned for the comming winther Look under Danka x Viking |
Date: 12 November 2005 |
Place: |
Event |
-Updated the links page |
Date: 11 November 2005 |
Place: |
Event |
-Meet our new puppy Aqua New photos of Zena |
Date: 10 November 2005 |
Place: |
Event |
-Change in our planned litters Look under Wonder x Al-Pacino and Unique x Enzzo |
Date: 5 November 2005 |
Place: Metz 05-11-05 Specialshow ( 65 BBS) |
Event |
-The results for the dogs of Trebons at the special BBS show in Metz ( 65 BBS): - Puppy male : Ace Venture "very promising" - Puppy female : April "very promising" Alaska "very promisng" - Intermidiare male:Al-Pacino 1st. "excellent" CACS - Young female: Zena 1st. "exellent " and BEST YOUNG DOG - Open female : Danka 1st. "excellent" RCACS and RCACIB - Intermidiare female : Wonder 1st. "excellent" CACS and CACIB and SPECIAL SHOWWINNER METZ 2005
Date: 2 November 2005 |
Place: |
Event |
-Ultimo has mated with Uxane de la perle Blanche |
Date: 1 November 2005 |
Place: |
Event |
-Congratulations to: -Alfonse OTBB for his "very promising" and BEST puppy in Solleringas intern. show Sweden the 23-10-05 -Apache-Boy OTBB for his "very promising" and BEST puppy at the intern. show in Nantes 30-10-05 |
Date: 29 October 2005 |
Place: |
Event |
-Ultimo has mated with Eijka von Durbuscher Forst |
Date: 15 October 2005 |
Place: Bundessiegershow Dortmund Germany 15-10-05 |
Event |
-Here is the results from our dogs at the "Bundessiegershow" in Dortmund 15-10-05 with 69 BBS: -Intermidiare males : Al-Pacino 3th. "excellent" -Open males : Ultimo "very good" -Intermidiare females: Wonder 2nd. "excellent" and RCAC -Open females : Danka 1st "excellent" CAC and BEST FEMALE and BUNDESSIEGER 2005 |
Date: 1 October 2005 |
Place: |
Event |
-New puppy photos of Blitzs litter ( see litter Blitz x Einstein) |
Date: 26 September 2005 |
Place: -Lindesberg show Sweden |
Event |
-Congratulation to Kennel Bravestad for the following results at Lindebergs show 25-09-05 -Aliena OTBB : puppy class "very promising" best female puppy -Alfons OTBB: puppy class "very promising" best puppy and BIG4 puppy |
Date: 25 September 2005 |
Place: |
Event |
-New photos of Blitz's puppies 5 weeks old ( see litter summer -05) |
Date: 21 September 2005 |
Place: |
Event |
-Two new litters planned: Al-Pacino x Enjoy (kennel Horsebo) Al-Pacino x Unique Look under litters |
Date: 18 September 2005 |
Place: - Copenhagen Winner 2005 Denmark |
Event |
-We are very proud of our Chillas , who participated in Copenhagen Winner Show and competet against the European Champion 2005 and here is the result: -1 st. open male "excellent" CACIB , best male and his second certificate for the Danish Championtitel and COPENHAGEN WINNER 2005 |
Date: 18 September 2005 |
Place: |
Event |
- New photos of the puppies 4 weeks old ( look under litter Blitz x Einstein) |
Date: 14 September 2005 |
Place: |
Event |
-New photos of Blitz's puppies 3 weeks ( look under litters) To new litters planned for winther 2005 ( look under litters) |
Date: 11 September 2005 |
Place: |
Event |
-New photos of Al-Pacino, Wonder and Baika |
Date: 10 September 2005 |
Place: |
Event |
-new photos of Blitz puppies ( see under litters Blitz x Einstein) |
Date: 9 September 2005 |
Place: |
Event |
-Unfortunatly we had some really bad news today , our Venus suffers from an idopathic bonedisease , that according to the Royale Veterinairy School in Toulouse is non enherital but we have off course decided not to use her in our breeding program. We are sorry to dissapoint those people who already have reserved a puppy but will do our uttermost to try and find a replacement for them |
Date: 4 September 2005 |
Place: Danish Clubmatch 2005 |
Event |
-Here is the results for our dogs and dogs related to our kennel at the Danish clubmatch: -Open female: Danka 1st. excellent RCACS DANISH VICECLUBCHAMPION -Interm. fem : Wonder 1st excellent CACS and BOB DANISH CLUBWINNER Ulja 2nd excellent -Young fem : Baika 1st. excellent DANISH JUNIOR CLUBCHAMPION -Interm male: Al-Pacino 1st. excellent RCACS DANISH VICECLUBCHAMPION Ursus 2nd excellent -Young male : Allmighty 2nd excellent VICE DANISH JUNIOR CLUBCHAMPION -Baby male : Ami of Trebons Berger Blanc 1st. very promising BEST BABY Andy of Trebons Berger Blanc 2nd very promising The result from the clubs caractertest ( max points 125) - Danka excellent 124 points -Wonder excellent 125 points -Chillas excellent 125 points -Allmighty excellent 125 points -Al-Pacino excellent 125 points -Ulja excellent 123 points -Ursus excellent 125 points -Baika excellent 125 points And last a BIG thank to Gretel Dozemann kennel Of Haleys Future for helping me out with all my dogs!!!
