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Trebons Kennel | Berger Blanc Suisse
Facebook YouTube Last updated 14 January 2025

To raise a healthy temprementally sound puppy that fits the standard.

The 4 cornerstones of our kennel are Health, Harmony, movement and character, the keystone that holds it all together is the Breed standard, it is something we do not deviate from There are no shortcuts. Development takes time for both a healthy kennel and breed.

The first modern dog show took place in 1856 and soon after that the pedigree dog, emerged and it is no surprise this happened during the age of Darwin, Lamark, Spencer etc the list goes on.

Breed standards were written and were pretty much adhered to Pedigree breeding is and always will be about competition the day a puppy is born it is competing for life and for the breeder the competition is to measure up to the standard. It is very simple and if you look at a breed standard there is nothing unhealthy about it.

Health can be measured Dna testing xrays etc.
Harmony and movement is assessed by a judge.
Character our standard says a family pet and sociable adept.

To achieve that we have developed a puppy program.

We started in 2006 and developed, and are continuing to develop it, as we understand more about the breed.

The keystones are all equally important and are governed by the standard, and is there to protect the breed. Personal preference doesn't come into it. Specialization does not come into it.

When the breed was fully recognized in 2011, the French kennel club changed the breed standard, and split the breed based on coat length.
Short coat came into the standard. Instead of having two champions each year male and female, four champions each year based on coat length, not on the dog, lead to unhealthy competition. Specialization started based on coat because that is what gave champion titles.
In 2016 the French kennel club reverted back to the breed standard. The coat was collapsing more and more, dogs were being produced with no undercoat, just a very fine top coat.

The bred standard is a specialized document for the breed.

It doesn't need my personal taste or preference, it just needs me to follow it , and that is what we do, to the best of our ability.

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