- Vel et af årets mest spændende kombinationer indenfor HSH , begge forældre er enestående udstillingshunde med utallige titler bag sig , de er begge mentale stabile , er mental beskrevet af DKK og special klub , Jolee har bestået Færdselsprøven ( lydighed og social kapasitet ) mens Fudge er godkendt Therapi / besøgshund hos TrygFonden - Begge har flotte sunhedsresultater , så mere kan man vel ikke forlange , før man med stor rimelighed kan forvente hvalpe af ypperste kvalitet - Jolee ejes af Kennel Augusteas https://www.augusteas.dk/ og her finds mere information og fotos af både forældre og de ni hvalpe
For yderligere kontakt : Anne Møller Email: anneml77@gmail.com
Telephone: +45 2825 6408
CH / CIB Jolee Of Trebons Berger Blanc
60 cm
- DM n/n MDR1 +/+
- Mental decription by the DKK
- Obedience test
- Danish Champion / Clubchampion
- Intern beauty champion
- Danish Winner 2016
- Copenhagen Winner 2016
- Best BBS in Denmark - 15 /-16/-17
Multi / inter. Champ Fudge of Trebons Berger Blanc
1 august 2010
A/B 0/0
63 cm
. - Brussel intern Dog Show 27 -11-11 . - CBM : 1� "very promising " BOBB . . - Vic nat show 5-01-11 . - CPM : 1� "very promising" BOBP and BOGP . - Pau intern show "special de Race " 17-04-11 . - CPM : 1 "very promising" BOBP and BOGP and . ----------- 2 BEST PUPPY IN SHOW ------------- . - Madrid obligatory intern. show the 20-05-11 . - CJM : 1� "excellent" CACJ / BOBJ and . --SPANISH JUNIOR CHAMPION AT 9 MONTHS -- . -- BEST JUNIOR HERDING DOG IN SHOW ---- . - Fubine Speciality show 19-06-11 . - CJM : 1 "excellent" . - European Championship Leuwarden 04-09-11 . - CJM : 2 "excellent" . - Walls intern show 29-01-12 . - CIM : 1 "excellent" CACS/CACIB/BOG /BOG3 . - Fribourg intern. show 24-02-12 . - CIM : 1 "excellent" CACS/RCACIB . - Fribourg intern. show 25-02-12 . - CIM : 1 "excellent" CACS/CACIB/BOB/BOG2 . --- SECOND BEST HERDING DOG IN SHOW --- . - Gerona intern show 17-03-12 . - COM : 1 "excellent" CACS/CACIB/BOB/BOG2 . --- SECOND BEST HERDING DOG IN SHOW --- . - St Gallen intern show 12-05-12 . - CIM : 1 "excellent" CACS/RCACIB . - St Gallen intern show 13-05-12 . - CIM : 1 "excellent" CACS/CACIB/BOB/BOG2 . ---------SECOND BEST HERDING DOG IN SHOW ----------- . - Gibraltar intern. dogshow 23-09-12 . - COM : 1 "excellent" CACS/CACL/CACIB/BOS . ---------- CHAMPION OF GIBRALTAR ----------------------- . - Bucarest Winner intern. show 04-10-12 . - COM : 1 "excellent" CACS/CACIB/BOB and BOG2 . ----------- SECOND BEST HERDING DOG IN SHOW --------- . - Euro Dog Show 08-10-12 . - COM : 1 "excellent " CACS . ----------- Champion of Rumania 2012 -------------------- . - Intern show Toulouse 17-02-13 - Special de Race . - CCHM : 1 "excellent" CACIB/BOB/BOG3 . . - Intern show Barcelona 26-03-13 . - CCHM : 1 "excellent" CACIB/BOB/BOG3 and . ------------- INTERNATIONAL BEAUTY CHAMPION ------------- . - World dog show Budapest 19-05-13 . - COM : 1 ex CACS . - Intern show Portugalette 30-06-13 . - CCHM : 1 ex CACIB/BOB/BOG3 . - Euro Dog Show 19-08 - 13 . - COM : 2 ex RCACS . - Intern. show Gibraltar 21-09-13 . - CCHM : 1 ex CACIB . ---------------- Champion of Morocco ------------------------ . - Intern. speciality Show Alicante 07-12-13 . - CCHM : 1 ex CACIB/BOB and BOG - - - Intern. show Marseilles 20-07-14 - CCHM : 1 ex CACIB/BOB ----------------------- BEST IN GROUP 1 ------------------------------- - - Intern. show Luxembourg 31-07-14 - CCHM : 2 ex RCACIB - - Spanish Cahmpionshipshow 14-05-14 - COM : 1 ex CACS/CACIB/BOB --------------------- SPANISH CHAMPION ------------------------- - - - Lisboa Winner Show - CCH : 1 ex CACIB / BOB ----------------- Lisboa Winner 2015 --------------------------- - - Montpellier 2015 - CCH CACIB//BOB/BOG - - Valls 2015 - CCH : CACIB/BOB/BOG -