Date: 28 August 2005 |
Place: Casteljaloux national show |
Event |
-The results for our dogs at Casteljaloux national show -class intermid; male: Al-Pacino 1st. exc CACS BOB BOG and BIS5 -class young male : Allmighty 2nd exc. Confirmed for breeding with "excellent" -class young female: Zena 1st. exc. Confirmed for breeding with "excellent" |
Date: 27 August 2005 |
Place: |
Event |
-Results of Al-Pacinos x-rays : HD B/B ED O/O |
Date: 24 August 2005 |
Place: |
Event |
-First photos of Blitz's puppies New photos of Wonder and Venus |
Date: 21 August 2005 |
Place: |
Event |
-Blitz and Eistein's puppies are born see litter page |
Date: 21 August 2005 |
Place: National d'Elevage Allemangne |
Event |
-Al -Pacino est tres fier avec les resultats de son famillie a National d'elevage Allemangne: -class veteran: 1ier. excellent Domingo von Sutumer Grund (pere d'Al) -class fem. ouvert. : 1ier. excellent CACS et MEILLEURE FEMELLE J'adore of Haleys Future ( mere d'Al) -class interm. fem; : 1ier. excellent CACS Aliena Of Haley Future ( saur d'Al) -class interm. male : 1ier excellent Nice of you to come bye Viking ( frere de Wonder et Venus) |
Date: 14 August 2005 |
Place: Swedish Club Match 13-08-05 |
Event |
- We are very happy to pronounce the result from one of our puppies participating in the Swedish clubmatch 13-08-05 -Baby puppy class ( 3 to 9 months) : Alfonse of Trebons Berger Blanc 1st. very promising and best male baby puppy and he is only 4 months old Big congratulations to the owner kennel Blondie from the proud parents Ultimo and Danka |
Date: 13 August 2005 |
Place: Odense Intern. Show Denmark |
Event |
-Here is the results for dogs related to our kennel at Odense International Show 13-08-05 -Champ. class female: Enjoy , 1st. exc. CACIB and BOB (Horsebo) -Intermid. class female : Ulja of Trebons Berger Blanc , 1st exc and RCACIB -Puppy class female : Cocos 1st , very promising and best puppy (Horsebo) -Intermid. class male : Ursus of Trebons Berger Blanc, 1st. exc. CACIB and best male Congratulations to everybody with the superb results - X-rays results : Ursus A B and OO Ulja A A and OO |
Date: 30 July 2005 |
Place: |
Event |
- Litter automm 2005 (Venus x Capo) see litter page |
Date: 24 July 2005 |
Place: |
Event |
-New photos of Allmighty |
Date: 21 July 2005 |
Place: |
Event |
-Very happy to be able to write that Blitz had her scan today and is expecting puppies in the end of August |
Date: 17 July 2005 |
Place: -Aurach |
Event |
-Alpentrophy Austria 17-07-05 -We kennel Trebons are very proud of presenting the results of our dogs and dogs related to our kennel , who participated in the Austrian Alpentrophy -At the same time we would like to congratulate kennel Horsebo for its outstanding results and we are also very happy to annonce that kennel TREBONS and kennel HORSEBO in the future will share the same homepage adresse, as our kennels are based on the same bloodlines and philosophi of what the White Swiss Shepherd should look like and be used for and in addition also share the same ideas of how to improve the breed. Results -Champ. class males: Mojo (Venus/Wonder/Allmighty/Cactus/Cococ) 1st. "ex" CACA and BEST male (Horsebo) - Open class males : Ultimo 5th. "ex" (Trebons) -Intermid. class male: Viking Timo ( brother to Venus/Wonder) 2nd. "ex" (Bournot) Al - Pacino 4th. "ex" (Trebons) -Puppy class male : Cactus 1st. "very promising" (Horsebo) -Veteran class male : Einstein-Tyson (father of Blitz comming litter) 1st. "ex" (Sutumer Grund) -Champ. class female : Enjoy 1st. "ex" CACA best female and BOB ALPENTROPHY WINNER 2005 (Horsebo) - Open class female : Asra (sister to Baika) 1st. "ex" CACA - Interm. class female : Wonder 3th. "ex" (Trebons) - Young female class : Zena 5th. "ex" (Trebons) Baika "ex" (Trebons) -Puppy class female : Cocos "very promising" (Horsebo) -Off spring class : Mojo (Viking/Wonder/Cocos/Cactus) 1st. "excellent" Einstein 2nd. "excellent" |
Date: 10 July 2005 |
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- Updated Danka , Uniques, Wonders, Als and Ultimos pages Updated link page plus added new links |
Date: 13 June 2005 |
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- Blitz est en chaleur et semaine prochaine Einstein sera visiter " kennel Trebons" et Blitz |
Date: 12 June 2005 |
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-Blitz is on heat and next week she is having a "visit" from Eistein |
Date: 11 June 2005 |
Place: Lyon Championat de France 2005 ( 89 dogs) |
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- We are very proud of our dogs results in the French Championship Here they are:- Open male class : Chillas 2nd. "excellent" and FRENCH VICECHAMPION BEST SHORTCOATED WHITE SHEPHERD - Intermidiare male class : Ultimo 4th. "excellent" - Young male class : Al-Pacino "excellent" - Intermidiare female class : Venus 1st. "excellent" - Young female class: Wonder 4th. "excellent" |
Date: 3 June 2005 |
Place: European Championship Austria ( 54 dogs) |
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-Participating in the European Championship 2005 was a big advent for us and we would first and foremost like to thanksthe Spieler family Ingrid, Manfred and Simone for their hospitality and patients with us and our six dogs "overtaking" thir home for three days Here is the results for our dogs and dogs related to our dogs:- Champion class male : 1st. "excellent" Nice of you to come bye Mojo ( father of Chillas , Venus , Wonder and Mighty ) - Working class : 1st. "excellent" X-dream Amaroq of WMA. ( father of Zena) - Open male class : Chillas " very good" - Intermidiare male class : 1st. "excellent" Vice European Ch. Amos von Wolfs mod ( halfbrother to Unique) 4th. " very good" Ultimo - Young male class : 2nd. "excellent" Vice European Jun. Ch Nice of you to come bye Viking -Timo ( brother to Venus and Wonder) : 4th. "very good" Al-Pacino - Intermidiare female class : 4th. "very good" Venus - Young female class : 1st. "excellent" European Jun Ch. Zeta-Jones of White Condor ( sister to Zena) : 4th. "excellent" Wonder |
Date: 14 May 2005 |
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- New puppy photos ( look under Unique's and Danka's litters) |
Date: 5 May 2005 |
Place: Tarbes International Show |
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-The results of our dogs in the International Show in Tarbes 05-05-05 -Chillas : Open male 1st. "excellent" best male CACS and CACIB -Ultimo : Intermidd. male 1st. "excellent" RCACS and RCACIB -Venus : Intermidd. female 1st. "excellent" best female CACS CACIB BOB -Wonder : Young female 1st. "excellent" best young female and best young dog -Baika : Young female 2nd. "excellent" -Al : Young male 1st. young male "excellent" |
Date: 25 April 2005 |
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-New photos of Danka's and Unique's litters |
Date: 24 April 2005 |
Place: *Pau - national show |
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- Here is the results for our dogs in Pau: - Blitz : open female 2nd. "excellent" and RCACS confirmed for breeding with "excellent" -Chillas : open male 1th. "excellent" and RCACS - Wonder : young female 1th. "excellent" and best young female - Ultimo : intermidd. male 1th. "excellent" best male and CACS - Venus : open female 1th. "excellent" best female CACS and BOB - Al : young male 1th. "excellent" best young male , best young dog and SECOND BEST YOUNG DOG IN SHOW |
Date: 16 April 2005 |
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- New photos of both litters |
Date: 11 April 2005 |
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-New photos and decriptions of Unique's and Danka's puppies (see litter pages) |
Date: 9 April 2005 |
Place: Semur French clubmatch |
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-As we have two litter at the moment , we only participated with two dogs at the French Club Match ( Nich stayed home as "babysitter") Here are their results:Allmighty: male puppy class "very promising" Bliz : open female class 3th. "excellent" ( out of 25 females) |
Date: 7 April 2005 |
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-Unique's puppies are born 5 females and 1 male see decription under litters |
Date: 6 April 2005 |
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-New litter summer -05 Blitz and Einstein ( see litter summer -05) |
Date: 5 April 2005 |
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-New photos of Danka's and Ultimo's puppies day 4. ( see litter page) |
Date: 3 April 2005 |
Place: Holland |
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-Congratulation to Danielle and Clyde ( Uranus of Trebons) for his approval as a stud dog by the strict Dutch Berger Blanc Club |
Date: 30 March 2005 |
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-Dankas and Ultimos puppies are born - more information under litter page |
Date: 17 March 2005 |
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-Meet Ultimo's mother Blitz , who now lives with us |
Date: 16 March 2005 |
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-Congratulations to Clyde (Uranus of Trebons) with the excellent x-ray results: HD: A/A |
Date: 3 March 2005 |
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-New photos of Al, Venus,Wonder,Zena and Allmigthy |
Date: 27 February 2005 |
Place: Toulouse International Show ( 23 BBS) |
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- Our dogs were at show yesterday , to participate in the show-ring but also for some of them to get confirmed for breeding . Here are the results: Confirmation : Danka - excellent Al - excellent Venus - excellent Wonder - excellent Junior handling : Sofia ( 9 years old ) and Wonder ( 13 months) second ( se gallery for photo) Show : -Chillas: 1th. open male "excellent" RCACS and RCACIB -Ultimo: 1th. intermid. male "excellent" CACS and CACIB -Al : 1th. young male "excellent" -Danka : 1th. open female "excellent" CACS and RCACIB , not bad for a five weeks pregnant female!!!! -Venus : 1th. young female "excellent" -Wonder: 2nd. young female "excellent" |
Date: 24 February 2005 |
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-NEW STUD DOG FOR UNIQUE ( look under Unique x Amaroq suller -06) |
Date: 18 February 2005 |
Place: Denmark |
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-The puppies of Andi are born , four females and four males All are healthy and beautifull Photos are to come soon-New links have been added |
Date: 13 February 2005 |
Place: Esbjerg International Show Denmark |
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-Allmighty's mother Uniwar Of White Condor has participated in a big International Show in DK. and was best female "excellent" and BOB Congratulation to Henriette |
Date: 8 February 2005 |
Place: Culemborg national show (Holland) |
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-Uranus of Trebons (Clyde) paricipated in his third show and again he won his youthclass was best male and this time BOB and between the best five in group I dogs Congratulation Danille and thanks for showing "our" dog so excellent |
Date: 7 February 2005 |
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-New photos of Chillas,Ultimo,Al,Unique and Danka -Meet our new hope ALLMIGHTY |
Date: 26 January 2005 |
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-Danka has now been mated to Ultimo and around the 1th. ofApril we are expecting puppies . In 4 weeks time we will do an ultrascan and in the meantime keep our fingers crossed |
Date: 9 January 2005 |
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-The results from Ultimo's x-rays have arrived; HD: A/A ED: O/O And all our breeding dogs are still are still a 100% free of dysplasia |
Date: 31 December 2004 |
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-Year 2004 is now nearly finished and we will hereby take the oppotunity to wish everybody a Happy New Year For the next months our dogs are going to have a welldeserved break from the travelling and showing and hopefully they are to discover the fun and joy of the Pyreneen winther, with all it's snow and winthersports. In addition to that they should also be able to say hello to two new generations of Trebons puppies, who we very much look forward to have. |
Date: 18 December 2004 |
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-Danka, Ultimo, Unique and Chillas have all passed their caracter test and are now confirmed for breeding. |
Date: 12 December 2004 |
Place: Breuberg Germany White Chrismas Show ( 60 BBS) |
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-Our dogs have participated in the second special show for Berger Blanc Suisse ( 60 dogs) "The White Chrismas Show" with the following results, plus results for dogs related to our kennel: Zena : female puppy " very promising" ( no ranking in this class) Zeta ( sister to Zena) : female puppy "very promising" Wonder: young female 3th. place "excellent" Ultimo : young male 1th. place " excellent" X-Dream Amaroq (father of Zena):working class 1th place "excellent" and best male. Danka: open female 1th place "excellent" , best female and BOB and therefore: WHITE CHRISMAS SHOW WINNER 2004 |
Date: 10 December 2004 |
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-The results from Danks, Chilla and Unique's x-rays have arrived: Danka: HD A/A ED O/O Unique: HD A/A ED O/O Chillas: HD A/A ED O/O |
Date: 28 November 2004 |
Place: Amsterdam Winner 2004 Holland |
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-Ultimo participated in the legendary Amsterdam Winner together with 45 other Berger Blanc and here is his result AMSTERDAM YOUTHWINNER 2004 BEST MALE AND BEST IN BREED so threfore: AMSTERDAM WINNER 2004 And one more time a special thank to kennel Nice of you to come bye for letting us have this wonderfull dog |
Date: 25 November 2004 |
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-New photos of Ultimo,Saxo,Venus,Wonder,Baika and Zena -Addition to the agenda and the links -TWO LITTERS ARE PLANNED FOR 2005 SEE UNDER LITTER!!!! |
Date: 7 November 2004 |
Place: Herning Denmark Nordic Winner |
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-Our dogs results at the Nordic Winner in Denmark -Chillas: 2nd open male "excellent" -Danka: 2nd. open female "excellent" second best female (RCACIB) and her first certificat to become Danish Champ. ( you need three) -Ultimo: 1th intermidiare male "excellent" second best male (RCACIB), his first certificate for the Danish Championtitel and he is only 15 months old!!!! Thanks for an excellent Saturday with a lot nice "doggie" talk and see you again next year!
Date: 1 November 2004 |
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- Starting to plan our two litters in 2005 and are therefore looking for the right males for Unique and Danka . As soon as they are found we will annoce it on our litter page |
Date: 31 October 2004 |
Place: Perpignan international show |
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-Our results from Perpignans International Show and we are very proud of Al and Chilla in the ring of hounor!!-Danka:1st. female open class "excellent" and CACIB -Chillas:1st. male open class "excellent" CACIB BOB and SECOND in group I -Unique:1st. female young class and "excellent" -Baika:1st. female puppy class and "very promising" -Al:1st male puppy best puppy "very promising" and between the best five puppies in show!!
Date: 9 October 2004 |
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-New photos of AL, Wonder,Venus and Baika -Meet our new dog Danka -New links |
Date: 3 October 2004 |
Place: Pau national show |
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-These are the results from our dogs participation in the national show in Pau -Chillas: 1th. intermidiare male "excellent" and BOB -Saxo: 1th. open male "excellent" and RCACS -Ultimo: 1th. young male, best young BBS. and SECOND in group 1,3 and 5 in ring of hounnor! -Unique: 1th. young female "excellent" -Sofia and Chillas : 2nd. in junior handling |
Date: 24 September 2004 |
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-New photos in the gallery -Updating of our Agenda |
Date: 17 September 2004 |
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-Unfortunately Emma lost all her puppies today, due to a heavy infection. She is now ok. and living enjoying her wellderserved retairement at my parents home in Denmark |
Date: 9 September 2004 |
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- Meet our two new dogs Al and Zena ( our kennel) |
Date: 5 September 2004 |
Place: Silkeborg Denmark - The Danish Club Show |
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- This time we went all the way to Denmark in order to meet all our friends and colleges and what a fantastic day!! To see so many white dogs in beautifull surroundings and to be able to show your dogs in such a friendly and warm at- mosphere!-Chillas: 1th. open male "excellent" and best male ( BIM) and his first certificat to be Danish Champ. -Ursus of Trebons: 1th. young male "very good" -Ulja of Trebons: 2nd. young female "excellent" -Wonder: 1th. female puppy "very promissing" and best puppy -Baika: 1th. baby female "very promissing" and best baby THANKS one more time to all our friends in DK. and see you soon |
Date: 21 August 2004 |
Place: Herne, Germany - The German Club Show |
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- We participated in the German Club Show with more than 130 dogs. Unfortunately we had a very bad journey up there and arrived after a 20 hour trip with tired and stressed dogs, whos results were not as good as we were hoping for but we are still proud of them anyway.- Ultimo: 4th. "very good" ( max for young dogs in Germany) in young male - Unique: 4th. "very good" ( max. for young dogs in Germany) in young female - Wonder: "very promising" in female puppy The show was a great experience and we have |